
深圳查特豪斯Nick校长教你如何进行A Level阶段选课



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在高中教育的不同阶段,学生需要做出可能影响他们未来学习方向、大学专业选择和职业机会的多个重要决定,其中一项重要决定就是如何选择A Level 课程。

典型的英国高中课程是四年制。在 10-11 年级,学生通常学习五到十门IGCSE课程,以准备在 12-13 年级进入更高学术水平的研修,选择至少 3 门 A Level 课程深度学习。

在学生们进入12 年级(A Level 阶段)之初,学生需要选择至少 3 门 A Level 课程,这些课程将成为他/她们高中教育的主体并构成未来申请大学的基础。基于这些原因,在这个重要时期,学生和家长需要更多地考虑怎样选择正确的 A Level 课程及组合,以满足未来大学专业和职业道路的要求。

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那么学生如何做出正确的选择呢?在焦虑的情绪影响下,学生容易基于如“科目 X 很容易,老师 Y 很有趣,或者我的朋友告诉我要选课 Z”等等原因轻易做出课程选择的决定。但事实证明,A Level 课程选择的可靠方法应该是让学生进行调查研究,收集相关信息,最终做出明智的决定。

这里,Nick校长想分享给大家几个在做 A Level 课程选择时可利用的信息来源。



学生应访问大学的网站并阅读自己意向专业的课程要求。这些要求将对于科目范围和最低 A Level 成绩进行说明,并指定其中的必修科目。



能向学生提供有关大学学习第一手信息的是老师。学生应与老师经常进行沟通和讨论,包括:学生在特定科目中的表现,学生预期的大学专业需要哪些必要的知识和技能,哪些 A Level 学科组合最能满足入学要求,以及如何做好准备来面对大学教育的挑战等。



罗素集团由英国 24 所一流大学组成,在这些大学里诞生了超过三分之二的世界领先研究成果,并对全球社会、经济和文化产生了相当大的影响。由于学生们在高中学习的 A Level 课程会影响他们在大学和未来职业生涯中的选择,因此,罗素集团提供了链接为:https://www.informedchoices.ac.uk/的信息平台,该平台“针对 14 岁及以上正在考虑上大学的学生,并希望获取信息帮助他们选择在Sixth Form(A Level第一年)以及未来大学学习的科目。”学生可以访问该平台,了解不同本科学位和未来职业方向所需学习的 A Level 科目。



与就读学生感兴趣的专业的校友交谈是学生获得 A Level 课程第一手信息的另一个重要来源。校友学伴们可以就课程选择过程提供指导,并分享他/她们的 A Level 课程选择如何支持他们的大学申请和后续大学学习的经验。




从A Level阶段选课到大学入学申请是一个花费时间和精力的过程,有时也会让学生和家长感到不知所措。为了消除任何不确定性,从上述来源收集和研究相关信息将有助于学生对于A Level科目选择做出明智的决定,为大学专业选择和职业发展做好准备。

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At different stages in a high school education, students are asked to make decisions that can affect the focus of their future studies, choice of university major, and career opportunities. One of these decisions is which A Level courses should be chosen?

A typical British high school curriculum follows a 4-year model. In Years 10-11, students take a minimum of 5 IGCSEs up to an average of 10 in preparation to move to higher academic levels in Years 12-13 where they will study a minimum of 3 A Level courses.

Prior to the transition between Year 11 (the end of IGCSEs) and Year 12 (the beginning of A Levels), students are asked to choose a minimum of 3 A Level courses which will complete their high school education and form the basis of their application to university. For these reasons, students and parents have much to consider during this important period so that the right combination of A Level courses is selected to meet the requirements of the student’s intended university major and career pathway.


So how do students make the right choices? While there is a temptation for anxious students to make their choices based solely on subjective opinion such as “subject X is easy, teacher Y is fun, or my friend told me to take course Z,” the approach to A Level course selections proven to be successful is for students to conduct research and gather relevant information to make an informed decision.

There are several sources of information that students should utilise in making their A Level course decisions.


University Website

Students should visit the university’s website and read the course requirements for the major they intend to study. This will indicate the subjects and minimum A Level grades required, and it can also specify a particular subject that is mandatory for admission to the course.



The most immediate source of first-hand information about study at the university level to students is their teachers. Students should meet with teachers to discuss their performance in a particular subjects, what necessary knowledge and skills are required for the student’s intended university major, and what combination of A Levels would best meet entry requirements and ensure the student is ready to face the challenge of university education.


Russel Group

The Russel Group is comprised of 24 top-class universities in the UK that produce more than two-thirds of the world-leading research and have considerable social, economic, and cultural impacts on the global community. The Russell Group understands the A Levels a student takes in high school can impact their options at university and future career. For this reason, the Russel Group provides the platform ‘Informed Choices’ https://www.informedchoices.ac.uk/, which is “aimed at pupils aged 14 and upwards who are considering university and want information to help them choose the right subjects to study at sixth form or college.” Students can visit the platform and learn what A Level subjects are necessary for different undergraduate degrees and careers.



Talking to alumni members who study the major a student is interested in is another importance source of first-hand information for students when deciding which A Level courses to take. The alumni member can provide guidance on the course selection process and share their experience on how their A Level choices supported their university application and subsequent study at the university level.



A final key source of information for students is themselves or more specifically, their own interests, performance, and desire towards specific subjects. For the student, reflecting on the extent to which they are genuinely interested in a subject and whether they have made every effort to deepen their understanding of it is an important step in the process of discovering if the necessary desire is present in them to study the course at A Level.

Selecting a suitable combination of A Levels to gain admission to one’s intended major at university can feel over-whelming for students and parents. To relieve any uncertainty, researching and gathering relevant information from the aforementioned sources will help students make an informed decision on which A Level courses they should choose as preparation for university major and career.

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