

彼一米湘府校区2024全英探索夏令营招募! I BeeMee Xiangfu Campus 2024 Summer Camp

06-18 08:56发布于湖南









Rich and colorful theme activities, the whole British infiltrating environment

Internationalised campsite atmosphere, cross-cultural adaptation

The exploration of artistic talent and the establishment of social emotions

Release children's nature and stimulate their thirst for knowledge

Perceiving nature, discovering nature, and returning to nature


BeeMee Xiangfu Campus 2024 Summer Camp Officially Opens For Recruitment


This summer, BeeMee Forest Academy Xiangfu Campus 2024 Summer Camp will open on August 5th, specially designed for 1-6 years old children a three-week full-time English exploration camp, threePBL project-based theme teaching integration courses are designed, with all English immersion education, exploration learning from an international perspective. It is committed to providing children with a distinctive and colorful holiday, so that children can gain wisdom and discover wonders!


Highlights of Summer Camp



Personalised Design Of Three Exploration Camp Themes

彼一米森林儿童学院构建了独有的中西文化融合的国际儿童课程体系:彼一米课程体系BCS(BeeMee Curriculum System),在国家早期教育指南之上,遵循英国EYFS(Early Years Foundation Stage)早期教育框架,“以父母最好的选择、给幼儿最好的开始”为宗旨和教育理念,采用IEYC(International Early Year Curriculum)国际早期课程为基础课程,以PBL(Project-Based Learning)项目式教学方式展开教学,融入英国森林教育、国际社交礼仪、家庭教育、中国传统文化、自然拼读等教育元素;与世界顶尖大学、实验室、教育机构和专家合作开发特色课程,包含国际象棋、马术、高尔夫、短式网球、ECSTEM、足球、音乐等,将世界领先的教育经验因地制宜地落实到长沙,开创了湖南早期教育世界多元文化教育的全课程体系,致力于培养孩子们的双语阅读能力和运动能力。

BeeMee Forest Academy has developed an international early years curriculum system that is a unique fusion of Chinese and Western culture: BeeMee Curriculum System (BCS). On the basis of the national early education guidelines, following the British EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) framework "The best choice for parents and the best start for children", as its purpose and educational philosophy, the IEYC (International Early Year Curriculum) is adopted as the basic curriculum, and the PBL (Project-Based Learning), project-based teaching method to carry out teaching, integrating British Forest School Education, Global Social Etiquette, Family Education, Chinese Traditional Culture and Natural Phonics Educational elements. BeeMee cooperates with the world's Top Universities, Laboratories, Educational Institutions and Experts, providing feature courses including Chess, Equestrian, Golf, Short Tennis, ECSTEM, Football and Music. The Academy delivers the world's leading education experience in Changsha according to local conditions, creating a full curriculum of early education and multicultural education in Hunan and is committed to cultivating children's bilingual reading and athletic ability.


In the teaching of 2024 Summer camp, BeeMee exclusive research and development, using IEYC theme-based experience, developed three different theme courses, such as "Forest Exploration", "Little Artist" and "Happy Water World", to create inspiring learning materials and environment, covering artistic creation, scientific and technological handicraft, music rhythm, team activities, outdoor social practice. Encourage children to use language, music, movement and visual arts to create a variety of happy, help children to open the door to multidimensional expression, in order to develop the ability of innovation and creativity.


Summer Camp Schedule


Based on PBL project-style inquiry learning, the multi-enabling course can not only stimulate the burst of creativity and imagination of children, but also comprehensively exercise the engineering thinking, hands-on skills and social ability, so as to build children's personality and self-development, understand the relationship between man and nature, and understand the world from a comprehensive perspective.


IEYC (International Early Years Curriculum)


Forest Education




Social Studies Practice

音乐 Music

美术 Art



BCS Featured Sports Course


BeeMee fully respects the individual, all-round development of each child. For summer camp, we have set up six special sports courses for the BCS (BeeMee Curriculum System): Equestrian, Golf, Short Tennis, Football. Scientific and professional sports training curriculum system, fully fit the physical and mental development characteristics of children, in line with the children's active nature; The learning of sports skills cultivates children's sports ability, not only to strengthen the body, but also to cultivate their own will -- the cultivation and improvement of children's courage, confidence, focus, perseverance, resistance to frustration, communication, teamwork and other qualities.

