

Goal Planning | 个人目标规划为“灯”,BIS做学生的“引路人”



IGCSE Meeting



Written by Camilla

The IGCSE parents-teachers meeting took place on 18th September 2022.

The main topic of this meeting was the Cambridge IGCSE set of exams, for which all pupils can study at BIS. These exams are international and are recognized by many universities around the world. The exam syllabus, exam papers and course-books are written by a department within Cambridge University, which is one of the two most famous universities in the UK.

IGCSE 家长会于 2022 年 9 月 18 日举行。


The aim of the meeting was twofold. Firstly, to explain to the parents the advantages of the Cambridge exam syllabus. Secondly, to explain how acquiring a set of IGCSE exams can help your child with plans for his/her future.  

At BIS students can study for an IGCSE in most subjects. The IGCSE course starts in Year 10 and exams are taken at the end of Year 11. If students pass these exams, they are eligible to enter an A-level course.

Sound A-level results are needed to enter university. Therefore, good grades at IGCSE level are the first step towards your child’s future. 

会议的目的是双重的。首先,我们向家长阐述了剑桥考试大纲的优势。其次,我们又解释如何让一系列 IGCSE 考试帮助孩子规划他/她的未来。

在 BIS,学生可以学习大多数科目的 IGCSE。IGCSE 课程从 10 年级开始,考试在 11 年级结束。如果学生通过这些考试,他们就有资格进入 A-level 课程。

进入大学需要良好的A-level成绩。因此,在 IGCSE 水平上取得好成绩是让孩子迈向成功未来的第一步。

The event was set up by Mr. Matt and Ms. Camilla in the English and Global Perspectives Dept and these two teachers gave a presentation highlighting the important information connected with these exams.

Mr Matt explained the link between IGCSEs, A-level exams and university requirements. He also ensured that parents knew about the exam timetable. For example - names of students who are taking these exams are submitted to Cambridge International in the month of February of Year 11. The exams are usually in the month of May.

Ms. Camilla demonstrated the nature of the exams – how complex and challenging they are – as well as the high standards required by Cambridge.

Both teachers explained the assessment (checking) system of Cambridge International. Your child is tested regularly during the course and both progress and problems are recorded.

For further information – why not take a look at the power point the teachers prepared? This can be found on the class dojo and also on the whole school account on the class dojo, on the right side of the screen entitled Britannia International School Guangzhou.

We wish the next exam cohort good luck! 

此次活动由英语和全球视野系的 Matt 老师和 Camilla 老师发起,两位老师进行了演讲,重点介绍了与这些考试相关的重要信息。

Matt 老师解释了 IGCSE、A-level 考试和大学要求之间的联系。他还确保父母知道考试时间表。例如 - 参加这些考试的学生的姓名需要在 11 年级的 2 月提交给剑桥国际。而考试通常在 5 月进行。




As for goals, Emerson, the famous American philosopher, once said that once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. For students at the learning stage, once the goal is set, students will have a clear understanding of their future development blueprint. Students will concentrate all their energy and resources to work towards the goal they have chosen and become more enthusiastic about the goal.

At BIS, the Cambridge Curriculum also has goal setting as an important teaching method. It is embodied in The Cambridge Pathway, Learning Objectives by Stage and Long-Term Planning.



Cambridge Pathway


Early Years Foundation Stage / EYFS (Pre-nursery to Reception, Age 2-5)


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the goals that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life. 


Cambridge Primary & Lower Secondary(Year 1-9):A strong foundation


Our programme is built around what matters most to the child as they take their first steps in education: A broad curriculum for a balanced education;A robust foundation with excellent progression;A global learner in a local context;A flexible approach;An aligned programme based on the latest research.


● 均衡教育,广泛课程;

● 坚实基础,卓越进步;

● 本地学习,全球视野;

● 个性教育,灵活学习;

● 最新研究,全球一致。

Cambridge Upper Secondary (Y10-11, Age 14-16):Inspiring students to love learning


We set this goal for our students to pass the Cambridge IGCSE:The world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds.

Over 800 000 entries every year; Flexible - students can choose from 70 subjects in any combination; Excellent preparation for Cambridge Advanced; Internationally recognised by universities and employers. 

Assessment at end of the course; Fair for all students in every country, particularly those whose first language is not English; Written, oral, coursework and practical assessment options give students opportunities to demonstrate learning; Grades are A*–G, with A* being the highest.


● 每年全球有超过80万学生报名考试

● 灵活 - 学生可以从科目中任意组合

● 为剑桥国际高中高级课程做好充分的准备

● 证书得到国际大学和全球雇主的认可。

● 课程结束时的评估

● 对全球所有学生保持公平,特别是第一语言不是英语的学生

● 书面,口头,课程作业和实践评估选项为学生提供展示学习的机会

● 等级为A*-G,A*为最高

Cambridge Advanced (Y12-13,Age 16-19):Preparing for university and higher education

剑桥国际高中高级课程 (12-13年级,16-19岁):目标为大学和更层次的教育准备

At this stage, students develop deep subject knowledge, conceptual understanding and higer order thinking skills.

Cambridge International A Level qualifications are accepted by UK universities and nearly 850 US universities including IVY League. In places such as the US and Canada, good grades in carefully chosen Cambridge International A Level subjects can result in up to one year of university course credit!


剑桥国际A Level证书被英国所有大学和包括常春藤联盟在内的近850所美国大学所认可。在美国和加拿大等地,在剑桥国际A Level所选科目中获得好成绩,更可以获得高达一年的大学课程学分。

Detailed Learning Objective by Subject 


Take Cambridge Primary English as an example, At BIS, there are learning objectives for each of Stages 1 to 6.

Most of the learning objectives in each stage are unique to that stage. However, some learning objectives require longer to develop fully across a range of contexts. These learning objectives are included in more than one stage.

Each learning objective has a unique code, e.g. 5Rw.01. Each learning objective code includes:

• the stage number, e.g. 5Rw.01

• a reporting code that appears in the feedback reports for tests and reflects the sub-strand titles, e.g. 5Rw.01

• a number reflecting the order of the learning objectives in the sub-strand for the stage, e.g. 5Rw.01.




● 阶段编号,例如5Rw.01

● 出现在测试反馈报告中并反映子链标题的报告代码,例如5Rw.01

● 反映阶段链中学习目标顺序的数字,例如5Rw.01

Individual Long-Term Planning 


For individual students, we all have a long term planning. Our long-term planning involves considering the curriculum for a particular stage and planning coverage of the curriculum throughout the year. This includes taking account of seasons, school events and possible visits to enhance the learning process.

It also has pre-planning in terms of required resources, whether these are shared, limited or need buying in. The most important consideration when a teacher is delivering a new unit is timing and how often skills need to be revisited throughout the year.












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