
探秘山水,逐光成长 | 华美外国语学校 “每周半天计划” 精彩绽放

03-03 08:45发布于广东


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在全面推进素质教育的大背景下,深圳市华美外国语学校积极响应《深圳市教育教局关于进一步推进义务教育阶段 “每周半天计划”》文件要求,坚持“化万物为教材,以世界做课堂”,精心打造了“1234”“每周半天计划”主题实践模式。即笃定一个中心--切实落实“每周半天计划”;夯实两类课程--校内阅读课和校外实践课两翼齐飞;畅通三个渠道--家校融合、校校结合、校企联合;赋能四美主题--赓续红色血脉的美心课,根深文化自信的美景课,厚植创新精神的美技课,培育强身健体的美体课。为学生们搭建起“眼里有光、脸上有笑、身上有汗” 的核心素养涵养平台,AI实践的华美外国语学校的学子们,以“我要试试”的豪情,在2025 年春季学期学校开启的16节实践课上首秀。

本周课程的实践课,以 “真实场景 + 问题驱动” 为核心,围绕 “水资源保护” 与 “生态探索” 双主线,将校外实践课和校内阅读课巧妙融合,六年级的同学们开启“山水探秘”之旅。

这节校外实践课 —— 水源地探访与简易净水器设计。校旗高擎引路、少先队旗飘扬壮行,同学们带着研学手册和探究单,以水源地为教材,以深圳水库上游为课堂,满怀期待地前往梧桐山河碧道。


为了更深入地了解水质状况,同学们还亲自动手记录水质初步数据,像 pH 值、透明度这些原本在书本上的概念,此刻都变得鲜活起来。大家严谨操作,认真比对,在实践中感受科学探究的魅力。



“做同学们所盼,服务华美娃成长”,应同学们要求,学校在报告厅里开展了一场别开生面的 “每周半天计划” 校内阅读课 —— 绚丽多彩的鹦鹉。此次阅读课紧扣 “生态探索” 主线,为同学们打开了一扇了解奇妙动物世界的大门。




“山水探秘” 每周半天计划实践课程,无论是校外的水源地探访,还是校内的鹦鹉科普阅读课,都是学校践行教育理念的生动体现,落实“每周半天计划”的切实举措。两节实践课通过学科融合、化学实验、地理测绘、野外生存、环境保护等知识融入实践操作和活动过程,让同学们在做中学、学中做,有效提升了实验设计、观察分析、户外生存及问题解决等多方面的能力。

华美外国语学校 “每周半天计划” 将继续前行,不断拓展实践活动的范围,丰富课程内容,不断向课程规范化、实施精细化、目标精准化迈进。相信在这样的课程滋养下,华美娃们将收获知识、提升能力,成长为具有科学探究精神、生态责任意识和团队协作精神,根深中华美绽世界的新时代少年!

Against the backdrop of comprehensively promoting quality-oriented education, Huamei Foreign Language School in Shenzhen actively responds to the requirements of the document "Shenzhen Education Bureau's Notice on Further Promoting the 'Half-day Plan per Week' during the Compulsory Education Stage". Adhering to the principle of "transforming all things into teaching materials and taking the world as a classroom", the school has meticulously created the "1234" thematic practical model of the "Half-day Plan per Week". That is, to firmly focus on one central task - earnestly implement the "Half-day Plan per Week"; to consolidate two types of courses - the in-school reading courses and the out-of-school practical courses, with both taking off simultaneously; to unblock three channels - the integration of home and school, the combination of schools, and the cooperation between schools and enterprises; to empower four themes of "beauty education" - the courses for nurturing a noble heart that carry forward the red spirit, the courses for appreciating beautiful scenery that deepen cultural confidence, the courses for cultivating excellent skills that foster the innovative spirit, and the courses for physical fitness that promote a healthy body. This builds a platform for cultivating students' core competencies, enabling them to have a sparkle in their eyes, a smile on their faces, and sweat on their bodies. The students of Huamei Foreign Language School, who are engaged in AI practice, made their debut on the 16 practical courses launched by the school in the spring semester of 2025 with the pride of "I want to have a try".  

In the practical class of the second week's curriculum, with the core of "real-life scenarios + problem-driven approach", and centering around the two main threads of "water resource protection" and "ecological exploration", the out-of-school practical class and the in-school reading class were ingeniously integrated. The students of Grade 6 embarked on a journey of "exploring the landscape".  

This out-of-school practical class is about visiting the water source and designing a simple water purifier. With the school flag held high to lead the way and the Young Pioneers' flag fluttering to inspire them, the students, armed with their research study manuals and inquiry sheets, took the water source as their teaching material and Shenzhen Reservoir as their classroom. They set off for Shenzhen Reservoir full of anticipation.  

