

Demo Classes 爱莎 X 恒润 | 爱莎IB探究式教学,培养人工智能无法代替的学习与迁移能力



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Demo Classes by ISA International Teachers for Students in Hengrun Experimental School 


To strengthen cooperation and communications on education, every year ISA International Education Group (ISAIEG) sends a group of experienced and professional international teachers to deliver English demo classes of various subjects to students of Hengrun Experimental School based on the mutual benefits and long-term friendship between the two education organizations. 


On March 5, six international teachers from ISA Schools and programmes designed interesting trial classes in specific areas for Grade 8 students in Hengrun Experimental School on the theme of ‘What skills we have cannot be replaced by AI in the ChatGPT era’.


 ISA X Hengrun

Biology Class 生物课

‘Muscular System‘ by Aigerim Mussina 

from ISA Liwan School


Ms. Aigerim from ISA Liwan School delivered a biology class to the students of Class 801. On the theme of "How does our muscular system works to help us move", students had a journey to explore our human body. Ms. Aigerim also designed a game for students to hold still for a period of time by controlling their muscle. The interesting game mobilized the atmosphere of the classroom. After learning the basic knowledge about the muscle system, the students also had group discussions with peers and  Ms. Aigerim.


Debate Class 辩论课

‘Will ChatGPT do more harm than good?’ 

by Allen Lee from ISA Wenhua A Level

ChatGPT 是否弊大于利?—— 爱莎文华A Level课程


Mr. Allen from ISA Wenhua A Level Programme held a debate class to the students of Class 802 with collision of ideas. Students had a heated discussion about " Will ChatGPT do more harm than good " based on their own experience, actively expressing different opinions. There is no right or wrong in the debate. Under the guidance of Mr. Allen, students not only thought about the meaning of artificial intelligence from multiple perspectives when debating, but also improve their oral English, speech skills and critical thinking.

来自爱莎文华A Level国际课程的Allen老师为恒润实验学校802班的同学们带来了极具思维碰撞火花的辩论课,同学生围绕“ChatGPT 是否弊大于利”的辩题展开了激烈的讨论,从自身的学习和生活经验出发,踊跃发表不同的见解。辩论没有对错之分,通过Allen老师的引导,同学们不仅在辩论的过程中从多角度去思考人工智能的意义,更通过交锋的过程锻炼了英语口语能力、演讲技巧和辩证思维。

English Class 英语课

'English on Artificial Intelligence' 

by Michael Church from ISA Liwan School


An interesting English class was delivered by Mr. Church from ISA Liwan School through discussions, class worksheets and video to the students of Class 803. Mr. Church led students to learn words and phrases related to science and technology, which also encouraged them to deep thinking about artificial intelligence.


English & EAL Class 英语课

‘Discussion on the True Meaning and Dangers of Artificial Intelligence‘ by 

Paris Delikouras from ISA Tianhe


Mr. Paris from ISA Tianhe listed the different characteristics of both human intelligence and artificial intelligence in English class, and further guided the students from Class 804 to analyze and discuss the true meaning and potential dangers of artificial intelligence. After that, Mr. Paris organized a fun activity of trying to "simulate Artificial Intelligence" to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere of English learning. Students were made to rethink about the development of artificial intelligence while pinpointing the uniqueness of human intelligence.


Music Class音乐课

‘Learn a song from Lion King, The Circle of Life‘ by Sharon Shin from ISA Liwan School

学习电影《狮子王》主题曲The Circle of Life——


An IBDP music lesson was delivered in the Class 805 while other students were absorbed in the topic of ‘Not to be replaced by Artificial Intelligence’. Ms. Shin from ISA Liwan School analyzed the application of Artificial Intelligence in the field of music from performance, composition and cultural music with the song from Lion King, The Circle of Life. Students were guided to think about questions about ‘Whether we need AI to created or perform music’ and ‘Can AI replace human beings to create music’.

在同学们投入于如何不被人工智能所取代的思考时,在校园的另一角的805班,则正开展着一节独特的IBDP音乐课。来自爱莎荔湾的Sharon老师以电影《狮子王》主题曲The Circle of Life为例子,从演奏、作曲、背后承载的音乐文化三方面进行分析人工智能在音乐领域的应用,引导同学们对于“我们是否需要运用人工智能创作和演奏音乐”、“人工只能是否能代替人类进行音乐创作”等话题进行思考。

TOK Class 知识理论课

‘How do we get knowledge and how do we know what we claim to know‘ by Snober Sohail 

from ISA Liwan



Ms. Sohail from ISA Liwan School delivered a TOK class for students of Class 806. This class was about ‘How do we get knowledge and how do we know what we claim to know’. Students leaned to think about the nature of knowledge and had self-reflection on their cognitive method of knowledge. Ms. Sohail helped students to form their own perspective about the world and to construct their knowledge system, which helpful for further self-study, rational analysis and expression.


The demo classes organised by ISAIEG in Hengrun Experimental School promote the communication between teachers and students from different cultural backgrounds.


Adhering to the IB Holistic Education concept and inquiry teaching mode, ISA international teachers set diversified courses with the most heated topics around the world. We convey the information that in the ChatGPT era, only if we increase the ability of learning and transferring knowledge, we will not be replaced by Artificial Intelligence. The IB inquiry teaching and learning help students establish a knowledge system and a understanding of the world, cultivating their creative and critical thinking, and guide them to learn knowledge, seek information, explore problems and reflect strategies. Students will master not only the knowledge but also the method of learning during the inquiry learning.


The teachers and students of Hengrun Experimental School said that it was a novel experience to have the demo classes with diverse interaction and discussion between teachers and students in class. In addition, the topics of demo classes were consistent to the current trend which brings a new experience of international education to the students.


Demo classes in Hengrun Experimental School once again ended with laughters and joys shared between students and teachers. Such learning-exchange events always promote our principles for cooperation between ISAIEG and Hengrun in order to enhance our ties to a deeper level.


/About ISA/


ISAIEG 爱莎国际教育集团


Dibber 国际幼稚园(黄埔)










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