

02-19 08:18发布于广东




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Registration for the First Future Leadership Camp Is Open


Registration for the 2025-2026 Vanke Meisha Academy Future Leadership Camp will be officially opened. The registration will start on December 16th (Monday), 2024, and the registration will be closed at 12 PM on February 28th  (Friday), 2025. The event will be held on March 08th (Saturday), 2025. If you are interested in applying the school, please read the guidelines carefully and apply according to the procedure.

01  申请入读对象

01 Students Who Can Apply

02  申请入读途径

02 How to Apply for Admission

03  活动时间安排

03 Activity Schedule

04  活动详情细则

04 Details of the Event

05  活动报名流程

05 Registration Process


> 申请入读对象

> Students Who Can Apply



* 点击图片可放大


> 申请入读途径

> How to Apply for Admission



* 如有初中学籍,学生可根据初中的通知,按要求进行,一般情况在4月份报名中考获得中考号,6月初网上填万科梅沙书院,6月中下旬参加深圳统一组织的中考。 



* 报名系统目前已开启,请参考本文【05 活动报名流程】登录官网进行报名申请。

Way One:

Shenzhen High School Entrance Examination

Junior high school graduates who are qualified to take the Shenzhen High School Entrance Examination can apply for Vanke Meisha Academy.

* If the student has junior high school status (Xueji), he/she can get the exam number in April according to the notice and requirement of his/her junior high school first, then fill in Vanke Meisha Academy as selected school online in early June, and participate in Shenzhen senior high school entrance examination in in mid to late June.

Way Two: 

Future Leadership Camp

Attending the Future Leadership Camp is one of the important ways to enroll in Vanke Meisha Academy. Vanke Meisha Academy will hold 3 Future Leadership Camps in 2024-2025 academic year. We welcome G8 students and G9 graduates who are interested in choosing Vanke Meisha Academy for high school and plan to study overseas, as well as students with similar academic qualifications.

* The registration system is now open, please refer to this article [05 Registration Process] and log in to the official website for registration application.


> 活动时间安排

> Activity Schedule













Future Leadership Camp (1)

Date: December 15, 2024 (Sunday)

Application Deadline: December 6, 2024 (Friday)

 Future Leadership Training Camp (2)

Date: March 8, 2025 (Saturday)

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025 (Friday)

 Future Leadership Training Camp (3)

Date: April 19, 2025 (Saturday)

Application Deadline: April 11, 2025 (Friday)

Please refer to official wechat announcement of Vanke Meisha Academy for the ginal date of the activity. Only a limited number of seats are available, the application channel will be closed when full. Art students submit the portfolio 15 days before the activity, so as to facilitate the comprehensive assessment of students' artistic and academic abilities. Art students participating in this assessment need to complete their registration and submit their portfolios by 22PM on February 19th (Wednesday).  VMA encourages freshmen to apply for the Shenzhen High School Entrance examination and be admitted by VMA; In order to secure the study headcount as early as possible, it is also recommended to participate the Future Leadership Camp.


> 活动详情细则

Details of the Event


① 学科知识评估MAP机考环节





② 学术能力评估



* 温馨提醒:面试官鼓励学生积极表达,无论词汇量和语法如何,积极的互动都将有助于在面试中加分。




01 Subject Knowledge Assessment

MAP computer test session:

Online computer-based test lasting 1.5 hours. All in English, there are multiple choice questions and drag-and-drop matching questions, there are totally 60 questions. The test focuses on three aspects: English language usage, English reading and Mathematics.

English writing :

English writing time is 30 minutes, students need to complete an English essay of not less than 300 words.


02 Academic Ability Assessment

Personal Academic Ability Interview [2V1] :

VMA takes the form of "many-to-one" and lasts 15-20 minutes per interviewee. The students are assessed on English comprehension (including English vocabulary, grammar, fluency and interactivity), logical expression, self-study and social-emotional ability.

* Warm reminder: Interviewers encourage students to speak actively. Regardless of vocabulary and grammar, positive interaction will help to a higher score in the interview.

If the assessment method needs to be changed for special reasons, the Admissions Office will inform the parents who have already registered in advance and announce the relevant arrangements. Please pay close attention to the notice issued by Vanke Meisha Academy.

In addition to participating in the above academic assessment, art students are required to participate in the art examination/art interview after the portfolio is qualified. 


> 活动报名流程

Registration Process




STEP1 Registration Process

A. 电脑端报名请滑动下方查看

Computer port registration is available

① 所有场次的未来领袖训练营都需要提前报名审批,当天“空降”到场是无法参加的。具体报名流程如下:请务必使用电脑登录书院官网www.vankemeisha.com 点击【申请入学】按钮。因报名人数较多,可能遇到网络冲突,也可尝试登录以下网址进入同一通道

① All students must register in advance for the exam; Please ensure you log in to the VMA official website www.vankemeisha.com using a computer and click the “Apply for Admission” button. Due to a high volume of registrations, you may encounter network issues; you can also try accessing the following URL for the same portal

② 在此页面中点击【立即注册】。

Click “Register Now” on this page.

③ 进入注册页面,按要求填写所需信息。

Fill in the required information on the registration page.

