11.1 Invitation 巨擘驾临!武汉爱莎“大师讲堂”聚焦讲好中国故事,盛邀中国前驻英国大使刘晓明倾情分享
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Dear parents,
ISA Wuhan cordially invites you to join the ISA Masterclass on Friday 1st November at 13:00 on campus to listen to a lecture on ‘Tell China's Story’ by Mr. Liu Xiaoming, former Ambassador to the UK.
Ambassador Liu Xiaoming will also share his years of diplomatic experience with the students, giving them a more three-dimensional understanding of the capabilities and qualities that diplomats need to possess in order to share the responsibility of telling China's story well.
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11.1 ISA Talk Event
Former Chinese Ambassador to the UK
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Mr. Liu served as Ambassador to the UK for 11 years, making him the longest-serving ambassador to the UK in China's history, and the longest-serving ambassador to one country since the founding of the People's Republic of China.
During his appointment in the UK, Mr. Liu had delivered more than 700 speeches, written and published more than 170 articles in major newspapers and magazines, and been in more than 170 interviews with mainstream media, which made him known as the "most photographed" and "most quoted" Ambassador to the UK.
In addition, Mr. Liu has been based on four continents, namely Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. He has served as Deputy Director General of the North America and Oceania Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister at the U.S. Embassy, Ambassador to Egypt, Assistant to the Governor of Gansu Province, Deputy Director of the Office of the Central Leading Group for Foreign Affairs Work, and Ambassador to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and has received countless honors and medals.
Mr. Liu had the dramatic and thrilling diplomatic experiences and insights all written down and published many books named On China-UK Relations, No Question Unanswered, Sharp Dialogue and Tell China’s Story. The latter has been selected as one of the top ten bestsellers in the 2023 “National Reading · Bookstore's Choice”.
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Highlights of the Interview with Mr. Xiaoming Liu
ISA Student Performance
Principal's Welcome Statement
"Tell China's Story" by Mr. Xiaoming Liu
Student Mock Press Conference
Ambassador's Book Signing Event
11.1&3 校园开放日
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On the occasion of the Ambassador's visit, the school will hold the first Open Day of the semester at ISA Wuhan International School on the 1st of November, and the full-div Open Day of ISA Wenhua Wuhan School on the 3rd of November!
We look forward to your participation in experiencing the most authoritative international curriculum and multicultural atmosphere in Central China!