马术 Equestrianism

高尔夫 Golf

短式网球 Short Tennis

足球 Football



Senior International Teachers, English Immersion Teaching


BeeMee implements full English, full time, small class system, Chinese and international classroom teacher system teaching and teaching. The teaching and research team of BeeMee all hold the teacher qualification certificate. All the international teachers come from the five English-speaking countries of Britain, the United States, New Zealand, Canada and Australia. They have rich experience in international education and transnational work. Senior professional Chinese-English bilingual teachers, all bachelor degree or above, education experience of more than 5 years.

Rhiannon Claire Rowland


International Administrative Director

  • 毕业于曼彻斯特城市大学,获得教育研究与数学一级荣誉学士学位

  • 在教育领域拥有 10 多年的工作经验,曾在英国和中国与各年龄段的儿童一起工作

  • 致力于推动教育事业的发展,并结合当前的研究成果来提高自己的实践能力

  • 相信培养孩子的自信心和激发他们对学习的热爱是成为一名高效教育工作者的两个最关键的方面

  • Graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with a First Class Honours Bachelor's degree in Education Studies and Mathematics

  • Has over 10 years of experience in the education sector, working with children of all ages in both the UK and China

  • Dedicated to progressing her career in education and incorporating current research to enhance her practice

  • Believes that building children's self-confidence and instilling a love for learning are the two most crucial aspects of being an effective educator

Jacob Ready


International  Classroom Teacher

  • 毕业于梅西大学,获得中文研究学士学位;通过进一步深造,他获得了PGCE和TESOL高级文凭

  • 拥有 10 多年的 ESL 教育经验,曾在中国北方的北京、秦皇岛和内蒙古呼伦贝尔等地的学校任教

  • 他将游戏式学习方法带入课堂,鼓励学生自己探索课堂,决定学什么和怎么学

  • Jacob graduated from Massey University with a Bachelor's degree in Chinese language studies. Through further academic pursuits, he has attained a PGCE and an advanced TESOL diploma

  • Jacob has over 10 years of ESL education experience and has previously taught at schools throughout northern China including Beijing, Qinhuangdao and as far north as Hulunbeier, Inner Mongolia

  • He brings a play-based learning approach to the classroom where he encourages students to explore the classroom for themselves and decide on what and how they play

Trevor Lee


International Classroom Teacher

  • 北伊利诺伊大学英语专业文学学士

  • 拥有六年多从幼儿园到高中的教学经验

  • 他的课堂气氛积极友好,鼓励每个学生都能获得真实而有意义的发展

  • He has a Bachelor's of Arts in English from Northern Illinois University

  • Has over six years teaching experience children in kindergarten to high school

  • Known for his positive and friendly atmosphere in the classroom, encouraging authentic and meaningful development within each student

Sarah Karam


International Classroom Teacher

  • 毕业于加拿大圣托马斯大学

  • 超过7年的教学经历,积累了丰富的知识,拥有在中国的多所学校丰富任教经历,具有具备全球视野和文化多样性的教学方法

  • 坚信寓教于乐的教学理念,主张营造一个学习是快乐体验的环境,培养好奇心,培养创造力,鼓励积极参与。这种方法不仅能传授知识,还能培养学生对学习的终生热爱

  • Graduated from St. Thomas University in Canada

  • Over 7 years of teaching experience, accumulating rich knowledge. Teaching experience in several schools in China enriches teaching methods with a global perspective and cultural diversity

  • At the heart of  teaching philosophy lies a firm belief that children's learning is most effective when intertwined with enjoyment. She advocates for an environment where learning is a joyful experience, fostering curiosity, nurturing creativity, and encouraging active participation. This approach sets the stage for not just imparting knowledge but also instilling a lifelong love for learning

Butter Worth Richard


International Classroom Teacher

  • 毕业于卡尔加里大学,获得教育学士学位

  • 有在中国担任英语幼儿园教师超过10年的经验

  • 一直以引导和激发孩子们的思想为核心目标,培养他们对语言和探索的热爱;努力创造一个充满活力且包容的课堂环境,让每个孩子都能感受到尊重与鼓励,进而点燃他们的学习热情

  • Graduated from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor's degree in Educatio

  • Having over 10 years of experience as an English kindergarten teacher in China

  • It has always been our core aim to guide and stimulate children's minds and nurture their love of language and exploration. We endeavour to create a vibrant and inclusive classroom environment where every child feels respected and encouraged, which in turn ignites their passion for learning.

