

Prospectus 重磅!武汉爱莎艺术中心国际音乐班招生简章

06-03 08:11发布于湖北



Programme Purpose




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ISA Wuhan Arts Center Music Programme is home to highly accomplished musicians from the UK, USA, Australia and Asia, who have trained a large number of high school music students to enter the world's leading conservatories and universities over the past decade. ISA Wuhan Arts Center Music Programme is committed to the idea of promoting social progress, and is dedicated to cultivating music professionals with international cultural understanding and communication skills. 

With a team of top teachers and an advanced educational environment, we provide a broad stage for the professional development of musically gifted young people and build a bridge to the world's top music academies.

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Learner Profiles



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To develop musicians with a solid foundation in music theory and extensive practical skills, with innovative thinking and teamwork. Students will acquire a comprehensive knowledge of music theory, music history and music analysis and other basic theories, and demonstrate high levels of skill and creativity in the areas of voice, performance, composition, music technology and music education.

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Faculty Team


 Violin 小提琴

Dr. Nelson Wu

Director of Music Programme

音乐总监 武汉爱莎学校 

  • 伦敦国王学院音乐博士 

  • 伦敦皇家音乐学院主修小提琴

  • 伦敦交响乐团首席小提琴家 

  • 伦敦交响乐团合唱团第一男高音 

  • 多项格莱美奖 

  • 悉尼音乐学院名誉副院长 

  • 伦敦大学高级研究院音乐研究所博士后研究员

  • 因其卓越的学术成就和社区服务而受到伊丽莎白二世女王的嘉奖。

  • 英国、澳大利亚、新西兰和中国四个国家六所最佳音乐学校的音乐总监。

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  • PhD in Music at King’s College London

  • Majored Violin at the Royal Academy of Music in London

  • First Violinist of London Symphony Orchestra

  • London Symphony Chorus First Tenor

  • Multiple Grammy Awards

  • Honorary Associate of Sydney Conservatorium of Music

  • Federal University of London, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

  • Received by Queen Elizabeth II for academic excellence and community service.

  • Director of Music at SIX best music schools in FOUR countries – United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and China.

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Jiyeon Min

Music Teacher, ISAWHIS



  • Jiyeon是一位多才多艺的音乐家和教育家,喜欢各种类型的音乐。

  • 她教学经验丰富,从小学到大学各阶段都有涉猎。她成功指导学生达成他们的各种需求,包括指导小学生找到他们的音乐之声,指导中学生为大学申请建立学术音乐作品集,以及指导大学生将音乐作为他们的职业选择。Jiyeon能演奏小提琴、钢琴和许多其他乐器,并能指挥管弦乐队和合唱团。

  • 她拥有克利夫兰音乐学院的学士学位,美国莱斯大学的硕士学位,目前是印第安纳大学的博士生。

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  • Jiyeon is a versatile musician and educator who enjoys alI genres of music.

  • She has experience teaching primary through college students and successfully guided them to serve their needs.

  • This includes advising primary students to find their musical voice, secondary students to build academic music portfolios for college application, and college students pursuing music as their career choice.Jiyeon can play the violin, piano, and many other instruments and conduct orchestra and choir.

  • She has a bachelor's degree from the Cleveland Instituteof Music, a Master's degree from RlCE University, and iscurrently a doctoral candidate at Indiana University.

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Cello 中提琴

Adam Klarfeld

Music Teacher, ISAWHIS



  • 他曾在厦门ITG-SUIS担任教务主管以及课程主管和剑桥协调员的职务。

  • 拥有克利夫兰音乐学院的硕士学位以及专业学位以及以色列耶路撒冷音乐学院的学士学位。目前正在攻读印第安纳大学的博士学位。

  • 他帮助他的学生进入全球各地大学学习,包括波士顿大学(美国)、南汉普顿大学(英国)、麦吉尔大学(加拿大)等。

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  • Former head of pastoral at lTG-SUlS Xiamen, as well as the position of Head of Curriculum &Cambridge Coordinator. 

  • He is currently a doctoral candidate at Indiana University, and holds a Masters Degree aswell as a Professional Degree from the Cleveland Institute of Music, and also a Bachelor's Degree from the Jerusalem Academy of Music in lsrael.

  • His former students have received offers from numerous universities around the globe, suchas Boston University (USA),University of South Hampton (UK), McGill University (Canada)and more.

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Music Theory 音乐理论

Sophia Hua 华莹

Music Teacher, ISAWH

武汉爱莎文华学校 音乐教师

  • 法国里昂第二大学硕士学位、欧洲音乐理论与音乐应用、法国里昂第二大学学士学位、欧洲音乐学

  • 在法国学习生活12年,有着丰富的音乐教育和舞台表演经验。

  • 留法期间,教中法家庭的孩子学习古筝,并取得上海音乐学院古筝考级证书。通过教授古筝课课程全面的训练和提高学生的视唱练耳能力。

  • 曾任职于法国里昂国际学校音乐老师,协助学生完成乐曲的改编,多次带领学生参加学校或政府举办的音乐活动,有着丰富的音乐教学经验。

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  • Bachlor in Musicology from University of lyon 2 in France; Master's degree in Music and Musicology FundamentaI Application from University of lyon 2 In France.

