02-24 08:58发布于广东
2月19日,宁波诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham Ningbo China,UNNC) 招生代表到访鲸帆,为同学们带来了一场招生宣讲。讲座介绍了学校的优势、课程体系及国际化特色,并解析了申请要求与未来发展方向,帮助同学们更清晰地规划升学路径。
On February 19, a University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) representative visited Kingfan, introducing the university’s programs, international features, and application process to help students plan their future studies.
Kingfan focuses on academic planning by inviting top universities to campus, offering students direct interactions to help them choose the right university and major. With personalized guidance, students can effectively plan their HKDSE courses and aim for their dream schools.
宁波诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham Ningbo China)是中国第一所经教育部批准的中外合作大学,由英国诺丁汉大学与浙江万里学院合作创办,成立于2004年。学校位于浙江省宁波市,秉承英国诺丁汉大学的优质教育理念,提供全英文教学环境,开设本科课程,涵盖商科、人文社科、理工科等多个领域。宁诺以其国际化的教学模式、高水平的师资力量和全球化的学术资源著称,致力于培养具有全球视野和创新能力的国际化人才。学生毕业后可获得英国诺丁汉大学学位证书,享有与英国本部学生同等的学术认可。
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), founded in 2004, is China’s first approved Sino-foreign cooperative university. Located in Ningbo, it offers English-taught undergraduate programs in business, humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields. Known for its international teaching and high-quality faculty, UNNC graduates receive a degree from the University of Nottingham with the same recognition as those in the UK.
The lecture offered valuable academic guidance. Kingfan will continue partnering with top universities to help students achieve their dreams!
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