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Vol.1/  国歌奏响



Vol.2/  毕业生代表致辞




Right now, I'm standing here, with my red hair, and looking at all the colorful, distinctive people, speaking as a valedictorian. Looking back in these three years, I think I've done a lot of great things with many people. I had my band, my clubs, several performances, events experiences, parties, final weeks, tears and happiness. Even though may not have become the smartest person among us, I am satisfied of where I'm at now. Since I had this very last chance to speak on this stage, I have a few words to say.

I'm not qualified enough to tell or force anyone to do anything, but I do feel like it's necessary for me to give some tips, that help you live a happier life. First of all, find your direction, which is really hard because as a 17-year-old teenager, I know that we are all confused about our next step. And sometimes it's even more confusing when you have selected your university major, because it seems like we are about to be locked into some sort of structure. But I just want to remind you that we have thousands of possibilities. When we were in primary school we were always asked about our dreams and future career, but despite saying we wanted to be be astronauts or scientists, we can become anything we want. If you're interested in hip hop just try to make your own song; If you're interested in bubble tea you can make your own brand. Let's not limit ourselves to life's clichés, let's hear our own voice and create a new trend.

Secondly, never forget to inspire others. This may resonate a lot of people especially, the ones who took Mr. Chen's PLF course. On the first day of class, Mr. Chen gave us the definition of leadership: It's not about always being the best one, but the one who can inspire other people to do great things. I didn't fully understand this concept until I finished his course, the moment that I felt like I had to do something, whether it was holding a speech competition about feminism, or leading the PLF event, it was he who successfully inspired me to do great things, which made him the greatest leader.

Thirdly, I would like to share a quote from my favorite celebrity, the icon of my life, the motivation that drives me to be me, Taylor Swift, who said this in her graduation ceremony in NYU: Coexist with embarrassment. Coexisting with embarrassment seems similar to accepting failure. Because unavoidably, we do a lot of things that make us embarrassed, we do things that make us want to slap our faces after a few days. But what I tell you all that it is okay to be embarrassed, it is okay to be panic when unexpected problems arise, it is okay to be vulnerable when luck doesn’t go your way. Because in fact you can never truly get away from these things, why not just live with them and laugh about it.

Last but not least, try to forgive and live with appreciation. I'm sure we all have people that we loved, who had to leave us. Sure, there’s a lot of shame, a lot of things we want to make up. But it's important to forgive, it's important to know that the people that you loved, the part of you that they changed, is living with you regardless of what they are doing now.

Speaking of appreciation, I want all of us to think about the people that are in our lives, who we feel truly appreciated by. Even though the chapter of our lives has just begun, I wanna give a shout-out to my parents who raised for 18 years. Shout out to my dad for still loving and supporting me even though I changed my hair color to red. Shout out to my school for giving me opportunities and platforms to express myself. Shout out to Mr. Chen who inspired me to become a better person. Shout out to all the teachers for their work. Shout out to my band who gave me a marvelous journey in high school. Shout out to James Lee who supported and accompanied me for all three years, and gave me the faith to be who I want to be. Shout out to my best friend Kiana, and my roommates, who went through all the drama and still made friends with me. Lastly, shout out to me who had this courage to illustrate my real feelings.

Holding this microphone, standing in the hall of fame, I'm sure we all get the sense that our youth is booming. So, continue to inspire, and be colorful as the way you want to. Thank you.




Dear school leaders, teachers, parents and students

Good morning. I am Vicky Wu from senior 3 class 3. It is a honor for me to be here to bring greetings and congratulations to you.

Today is a great day. It is a special day to celebrate with your families and friends. It is also the last day to walk in Huamei campus, to greet your teachers and to laugh with your friends around you.

For some of you, it’s waiting to get out of school and get on with your life. In your future, there may no dorm administrator to wake you up, no teachers to check your phones, no campus police to register your Waimai. Your future is full of freedom.

