02-25 09:00发布于广东
尊敬的校长、老师、同学们: 大家好!在这晨曦初露、日光暖煦的清晨,我们满怀憧憬,共同开启新学期的逐梦之旅。今天,我想借由当下两个热门话题,和大家聊聊其中蕴含的成长智 慧与奋进力量,为新学期注入前行的动力。
不难发现,近年来,以中国神话为蓝本、中国文化为内核的作品在全球备受 瞩目与喜爱。首先,国产动画电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》,它恰似一颗耀眼夺目的星辰,在全球票房的浩瀚星空中一路「乘风破浪」,强势跻身前十,这无疑是中国 动画电影发展进程中浓墨重彩的高光时刻。
再是国产游戏《黑神话:悟空》,它以独特的魅力征服全球玩家,全球平台同时在线玩家人数,超越了《CS》、《DOTA》等知名网游,如同一股强劲的旋风, 席卷整个游戏界。团队深入探寻中国古典文化,将云冈石窟、悬空寺等 36 处真实古迹栩栩如生地复刻进游戏场景,同时巧妙地把中华武术的精髓融入战斗系统, 让中国神话故事以崭新形式走向世界,成为文化输出的一张闪亮名片。
新学期,我们站在全新的起点,怀揣各自的梦想与目标。在学习的道路上, 我们必然会遭遇各种艰难险阻,恰似电影和游戏制作过程中面临的技术难题、创意瓶颈。但只要我们拥有专注精神、坚韧毅力与创新意识,就没有任何困难能阻 挡我们前行的脚步。就像一直被西方标注偏见色彩的中国一样,我们总会打破固 有的成见,我们总会打破无形的枷锁,让更多的人全面地认识中国,正视中国!
自信人生二百年,会当水击三千里!学路漫漫,征途修远;心怀浩浩,意气 轩昂!借用辛弃疾的一句话结尾,望大家共勉:味无味处求吾乐,材不材间过此 生。宁作我,岂作卿!
学生发言: 5B 吴祥真
Dear Principals, Teachers, and Fellow Students,
Good morning. I’m Addison from Class B, Form 5. It is my great honor to stand here and deliver this speech.
Today, I want to talk about something that shapes our lives: our dreams and goals. Every great achievement begins with a vision—a belief in something greater than ourselves. This vision gives us direction, motivation, and purpose.
However, having a dream is not enough. Goals turn dreams into reality. A dream is like a distant star, shining brightly in the night sky, while a goal is the path that leads us to that star. Achieving our goals requires hard work, persistence, and resilience. Challenges will arise, and obstacles will stand in our way, but perseverance helps us grow stronger.
History has shown us that those who dare to dream and work toward their goals achieve greatness. Thomas Edison failed over a thousand times before inventing the light bulb. His success was not just a result of intelligence but of determination and perseverance. Likewise, each of us has the power to shape our own future if we set clear goals and remain committed to them.
As students, our goals may vary. Some of us aim for academic excellence, while others strive for personal growth or social impact. Whatever your goal may be, believe in yourself, stay focused, and never give up. Success is not just about talent—it is about effort and dedication.
Let us all dare to dream and work tirelessly to turn our aspirations into reality. The future belongs to those who take action today.
学生发言:5B 冯梓嘉
Dear Principals, Teachers, and Fellow Students,
Good morning. I’m Jacob from Class B, Form 5. It is my great honor to stand here and deliver this speech.
What are dreams and goals? They are like bright stars guiding us through the darkness of life. A dream is a vivid vision of the future we long for, while a goal is a more stable and noble ambition that we strive to achieve.
For me, my dream is to become a businessman. I have been fascinated by finance since I was young. This dream has always inspired me to study hard, especially in economics. I know that achieving it won’t be easy—there will be difficulties and setbacks along the way—but I am determined to face them bravely.
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream of racial equality. His powerful words and unwavering belief inspired countless people. His dream didn’t just change his own life but also transformed society. Similarly, our dreams and goals, no matter how big or small, have the power to shape our lives and the world around us.
As students, we should hold fast to our dreams and goals. Let them fuel our passion, guide our actions, and give us the strength to overcome all obstacles. Remember, every great achievement starts with a dream.
Let’s work together to make our dreams a reality!
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