

毕业生Claire Yang:打破刻板框架的多元理科少女



2022届毕业生Claire Yang是一个安静的女生,声音很轻,却充满热情。她有旺盛的好奇心、涉猎广泛,但她更享受静静地待在自己的世界里。她独立、稳重,也很多元,看过世界,也喜欢阅读。

Claire Yang is a quiet girl with a soft voice but full of enthusiasm. She has exuberant curiosity and many hobbies, but she prefers to be quietly in her own world. She is independent, stable, and versatile. She has seen the world and likes to read.

Claire的妈妈是今年毕业典礼A-Level毕业班的家长代表,她说:“我始终坚信‘先做人再做事’才是培养孩子养成独立人格的基础理念,因此在深思熟虑后,我把精力放在孩子的习惯、健康和品味上,带她周游四方,去看世界的不同层面。” 也许是这个原因,Claire Yang很小就开始到处旅行,也曾只身一人赴新加坡留学,是个’看过世界’的孩子;她养成了丰富的兴趣爱好,在法语、文学、艺术和音乐方面都有涉猎。”

Claire's mother, the parent's representative at the graduation ceremony, said: "I have always believed that 'good character is more important than achievement' is the basic concept of raising children, so I focus on children's habits, health and taste, By taking her to travel around and see different aspects of the world." Therefore, Claire Yang began to travel at a very young age, and she also went to Singapore to study alone. She is a child who sees the world; she developed a wealth of hobbies, in French, literature, art and music.

深国预中方副校长Kennis Li曾开玩笑说“Claire是被耽误的理科生”,这样说毫不夸张。Claire从新加波回国后来到了深国预,短短几年的时间里,她成功从艺术生转型理科生,直线超车。现在Claire,手里有4封录取Offer——曼彻斯特大学、南安普顿大学、伯明翰大学和萨里大学。当然,升学成果不可衡量一个学生的成功与否,当我们拆解Claire的高中生活,或许可以跳脱出“鸡娃”、“内卷”的世俗框架,看看如何在开放的教育理念下成为更丰富的“人”。

SIFC Vice principal Kennis Li once joked that "Claire is a delayed science student", which is no exaggeration. Claire came to SIFC after returning from Singapore. In just a few years, she has successfully transformed from an art student to a science student. Now Claire has 4 offers - Manchester, Southampton, Birmingham and Surrey. Of course, college acceptance cannot measure a student's success. When we look at Claire's high school life, we may be able to get out of some stereotypes and see how to become a comprehensive person under an open educational philosophy.



Transformation from art student to science student


When a disadvantage is turned into an advantage, a perfect counterattack is achieved, which is what Claire is like.

刚从新加坡归国的Claire理科功底并不好,学起物理和数学难免有些吃力,常常因为考试失利而一蹶不振。记得有一次,临近国际考,Claire压力很大,在高数课上学着学着突然哭了出来,这是平日里形象“高冷”的Claire第一次在老师同学面前流露出脆弱的一面。数学老师Aimee见状马上找她约谈。Aimee老师手把手带Claire做题,听不懂的地方就耐心讲,讲到听懂为止。后来老师告诉Claire,说她很适合学数学,只是有些急于求成了。在老师的鼓励之下,Claire的高数很快有了进步。“那时的我根本不会想到自己能去曼大。回想起来,所有的学科进步都是从那个时候开始的。” Claire感慨地说。

When she first returned from Singapore, Claire's science foundation was not solid enough and she struggled to learn physics and mathematics. Claire remembers one time, when, when the international exam was approaching, she was under a lot of pressure, and she burst into tears while studying in the advanced math class. Aimee, a math teacher, immediately asked her for an appointment. Teacher Aimee took Claire to do the questions, and patiently explained what she didn't understand until she understood it. The teacher later told Claire that she was a good fit for Math, but was just a little anxious. With the encouragement of Aimee, Claire's high math quickly improved. "At that time, I never thought that I could go to Manchester. In retrospect, all academic progress started from that time." Claire said with emotion.

| Claire和父母在深国预的合影

Group photo of Claire and her parents in SIFC


Claire went through three stages: public high school, Singapore high school and SIFC. Because of her rich experience, Claire truly understands what works best for her.


Claire said that SIFC is very similar to Singapore's high schools in that they both have an international curriculum and teaching model. But when she was abroad, she always felt that it was difficult to integrate into the group, and it was difficult to communicate directly with teachers, and even her academic performance was negatively affected. At SIFC, the doors of teachers and even the principal's office are always open to her, "just like friends with teachers". As a senior, Claire would like to say to the juniors: "The first point is to choose the right path from the beginning; the second point is to seek help from the teacher in time when encountering difficulties, so as to clearly find the essential problem and solve the problem. solve."

| Claire和导师Kiana的合影

Group photo of Claire and counselor Kiana


The progress of academic performance made Claire more and more confident, and she began to broaden her academic horizons, participating in business clubs and French clubs.

