

02-13 08:44发布于北京




Describe someone you really like to spend time with


You should say:

Who this person is 这个人是谁

How You knew him/her 你是怎么认识他的

What you usually do together And explain why you like to spend time with him/her




What kinds of people are easy to get along with?


Answer: people who are easy to get along with generally possessqualities such as empathy, open-mindedness, and effective communication skills. Empathetic individuals are able to understand and share the feelings of others, fostering a sense of connection and mutual respect. open-minded people are willing to consider different perspectives and adapt their views, which helps in avoiding conflicts and misunderstandings. Moreover, those who communicate clearly and listen actively create an environment where everyonefeels heard and valu ed, promoting harmonious interactions. consequently, these attributes contribute significantly to making social interactions smooth and enjoyable for all parties involved.


How do leaders get along with their subordinates?


Answer: Leaders get along with their subordinates by fostering open communication , demonstrating empathy, and showing respect for their contributions. open communication ensures that team members feel heard and valued , which can enhance trust and cooperation.

Additionally, leaders who demonstrate empathy can better understand the needs and challenges faced by their subordinates, thereby creating a more supportive work environment. Furthermore, recognizing and appreciating the efforts of subordinates motivates them to perform better and feel more integrated into the team ' S goals. For instance, regular feedback sessions can help bridge gaps in understanding and align everyone's efforts towards common objectives.


Do people have time for themselves nowadays?


Answer: In today's fast-paced world , many people struggle to find time for themselves due to demanding work schedules and the constant connectivity brought about bytechnology.with the expectation to be available around the clock, individuals often prioritize professional responsibilities over personal leisure. Moreover, societal pressures and the pursuit of success can lead to a neglect of self-care and relaxation. As a result, it is increasingly challenging for people to carve out moments solely dedicated to their own well-being.


Do you like talking with older people? why?


Answer: yes, I do enjoy talking with older people. older individuals often possess a wealth of knowledge and life experience that can provide valuable insights into various aspects of life. For instance, they have lived through different historical events and societal changes, which allows them to offer unique perspectives on how the world has evolved. Additionally, engaging in conversations with them can help bridge the generation gap and foster mutual understanding and respect between different age groups.



Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in


You should say:

What the contest/competition is about 比赛是关于什么的

Where the contest/competition will take place 比赛将在哪里举行

When it will be held And explain why you would like to participate in it




What are the contests commonly seen on Tv programs?


Answer: If you happen to be watching television , there is a high

likelihood that you will stumble upon some kind of singing or cooking competition - especially nowadays, people really seem to enjoy musical contests. Another very common genre of competition on TV is the quiz - since they are easy and cheap to produce for television executives,we can find a great deal of them on almost every channel. Another kind of competition that we can regularly see are sporting competitions, with coverage especially thorough on olympic and world Cup years. one example is with the most recent winter olympics - on almost every channel I flicked through, I Was inundated with coverage ofthat event.


Why are competition shows popular?


Answer: competition shows are popular mostly because they are very easy to watch and you don ' t have to dedicate a lot of brain power in order to dissect them , as opposed to soap operas or more complex TV Shows. In addition , they are very simple and cost- effective to produce, which means that they almost always are guaranteed to earn a net profit for their networks. This is exactly why there seems to be a new competition show every single week. These competitions also afford people a chance to show off their knowledge, and perhaps aspire to participate in the future. This will encourage people to foster certain abilities, whether it be a talent such as singing or dancing, or just general knowledge.


What kinds of industries need competition? why?


Answer: This is a very difficult question to answer, since my knowledge of different industries is perhaps a little bit lacking. If we want to have high quality products from any kind of industry, then there surely must be a level of competition involved. For example, the most recent coffee innovations have only come about as a result of different baristas competing with each other to be the best; in general, I am a big believer in the idea that competition drives new ideas and technological breakthroughs. An industry where this is definitely the case is the space explorationindustry. All of the biggest organisations and companies involved in this sphere have been in a fierce contest to attract funds and resources from benefactors, which has led to all kinds of amazing satellites and rockets being invented as a result.


Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete with others in companies?


Answer: It would depend on what exactly the company is. In the public sector, with industries such as health and education , we shouldn 't try to encourage people to compete with each other since they are supposed to be delivering a public good. However, with a more low-stakes field , such as the culinary industry, then perhaps it ' S not a bad idea to encourage some level of competition. This is also applicable in business; if two people within the same company are both driven to outsell each other, then this can only lead to profits for their bosses. So, to wrap up this question , I don ' t really think it 'S necessary in all cases, but in the private sector it is certainly something that is preferable.






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