

暨少年| 挥杆高飞!来看看高尔夫男孩女孩的成长秘籍



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  • 中国高尔夫球协会青少年运动技能等级标准 三级

  • 2021广东省青少年高尔夫巡回赛广州站 第五名

  • 2022青少年高尔夫嘉年华挑战赛广州赛区 季军

  • 2022 Titleiest FJ青少年高尔夫系列赛肇庆积分赛 季军

  • 第十一届广州市中小学诵读中华经典美文 三等奖

  • 中国书法家协会社会艺术水平考级书法考级 六级





科任老师表示,善允每个科目的成绩都保持“达到预期”或“超出预期”,这有赖于她良好的学习习惯和学习态度,“善允是个思辨能力很强的学习者。每次上课,我都能感受到她求知若渴的目光,眼睛始终紧紧跟着老师。” 除了良好的三科成绩,善允也积极地参与到舞蹈队、诗朗诵比赛中,在ASJ的舞台上大放异彩。







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  • 广州暨大港澳子弟学校首届“紫荆花节”暨“英语文化艺术节”主持人




这个孩子有说不出的孝顺。谈起成长的最大动力,他说是“有足够力量去保护家里人”。妈妈的付出他都看在眼里,甚至会有一些“心疼”, “印象最深刻的,是由于我们家庭的作息时间不同,妈妈每天要准备4次早餐。”为了给妈妈减负,他首先做到的是不断地提升自己,让妈妈少操心自己的日常生活或者学业;另外在日常生活中,他也会主动帮家庭分担家务。“爸爸甚至用‘妈宝男’来形容我。”元昭笑谈。但是他很理智地反驳,清楚地知道自己不是依赖妈妈,是尊重妈妈,他尊重所有长辈,会根据他人的建议对自己的行为进行调整。


谈到高尔夫,他说,“当我挥动手中的球杆击中球的那一刻,感觉小白球带走了所有的压力和烦恼;不管成绩如何,打球永远带给我愉悦的心情。” 打高尔夫是家里人共同的爱好,这让元昭更加热爱高尔夫。他享受着家庭的积极向上的氛围,那种大家一起奋斗,一起朝着同一个目标前进的感觉给予了他莫大的成就感。每到了休息时间,大家或坐在电视机前观看赛事,讨论分析每个球手的决胜技巧;大家或相约到球场,参加比赛,互相勉励并约定共同进步。

元昭崇拜的偶像是Tiger Woods,著名高尔夫球手,1997年首次登上世界排名第一以来,他在位周数超过650周,保持着高尔夫史上最高纪录。元昭认为从Tiger 身上学到了很多,“曾经我有一杆球没有打好,我就会沉浸在懊恼中,常常也会因此错失下一个打好球的机会。但是Tiger Woods不会困于曾经的成绩,永远都在期待着下一杆球打得更加出彩。”元昭形容,打球逐渐锻炼了他积极乐观和淡定的心态。他需要在短暂的时间里不断地自我调节,自我鼓励,给自己灌输正能量,以迎接新的一击。他最近一两年的目标是取得国家二级运动员,期待在不久的将来听到他的好消息。




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她激动地向身边人讲解高尔夫的乐趣。她认为,高尔夫和别的运动最大的区别是高尔夫对身体机能和年龄没有限制。高尔夫是一项终身运动,适合任何性别、年龄、体质,“年龄都不是问题,3岁还是80岁都可以打高尔夫”。另外,高尔夫运动通过腰部发力带动上肢将球击出,是一套集协调、力量、爆发力的完整动作。在ASJ,她也找到了善允这样志同道合的球友,他们同样都是舞蹈队的成员之一,在近期完成了“Another day of sun”的作品,参加了“中外人文交流小使者”活动,获得了中央电视台的第一阶段全国展播。






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"Sports and Education in One" is an important part of global education, The "Sports Rising Stars programmes” will be incubated in a sports hotbed. It will be a crucial feature of the school's efforts to create programmes in which students can participate and achieve outstanding athletic and academic success. Let us have a look at the stories of three "great golfers" of ASJ.

