

一群少年“艺术家”,用色彩温暖这个世界From BIBS to OASIS, from Hearts to Art















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Much like the Beanstalk International Bilingual School (BIBS) strives to fuse beautiful Chinese and Western educational philosophies and best practices for K-12 students in China, that blend has now been carried over to OASIS International Hospital. The grade 12 students have decorated the halls of OASIS with vibrant, stimulating art to make it feel a little more like home. BIBS was founded in 1998 and since has grown to over 20 campuses throughout China to become one of the earliest Chinese pioneers in international bilingual education. Among world-class accreditation from the International Baccalaureate® (IB), the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), and other internationally acknowledged authorities, BIBS is in high standing with both the government and business partners in the city, while holding a special place in the hearts of families all over the country. With BIBS’s dedication and experience as a leader in supporting, serving, and assisting K-12 students in homes across China, OASIS is excited and proud to display the beautiful pieces these grade 12 students have created. The 7 delightful art pieces displayed in the main lobby at OASIS are shown and described below. Let us know which one speaks to you the most.



作者:Jiang Linzi (Megan)

规格:60cm (长) x 50cm (宽)  




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By the Seashore

Jiang Linzi (Megan)

Dimensions: 60cm (L) x 50cm (W)

Medium: Acrylic on canvas


This painting depicts wild flowers grew by the seashore. Instead of focusing on the ocean, the main depiction in this painting are those wild grasses and flowers. The ocean is often interpreted as a heavenly view. Comparing to the beauty of ocean, those wild flowers and scattered seashells on the side may all lose their glory. However, if one would put his attention on the ocean aside, and spend more time with these insignificance things, they will notice the delicacy in them, and understand that every little creature is a gift from the nature. I intend to help the audience realize that any little things of nature is beautiful and worth discovering & exploring. It could be a little rock in the grass, or a withered flower in the soil. All are small, yet delicate.




作者:Jiang Linzi (Megan)

规格:60cm (长) x 50cm (宽)  




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Good Night, Lotus

Jiang Linzi (Megan)

Dimensions: 60cm (L) x 50cm (W)

Medium: Acrylic on canvas


I was inspired as I was walking by a florist’s, a sign next to lotus says “they close at night”. That was the first time I acknowledge that lotus closes its flower at night and I was shocked. Therefore, I created this painting and named it “Good Night, Lotus”. I assume that there are a lot more people like me who doesn’t know that some plants could have the ability to adjust themselves to meet the nature, this is why I want to share this fun fact with people by bringing this kind of plants into their eye sight. This can help them realize that there are uncountable eye-opening things about nature that are yet to be explored and motivate them for future explorations.



作者:Gao Yifei (Yilia)

规格:100cm x 150cm




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Fire Cave

Gao Yifei (Yilia)

Dimensions: 100cm x 150cm

Medium: Impressionist Painting


This is an impressionist painting. I hope to show the scene of the valley as fiery as fire. And I think such bright colors are suitable to express the summer sun. I use strong red to depict the valley, and light blue to depict the sky. On the one hand, it makes the picture have a kind of contrast, reflecting the heat of the valley, on the other hand, it is to take a breath in the strong picture, like the summer breeze.




作者:Shi Zhenchuan (Kevin)

规格:100 cm × 150 cm



我曾亲眼看过挪威峡湾的美妙景色,因此想把那份美用画笔记录下来。这幅作品受到Themistokles von Eckenbrecher的画作View of Lærdalsøyri, on the Sognefjord (1901)的启发。海湾水的部分我使用了红色和橙色而不是蓝色,用来表达落日在水面映射出的光辉,并与黑色的帆船和山体形成对比,橙红色的天际线也预示了夜晚的降临。

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Sunset on the Fjord

Shi Zhenchuan (Kevin)

Dimensions: 100 cm × 150 cm

Medium: Acrylic Painting


I was inspired by the fjord inlets of Norway and Themistokles von Eckenbrecher’s View of Lærdalsøyri, on the Sognefjord (1901) to create this acrylic landscape painting. I used reds and oranges to represent the colour of the water rather than blues, because I wanted to project the reflection of the fading light of the day on the water at dusk. The use of reds and oranges also complements the colour scheme of A Savannah, thereby appealing to audiences the theme of “nature’s strength in its diversity.” They are contrasted by the black sail ship and the mountains in the centre view of the piece. There is contrast and juxtaposition evident in this piece, where the red-orange skyline is juxtaposed with the oncoming dark sky. This represents dusk, the period of the day where there is semi-darkness before complete nightfall.




