

02-20 08:25发布于中国香港


ISA Wuhan International Arts Centre


爱莎国际艺术中心是依托爱莎国际教育集团及武汉爱莎学校成立,专注于专业国际艺术资源整合,汇聚国际知名艺术院校海归导师与海外在职教授、知名艺术家、设计师、音乐家等,为想往国际艺术专业发展的学生提供的一个艺术专业发展通道。在武汉爱莎高中学段,针对艺术特长的学生,特别开设视觉艺术班,A Level和BTEC课程班

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The ISA International Art Centre, established by the ISA International Education Group and ISA Wuhan School, focuses on integrating professional international art resources. It brings together overseas returnee mentors from renowned international art institutions, as well as current professors, famous artists, designers, musicians, and others from abroad. It provides a pathway for students aspiring to pursue international art professions. For high school students with artistic talents at Wuhan ISA, special classes in Visual Arts, Alevel and BTEC are offered.

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2025 University Offers in Arts Direction


顶尖艺术院校+综合类大学艺术专业双开花! 今年毕业生共获40枚offer。获得艺术院校录取的毕业生中:

  • 92%获得QS艺术与设计方向Top20院校录取

  • 视觉艺术班4名毕业生100%录取伦敦艺术大学共获得30枚offer


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This year's graduates received a total of 40 offers. Among the graduates admitted to art schools, 92% were admitted to Top 20 QS-ranked schools for Art and Design, achieving success in both top art schools and comprehensive universities with art programs. Specifically, all four graduates in the visual arts direction were 100% admitted to the University of the Arts London, receiving a total of 30 offers, covering majors such as Fine Art, Architecture, Interior Design, Illustration, and Integrated Design.

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Curriculum Highlights



"Academics + Arts" Fusion Cultivates Comprehensive Student Excellence


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We are committed to providing an international and inspiring educational environment, emphasizing the integration of "academics and arts." Our curriculum system comprises three key components: "academic courses, English language courses, and arts courses."

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International Visual Arts Curriculum


Model of Instruction

2.1 教育和学习模式

  • 工作室制:根据细分专业划分艺术学习空间及内容

  • 过程评估:以开放和批判性的支持方式,导师和学生批判和讨论所选学生的作品

  • 导师制教学:学生与指定导师老师之问的一对一会议,讨论进度并为项目完成设定目标

  • 项目实训:通过短期和长期项目实训扩大学生对艺术设计以及艺术设计教育的理解

  • 艺术展览:学生、老师和学习社区的其他成员参与观摩学习成果,进行艺术创作的交流

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Studio System: Art learning spaces and content are divided according to specialized disciplines.

Process Evaluation: An open and critical support approach where mentors and students critique and discuss selected student works.

Mentorship Teaching: One-on-one meetings between students and assigned mentors to discuss progress and set goals for project completion.

Project Training: Expanding students' understanding of art design and art design education through short-term and long-term project training.

Art Exhibitions: Students, teachers, and other members of the learning community participate in observing learning outcomes and exchanging ideas on artistic creation.

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Artistic Advancement and Growth System

2.2 艺术升学成长体系


通过系统性的艺术基础课程和 A Level 艺术课程教学,培养孩子艺术表达能力,提升对事物的敏感度,开拓艺术眼界和思维,锻炼学生记录、探索和展示的能力,温故而知新,学会应用与实践。





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1. Foundation Exploration

Through systematic foundational art courses and A-Level art curriculum, we nurture children's artistic expression, enhance their sensitivity to the world around them, broaden their artistic horizons and thinking, and hone their abilities in recording, exploring, and presenting. By revisiting past knowledge and applying it in practice, students solidify their understanding and develop practical skills.

2. Specialization Orientation

Students will enter a preparatory phase for their chosen specialization, learning advanced creative techniques in art, craft, and design. This stage fosters a deeper understanding of artistic disciplines and provides ample material for portfolio development.

3. Specialized Project Portfolio

Upon identifying their target art specialization, students will embark on specialized portfolio projects within designated studios. They will concurrently prepare application materials and work towards completing their graduation exhibition.

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International Faculty Team

2.3 来自全球的师资团队设计适合孩子的课程


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Overseas experts participate in curriculum development and teaching, ensuring real-time adaptation to university requirements and continuous iteration and updates of the courses. Our mentors are graduates of top international art schools with extensive firsthand teaching experience. 

