




华美教育--适应变化的未来 创造美好的世界

Adapt for the changing future,

contribute to a better world.




Holistic Education Pioneer School——Guangzhou Huamei International School


USAD Chapter 2020——Guangzhou Huamei International School


Interview Gold——Xinting Yang from S1C1


Speech Bronze——Xinting Yang from S1C1

5、演讲环节金奖全国获得者——GIA 9年级 吕雯佳

Speech Gold——Wenjia Lv from J3C1

6、HOSA全美生物与健康挑战赛全国铜奖获得者——GIA 9年级 黄雅涵

USAD HOSA Bronze——Yahan Huang from J3C1


USAD在华美早有“渊源”,在2019年,华美AP初战USAD ,就从120多所学校260余个代表队,2300余名参赛队伍的激烈竞争中脱颖而出,一举揽下,经济学科金牌!创新测评团体赛二等奖!USAD中国站最佳组织奖!







初三(1)班  黄雅涵









初三(1)班  黄雅涵

I am extremely honored to win this award.

I can fairly say that I am not the shiniest star among thousands of others on that starry night sky. I am not a genius who has extraordinary powers for memorization. Unsurprisingly, I am never in favor of reading research papers. I am just a 9th-grade student who is still stumbling on the path of medical education, and I want to become better.

During the time for preparation, I focus on preparing for USAD while leaving minimal time for HOSA. Eventually, preparation time for HOSA became a scattered plot composed of scratches of time from recess or time before going to bed. It was a huge twist that I cannot express how I felt on the day of the award ceremony. I don’t think I deserve this.  So I thought, maybe it’s because of my daily reading of scientific magazines and the textbook since sleeping could enhance memories or help with long-term memories, or maybe it’s because of my interest in psychology. I do not know.

I believe I can win this award not because I am better than anyone else in this competition, but because of my passion for studying the subject, and a huge portion of “luck”. Now, my life has given me a chance, so I will seize it and may I merit this award better.

Lastly, I want to thank my mom for supporting me during my darkest days, and all the teachers who believe in me, also myself for not giving up and embracing hope.

高一(1)班 杨欣婷





其次,是自己的应变能力,我在进行演讲面试环节的时候,因为没有调整好设备,导致出现了很大的bug。我的第一遍顺畅的演讲与面试,没有被录进设备。导致我怀着紧张的心情,开始了第二次重录。在第二次重录过程中,我因为太慌,直接在演讲环节被卡了20秒不知道该说啥,大脑一片空白。自然,这样的演讲是不过关的。我咬咬牙,关掉了第二次。打开了第三次录制。USAD的录制是有时间限制的。当我开始录第三次的时候,手机的监考人员开始催促,并且提出警告,让我停止。脸皮厚的我又咬咬牙,心想这一次给拼了。说来惭愧,我直接把手机扔地上,忽略了监考人员的警告声,深吸一口气,在极度紧张慌的一批的情况下,重拾脑子里的演讲稿,还算流畅地讲完了。到面试的时候,我把躺在地上终于安静了的,用来监考的手机捡起来放回桌面。安心地面完了试,将视频上传。自然,监考员对我的语音警告也被我一同传输上了。脸皮厚,自然也是我取得成功的一部分原因。当然我不得不承认,我忽略监考员警告的这一做法是极度错误的,甚至还可能违反了一定的规定。 所以说,就算脸皮厚,也要遵守规矩。



高一(1)班 杨欣婷

If you ask me what I learned from this USAD? Well, I just wanna say, dude, we really need to seize the opportunity. And prepare for the things that we have the capacity to do. I am not going to talk about some old sets such as “ I learned a lot of practical knowledge through this USAD competition……” “I learned  how to do group work and how to deal with people……blablabla……” Because to be honest, I didn’t really spend a lot of time on USAD and didn’t take part in the discussion mainly because I didn’t spend the time reading the resource books. It is sad, but it is true. It’s a shame, but I have to admit it.