Flores Lopez Alejandro


International Classroom Teacher

  • 毕业于斯蒂芬 F. 奥斯汀州立大学,获得通识教育学士学位

  • 9年国际教育教学经验,包括4年以上高瞻课程(HighScope)课程的课堂教学经验

  • 帮助学生实现语言目标,包括提供有针对性的指导和持续支持

  • Graduated from Stephan F. Austin State University with a Bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies

  • 9 years of teaching experience in international education, including more than 4 years of classroom experience with HighScope style curriculums

  • Helping students reach their language goals involves providing targeted instruction and ongoing support

Martin Sawyer


International Classroom Teacher

  • 毕业于英国利兹大学,获得化学硕士学位

  • 在中国的培训中心和幼儿园有5年的教学经验,主要教授 3-6 岁的儿童

  • 营造氛围,用有趣的事物吸引孩子们的注意力和想象力,让他们积极主动地想要学习

  • He graduated from Leeds University, UK, with a Master's in Chemistry

  • 5 years teaching experience in training centres and kindergartens in China mainly with children aged 3 - 6 years old

  • Creating an atmosphere and interesting things that grab the children's attention and imagination to get them to actively want to learn

Leanna Marie Porter


International Classroom Teacher

  • 毕业于多伦多大学,获得语言和历史硕士学位

  • 过去六年她一直在中国教育部门工作,拥有从幼儿园到成人的丰富经验

  • 她认为孩子是天生的人,课堂环境应该是一个安全的空间,让各种性格和气质的孩子都能茁壮成长

  • She graduated from the University of Toronto with a Master’s Degree in language and history

  • She has worked in the education sector in China for the past six years, with experience ranging from kindergartners to adults

  • She believes that children are born persons and the classroom environment should be a safe space for all personalities and temperaments to thrive


In the summer camp, we will maintain the highest standard of teaching staff in that area, with one International Classroom Teacher, one Chinese Classroom Teacher, one Chinese Assistant Teacher, one Life Teacher, and related professional coaches, ensure that every child is fully paid attention to and taken care of and accompanies the child during study activities and life needs all day.


In the context of a diverse international teaching team, the curriculum design is combined with fun activities such as English picture books, English dramas, and British choirs to provide a comprehensive immersive pure English environment suitable for young children, providing a large number of input and output opportunities, and fully creating a platform for children to share and express themselves. In a lively and interesting learning atmosphere, they naturally communicate with foreign teachers, Enhance children's interest and sensitivity in language learning, as well as their English expression ability and confidence.


 The International Forest Ecological Environment in Britain


BeeMee Forest Academy Xiangfu Campus is an all-english international forest academy with nursery and kindergarten. Its architectural planning and design is designed by the main design team of the internationally renowned ecological sustainability Design Institute, in order to the design concept of "ecological sustainability", integrate the harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature into every detail, and feature the classic "indoor + forest" education, with first-class hardware facility standards, It has become the first English Children's Forest Academy in Hunan certified by the UK-China Forest School Training Centre which is by OCN of the British government.


The First Children's Forest Academy in the Center of Changsha City


BeeMee Forest Academy Xiangfu Campus is located in the Xiangfu Cultural Park in Changsha, garden-style campus provides an oasis of quiet in the noisy city center. It is the first English Children's Forest Academy in Hunan surrounded by the Hunan Science and Technology Museum, Provincial Geological Museum, Provincial Cultural Museum, Provincial Concert Hall, and Provincial Youth Palace.