作者:Wang Zipeng (Loki)

规格:60cm x 80cm




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Wang Zipeng (Loki)

Dimensions: 60cm x 80cm

Medium: Acrylic Painting


This work is a very "experimental" work. It is a pure "pure" emotional expression that I try to empty my thinking. There are many creative backgrounds for this work. I chose it because it has unique characteristics different from all works in the exhibition. 


First of all, I created this work at the beginning of the epidemic. At that time, there were many great changes in China's network environment. The sudden regional plague did not get timely processing information on the network, which made people living in various regions of China panic. This has inspired every Chinese to be angry at the "potential" patients who fled the scene of the outbreak. Because the outbreak took place in Wuhan, many people quickly went to China and other places overseas to try to avoid the restrictions of China's health policy after knowing that they might be "coronary pneumonia". This irresponsible and unhygienic behavior was rejected by all. These people are the reason why China's early epidemic spread uncontrollably to various regions overseas and on the mainland. 


I was influenced by this emotion because I knew clearly that I would be limited by such stupid behavior. Maybe my travel, my study and even my normal life will be limited in the future. Just like the consistent comments on the Internet, why don't these people seek formal and professional medical help and choose to ignore and escape to other areas as soon as they find their fever symptoms?

So after this incident, I created this work with this doubt and anger. My feeling at that time was that I wanted to paint very much, and I wanted to prove that I could still create in such a "limited" environment. Therefore, the mood is conveyed on the screen in a "direct and pure" way. The reason why the medium of this work is the traditional canvas is also because I chose the most direct rather than indirect medium for creation. To ensure that my concept year and my creative process are "happy." 


In fact, the output of this painting is very clear. In terms of color, I use the two contrasting colors of green and red to set off each other. Located in the center of the picture is actually a shape similar to the scar. With the original material of the brush, this work can carry "angry thoughts" (red tone), "angry actions" (tear like a scar), and "angry consequences" (dark green in the scar). The relationship between the painting and the theme is actually an idea that may be extended by the emotions expressed by the viewer after watching the painting. Although they did not know that the painting was directly related to the epidemic, they were able to associate the concepts related to "injury" and "anger". These emotions are all reactions after people are hurt, cheated, and exposed to negative concepts. It is the most enthusiastic response to the concept of "crime" in "crime and beauty".




作者:Jiang Linzi (Megan)

规格:45cm x 25cm x 20cm




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The Crown of Sinners

Wang Zipeng (Loki)

Dimensions: 45cm x 25cm x 20cm

Medium: Sculpture (Clay + bust model)


This work is related to religion and is an important step in my conception of the "summer solstice project". When I was thinking about the summer solstice project, I was thinking about when human nature was pure. It is the time when emotion and perceptual thinking are at the peak, when we give up objective thinking to the greatest extent and enter subjective thinking to the greatest extent. I went on to think of the concept of faith. 

I think people are most subjective when they are loyal to their beliefs. In line with my theme, when people sincerely believe in what they believe, they will selectively abandon what they believe and strengthen what they believe. When many people think about "faith", they may think about the concept of "religion" for the first time. Because religion is a more structured belief, many people come together to believe in the same thing. As the number of people they believe in increases, the "belief" will increase accordingly. In fact, this phenomenon is the same as the mainstream values of the current society. It is also the existence of the most belief base among many "beliefs". So its "right" concept is higher than the rest. 

Under my theme of "sin and beauty", the pure feeling of "faith" is actually very "contradictory", because there are not a few wars and bloodshed caused by religion in history. A group of people who believe in the same thing tramples on others in order to strengthen their "religion". If we think about it from this perspective, is the "right" they pursue because war and death are "sins"? 

With this kind of thinking, I reshaped the crown of thorns, the symbol of one of the world's major religions, from the Bible of Jesuit, in a new form. I chose the "Rose" in Wilde's works to represent human love, and then the War born of love and faith reflects human sin. So at the top of the sculpture is a crown of thorns, a symbol of sin. The impact effect of matching the bright rose with the pure black crown can attract the audience to stop and watch. 

My selection of symbols in Christianity can attract people who have a general understanding of Christianity to watch because the crown of thorns is a symbol with strong suggestiveness, which can clearly convey the meaning of "guilt" and provide a new perspective for those who have faith.