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Expatriate Faculty Team


Simon Collins

前帕森斯设计学院院长,前Nike创意总监,并与多家国际奢侈品品牌保持合作关系如Gucci、LVMH等。现任清华大学杰出客座教授,帕森斯设计学院中国区学术负责人,国际知名创意领袖及教育家,长年致力于探索行业创新及可持续性。曾出版书籍《The School of Fashion:30Parsons Designers》探讨时尚设计的现状及未来发展。

Stanley Gonczanski

Argentinian filmmaker、Director、Visual artist、Founder of Stanleyunlimited

阿根廷电影制片人、导演、视觉艺术家、Stanleyunlimited 创始人

Raffaele Ascione

现任Missoni设计总监、Beyonce造型设计师、LA PERLA设计总监



Ivana Omazic

Romeo gigli创意总监、Miu Miu创意总监、Jil sander创意总监、Celine创意总监、Mr&Mrs Italy s.r.l.创意总监、Stone island创意总监、现任mcm创意总监

Mirco Scoccia


Luca La Rocca

Ganni设计总监、BOTTEGA VENETA鞋类设计总监

Celine Petit

Max mara masg创意总监、Moncler创意总监

Danilo Giordano

Dahlia Selva联合创始人、Bally鞋类设计师、Tod's鞋类设计师、Valentino RTW设计师、Marni RTW设计师

Alessandro Ruffino

曾任职于Prada 和 Valentino、Stamperia Bianca艺术总监、Costumata高级时装设计师、CSM教授、POLIARTE意大利多元艺术学院在职教授

Sebastiano Cecarini

POLTRONA FRAU设计咨询负责人、POLIARTE意大利多元艺术学院在职教授

Chryssa Toka


Tailored education plans cater to individual needs

2.4 个性化定制教育规划,追梦名校


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Through offering this diverse curriculum system and personalized education planning, we aim to help the students to develop their artistic thinking, identify their uniqueness, and enhance their core competitiveness. By offering multidimensional support, we strive to increase the students' chances of gaining admission to top-tier institutions and fostering globally competent talents with a comprehensive understanding of the world. 

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Comprehensive Facilities and Equipment 

2.5 覆盖艺术全科系,配置专业齐全的设施设备,实践与知用共融




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At ISA Wuhan, we are committed to building a campus centered around the principle of "putting learners first," where technology and humanities are seamlessly integrated. We strive to provide our students with a high-quality and artistically enriching learning environment.

Specialized Visual Arts Classrooms: Our campus features six dedicated art studios catering to various disciplines: Basic Drawing Studio, Fashion Department Studio, Visual Arts Studio, Spatial Design Studio, Industrial Design Studio, and Film & Animation Studio. Each studio is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to support professional teaching and learning.

Furthermore, our school emphasizes the importance of connecting students with society. Through hands-on practical projects, students gain firsthand experience and reflect on how their professional knowledge can address real-world societal needs. These projects allow students to explore and analyze the dynamic relationship between their chosen field and the industry. This approach ensures that students develop a deep understanding of the professional, creative, and international aspects of their work, pushing them to create impactful and innovative pieces.

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Create a Nurturing Educational Environment 

2.6 关注人文心智关怀,打造有温度的教育环境


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Student pastoral care is fostered through various systems and initiatives, such as boarding services, the house and tutorial systems, home-school communication, psychological counseling, and academic support. We adhere to a growth-oriented educational philosophy, encouraging students to continuously explore the world. We strive to create a positive and inclusive school culture, building a warm and nurturing educational environment.

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Providing a Platform for Cross-Cultural Exchange

2.7 多元文化融合,提供更多展示平台


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Through ISA’s rich resources, students have the opportunity to interact with artists and students from around the world, expanding their horizons and enhancing their international competence. Additionally, Aisha provides students with a platform for external showcasing, allowing them to display their artistic creations and cultivate confidence and expressive abilities.

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Scholarship & Admissions



招生对象:初三毕业生及同等学历的学生 ,面向全国招生,年满14岁,无色盲、色弱,户籍、国籍不限,热爱美术设计方向,英文程度良好、身心健康。





  • 艺术专业评估:创意思维考察、艺术鉴赏、命题创作                   

  • 英语评估:笔试+口语

  • 数学评估:笔试

  • 面试:艺术专业面试+家庭面试

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Target Applicants: Graduates of junior high school or students with equivalent qualifications, nationwide recruitment, aged 14 or above, free from color blindness or color weakness, with no restrictions on household registration or nationality, passionate about art and design, proficient in English, and in good physical and mental health.

ISA will conduct a comprehensive art assessment for students applying for the art program.

Entrance Examination

Assessment Components for International High School Students:

- Academic Assessment + Art Assessment + Interview

- Art Specialization Assessment:** Evaluation of creative thinking, art appreciation, and thematic creation.

- English Assessment: Written test + Oral test

- Mathematics Assessment: Written test

- Interview: Art specialization interview + Family interview

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ISA Wuhan Scholarships





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Overseas experts participate in curriculum development and teaching, ensuring real-time adaptation to university requirements and continuous iteration and updates of the courses. Our mentors are graduates of top international art schools with extensive firsthand teaching experience. 

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免费联系ISA Wuhan 武汉爱莎







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