School News 喜讯
Chinese Language Festival
The results of the second International Chinese Language Festival, organised by the International Chinese Language Festival Association, were announced this summer after six months of competition. Six students won three Champions, six 1st Runner-Up, three 2nd Runner-Up and two Award of Merit in a number of competitions including Chinese painting, brush calligraphy and Chinese writing, etc. The competition follows the first online International Chinese Language Festival last year and once again demonstrates the Chinese learning ability of ISASC students and the school's dedication to teaching Chinese language and promoting Chinese culture.
Winning Student
Name 姓名 | Entries 参赛项目 | Awards 奖项 | |
Kayla He | Chinese Brush Calligraphy 毛笔字书法 | 2nd Runner-Up 季军 | |
Traditional Chinese Painting 中国国画创作 | 1st Runner-Up 亚军 | ||
Angela Xia | Singing of Nursery Rhymes 童歌演唱 | 1st Runner-Up 亚军 | |
Chinese Composition 中文写作 | 2nd Runner-Up 季军 | ||
Suri Song | Reading Out Pinyin Words and Sentences 拼音字词句子直读 | Champion 冠军 | |
Ancient Proses Solo Recitation 古散文朗诵 | 1st Runner-Up 亚军 | ||
Story Telling 中文讲故事 | 1st Runner-Up 亚军 | ||
Shera Song | Reading Out Pinyin Words and Sentences 拼音字词句子直读 | Champion 冠军 | |
Story Telling 中文讲故事 | Champion 冠军 | ||
Ancient Proses Solo Recitation 古散文朗诵 | 2nd Runner-Up 季军 | ||
Nancy Hong | Traditional Chinese Painting 中国国画创作 | 1st Runner-Up 亚军 | |
Ancient Poems Solo Recitation 中文古诗/词朗诵 | Award of Merit 优良奖 | ||
Chinese Brush Calligraphy 毛笔字书法 | Award of Merit 优良奖 | ||
Michelle Huang | Chinese Brush Calligraphy 毛笔字书法 | 1st Runner-Up 亚军 |
Chinese Language Festival 大赛介绍
The 2nd Online Chinese Language Festival is a Chinese language event organised by the Chinese Language Festival Association and co-organised by many schools and educational institutions around the world. It aims to promote Chinese language teaching and learning, and provide a platform and opportunity for participants to understand and appreciate Chinese culture, showcase their interests and talents, as well as create and communicate in Chinese. The competition is divided into eight regions, including Europe, Asia, Oceania, Japan and Korea, South America, China (3 areas), and Southeast Asia, and the categories for entries are divided into ten categories: recitation, singing, calligraphy, writing, pinyin, storytelling, Chinese painting, cartoons, ancient poetry creation and modern poetry creation.
The competition was not only a selection exercise, but also a process for students to learn Chinese and showcase their talents: with the guidance and support of the school's Chinese teaching team, students worked on their entries and refined them to present the "best" work they had in mind - the process of communicating with teachers and polishing their work was a deep "exchange" between students and Chinese culture.
Serena Zheng
Chinese Language Teacher
Ms. Serena, the Chinese teacher in Secondary School at ISASC, was one of the instructors of this competition. After learning of our students' achievements, she expressed her delight and wrote this paragraph to encourage more students to join the stage of Chinese Language Festival:
“From ancient times to the present day, the ancients have left behind a wealth of literary treasures, many of which were written by young and talented teenagers. In this International Chinese Language Festival, our students actively participated in the competition by reciting classical poems, creating Chinese paintings and brush calligraphy works, as well as exercising their confidence, broadening their horizons and appreciating the beauty of Chinese culture. We look forward to seeing more students from ISA Science City actively participating in Chinese language competitions in the future to learn and progress together.”
“自古文章盛事,俊杰亦多出少年。在第二届刚落幕的国际汉语节中,爱莎青少年在着汉家衣裳,诵《诗经》风雅,将山水挥毫入画,把汉字落笔成花。参赛作品中,我们看到爱莎少年有着“天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来”的自信;也看到了“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的胸怀;也不缺 “指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯”的豪迈;更看到“天地转,光阴迫,一万年太久,只争朝夕”的使命情怀……就让我们在国际汉语节舞台上,遇见最美汉语作品,邂逅爱莎少年。”
Now, let's follow the words of Ms. Serena and enjoy the winning entries of the participating students (partly).
Language Programmes 多语言学习项目
As an international community with a multicultural mix, ISA Science City School places a strong emphasis on language learning. The school offers five major language learning programmes to meet the individual language learning needs of students of all ages, from kindergarten to high school.
Language Learning Pathways 语言学习项目与课程 | |
English Programme 英文项目 (分级教学) | · English Language and Literature 英语语言与文学 (ELL) · English Language Acquisition (ELA) 英语语言习得(强化课程ELA) |
Chinese Programme 中文项目 (分级教学) | · Chinese Language and Literature 中国语言与文学 (CLL) · Chinese Language Acquisition 中文语言习得(强化课程CLA) |
Mother Tongue Support Programme 母语支持项目 | Potentially Japanese, Korean, Italian, French, Spanish, Arabic and other language, as families request 如日、韩、意、法、西班牙、阿拉伯语等其它国家语言课程 |
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