▲Three ASJ students met at golf competitions

Syvian Xu

I am weak in physical condition, 

but I am also a good athlete

Syvain Xu

  • China Golf Association Adolescent Sports Skill Grade 3

  • The 5th Place in 2021 Guangdong Youth Golf Tour (Guangzhou Station) 

  • The 2nd Runner-up in 2022 Junior Golf Carnival Challenge (Guangzhou Division)

  • The 2nd Runner-up in Zhaoqing points Competition of 2022 Titleiest FJ Junior Golf Series 

  • The 2nd Runner-up in 2021 Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao students' Chinese 

  • Literature Recitation Competition

  • Classical CNSFKJ, Level 6

The reason why Syvian learns golf is different from that of others. “When I was small, my health was not good, and my family wanted me to improve my physical health through exercise. As I was limited by my physical conditions, I could only take part in outdoor activities that were not too intense." It was for this simple reason that she was introduced to golf and was deeply immersed in the charm of golf, and even became the winner of different competitions.

She stresses that the golf is elegant and wonderful. "It has a lot of variations. Others may regard it as a simple stroke and swing, in fact, a stroke contains endless variations." Syvian describes playing golf as "having a fine conversation between the brain and the body". Playing golf is not only physically demanding but also brain-intensive. While watching others play and figuring out the acts of players to gain goals or points, Syvain is exploring her boundaries and developing her potential.

Syvain explains that the key to balancing playing sports and daily study is to allocate time wisely. "Golf is a very time-consuming sport, and a normal game may take several days. One set may last five hours as there are about 18 holes to be hit. By comparison, other sports may only last 1 hour or a few minutes. I spend at least 20 hours a week practising to hit the ball." Though she is only 11, she has already had the feeling that "time is not enough," and wishes to have a few more hours in a day to practice playing golf and study. Playing golf pushes her to improve her time management skills. To have a better study, she listens to the lessons concentratedly and makes use of every time slog, for example, she will seize a few minutes to complete a few questions or recite a few English words at the break time.

▲Syvain has a great time at ASJ

According to course teachers, Syvain's performance in every subject is "M" or "EX" due to her good study habits and attitude. "Syvain is a very discerning learner. In every class, I can feel her thirst for knowledge and her eyes are always on me." In addition to her good grades in all three subjects, Syvain is also active in the dancing competitions and poetry recitation competitions. She performs well on the ASJ stage.

▲Syvain Xu was delivering a speech

▲Syvain(the right one) is a member of ASJ Dance Team

David Xiao

A warm boy that is filial, thoughtful and positive

David Xiao

  • Champion of net shot in the 2022 International Manor Golf Club, Congdu

  • Runner-up of Guangdong International School Junior Golf Championship 

  • Runner-up of Guang Mei Stomatology & Zhang Xiongwu Golf Studio Star Cup 

  • Runner-up of Zhang Xiongwu Golf Star Cup Season League 

  • Highest Level Award, Yabuli and Beidahu Youth Amateur Skiing 

  • Host of "Bauhinia Festival" of ASJ

David is a very handsome boy. If you get along with him for a long time, you will find that he is a warm boy and is very likable. When he saw that the teachers had a lot of things in his hand, he would take the initiative to help and share; when he saw the young children crying, he would take out toys to coax the kids and he is a warm brother in the eye of the younger students; when he saw some classmates secretly eating snacks, he would help the teachers stop them and spread the correct ideas to the students. In the ASJ Bauhinia Festival competition, he acted as the host and his performance was recognized by the audience. 

▲David was the host of the "Bauhinia Festival" of ASJ

▲David was sharing his idea on UOI exhibition with his groupmates

David is really filial. Regarding the greatest driving force for growth, he said that "I want to be strong enough to protect the family." He realizes his mum has contributed a lot for this family and he was a bit guilty. "What impressed me most was that my mother has to prepare breakfast four times a day because of our family members have different schedules." 

In order to lighten the burden of his mother, the first thing he does is to constantly improve himself and let his mother be less worried about his daily life or his study. In addition, he will take the initiative to share housework for the family in his daily life. "Dad even used 'mama's boy' to describe me." David laughed. But he denied about the description, knowing clearly that he is not dependent on his mother, but being respectful to his mother. He respects all his elders and will adjust his behavior according to the advice of others. 

