Primary News Issue 21
Dear SIS Families,
We wish you and your family a joyful and prosperous Chinese New Year! As we welcome the Year of the Snake, may it bring you wisdom, strength, and good fortune.
Tomorrow we will have our Lunar New Year assemblies led by our Mandarin team. Students will present various performances, showcasing the rich culture of our host country. You may watch the livestream and the link will be shared by our teachers. Parents are welcome to join us during the Lion Dance ceremony at The Bay campus (9:50 am) and the Jingshan campus (10:30 am). Happy New Year!
SIS Junior Honors Choir
Prepare for Music Festival
SIS Junior Honors合唱团准备参加音乐节
Congratulations to the ten talented 4th and 5th grade students selected to participate in the AMIS (Association of Music in International Schools) Asian Junior Honors Choir. The AMIS Junior Honors Choir brings together young voices from around Asia, providing a unique and enriching music experience.
"I am incredibly proud of our students and look forward to hearing them perform in the gala festival concert on April 19th in Shanghai," says Kaethe Grabenhofer, Upper Primary Music Teacher.
AMIS empowers international school music students and teachers to pursue a life-long passion for music skills, knowledge, understanding, appreciation, and participation. We are proud of our students' dedication and musical abilities!
祝贺十位才华横溢的四、五年级学生成功入选AMIS(国际学校音乐协会)亚洲初级荣誉合唱团!AMIS Junior Honors合唱团汇集了来自亚洲各地的年轻声音,为学生们提供了一个独特而丰富的音乐体验。
“我为我们的学生感到无比自豪,期待在4月19日于上海举行的音乐节盛典中聆听他们的精彩表演,”小学高年级音乐老师Kaethe Grabenhofer说道。
Primary Students Lead our Eco Committee
The SIS gECkO-Committee is a dynamic team of student leaders dedicated to steering our school toward achieving the prestigious Green Flag status. By spearheading the implementation of the 7 Steps required for accreditation, the gECkO-Committee is making sustainability an integral part of SIS culture. Their projects include innovative initiatives such as promoting "Thursdays are Stairs Days," which promotes electricity savings, and providing practical tips for students and staff to lead more sustainable lives. Beyond this, they are actively transforming SIS into a greener, more vibrant space by creating outdoor areas that serve as green havens for relaxation and outdoor learning.
Easily recognized by their Eco-Committee badges and hats, the committee comprises passionate and committed members. Together, they are paving the way for SIS to become a leader in environmental responsibility and sustainability.
SIS gECkO委员会是一支充满活力的学生领导团队,致力于帮助学校实现备受推崇的绿色旗帜(Green Flag)认证。通过积极推进认证所需的七大步骤,绿色委员会正将可持续发展融入SIS的文化之中。他们的项目包括创新举措,如倡导“楼梯日星期四”,以减少电力消耗,同时为学生和教职员工提供实用的可持续生活建议。除此之外,他们还积极将SIS打造成一个更加绿色和充满活力的校园,通过创建户外绿地,为师生提供放松和户外学习的空间。
Kg Welcomes ACAMIS Student Athletes
This week, our Kindergarten students had the exciting opportunity to perform at the ACAMIS basketball opening ceremony, showcasing their Lunar New Year concert songs, Gongxi, and a captivating Chinese Dance inspired by the famous Nutcracker Ballet.
This performance is beautifully connected with their current PYP unit, "Different cultures express their values, traditions, and identities in different ways." Through music and dance, students explored how arts can express cultural traditions and values. They engaged with the concept of Form by learning the structure of traditional songs and dances, Function by understanding their purpose in celebrations, and Perspective by appreciating how these traditions represent cultural identity. Thanks to our Kg students and teachers for sharing their performance!
G1 & G2 FIP Knowledge Exchange
Before the winter break, both G1 and G2 FIP students published their writing. Interestingly, G1 and G2 students learn similar writing styles for informational and opinion writing. This was a great opportunity for each grade to help their counterparts learn more about their next writing unit.
Students from both classes were excited to share their books, ask and answer questions, and reflect on their experiences as they presented their writing.
Avant les vacances d'hiver, les élèves de G1 et de G2 FIP ont publié leurs écrits. Fait intéressant, les élèves de G1 et de G2 apprennent des styles d'écriture similaires pour l'écriture informative et d'opinion. Cela a été une excellente occasion pour chaque niveau de classe d'aider ses homologues à en apprendre davantage sur leur prochain programme d'écriture.
Les élèves des deux classes étaient ravis de partager leurs livres, de poser et de répondre à des questions, et de réfléchir à leurs expériences lors de la présentation de leurs écrits.
G1,3,5 Vision and Hearing Check
This week, vision and hearing screenings were administered for students in grades 1, 3, and 5. The tests were provided by medical staff from Distinct Clinic - Shenzhen. We will be sending the screening reports in a few weeks. Screenings are a snapshot of how your child performs on the day the screening is administered and should not be a substitute for a complete hearing or eye exam. We leave it to parents and guardians to follow up with specialists.
本周,一年级、三年级和五年级的学生接受了由深圳Distinct Clinic医疗团队提供的视力和听力检查。检查报告将在几周后发送给家长。需要提醒的是,这些检查只是当日健康状态的快照,不能替代完整的视力或听力检查。如有建议,请家长和监护人联系专业医生进一步检查。
SIS Kindergartener Sees Success in Tennis Tournament
SIS K年级学生网球比赛夺冠
Over the January 11-12 weekend, our very own Harry Z (KG) took home first place in the U6 competition at the Jianshang Open Rainbow Tennis Tournament. We are proud of Harry and hope he continues this successful streak as he prepares to join the SIS Tennis team when he reaches middle school in a few years!
在1月11日至12日的周末,我们的K年级学生Harry Z在简尚体育彩虹网球比赛U6组中荣获第一名。我们为Harry感到骄傲,并期待他在未来几年进入初中时加入SIS网球队,继续他的成功之路!
Field Day 2025 on January 23The Bay
1月23日2025运动日 太子湾校区
Whole School Spirit Day on January 24!
- Wear your own cultural dress day!
1 月 24 日全校主题精神日!
- 穿上属于您文化的传统服饰日!
JS CNY Performances
STUCO's Dodgeball tournament
ACAMIS Golf Registration Now Open!
SIS will again send a team of golfers aged 9-18 years old to Yalong Bay Golf Club in Sanya! This is a fantastic event that SIS co-hosts with PacificPine Sports Group & PGA.
