

Parent College 家长课堂回顾 | 幼儿园阶段需要培养孩子哪些技能呢?




Anup Prabhakaran

Primary Coordinator


Anup has 12 years of experience in education. Before coming to China, he worked in Leeds- UK as a teacher in one of the most reputable schools for six years. He had previous roles as an Academic Principal, PYP Coordinator, Deputy Head of the International departments and Homeroom teacher in China. 

Anup 拥有 12 年的教育经验。在来中国之前,他曾在英国利兹的一所有名的学校任教六年。在中国多所国际学校中担任学术校长,PYP 协调员、国际部门副主任和主班老师。

He has Master's in International Educational Leadership (IB Leadership) from Hongkong University. He also has Master's in Operations Management and PGCE from Essex University (UK). He has attained several Professional & Leadership certifications from IB.

在拥有了管理硕士学位 ( 美国 ) 和英国埃塞克斯大学教育硕士学位后,Anup相继获得香港大学的国际教育领导力硕士学位,和 IB 的专业和领导力认证。

He has always been passionate about education for primary students and has written articles on Psychology, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & IB PYP curriculum in the IB teaching blogs.

他一直对小学教育充满热情,并在 IB 教学课程项目中撰写了关于心理学、社会情感学习 (SEL) 和 IB PYP 课程的文章。

Parent College 家长课堂

ISA Tianhe School will have regular Parent College to enhance parents' understanding of IB learning and build a well-learning community for children. Parent College is inviting experienced educators to share experiences with parents on different topics and discuss the ways of education.



IB Learner 国际文凭学习者 

ISA Tianhe had an amazing workshop for Early Years parents, and the topic was Identifying Skills in Early Years. Mr. Anup went through the IB mission statement. 

IB Mission Statement - The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.  


He spoke on the importance of the words caring, intercultural understanding and respect related to Early Years. 


He went on to outline the 10 IB Learner Profile. The IB learner profiles are Inquirers, Open-Minded, Knowledgeable, Caring, Thinkers, Risk-takers, Communicators, Balanced, Principled and Reflective. As per IBO, the aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. 



Agency 能动性

Mr. Anup spoke about the PYP model, which emphasizes the Learner (students), Learning & Teaching (School staff – Teachers, Management and Administration) and The Learning Community (The parents, The ISA International Academy and organizations support the enhancement of learning for students). He also spoke about the importance of the AGENCY – Voice, Choice and Ownership. 

Anup先生谈及IB 幼儿园及小学项目模型,该模型强调学习者(学生)、学习和教学(学校员工--教师、管理和行政人员)以及学习社区(家长、爱莎国际学苑和支持学生学习的相关组织)。他还谈到了能动性模型的重要性—发言权、选择权和主导权。

During the workshop, we had an activity with parents. Parents were given the challenge to make the highest tower with spaghetti and marshmallows. The parents were given a choice to make their own groups, and two groups were formed. During the activity, there were lots of communication and thinking skills showcased. In the end two teams made an excellent and sturdy Spaghetti tower. After the activity the parents had a small reflection on the their activity. Reflection stated the importance of the skills. Mr. Anup mentioned the 5 Approaches to Learning (ATL Skills) and their significance in the Early Years. He also said the advantages of Play as an Inquiry learning method.


In the end, Mr. Anup mentioned how PYP parents could enhance and enable agency at home.


  • Set up their learning space;

  • Make (some age-appropriate decisions together – but you are still the parent;

  • Plan their day (within parameters);

  • Make their own choices and coach them to make informed choices.

  • 建立属于他们的学习空间;

  • 与家长共同做一些孩子年龄阶段的决定—但您仍然是家长的角色;

  • 规划每一天;

  • 让孩子自己做选择并培养他们学会如何作出明智的选择。

Through the Parent College, parents gained a better comprehension of IB learning and how it could enhance and enable agency. ISA Tianhe focuses on communication with parents and building a warm and friendly atmosphere for students. In the following, ISA Tianhe will hold Parent College regularly. We hope more parents will participate and share opinions with our experienced educators.



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