

【家长课堂第七讲】IBDP、A Level、AP三大主流国际课程如何选择?



What Fit is the Best 


Abstract 摘要

With the development of technology and science, more opportunities have been created for our society. With more and more global education resources available, international education has become the choice for many parents with global insights. In high school, 3 main stream international curricula are IBDP, A Level and AP.  As the study modes and the university entrance routes of the 3 curricula are different in some ways, it is important to learn the full picture of those differences. So how can parents help their children to choose from the curricula to lay a solid foundation for their future success?

科技日新月异,技术更迭,为我们带来了许多新的机遇与希望。越发丰富的全球教育资源触手可及,国际教育也成为了众多具有国际视野家长的选择。在高中阶段,IBDP、A Level和AP是当下三大主流国际课程,它们的学习模式和升学路径不尽相同,因此全面了解三大课程十分重要。选择国际教育的家长们要如何帮助孩子做好课程选择,为孩子的成功未来奠好基石呢?

On March, 24th in Room 2304, IFC, Myra, the Principal of Secondary School of ISA Liwan, gave a lecture on How to Choose from IBDP, A Level, and AP at the 7th Parent College Event. It aims to assist parents to prepare children to choose the right path for university admission. At the beginning of this event, David Li and Michael Urquhart, the Co-Heads of ISA Liwan International Campus, welcomed the audience and briefly introduced ISA Liwan, an international education project featuring Lingnan characteristics.

为更好地解答家长们的疑惑,帮助家长提前做好国际课程的选择和升学规划,2022年3月24日上午,爱莎国际教育集团在广州国际金融中心2304爱莎荔湾咨询中心举办了第七次家长公益课堂活动,特邀来自我们广州荔湾爱莎国际学校中学部的王玉梅校长为各位感兴趣的家长做了一场关于“适配未来,IBDP、A Level、AP等国际课程如何选择”的主题分享。讲座开始前,广州荔湾爱莎国际学校的两位联席校长李春雷校长和Michael Urquhart校长对大家的到来表示欢迎,并简单介绍了爱莎荔湾这一极具岭南特色的粤港澳大湾区国际教育项目。

Speaker 主讲人介绍

Myra Wang 王玉梅

Principal of Secondary School of ISA Liwan


IB workshop leader, IBDP mathematics examiner 

IB 亚太地区培训官,IBDP数学考官

Over 20 years’ experience of teaching and management in the mainstream international programmes such as IB, IGCSE, A Level and AP

20年国际课程教学和管理经验,熟悉IB、A Level和AP等主流国际课程

Served as Vice Principal of High School and IBDP coordinator in GCGS


Her students are all over the world top universities, including Oxbridge in the UK and Ivy League in the US



Comparing IBDP, A Level and AP 

IBDP、A Level、AP  三大主流国际课程对比

The lecture was divided into three parts. Principal Myra illustrated detailed information on AP, A Level, and IBDP curricula. When explaining the teaching theory and mentality of the IBDP Programme, Myra played a memory game to mock the process of IB teaching and learning. Parents all showed great interest and recorded the slides.

讲座的开篇,玉梅校长列举了细致的列表图作为辅助,深入从各大课程的历史、考试时间、考试地点、学习科目、评分细则到培养理念等方面为家长们解读AP、A Level和IBDP三大主流课程。在介绍IBDP课程的培养方式和目标时,玉梅校长生动地套用了一个简单字母记忆小游戏,让家长更进一步体会IB课程中“基于理解”的学习理念,可以在未来更好地配合学校选择课程与课外活动发展帮助孩子成长。整个分享过程有趣而又精彩,各位家长纷纷起身举起手机拍照不愿错过任何一点信息。


Talent Admission Standards 

of World Top Universities 


After the curricula introduction, Myra analysed admission standards of top global universities, such as Peking University, The University of Hong Kong, Harvard University and MIT, University of Oxford, and University of Cambridge. Though they all have rigorous entrance standards, the similarity shared by them could be concluded as independent thinking, good social skills, curiosity, and a desire to learn. These qualities are also principles and theories taught throughout the international education programmes. 


Yale University 


They look for guts, vision, insight and leadership in students who have taken a variety of challenging courses throughout high school and have achieved good grades 


University of Oxford


They are looking for bright students - students who are very interested in their subject and can demonstrate that their interest is something that can be fed back to the community with new perspectives.


Peking University 


They admit outstanding students with "comprehensive qualities, outstanding academic achievements, ambitious aspirations, potential for development, and a strong sense of social responsibility". 



How to Choose the Right Curriculum?


The last part was to solve the most concerning problem for parents: How to choose the right curriculum? To be honest, there is no definite answer to this question. ‘What Fit is the Best’. Learning at university is more in-depth and focused. Children may have a better chance to develop abilities to fit university life with the right curriculum. It is worth noticing that the application process for overseas universities is never only about academic performance, comprehensive candidates are the ones outstanding. Right curriculum motivates children to release their potentials, and set a solid foundation for their success in the future.


In the end, Myra quoted Bruner’s saying: ‘Learning should not only take us somewhere; it should allow us later to go further more easily' to conclude today’s lecture.




The lecture was finally ended up with applause from parents. What came after was the Q&A session. Parents have asked many questions about curriculum choices based on their children’s situations. Some even showed their interest in ISA Liwan. Myra, David, Michael, and William all gave their opinions on answering those questions.


After the Parent College, many parents still stayed and shared their opinions and feedback on this event with principals and heads of schools. 




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