去年考取南加州大学的学长Mason Su是商业社当时的社长,他很有耐心,带着社团成员们学习商业知识和技巧,参加线上商赛和赛前培训,玩模拟商业游戏。Claire说,参加商业社是自己学习经济学的启蒙,建立了基本的商业知识和商业思维。法国在Claire的心里是浪漫的代名词,因为家里有两位表姐是法国籍,从小听她们讲述在法国生活的经历,法国情结便在她心里孕育,一直到参加法语社后才开始绽放。在法语社,她学习基础法语、看法国影视著作、听法语歌,不仅圆了童年的梦,还加深了跨文化理解。

The leader of the business club is Mason Su, a senior who has been admitted to the University of Southern California. He is very patient and leads the members of the club to learn business knowledge and skills, participate in online business competitions and pre-competition training, and play simulated business games. Claire said that participating in the business club is the enlightenment of learning economics, and has established basic business knowledge and business thinking. France is synonymous with romance in Claire's heart. There are two cousins of French nationality in the family. Since she was a child, she has developed a strong interest in French culture after listening to them tell about their experience of living in France. In the French club, she learned basic French, watched French film and television works, and listened to French songs, which not only fulfilled her childhood dream, but also deepened her cross-cultural understanding.



Art is like sunlight, air and water


From art students to science students, will art skills be wasted? "Art to me, is like sunlight, air and water." Claire said.


Like many people, Claire, who studied oil painting since childhood, initially just wanted to develop a specialty. After learning oil painting, it is not only to learn skills, but also to cultivate the character of perseverance and perseverance. When she was painting, she felt like she was quiet and time passed slowly. "When people are quiet, they will see a lot of things that they usually don't see. When we observe the world, we can't look at the surface but go deep into the essence, and we will discover more details and beauty of life."


Artwork by Claire


She also studied piano and cello, although not as skilled as oil painting, it still brought her joy and a sense of accomplishment. She has learned to use music and art to express herself, solve problems, and construct her own imaginary world - she used an ipad to draw a pictorial to express her respect for scientists, and she made a set of scraper oil paintings to record the healing moments in life. A pair of sketches to carry her thoughts on life... Art gave her a new way to sort out her thoughts, express her emotions, and learn to appreciate life with an artistic vision.

| Claire在朋友圈记录下练琴的碎片时光

Claire recorded the time of practicing

the piano in wechat moments


Claire is lucky, she got rid of the stereotype of "science student" and immersed herself in art freely. She said: "Art belongs to the public. Even if you are not an artist, you can appreciate famous paintings, and even if you don't have artistic skills, you can interpret the connotation of art. Art allows me to live happily in a beautiful way, and apply this vision to learning. , to live and to know the world.”


As Marx said - the most beautiful music is meaningless to the unmusical ear. Compared with art skill, art thought can truly bring people a sense of happiness and a philosophy of life that integrates artistic vision.



Literature, travel and reflection

| 妈妈在Claire房间墙面写下的话

 Mother's writing on the wall in Claire's room


When she was a child, her mother wrote on Claire's wall, "Being Poetic and Literary", pinning her hopes on Claire. Not surprisingly, Claire has developed the habit of reading since she was a child, and she will take the initiative to write down reading notes when she reads a good book. Claire said that she was recently reading the famous popular psychology book "The Crowd" and Haruki Murakami's "Confused Mood ". When talking about the content and feelings of the book, she was very excited and shared her reading experience enthusiastically.

| Claire《乌合之众》的读书笔记

Reading Notes of "The Crowd" 


Regarding reading, there is such a small episode. When Claire was a child, she liked reading too much, and she only read books without talking, which made her mother very worried. So her mother began to think of taking Claire to travel around the world, hoping that she would not only read books, but also see the outside world. Claire recalls that travel did create a connection between theory and the real world, making both less thin. "Whether it is a book or the outside world, it is learning, and the two complement each other."

| Claire旅行的照片

Photos from Claire's travels


Literature, travel and thinking allow Clarie to look at the world without any filter, enjoy its beauty and accept its flaws. Maybe she walked slowly, but never backed away. Staying curious and enterprising, Claire has grown a lot in silence where others can't see it. We believe that now she has rich thoughts and broad vision, confident and strong, and has packed her emotions and luggage, and set off towards a bigger world.










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