For many others of you, high school graduation is just the next step in your education. You’re headed to a university, a community college, apprenticeship training – to prepare for your future career and work hard for your future life. This is a daunting task.

But for all of you, as you return the caps and gowns you’re wearing today and take your tassels and diplomas home, remember this: The diploma you receive today is a milestone in your past by your hard work over the past 13 years. The value of your diplomas depends on how much effort you put into your education and what you do with it as you go on.

As students and friends, we made a lot of good and bad memories together, most of which we can look back on now and laugh about!

We've been through so much in the last 3 years. Some of us clash over what might be called trivial situations. Despite the fighting, we never hesitated to support each other. I consider myself lucky to have met all of you and to be a part of the strong bonds we have forged.

We also have some of the best teachers who really care about us and teach us enthusiastically. They give everything they have, hoping to shape great contributors to society.

Therefore, thank you to everyone here. Thank you to everyone at school. Thank you to our principals for supporting us, thank you to our teachers, parents, family and friends. You all helped shape the people we are today, and I can say with complete confidence that we would be very different without you.

Graduates, I know that each of you has something special, and I look forward to seeing you succeed in your own wonderful future! Finally, congratulations to class 2022!






Dear school leaders, teachers, students, parents, and friends,

 good morning! I am Ruijie Liu, a 2016 alumnus of HBIC.

Before I begin my speech today, I would like to show you a short video from the alumni of HBIC. Please play.

The last alumnus in the video, Zhao Xinye, was my classmate at HBIC. He is still studying and fighting for his Ph.D. degree at UC Berkeley. As an alumnus who will officially start my career in July, I am honored to be here to share some experiences and ideas about passion with you.

First of all, congratulations on your successful completion of high school. Six years ago, I was just like all of you today, having one of the most important days of my life. At that time, I was luckier than most of my peers because I had already discovered that what I loved was history and had successfully turned that passion into my college major. I still remember today that I chose history majors for all 12 U.S. and Canadian universities and liberal arts colleges to which I applied. The advisors of the Study Abroad Office repeatedly confirmed my decision to my parents and me. Affirmatively, I chose the subject I loved and still love today, a relatively unpopular liberal arts major for Chinese international students. Eventually, after receiving offers from the University of California, Riverside, and the University of Toronto St. George campus, I still decided to attend a niche but outstanding liberal arts education college, Sarah Lawrence College,  for my undergraduate studying.

As an undergraduate student, I was struck by more than three hundred pages of reading assignments and more than 2000 words of writing assignments a week, and I was also overwhelmed by essay assignments of more than forty pages in total for only three courses each semester. What supported me to determine in my four years of undergraduate education and eventually achieve an excellent GPA was not only my personal tenet “studying history is about learning how to be a better person,” but also my love and passion for history and related disciplines. It was love that support me to try to understand the English translation version of Zhuangzi for three hours in the middle of the night, just to explore the meaning of a single obscure passage. It was love that gave me the opportunity to learn about the European political philosophy system from Descartes, Kant, Hegel, and Marx. It was love that allowed me to enjoy the exquisite ancient Greek art, explore the dark Middle Ages religious arts, and eventually appreciate the wonderful Renaissance.

Two years ago, I entered an interdisciplinary program in the Graduate School of Arts and Science, Columbia University—East Asian Regional Studies to continue my academic career. I believed that my experience of studying history, logical speculation, reading comprehension, and writing skills that I have developed from it will support me in studying interdisciplinary social sciences. I intend to build a bridge between the past and the present, so I could go from learning about the past to the modern.