With first-class complete teaching equipment, safe entertainment facilities, BeeMee has modern multifunctional classrooms that allow the mixing of traditional teaching and digital learning, a library with thousands of picture books, laboratories, professional activity venues, outdoor playgrounds, and more. Every day, children can complete all kinds of interesting courses here, and can also freely read and play in their spare time after class.


Equestrian Training Ground


Seven-a-side Football Field


Yew Tunnel Library




Indoor Sports Field A and Climbing Area


Indoor Sports Field B


Outdoor Playground


Rear Garden Playground


Outdoor Shallow Pool


Circular Sky Corridor


Hundred Orchards


Food Education Garden and Planting Area


Operation Period Guarantee, High Standard System



Eat in BeeMee, Healthy Rich Catering


BeeMee provides healthy and diversified meals; three meals a day and two snacks, with star-rated standards and comprehensive protection. From the purchase of ingredients to storage and processing, every link is strictly controlled to ensure food safety. Metro's high-quality organic fresh ingredients, green vegetables from its own farm, chicken, duck, beef and pork are delivered every day, and the test is qualified drinks and desserts are homemade, no additives are used.

▲ 食客生态农场食材 ShiKe Eco-Farm Ingredients

▲ 麦德龙食材 Metro Ingredients


The chefs of well-known local hotels and restaurants in Changsha have tried their best to present the science of nutrition matching and the combination of Chinese and Western food, so as to cook nutritionally balanced, healthy and delicious dishes for the BeeMee children. Eat a balanced diet and strictly control your calorie intake; Alternative menus will also be arranged for children with special dietary needs.



Security and Safety


BeeMee's high standard security management covers the whole area. Closed-park management and daily management adopt a strict access control system. Campus access is strictly controlled by security, and no entry is allowed without appointment. BeeMee provides 24-hour security monitoring and uninterrupted patrols around the clock. Details such as building fire protection, non-slip stairs, anti-collision angle protection, etc., create a comfortable and safe place for children to play.



Medical Care


BeeMee does its utmost to create a safe and orderly learning  environment for the children and implements a high-standard and strict medical and health care system. Each campus is equipped with an independent medical and health room and professional health doctors. The highest hygiene standards during the epidemic prevention period are implemented daily. Daily morning temperature checks, health code queries, and disinfection activities are indispensable routine tasks; the establishment of exclusive health files, children's allergies, special medical history, etc., are specially arranged for tracking throughout the process, separate bathrooms, hot water all day, and an emergency response system for special circumstances.


Summer Camp Enrollment Information

招生对象 Target of Enrollment:

1 - 6岁的孩子,面向所有适龄段孩子开放报名

For children age 12 months to 6 years, registration is open to all children of school age

招生班额 Enrollment Class Size:

托班 1 - 3岁,18人/班

小班 3 - 4岁,20人/班

中班 4 - 5岁,20人/班

大班 5 - 6岁,20人/班

Nursery 1 - 3 years old, 18 children/class

K1 class 3 - 4 years old, 20 children/class

K2 class 4 - 5 years old, 20 children/class

K3 class 5 - 6 years old, 20 children/class

营期时间 Camp Hours:






全日制开课:早上8:00 - 下午17:00

This summer camp has three project themes:

Phase 1: Forest Exploration (August 5 to August 9)

Phase 2: Little Artist (August 12 to August 16)

Phase 3: Happy Water World (August 19 to August 23)

Each course lasts for 5 consecutive days (Monday to Friday)

Full-time classes: 8:00 a.m. - 17:00 p.m.

收费标准 Registration Fee:

两周课程 7500元/人

三周课程 11250元/人


Two weeks course: 7,500 yuan/children

Four weeks course: 11,250 yuan/children

The above fees include activity fees, outdoor development fees, special course fees, insurance, etc. Children who are studying in this kindergarten do not need to pay additional fees, and are calculated according to the original tuition fee.


Meals: 500 yuan/ Two weeks, 750 yuan/ Three weeks, three meals and two snacks (breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner).

报名时间 Registration Time:


By July 21. Sign up before July 15 and get 95% off the early bird price.

报名方式 How to Register:


To meet the needs of every family, we provide a flexible registration plan. You can participate in summer camp by signing up for a 2-week theme course







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