 When the first announcement which states the USAD competition will be turned into online games from offline games came out, I was wondering if I am going to quit this game. As I mentioned before, I didn’t spend a lot of time on it. In or quit? It was such a hard decision to make indeed. And finally, I made mine. Here I want to thank my mom for supporting my decision all the time. I have to say this kinda-crazy decision made the first step to my success. I did think about all the possibilities of taking part in it in different positions.  I considered all the factors and analyze the chances of winning. And I decided to take part in this, though I didn’t even finish reading 1% of the resource books at that time.

 Do you think I would definitely finish reading after I made the decision? I am sorry to tell you that, for the rest of the days, I still didn’t open the book. I just kept doing what I need to do in my daily life and ignore the fact that I am going to take an important competition which is called USAD. Until the last day of the objective test. At the time I opened the book for only one look and I closed it forever. And I gotta tell you a little secret, I started to write the speech paper 5 hours before the speech test.

 You must be wondering, how the hell can she just tell everyone that she didn’t work hard and get some metals at the same time here? It’s such a shame. Hey, don’t be rash. I haven’t spoken about my biggest secret yet. Well, the thing is, I really like talking to myself. Yeah, you are not listening wrong, I like talking to myself, or I can say I am good at talking to myself. And that’s in English. Usually, I make a topic for myself and just start to talk. Without preparation, just talk. I suppose that’s why I can get a gold medal in the interview part. From the second grade in junior high, I began to do my homework and talk about the process of solving them in English, organize my logical thinking ability and express it in English. That's what I've been doing, and that's why I've been able to do well in this USAD interview. I know what I'm good at, and I'm focused on it, and I allocate my time wisely, and I don't waste time on the things I'm not sure I'm going to win. Of course, these are relatively different events. You can't just say you're not good at math and give up math and spend time on physics. This is absolutely undesirable. Weigh the pros and cons and make your choice. That's what I'm saying.

 Secondly, it is the adaptability that matters. When I was in the speech interview, I did not adjust the equipment well, which led to a big bug. Luckily I adjust my state of mind and finished the part.

 That’ s probably all I wanna say. Choose what is best and suitable for you and no need to follow other’s steps. Take an advantage on what you are good at. And of course, set your mind well even when there is a special case.

初三(1)班   吕雯佳







初三(1)班   吕雯佳

USAD meant a lot to me. Most of the time, I feel excited about its great opportunity to learn. But there’re several times that I feel it’s a liability. But I have to congratulate everyone who didn’t give up even when we all facing the crisis of COVID-19.

There are two things that I love about USAD. First, it has lots of resource guides that discuss the same topic from different perspectives. The resource guides will first introduce you the basic principles about the subject and then have a further discussion about the relationship between the subject and the topic. By reading it, you might learn how to think of a question in multiple ways. Second, is the pressure that it brought to me. Pressure does not only come from the competition but also my teammate. But this pressure affected positively to me. I can’t read 3 resource guides plus Frankenstein if I don’t have them who always push me forward. Therefore, I’m really appreciated my teammates who always fight with me, and the teachers that help me have a better understanding of the resources.

If you’re not sure whether you’re not attending the USAD, be brave and believe that you can do it. If you resolve to attend it, I recommend you to be clear on your purpose first. Of course, you can have many different purposes, but if your purpose is to prove that you are good at certain subject through this competition, spend most of your time learning on that subject. You’ll have to master everything that was covered in that subject because your opponents are erudite who come from all over China. But if your purpose is to train your reading skills and learn more about your interesting subject, feel free to read the guides of many different subjects, even the one that you are not interested in. For example, I’m truly not interested in art and kind of refuse to read it. But when I read more about art, I found that it is extremely interesting! Sometimes you just have to try it, then determine you like it or not.