作者:Xiong Tianzhu (Yolo)

规格:150 cm × 100 cm




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Birch Forest

 Xiong Tianzhu (Yolo)

Dimensions: 150 cm × 100 cm

Medium: Acrylic, Pastel


Painting is constantly sorting out. This picture is different from the others. The previous picture was drawn intensively within a day, and this picture took a long time, and it was placed in the middle for a period of time. I feel like painting is like building an unknown house or making a new company. First I have a big frame planned ... and then I constantly add ... amend ... encounter problems ... stand still ... think about solutions ... suddenly open. At the beginning, the painting was a relatively stable composition. When painting, the color and strokes were relatively flat, and the contrast of the tone was also stable. Then I left it for a few days to observe the painting, or put it in my mind to get familiar with him, and Forgetting the original technique, looking for a new method. After a few days, I continued to go deeper, adding light and dark levels, and different brushstrokes. Finally, I added a reflection-like block in the middle, which has a sense of surrealism, adding to this composition. A new sense of space, the painting in the painting, the painting on the painting, and the visual space are another kind of created objects. Another feeling is that at the beginning, don’t make too deep contrasts and sharp contrasts. It seems to be very enjoyable at once. In fact, it is difficult to go deep, it will be simple and peaceful, and you will be difficult to improve.



另外,作为青苗顺义校区视觉艺术及设计科技教育部主管Maria Anikina女士,也为此次展示奉上新作——明德医院外科韩医生的肖像画。Maria Anikani老师已有26年的教学经验,在俄罗斯任教4年,在英国任教18年,这是她在中国任教的第4年。她曾获得年度最佳教师(俄罗斯),并入围年度优秀教学资源(TES,英国)。是A级产品设计考官(AQA),拥有IB PYP / MYP / DP和其他职业资格证书。


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Presenting a Portrait

The seven beautiful pieces of art shown above, along with her newest painting, a portrait of OASIS International Hospital General Surgeon Dr. Han, were generously presented by Maria Anikina to her portrait subject himself. Maria is the Head of Visual Arts and Design Technology at BIBS, and before coming to China, Maria studied at the University of Lancaster in the UK. Maria Anikina is an accomplished and established woman. With over 22 years of teaching experience, 18 of which were in the UK, 4 years in Russia, and since in China. She was an examiner for AQA A-Level and she taught A-level, IB PYP, MYP, DP, and vocational qualifications. Maria is certified to teach both Art & Design (Fine Art; 3D Art; Craft & Design; Textiles) and Design Technology (Resistant Materials, Graphics, Product Design). She doesn’t stop there though. Maria also has experience with teaching adults with special needs and disabilities and three years of voluntary work as Royal Air Force Civilian Instructor at Combined Cadet Force.


At BIBS, Maria teaches secondary and high school students, the same artists who created the donated artwork displayed in the main lobby at OASIS. It is no surprise that Maria was awarded the London-based TES Outstanding Teacher Resource of the Year (2011), Teacher of the Year (Russia), and the first prize in the Children’s Theatre Dress Collection for four consecutive years. Her work has been in several exhibitions at the Domino Gallery and one in the View Gallery in Liverpool, can be seen in her local church in Liverpool, and can now be seen at OASIS International Hospital.


Art is at the heart of every curriculum as it encourages students to explore and develop their ability to express themselves visually, possess a creative outlet, and strengthen their ability to adapt to changes. Maria guides and aids her students to achieve their highest potential in these areas and to share their visual messages with the community.

此次展示获得了明德医院的高度评价:“如同青苗一直以来秉承的‘采中西合璧之萃,品文化融合之美’,这种理念正在明德医院生根发芽。青苗12年级的孩子们用艺术品装点了明德医院大堂,让这里看起来更有家的感觉。欢迎大家造访明德医院欣赏 Maria老师和孩子们的艺术作品,并感受他们通过作品表达出的对未来的炽热期待!”

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Thank you so much Maria for all your work in shaping the minds of our youth and generously presenting this artwork to Dr. Han!


Next time you come to visit us at OASIS, or if you want to make a special trip in support of BIBS students, take a seat on our couches and take in the new scenery. You will see the commendable work of BIBS’s grade 12 students, the effect of Maria Anikina on growing minds, and the promising future our youth has to offer us. Please continue to follow us as we update you on how this generous donation will provide additional benefits to the Beijing community.


OASIS International Hospital is the preferred full-service JCI-accredited hospital for Beijing Expats and Chinese families since 2012.



















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