Since I was well aware of my desire to return to China after graduating from Columbia, I chose to study Chinese contemporary political economics and minored in Chinese-related sociology and anthropology. My passion for the courses I took and the area that I focused on allowed me to cope with the intensity of my studies and overcome the peer pressure from my classmates. My classmates who do research in the same program include outstanding graduates from Oxford and Cambridge, masters from Harvard, and Xue Ba (straight-A student) from Peking University. When I was in a program with the most excellent students and scholars from all over the world, the most significant thing that I needed to do was only compare myself with myself instead of with others. If you do not have a strong reading speed, then train how to read more efficiently and find the crucial paragraph you need most quickly from a five-hundred-page book. If your writing ability is weak, then make the 500 words weekly reading response to 1500 words or even 2000 words to improve your logic and skills of writing. If the logic of speaking during class discussions is not strong, then keep practicing oral expression during the pre-class preparation. In this way, I became a straight-A-student in the last semester at Columbia.

In the next four or six years, you will travel to a strange country or region, far away from your parents and family. This journey will be full of obstacles and challenges. If like me, you are already fortunate enough to discover what you love in your high school period, I hope you will continue to delve into and explore the subject or area you love over the next four years. In this process, you will encounter setbacks brought about by the gap between ideals and reality as well as countless moments when you would hope to give up. However, you have to firmly believe in your choice, and there is no return without working hard.

If you have not discovered the subject you love, then you should be bold enough to try and explore. Many universities would give students the freedom to choose courses from various areas during their freshman and sophomore years. You never know if you will change your major, or even your future career choices, because of a random easy class that you are not interested in originally. You could go to the calculus classroom to feel the wonder of logical thinking, the art history classroom to appreciate the masters from ancient times to the present, and the visual arts studio to create your own masterpieces. I have always believed that only by experimenting and exploring, you could fathom yourself more deeply and discover what you love.

If you have already received an offer from the university to which you intend to go, I hope you would not be complacent. This is because it means that you are going to a collective that is full of gifted and hardworking students. You may become an average student in the world’s top universities from the top student in your high school class. When you are overwhelmed by stress and pressure, do not care too much about the gap between you and the best classmates but focus on your own growth and progress. Stay humble and learn from those top students. Success is not about surpassing others but about surpassing yourself.

If you do not get the offer from your dream school, do not be discouraged. In the next four years, you could try your best to study, grow, and progress. I believe, in this way, you will have the opportunity, like me, to apply to universities that you cannot even imagine now and receive the late admission letter.

Finally, once again, congratulations to you, the class of 2022 HBIC graduates. I hope that in your future learning career, you would achieve your own “success,” which is not supposed to be defined by society and even under certain conditions, not by your parents and friends. You should define your own “success.”




















Vol.5/  教师代表致辞

非常受学生爱戴与欢迎的Jay Chen老师作为教师代表为毕业生们送上祝福。


Jay Chen老师致辞

《在HBIC 的日记》

  ----教师代表Mr. Chen 发言稿






在和同学们聊大学志愿的时,我了解到一些人想去加拿大,一些人想去澳大利亚,但是最难的是在伦敦大学学院和圣安格鲁斯大学之间做出选择 。


在篮球方面,威廉想成为Curry,Frank有科比的精神,但他们都不能阻止我们的Peng Peng! 

PLF是我在HBIC的热情所在。在PLF课上,我们都了解到伟大的领导者不是那些做伟大事情的人,而是那些激励别人做伟大事情的人。 在PLF课上,我了解到Linky是位勇敢的女孩,因为她给我写了一封信提出改变和变得更好。 在PLF课上,我们知道每个人都有一个隐藏的舞蹈天赋,但最好的舞者是Henry。 在PLF课上,我了解到Organ小组并没有举办最好的活动,但他们因为关心他人而得到了人心。 在PLF课上,我们都知道这个城市最好的炸鸡一定是maidodo,但我们非但没有减重2公斤,反而增重了2公斤。 在PLF课上,我们大多数人成为了朋友,但最好的两个朋友必须是Nora和Liam。 




细数着这些无数的记忆,我们大家都有一个共同点,那就是学习和成长。 我们学习,我们成长,我们茁壮! 我希望你们在华美国际高中与老师和朋友们度过的时光将成为你们人生更大舞台的基石。 请记住,你必须在生活中设定目标和梦想,如果可能的话,总是试着回报你周围的人。 今天的主题是“名人堂”,我现在自豪地宣布,你们所有人都被选为华美国际高中的“名人堂”成员。2022届的毕业生们,我为你们今天取得的成就感到骄傲,我们将深深地怀念你们。 


Vol.6/  加方校长致辞

加方校长Mr. Paul Barwinski也今天毕业的华美学子送上祝福。 


Vol.7/ 华美总校校长致辞




Principal’s Graduation Message

Rocky Chen

Dear all, good morning. What will your answers be to my following question: Who you are?