After arriving at Shenzhen Reservoir, under the guidance of their teachers and professional docents, the students carefully observed various measures for water source protection. From the lush vegetation around the reservoir to the strict protective facilities, every detail demonstrated the importance of safeguarding the water source. The students took out their pens and paper one after another, jotting down these valuable pieces of information. They initially learned about the relevant knowledge of water resource distribution, and their on-site observation ability was also exercised during this process. 

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the water quality situation, the students also took the initiative to record the preliminary water quality data. Concepts such as the pH value and transparency, which were originally found in textbooks, now came to life. Everyone operated with great precision and compared the data carefully, experiencing the charm of scientific inquiry in practice. 

After learning about the knowledge of the water source area, it came to the div of designing a simple and creative water purifier and purifying water. The students gave full play to their innovative thinking and practical ability. Utilizing the filtration principles they had learned, they ingeniously combined various filtering materials. They collaborated with each other and exchanged ideas. Before long, a number of simple water purifiers with unique shapes and different functions came into being. During this process, the students not only applied the scientific knowledge they had learned in class to practice, but also cultivated their environmental protection awareness and innovative design ability.The students were also full of enthusiasm as they turned the "knowledge drum" on the Yinghuang Bridge. They learned about small animals such as the Graphium sarpedon and Puntius semifasciolatus that live in Wutong Mountain, and appealed to the school to arrange an in-school reading and practical course titled "Getting to Know Small Animals" for them.  

This lesson enabled the children to have a deeper understanding that Huamei Foreign Language School is not just a treasure trove that imparts knowledge to us, but also an incubator that empowers our innovative thinking and practical abilities. It leads us to take the world as a micro classroom, enabling us to achieve all-round development and grow happily as we explore and learn.  

"Fulfill what the students expect and serve the growth of the children in Huamei Foreign Language School." At the request of the students, the school held a unique in-school reading class under the "Half-day Plan per Week" in the lecture hall - "The Gorgeous and Colorful Parrots". This reading class closely follows the main thread of "ecological exploration", opening a door for the students to understand the wonderful world of animals. 

In this class, the school chose the channel of "integration of home and school". Through the Parents Committee, Teacher Wang Yue, a parent who loves and knows about birds, was invited to the class. Teacher Wang brought parrots into the classroom, which instantly ignited the students' enthusiasm for learning. The attitude towards learning was quickly transformed from "I have to learn" to "I want to learn". The students were not only able to observe these lovely creatures up close, but also interact with these "beautiful fairies", and their eyes immediately became focused.  

The colorful feathers and lively postures of the parrots immediately caught the students' attention. Teacher Wang gave a detailed popular science introduction about the characteristics and species of parrots. From their unique beak structures to diverse living habits, the students listened with great interest and couldn't contain their joy. 

During the explanation, the teacher also incorporated the relevant requirements in the "Guidelines for Comprehensive Practical Activity Courses in Compulsory Education Stage in Shenzhen". The teacher guided the students to think about the position of parrots in the ecosystem and the importance of protecting them. The students carried out cooperative inquiry and recorded the content they wanted to know and master on the inquiry sheet. The students actively raised their hands to speak and shared their own ideas, making the classroom atmosphere extremely lively. Through this class, the students not only acquired a wealth of knowledge but also enhanced their awareness of protecting the ecological environment.  

The practical courses of the "Half-day Plan per Week" for the "Exploration of the Landscape" are vivid manifestations of the school's implementation of its educational philosophy and practical measures to carry out the "Half-day Plan per Week", whether it is the out-of-school visit to the water source area or the in-school parrot popular science reading class. Through integrating knowledge such as subject integration, chemical experiments, geographical surveying and mapping, wilderness survival, and environmental protection into the practical operations and activity processes of these two practical courses, students can learn by doing and do while learning, effectively improving their abilities in many aspects such as experimental design, observation and analysis, outdoor survival, and problem-solving.  

The "Half-day Plan per Week" of Huamei Foreign Language School will continue to move forward, constantly expanding the scope of practical activities and enriching the curriculum content. It will keep making progress towards the standardization of the curriculum, the refinement of its implementation, and the precision of its goals. It is believed that nourished by such a curriculum, the students of Huamei Foreign Language School will acquire knowledge, enhance their abilities, and grow into teenagers of the new era who possess the spirit of scientific inquiry, a sense of ecological responsibility, and the spirit of teamwork. With deep roots in Chinese culture, they will shine brightly in the world!  









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