高一1班 刘星妍  USAD社社长


高一1班 刘星妍  USAD社社长

It's a great honor that our team has achieved the target beyond our expectation in USAD. This is the result of our joint efforts. Although there are many shortcomings in the process, like not everyone has participated in the event 100%, most of the students are seriously preparing for the competition. In such a process, we learned from each other. Because of the limitation, some knowledgable students were invited to explain knowledge to others. After all, it’s my first time to organize some activities, so I didn't do well in everything. I'm ashamed to say that I didn’t pay attention to the tasks all the time in the meeting, and occasionally I'm not extremely serious when we talk about the contents in our textbooks. I hope there will be such an opportunity in the future, and I will improve myself and go beyond that.

谭珮瑶   USAD社副社长



谭珮瑶   USAD社副社长

I was not expecting to get this award at first and I feel ashamed of myself when I got it. Because during the first term of senior1, most of the work were done by the other leaders in the USAD club and there were not many work need to be done by me for I’m responsible for the writ. I feel pretty thankful to them all, and also appreciate the members who are always cooperating with and supporting us. Our plan was destroyed for the coronavirus, but there were still many members determined to go on competing and gained excellent result. I believe your hard work brought you more helpful experience in life. Hope that we can learn from this time and continue to work together next year!

刘纯伊  USAD社副社长

这次usad社团获奖, 我内心是十分激动的. 作为这个社团的副社长, 在备考的过程中, 我能够看见每一位社团成员都尽心尽力, 无论是社长还是社员, 亦或是社团顾问老师, 大家都朝着同样的一个目标努力, 用心学习知识, 提高英语水平, 为大学学习知识打下了一定的基础. 我为在这样的集体之中感到自豪, 同时感到参与此活动令人受益颇丰。


刘纯伊   USAD社副社长

Usad organization in huamei-bond international school got award this time, i am very excited. As the vice President of this club, in the process of preparation, I could see every club members tried their best, like both presidents and members, or advisory teacher. Everyone went toward the same goal, learned something new and  improved the ability about using English. We knowed about much knowledge and made a solid foundation for the university‘s learning. I am proud of in this collective. At the same time, I feel that participated in this activity is so beneficial.

USAD社 学术顾问 赵芮









USAD社 学术顾问 赵芮

When we were first introduced to USAD, all of us were ambitious. The lecturer told us that that all USAD clubs can apply for certification of USAD China, and since our school doesn’t have a club like this, we decided to establish one right away. That night, four of us, excitedly, wrote a proposal including future planning of the club, job division, activities plans and so on. We handed in the proposal on the next day.

It took us less than 24 hours to set up our club, but we did not realize that there was a long way for us to go.


To us, the content of USAD tests were not easy, so was the operation of our club. When organizing club activity, we made plans for different subjects with different time schedule, and we have a prompt speech and interview part in our club meeting. Meanwhile, we keep inviting teachers in different fields and students who were familiar with a certain field to give us lectures. Every Wednesday night, we were in Room 405 working for our same goal— USAD.


But somehow, I noticed that club members have different levels of learning ability, and they usually have different schedule for their study. All these troubled me a lot when I am planning for the meeting. At the same time, the serious discipline issue on meeting and members who did not execute their plans made me really worried. Many nights we sat by, and rewrite our plan again and again. Through these struggles and trials, we met obstacles, and yet we overcame those. Though the accidental emergence of Covid-19 ruined our plan of taking the contest, and the flag I designed for our club were useless now, the experience of setting up and operating this club is extremely valuable for me.


青出于蓝——USAP 满载而归

而今年第一次组队参加的USAP 竞赛(USAD 的低龄版),也是收获满满,初中组斩获“通识教育先锋奖”和“最佳组织奖”,华美小学六年级获得全国团体总分第十名的优异成绩,跻身全国十强之列!USAP的成功,也为未来USAD储备了更加优质的资源和经验,相信未来华美一定能再攀高峰!




美国学术十项全能(United States Academic Decathlon®) ,简称USAD,是由美国非赢利性组织(USAD Association)举办的面向高中生的学术性竞赛,是高中生阶段最具挑战性的世界级竞赛之一,也是美国教育界认定为全国首屈一指的高中生综合类学术竞赛;因其独特的团队竞赛方式,主题性跨学科的竞赛内容和极高的学术价值,受到美国社会的广泛认可。














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