

IB教师工作坊:延伸教学的可能性 | Professional Development at TWIS



While I breathe, I explore, I hope



Teachers at TWIS value life-long learning, just as the International Baccalaureate (IB) has always advocated. To provide students with a more innovative, comprehensive and diverse teaching and learning framework, TWIS is committed to providing high-quality seminars and workshops for teachers so that educators from different countries and disciplines can exchange cutting-edge teaching methods and trends. After all, teacher quality is the greatest predictor of student success.

On 9 and 10 October, teachers and staff returned early from their holiday to engage in professional development. 

PYP  Workshop



Mr. David Calia


PYP Workshop Leader

David Calia先生主导了小学项目的工作坊,主题是关于如何教导幼儿阅读他分享了一年老师教他的经历,当时师过时的教学方法根本无法培养他对阅读的热爱。因此,David先生介绍了Jolly Phonics英语拼音法的教学方式这是一套源自英国,现在被世界各地所沿用的英语学习方法,课程内容包含视觉、听觉和触觉元素协助儿童运用多重感官进行学习

Mr. David Calia facilitated the workshop for our primary teachers on teaching young children to read. He shared his experience being taught by his first-grade teacher whose archaic approach to teaching did not develop at all his love for reading. Mr. David introduced Jolly Phonics, which is a set of English learning approaches that originated in the UK and are currently applied all over the world. Jolly Phonics includes the coordination of visual, auditory and tactile elements to help children learn English with multiple senses.

David Calia先生在美国出生和长大,拥有特殊教育硕士学位和TESOL认证。他于2006年开始在中国工作,如今是一名教师培训专员,致力于与地方政府合作以促进正确阅读教学方式的推广,引导孩子们热爱阅读他还认为,通过与教师的直接合作,可以在教育层面产生更大、更积极的影响。

Born and raised in the United States, Mr. David Calia, has a master’s degree in Special Education and TESOL certification. He started working in China in 2006, and is now a teacher trainer and works with local governments to advance the correct way of teaching reading to instill the love of reading to children. He also believes that by directly working with teachers, he can make a bigger, positive impact in education.

Ms. Ann Gaillard


Jolly Phonics: 多感官学习法
Jolly Phonics: A Multi-sensory Approach

"东华文泽学校很高兴能邀请到David Calia老师主持这次研讨会,并分享了关于Jolly Phonics的基本原理和教学方法。我第一次有机会接触到Jolly Phonics,是在日本任教的时候,有趣的是,我发现通过使用多感官方法,孩子的阅读能力会大大提升。我的三个孩子也曾用Jolly Phonics进行阅读,如今他们仍能回忆起与声音相关的肢体动作。能认识到学习字母表之前,先学会调动孩子的字母发音感官,对于教学工作者来说是至关重要的。"

“TWIS was very pleased to welcome Mr. David Calia on October 9th who led an introductory workshop on Jolly Phonics to our staff. I first had the opportunity to learn about Jolly Phonics while teaching in Japan, and I found it amazing how young children became fluent readers by using the multi-sensory approach of the program. My three children all learned to read using Jolly Phonics, and they can still recall most of the actions associated with the sounds. It was good to be reminded of the importance of introducing the letter sounds first even before the alphabet.

MYP Workshop



IB Workshop Leader

IB 工作坊负责人


TWIS is officially a candidate school for the IB Middle Years Programme. As part of the requirements of the candidacy phase, the school invited an IB Workshop Leader to the school to introduce our staff to the MYP curriculum geared towards preparing students to engage in the highly-rigorous Diploma Programme.


Some of the topics covered included the rationale behind the MYP, constructing units of inquiry that are engaging and challenging for this age group, and assessing students’ growth in different areas.

老师 Teacher
Mr. Jason



From Practice to Reflexive Thinking




“I came away from the course feeling that I’d just experienced an extremely high quality, holistic and practical two-day course that also increased my own understanding of the MYP dramatically. 

The workshop was helpful to both new and experienced MYP teachers as we were presented with a series of practical group tasks that made sense of the sometimes quite complicated process of creating MYP units and of creating excellent formative tasks in support of the unit.

In addition, it helped us understand and manage the crucially important task of assessing our student’s works with the highest possible standards to arrive at a fair assessment through a highly practical and honest process for us teachers.”









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