新加坡澳大利亚国际学校(Australian International School,简称AIS)为各个国家的年轻人提供具有挑战性的教育计划。尽管该校的大部分学生来自澳大利亚和新西兰,但是还有来自其它四十多个国家的学生,这充分反映了当前世界文化的多元性。成立于1993年的澳洲国际学校(以下缩写为AIS)采用的是新南威尔士教育部课程和国际文凭课程,成为国际上认可的著名教育机构。
全年学费约 1.5万-4.3万新币/年
新加坡加拿大国际学校(Canadian International School,以下简称CIS),成立于1989年,前身为加拿大海外学院,是国际文凭组织(IBO)的认证学校。学生来自70多个国家,共有3,100多名。CIS在湖畔校区招收2-18岁的学生,在丹戎加东校区招收2-12岁的学生。
全年学费约 18,370~47,070 SGD
新加坡壹世界国际学校(One World International School,以下简称OWIS)在2008年成立了第一所位于新加坡的校区,而后扩建至新加坡南洋校区、东海岸校区及日本东京校区。学校为学生提供的多元文化校园环境让学生能在有趣且友好的环境中学习,在有利于学生发展的环境中讨论、协作和团队合作,非常适合在新加坡长期定居的外籍家庭和初到新加坡的学生就读。
全年学费约 1.7-2.5万新币/年
At The Grange, we believe every child is a global citizen. We offer a holistic Curriculum based on Cambridge Primary and International Primary Curriculum (IPC), integrated with Language, Performing and Visual Art components. Learning is driven by an inquiry and phenomenon based approaches which encapsulate life experiences into every day learning.
Nurture Pods is an intervention centre that works with children with special needs from the age of 3 to 12 years. Our focus is on providing individualized intervention programs catering to different needs of the children at home and in school. The objectives of Nurture Pods is to utilize evidence based best practices to provide special needs children with holistic, comprehensive and effective intervention programs so that they can achieve development to their best ability.
Education at Kindle Kids International School (KKIS) goes beyond enabling students to not just successfully attain academic qualifications but also firmly believe that each student has an innate desire to excel.
全年学费约 1350-2675新币/月
Nan Hua Primary School commenced as Nan Hua Girls’ School in 1917. It was established by our predecessors to provide educational opportunities for the young and to nurture them into useful citizens. This sculpture was erected to commemorate the occasion of the official opening of the school’s new building cum 68th Anniversary and to remind us of our rich heritage.