Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to IB Culture Week 2024! An event that showcased internationalism, patriotism and respect for an entire week in which the students at BKIK got to virtually travel the world and participate in a multitude of activities that they had never experienced before.
We did things a little bit different this year for this event, first and foremost we decided to combine two previous events from last year (International Day & Costume Party) and turn it into a whole week celebration with the students.
This plan gave more time for collaboration, preparation and to have the students engage in deeper understanding regarding global festivals as well as the opportunity to experience all of the different countries.
The dates for this event have been rescheduled from the second semester to the first semester.
The management at BKIK determined that this adjustment would facilitate early engagement between students and staff, fostering a sense of comfort and community from the outset of the academic year.
By encouraging interaction—even with teachers who may not be their regular homeroom instructors—we aim to enhance the overall student experience, promoting a positive and supportive environment throughout the year.
So, check your luggage, get your passports ready and come on board to see what has been the highlight of the year thus far!
To prepare the students for IB culture week, the expat teachers engaged in setting the stage for the students by teaching the concept of “country” and how different places have different languages, food, music, sports, and traditions.
This was coupled by an introduction to “all things China” from our Specialist Teachers.
The Cantonese teacher Ricky taught the children about traditional Lingnan culture.
And our Life Sciences teacher Mr. Luo showcased his artistic prowess in teaching the children of K2 & K3 about traditional Chinese calligraphy.
Lastly, the local homeroom teachers also taught about China’s rich history including its customs, traditions and history. This helped give a strong foundation of knowledge of the students’ homeland prior to exploring the world for IB Culture Week.
The students started their global voyage by visiting 3 countries in the morning as well as 1 country in the afternoon on both Monday and Tuesday totaling 8 countries. To simulate real-world experience, the students were required to enter the customs and security checks of each country and receive a “stamp” (sticker) in their respective passports.
After entering the country, they experienced a multitude of different activities as well as received context settings to develop a thorough understanding of each country.
In Canada, the students learned about the variety of animals this vast nation has to offer as well as understanding the significance of the maple leaf and why it is on Canada’s flag.
They engaged in the national sport (Ice Hockey) as well as learned the process of how maple syrup is made (with a taste of this sweet treasure as well!).
In South Korea, the children were exposed to the map, flag and food of their close Asian neighbour and learned about the renowned martial art Taekwondo. The students actually learned some moves and had a simulated practice in which they got some great exercise and saw the similarities between this art form and China’s native Kung-fu.
South Africa is a magical land filled with some of the most diverse flora and fauna on planet Earth. The students learned how to use a bow and arrow like the original native people used to hunt animals.
Of course, the students were taught that they were only “catching” these animals including elephants, lions, crocodiles and zebras.
The UK is the centre of Western culture and the thing that unites all people is the love of food. The students were able to create their own British style sandwiches using fresh ingredients whilst learning proper table manners and sanitary practices.
Of course, the students also learned about other things from the UK such as the flag, landmarks and the concept of royalty.
Next, we had Brazil, a wonderous cultural melting pot that incorporates traditional South American culture with the European Portuguese tradition. The students learned about the popular festival “Carnivale” and created masks as well as fireworks to develop an appreciation of what people in Brazil experience each and every year.
Many people don’t know much about the island nation New Zealand other than it being a British colony but it’s filled with rich traditions of the Aboriginal Maori people who inhabited the land.
The students learned about the mixed British-Maori history, dressed up like the national rugby team (All Blacks) and learned the tradition war dance “Hakka” together.
The travels continued to Mexico, another land that has a mixed Spanish and Aboriginal tradition. The students learned about the unique characteristics of this beautiful country including its most famous export “tacos”.
The students created their own tacos using clay and paper to simulate the ingredients and played the popular childhood game “pin the tail on the donkey”- a game that has permeated across the world and is played at children’s birthday parties in dozens of countries.
Lastly, the students finished their odyssey in France, a land rich in history, architecture and food. The children learned about the famous landmarks including the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, famous artwork such as the Mona Lisa and made their own croissants using fresh and delicious ingredients such as strawberries and blueberries.
After the students traversed the world, they engaged in a reflection with their homeroom teachers to discuss their experience. This is one of the most important aspects of the IB philosophy is to look back on their experience and apply it to what they do moving forward.
The joy, smiles and full bellies were a testament to the great time they had- not to mention a wealth of knowledge gained about the world around them.
BKIK also kept the tradition of doing its annual Costume Party on 31st October 2024. We had a whole school fashion show where the students could showcase their choices of costume in front of their peers.
This has been successful in the past as it helped develop a sense of confidence as well as pride in their choice. This leads to the IB tenet of student agency where the students have a voice and a choice in their educational development.
We also had the traditional “Trick-or-Treat” activity in which the students travelled to the Bayview Apartment complex to receive some treats from the parent volunteers. This is always a magical time for the students (and some of the teachers as well).
Dressing up as your favourite superhero or princess, seeing your friends’ costumes and getting candy and treats from family and friends is something that every child cherishes.
We even had some classes visit the houses of some of the Bayview parents to say a quick hello and experience the real tradition of knocking on a door and saying “Trick-or-Treat” and singing a song.
To culminate the week of festivities, the students of BKIK gathered in the Multi-Function Room (MFR) to have a reflection assembly to wrap up the week. This was led by the Head of School Ms. Adel and the IB Coordinator Peter.
The children looked at the pictures of their experiences and engaged in dialogue about what they enjoyed the most and reflected on what country they would like to visit in the future.
We finished our ceremony but giving out certificates to one student from each class who reflected the IB Learner Profile “Caring” over the first two months.
We will be showcasing the various Learner Profiles throughout the year in subsequent assemblies, so stay tuned!
The combination of two past events (International Day & Costume Party) into one IB Culture Week was a resounding success for both the students and teachers at BKIK. The children were truly able to understand and appreciate the concept of what “culture” really was and made a direct connection from classroom learning to real-world application.
We are looking forward to hearing students in the future talking about their experiences travelling to different countries as well as being in airports dealing with passport control and customs agents just like they did at BKIK this past week!
Not only did the students learn about various nations and their unique cultures, customs and traditions, they also learned about the similarities these nations have with their homeland China.
The students learned to come out of their shells and express themselves through costumes, art, crafts, music and food and this was the sole objective of IB Culture Week.
The whole purpose of providing a holistic, internationally themed educational setting was to make the students understand that the world is so much bigger than their backyard.
China is the centre of their universe and rightly so- our goal was for the central point to act as a branch to extend to all the unique and wonderous places this planet has to offer to an internationally minded student with an inquiring mind!
We look forward to doing this event again next year with a fresh set of places to travel to - until then we say farewell and “bon voyag”!
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