  • More than 12 years living and working in France, has a lot of experiences for teaching and preforming. During the years living in France, teaching the GuZheng administered the Shanghai Conservatory of music Testsand comprehensively trained and improved the students' ability of solfeggio.

  • She used to work as a music teacher at Lyon InternationaI School in France, assisting students to complete the arrangement of music, and led students to participate in music activities.

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Piano 钢琴

Albert Wu 吴松筠

Music Teacher, ISAWH Primary

武汉爱莎文华小学 音乐教师

  • 2015年,以高额的奖学金考入美国伯克利波士顿音乐学院钢琴表演专业。

    师从于学校系主任,钢琴家Jonathan Bass

  • 2019年,以全额奖学金考入美国纽约大学继续学习钢琴演奏专业。师从于纽约著名钢琴家Jeffrey Swann,在学校担任助教,负责教授学校学校安排的三门课程。代表学校参加英国钢琴家John O Conor的大师班。

  • 指导的学生100%考入武汉音乐学院、武汉大学音乐系、华中师范大学,并以艺术特长生考入国内外顶尖的大学和国外优秀音乐学院。

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  • In 2015, he was admitted to the Boston Conservatory ofmusic at Berklee with a high scholarship. He studied with the pianist Jonathan Bass, the Dean of the School. 

  • In 2019, he was admitted to New York University with a full scholarship to continue studyingpiano performance. Ile studied with Jeffrey Swann, a famous pianist in New York, and served as a teaching assistant in the school, responsible for teaching three courses arranged by the school. Representing the school to participate in the master class of Britishpianist John O'Conor. 

  • 100% of the students under his guidance were admitted to the Wuhan (onservatory ofmusic, the Music Department of Wuhan University and central China 1ormal University, andwere admitted to top universities at home and aboad and excellent music colleges abroad with their artistic talents.

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Wind 管乐

Jiani Guo 郭佳妮

Music Teacher, ISAWH Primary

武汉爱莎文华小学 音乐教师

  • 毕业于武汉音乐学院萨克斯专业本科。

  • 拥有超5年国内外知名小学音乐任课教师经验

  • 曾任华一寄宿、经开外校等多个小学的管乐团与管弦乐团的萨克斯声部老师。

  • 连续获得全省考级“优秀指导老师”,第八届“央音”青少年比赛器乐组评委,湖北省管乐协会会员。

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  • Graduated from Wuhan Conservatory of Music with a Bachelor's Degree in Saxophone.

  • Has over 5 years of experience as a music teacher in famous primary schools at home and abroad.

  • She has been the saxophone teacher of wind band and orchestra in many primary schools, such as Huayi Boarding School and Jingkai Foreign School.

  • She has been awarded the "Excellent Instructor" of the provincial examination level, the judge of the instrumental group of the 8th "Central Sound" Youth Competition, and the member of Hubei Wind Music Association.

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Curriculum Arrangement





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International High School Courses

We offer a wide range of international high school curriculum options, including IB, AP, AL, etc. We also provide TOEFL, IELTS and other standardised test coaching courses, university application guidance courses, as well as public service and extracurricular activities, in order to equip our students with the academic abilities needed to apply to the world's top conservatories.




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Professional Foundation Courses

The basic professional courses include music theory, music history, piano performance, sight-singing and ear-training, harmony, etc. to strengthen students' professional abilities.




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Specialised Courses

Specialist programmes cover a variety of areas such as voice, performance, electronic music production, music technology and music education. Students can choose one or more directions for in-depth study according to their specialities.

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ISA Orchestra

The ISA Orchestra consists of a team of professional ISA music teachers, students from the International Music Class and students from ISA schools who are musically inclined. The orchestra participates in a variety of performances to enhance students' playing ability, stage presence and teamwork.

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Target Candidate & Enrollment Assessment



1. 招收G9、G10、G11年级,具有音乐天赋和特殊才能的音乐专长学生。

2. 学术成绩优秀,有志于以音乐专业为目标申请世界顶尖音乐学院的优秀学生。


1. 声乐或器乐表演能力,视唱练耳专业测试。

2. 进入复试者参加英语水平测试。

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「Target Candidate」

1. Admit G9, G10, G11 grades, music expertise students with musical talent and special talent.

2. Students with excellent academic performance who are interested in applying to the world's top conservatories with the goal of majoring in music.

「Enorllment Assessment」

1. Vocal or instrumental performance ability, sight-singing and ear-training professional test. 2.

2. English proficiency test for those who enter the review.

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2024 University Offers of ISA Music Talented Students

2024 武汉爱莎音乐专长学子大学录取一览

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