In 1998, a HK action film called Who am I was released with the famous movie star Jackie Chan playing the lead, which aroused my curiosity. What followed the satisfactory sensory stimulation from watching the film was my rational thinking about Who I am. By then I was 32, working as a deputy researcher in Guangzhou Institute of Educational Research and an Assistant Principal of Huamei School. In the following days, the three questions about life from the Ancient Greek philosophers lingered around me, Who am I? Where do I come from?  Where am I heading for? My graduates from Huamei, what are your answers to the above questions?

You may feel such questions tough. No one asked me such questions when I graduated with a master’s degree or with a bachelor degree, not to mention when I graduated from senior high school. Nevertheless, these questions have been somewhere in some form on the way. Anyway I thought about these questions till I was over 30, but I believe that it will do good to your life plan if you think about these questions earlier. We are of different ages, as senior high school students, you have already asked yourself about questions like what kind of person I am going to be? What kind of life I am going to lead? Where I am going to continue my study? What major I am going to choose? Which fields I am going to devote my time and develop myself? Thus, you’ve had preliminary answers to the above questions. But here is a reminder from me, the one who have gone through it all. You are going to live a long time, your thinking and action are all changing and advancing through the time, and to the beat of the era.

The earlier you get your answers to the three questions, the luckier you are. Back in 2003, I worked with dozens of teachers on starting the Huamei-Bond International College (offering Double Diplomas Program: Chinese High School Diploma and Canadian High School Diploma). Our team asked ourselves time and again about the three questions. Finally, we chose the team described in the famous Chinese classical novel The Journey to the West to be our idol. One of the leading role in this book-Tang Monk gives detailed answers to these questions. “I am a priest from the Tang country in the East, and I am going to the Western Heaven to get Buddhist scriptures.” Thus we embarked on our entrepreneurial journey.

Today you are going to say goodbye to Huamei and start your own journey to the West searching for your ” holy scriptures”. I hope you keep probing into the three questions. The three questions are like the three mountains surrounding Huamei School: Yinpai Ridges, Huolu Mountain and Phoenix Mountain, which represent not only your countable backers, but also the bumping road you will fight back and forth, to look for the truth, treasures and motivations in the future.

Before you pack your luggage, I have another three questions for you:

At this moment, what have you gained from Huamei? What have you established in huamei ? What will you take away with you from here?

Firstly, what have you gained from Huamei?

Your answer may be the double diplomas, the offers from university, ties with the teachers and   friendship with your classmates, some good habits or qualities of how to get along with people and how to behave yourself in society. But I hope that above all these gains, more importantly, you get the determination to study for the prosperity of China or your country and for your own life-long happiness. That’s because, if you live only for yourself, you're prone to feel tired and confused easily, especially when you indulge yourself in some games that bring you nothing more than sensory stimulation, or some social activities that make you feel bored, when you feel frustrated or just lie flat without doing anything. As your individual ego grows smaller and your super ego grows bigger, the faith and pattern of studying for the prosperity of China and for your own life-long happiness will definitely lead you further.

Huamei hopes that you get the wisdom of “making leaps every single day” and establish the goal of being a future leader and do your utmost to showcase Huamei students’ profile: self-reliant, noble-minded, smart learners, world citizens, who is at the same time responsible and innovative.

Secondly, let’s reflect on what have you established in Huamei?