▲The happy hour of David and Coco (his younger sister)

Regarding golf, he said, "When I hit the ball, I felt that this small ball took away all the pressure and troubles. No matter what the result is, playing golf always makes me feel happy." Playing golf is a common hobby of the family, which makes David love golf even more. He enjoys the positive atmosphere of his family. The process of working together and moving towards the same goal gives him a great sense of achievement. At weekends, everyone in the family may sit in front of the TV to watch the games, discuss and analyze the skills of each player; or make an appointment to go to the stadium, to participate in the game, to encourage one another and make progress together. 

David's idol is Tiger Woods, a famous golfer who had been the champion for more than 650 weeks since he firstly ranked No. 1 in the world in 1997, holding a record in golf history. David has learned a lot from Tiger. "Once I didn't have a good shot, I would be regretful for a long time and often miss the next shot. But Tiger Woods would not be bogged down by his past acts and will always be looking forward to the next shot." David described that playing ball has tempered his positive, optimistic and calm state of mind. He needs to constantly adjust and encourage himself in a short time and instil positive energy into himself in order to have a better shot. His goal in the next one year or two is to become a second-class national athlete. Looking forward to getting good news from him in the near future.

Coco Xiao

A girl who is energetic

and is good at any sports

Coco Xiao

  • Champion in the Women's Group of Dongguan Station in 2022 GCCT Junior Golf skills level Competition

  • Runner-up in the Women's Group of 2022 Youth Golf Carnival Challenge Guangzhou Division 

  • 2nd Runner-up in the Women's Group of Jiangxi Junior Golf Tour in 2022

  • Champion of Guangdong International School Swimming Competition (200m freestyle swimming)

  • Highest Level Award, Yabuli and Beidahu Youth Amateur Skiing 

  • The Sprint Champion of the School Sports Meeting

"I am good at sports, such as golf, basketball, running, skiing and swimming." 

Coco mentioned several sports and her competition rankings in an easy way. All the listeners were surprised about her talents and marveled that this gentle and quiet girl was a hidden athlete. She can play any sports well, and she can get great rankings in the competitions.

She said confidently that she had never met any difficulties in doing sports. "I have never encountered any difficulties in the process of learning golf, and the skills and knowledge taught by the coach can be basically mastered by me." Moreover, she helped the class win a lot of honors in the sports meeting. 

When mentioning golf, Coco's chatterbox opened at once. The things that came to her mind were the vast lawn where she could run, the air mixed with the smell of earth, and the bright sunshine. These were the symbols of freedom. She described her state before playing golf. "I get excited a few hours in advance of playing golf, and at that moment the air is sweet." 

Coco excitedly shared the joys of golf to the people around her. She believed that the biggest difference between golf and other sports was that golf had no restrictions on physical function, gender or age. Golf was a lifelong sport. "Age is not a problem. You can play golf at the age of 3 or 80." In addition, people used the waist force to drive the upper limb to hit the ball, and it was a set of actions involving coordination, strength and explosive power. At ASJ, she also found like-minded golf players like Syvian. They were all members of the dance team and they recently completed the work of "Another day of sun". They participated in the "Young Ambassadors for International people-to-people Exchange" activities, and their shows will be presented on CCTV APP. 

▲Coco attended the Spring Festival Gala held by GDTV

▲Coco dances with her teammates

The great family education helps to shape the good character of David and Coco. "No matter what my dream is and what I want to do, my parents fully support me. They will also accompany me and help me to achieve the dreams." Regarding the study, the parents pays more attention to the children's learning process and learning attitude than their grades, hoping that the children will understand the essence of learning. She thinks that children should learn actively and happily, rather than being passively influenced by the environment or the people around them. Coco wants to be a first-class national athlete, and she also wants to continue her solid study at ASJ and explore her potential through ASJ's UOI inquiry courses.

▲Coco and Dad

Let’s go and play sports! Those sweaty moments, those moments we strive to the end are so worth cherishing. ASJ advocates "Sports and Education in One" and encourages students to go outside to play and take part in activities. Sports will give students the vitality of "perseverance, seriousness, and fearlessness". Students will gain not only awards but also experience and vision.


Special Thanks to Syvian, David and Coco

Editor Echo Huang











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