④ 注册成功后,系统自动进入下一环节,或使用新账号登录。请务必先点击完成学生及家长信息登记。

After successful registration, the system will automatically move to the next step, or you can log in with your new account. Please make sure to complete the registration for student and parent information first.

⑤ 完成学生家庭信息登记后在对应选择的入学活动页面,点击【立即报名】。

After completing the student family information, go to the corresponding admissions activity page and click “Apply Now”.

⑥ 请确认选择活动类型。

Please confirm your selected activity type.





STEP2 Complete the Application Form

The application form requires considerable information, so it is recommended to prepare enough time for information filling.





STEP3 Waiting for Approval

After submitting the application, the admissions office staff will review it within 2-4 workdays. During the review period, they will call the applicants’ parents, so please ensure your phone is available. Students whose applications are approved will receive a payment notification via SMS from VMA; those whose applications are not approved will receive a reminder SMS. They can log in to the VMA official website to see the specific reasons and make further modifications to resubmit.





STEP4 Complete Payment

After receiving the approval SMS, please log in to the system to complete payment within 24 hours to confirm your participation. Please note that all fees are non-refundable after successful payment. The application form and candidate handbook (including exam/activity outlines) can be downloaded from the system.





STEP5 Download Participation Document

The system will send a reminder SMS 3 days before the activity, and you can log in to the registration system to download the participation document. On the day of the activity, please bring all relevant documents (including the “Participation Certificate”, “Application Form”, and students’ registration ID) and stationery as instructed.

B. 手机端报名请滑动下方查看

Mobile phone port registration is available

① 扫描下方二维码:

② 按照系统提示添加学生信息,请确保证件信息填写准确,后续将作为学生报考书院的唯一凭证。

Fill in the child's information in the system. Please ensure that the ID information is filled in accurately, and it will be the only proof for students to apply for VMA.

③ 选择学生报考的类型,若对该选项有疑问的,可以致电招生办询问了解;

Choose the Application Type, if you have questions about this option, you can call the admissions office for details.



If you want to apply for the Sino-US Track and Sino-UK Track, please click "Apply now" in the lower right corner on the "Academic Student" page. If you want to apply for Visual Arts and Performing Arts, please click "Apply Now" in the lower right corner of the "Art Student" page. If you want to apply for the Honor Program of Ocean Explorer / Robotic Advancer, please contact  the Admissions Office first, once the information is confirmed can you make application.

④ 选择报名本场次学生,在右侧勾选。若家庭内有多个学生报考,也可通过“+”符号添加学生信息。请注意,同一账号可以为多个学生报名,但每次仅能为一人报名

Students who register for this session, please check the box on the right. If there are more than one child in the family need to apply, you can also add student information through the "+" symbol. Please note that you can register for more than one child by using the the same account, but only one student can be registered successfully at a time.

⑤ 请考生认真按照要求填写六大板块的信息。如果不符合填写要求,可能会被驳回要求重新补充添加信息。


Please fill in the information of the six parts in accordance with the requirements. If it does not meet the filling requirements, it will be rejected and requested to add additional information.

A warm reminder: the education experience should include primary school and junior high school information. Please fill in the overseas destination in English, and the extra-curricular activities in Chinese or English.

⑥ 按照要求填写后,点击下方提交报名。招生办老师会在2-3个工作日审核,审核过程中会用招生办座机联系家长,审核提醒短信也将发送,请您留意。

Submit registration after filling in all the information according to the requirement. The admissions officers will review the application in 2-3 working days, during the review process, they will contact parents via admissions office tel number, please pay attention to answer. The parent port will also receive SMS as well.

⑦ 若审核通过的同学将收到书院的缴费短信通知,可再次点击“梅沙入学申请”小程序查看。具体指引如下:我的信息-未开始-立即支付。


Students who passed the approval will receive the notice of payment through SMS. You can click the "Meisha Admission Application" mini program again to view. Specific guidelines are as follows: My information - Not started - Pay now.

If the students fail to pass the approval, please retain the first application information, and only need to modify the content that does not meet the requirements and submit the application again. The system will automatically retain the rest of the information that has been filled in.

⑧ 考生缴纳500元报名费后报名成功,可以点击“考生手册列表”查看《万科梅沙书院未来领袖训练营指引》和《2025-2026学年艺术生入学活动说明》。


Candidates can click on the "Candidate Manual List" to view the "Guidelines for Future Leadership Training Camp of Vanke Meisha Academy" and "Instructions for Art Student Admissions in 2025-2026 Academic Year" after paying the registration fee of 500 yuan.

Note: For the specific arrangement of the day of the test, the participation proof document will be given to the students on Wednesday/Thursday of the test week.

⑨ 下载活动参与凭证和活动申请表:当考生收到短信提醒后,根据第7点指引,点击我的信息-未开始-报名通道,按照指引打印活动参与凭证和活动申请表。活动当天,请根据参与凭证指引带齐相关资料。

Download the Activity Participation Document and Activity Application Form When the candidate receives the SMS reminder, click on the "My Message" - "Not started" - “Registration Channel” according to the guideline, and print the activity participation document and activity application form. On the day of the event, please bring the relevant materials according to the participation guidelines.

⑩ 后续查询活动结果,也可参照第7点指引查看。

For the results, you can also refer to the Item 7 to check.










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