Your answer may be, you’ve made decisions on which country to go to, what major and university to continue your studies, you’ve made good friends, or even boyfriend or girlfriend, you’ve chose with whom you will go to the university together, or you have confirmed that you will no longer wrangle with your parents.

Huamei wishes more and broader with your establishments. For example, to set your life goal and even the image of your life partner, to find the fields and the things that you are passionate for, to confirm the belief that you have all the responsibility of your own maturity and development, to be convinced that however the external environment is changing and whatever challenges you have to weather, you have the ability to maintain an undisturbed mood/state of mind and respond with unwavering positive actions. To sum up, we wish you to develop yourselves to be “life-long learners with international perspective, and global elites with national and cultural identities”.

Last but not the least, let’s talk about what are you going to take away with you from here?

The old days are gone, and tomorrow is unpredictable. What matters the most is to ensure that everyone of you start a new journey with full preparation and happy mood.

You may say that you will take with you your successes and regrets in Huamei. Successful experiences make you more confident, while the unfulfilling wishes can be your motives in the future.

Today, I, on behalf of Huamei school, have prepared a luggage for you to take away.

I hope that you take with you gratitude. I hope that you are grateful to our great country and the Communist Party of China for this era they brought about to us,which is peaceful and full of opportunities.I hope that you take with you the faith of studying for the prosperity of China, the world and for your own life-long happiness to be your life compass;I hope that you take with you the goals you set for your life and a navigation system for your life; I hope that you take with you the mindset of innovation and creation.Most importantly,I hope that you take with you the firm faith of pursuing your own “ holy scriptures” in life to start your new journey.

An ancient Chinese poem goes like: If there is no north-south road outside the door, the world should be free from parting sorrow. Parting brings sad feelings and grief. At this moment of parting, I have an advice, a reminder and a hope for you.

I advise you to spend more time with your parents in this summer holiday. 40 years ago when I graduated from senior high school upon finishing the Gaokao, I went somewhere to play and refresh myself. My greatest regret is I didn’t spend more time with my parents and my classmates at that time. I realize later the period of time between senior high school graduation and the beginning of the next life stage is the only undisrupted/uninterrupted time we have to spend with our parents. The university time and your future job will overdraw your time and deprive you of the possible happiness of spending with your parents and even make you unable to fulfil your responsibility as a son/daughter. That’s why here I strongly advise you to spend more time with them in the coming month, cooking for them and accompanying them. Enjoy every beautiful moment of the holiday and get fully refreshed for the new journey.

Then I’d remind you that whatever your future position is, please always bear in mind the fate of your country, and try to make your own contribution to its prosperity. 2049 is the centenary year of the founding of the People's Republic of China,I look forward to your contributions to our country then.

One simple hope: please come back to Huamei often.

In 10 years, 2032, when you come back to meet the Alumni Ten-Year Appointment, Huamei would be happy to witness your growth.

In 20 years, 2042, when you come back to meet the Alumni Twenty-Year Appointment, Huamei would be happy to witness your success.

In 30 years, 2052, when you come back to meet the Alumni Thirty-Year Appointment, Huamei would be happy to witness your well-being (please take along your parents).

In 60 years, 2082, when you come back to meet the Alumni Sixty-Year Appointment,Huamei would be happy to witness your longevity .




总督奖——颁发给加方 12 年级课程平均分最高的毕业生,获奖者庞天磊





特里·福克斯人道主义奖——颁发给具有特里.福克斯精神, 并践行特里.福克斯精神的毕业生,获奖者赵芮




Vol.6/  校长为学子们颁发毕业证

毕业生们佩戴四方帽一一上台,华美国际高中黄彦校长与加方教师代表Jay Chen为学子们颁发毕业证,祝贺他们学有所成,将展翅高飞。


Vol.5/  国际高中老师表演

所有教导过毕业生的国际高中老师们共同上台,为毕业生高歌一曲《Hall of Fame》,现场进入高潮。


















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