

【国际部】八月开放日邀约Open Day | 携手遨游暑期科技探索旅程





Details of Open Day (Highlights&Agenda)


About ISA Liwan


Outstanding Performance of Our First Graduates


Diverse and integrated curriculum of ISA Liwan


Our People


Teaching Highlights and ISA Pastoral Care


Excellent School Service, Environment & Activities


Admissions Plan and Scholarship


Introduction of ISA International Education Group


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In an ever-evolving era dominated by science and technology, education is undergoing a profound shift. As Albert Einstein once remarked, "Posing a question often outweighs solving a problem." Families increasingly recognize the significance of nurturing a child's cognitive abilities beyond mere scores. Cultivating technological proficiency has emerged as a key concern.

Technological insight blossoms through exploration and matures through contemplation. At ISA Liwan, we embrace the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach, fostering inquiry, innovation, and creative thinking to enhance scientific acumen.

ISA Liwan School 荔湾爱莎学校

With the new academic year approaching, ISA Liwan is hosting an Open Day on August 20th. You and your child are invited to engage in this event, which will also feature the "Guangdong Provincial Youth Innovative Thinking and Technology Practice Competition", with 500 participants approximately. You are warmly welcome to attend and experience the enrichment of technological culture. Here, students will engage closely with modern technology, explore the use of cutting-edge equipment, broaden their horizons, and ignite their creativity. We look forward to your visit!

新学年开学在即,爱莎荔湾将于8月20日举办开放日,诚邀您参与!当天,学校也会举办 “广东省青少年创新思维及科技实践大赛”,届时有近500人参加,欢迎您带着孩子感受科技文化的熏陶。在这里,孩子们将与现代科技亲密接触,尝试使用先进的设备,开拓视野,激发创造力。期待您的莅临!

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ISA Liwan has crafted a multidisciplinary fusion of technology, seamlessly integrating science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, opening a gateway to infinite possibilities for students.

ISA Liwan's STEAM courses are designed to spark children's curiosity and foster innovative thinking, enabling rapid growth through hands-on practice. It not only emphasizes the transmission of theoretical knowledge but also places a strong emphasis on practical application. On the Open Day,  participants will have the opportunity to operate cutting-edge equipment such as 3D printers, robotic dogs, robots, drones, translating theory into practical applications. Additionally, our curriculum encompasses a wide array of software categories, ranging from image processing to artificial intelligence, and from programming languages to cybersecurity, all of which will stimulate children's curiosity and desire to learn.

ISA Liwan's STEAM curriculum is more about cultivating innovative abilities, guiding students to become explorers and innovators in the field of technology. On August 20th, let's unlock the key to the world of technology.

- Highlights 活动亮点 -

Program Insights 项目课·程说明会

Gain a deep understanding of ISA Liwan's distinctive teaching and assessment system.


Competition Showcase 大赛观摩和交流

Witness the "Guangdong Provincial Youth Innovative Thinking and Technology Practice Competition," exploring the world of technology.


Campus Tour 全方位探索美丽校园

Immerse yourself in a creatively designed campus environment, featuring top-notch facilities for physical education and the arts.


- Date&Time 活动时间 -

9:00 AM-12:00PM

Sunday, 20, August 2023



- Agenda 活动流程 -


Registration & Campus Tour

签到 & 校园参观


General Introduction of ISA Liwan



 Sub-school Information Session


- Address 活动地点 -

West Gate, ISA Liwan, Hailong Road, 

Liwan District, Guangzhou




About ISA Liwan


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With an investment of 180 million USD from ISAIEG, ISA Liwan is an exemplary K-12 School with integrated curriculum (International & National Diverse Pathways) featuring Lingnan characteristics, built by ISA International Education Group with independent property rights in Southern China. It opens ISA Wenhua Liwan School (Dual Pathways) and K-12 ISA Liwan International School. The school also provides immersing international Boarding Programme for Primary, Middle and High School Students. ISA Liwan joins Guangzhou and Foshan, where the two cities are connected geographically, historically, and culturally. It is about 800 meters away from Longxi Station of Guangzhou-foshan Metro Line.

The Unique Education Model of ISA Liwan


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Holistic Education

ISA is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive educational ecosystem. With a holistic approach that prioritizes students' cognitive and character development, We strive to cultivate individuals who will shape the future with innovation as their fundament.

Two Pathways to University


Strategic Partnership with Guangzhou Foreign Language School

Under the guidance of the Guangzhou Education Bureau, Guangzhou Foreign Language School and ISA International Education Group signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement in 2021. This partnership entails extensive collaboration in curriculum, faculty, educational research, and management, fostering mutual learning and innovation. Leveraging their strengths, they aim to pioneer international understanding education in the Greater Bay Area.

Three exceptional teams of teachers

The school has always been adhering to ISA's strict selection policy for teachers in China. Through systematic processes such as background screening, multiple interviews, trial lectures, evaluation and teamwork, the school has built an excellent team of teachers with Chinese and Western integration and both moral integrity and ability.

Our school boasts its highly diverse faculty and staff, comprising professionals from 30 different countries and a talented group of bilingual individuals who have returned after studying abroad. The team also includes renowned local teachers from Guangzhou Foreign Language School and distinguished educators from Hubei and various regions of the country. Our experienced teaching team has successfully guided students to pursue further studies at top-tier universities worldwide, including Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and Ivy League schools. 

Outstanding Performance of Our First Graduates


“Goal-oriented” University Pathways to Mainland of China, HK & Macao & Taiwan and International Countries Personalised College Counselling for All ISA Students


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/ 制定高中学习、生活规划

/ 助力学生发展个性、探索学术兴趣

/ 提供标准化考试策略 

/ 系统全面的家长工作坊

/ 讨论全球大学选择

/ 引导参与研究型课外活动

/ 指导大学申请文书写作

/ 协助完成大学申请

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Attaches great importance to each student's personal goals and growth

Assisting students inexploring the mostsuitable pathways

Students' growth is the core of our practise

Provide personalised College Counselling Support

The College Counselling Centre provide students with help in following aspects:

/ Develop study and life plans in high school

/ Help students develop personality and explore academic interests

/ Provide standardised testing strategies

/ Systematic parent workshops

/ Discuss global university options

/ Guide participation in research-based extracurricular activities

/ Guide college application essay writing

/ Assist with college application


Diverse and integrated curriculum of ISA Liwan

Secondary School


International Secondary School 国际中学/初高中

International High School 国际高中


A Level        

Arts 艺术         



International Middle School 国际初中

IBMYP Framework


Primary School


International Primary School


IBPYP Framework 


Early Years


International EY 国际幼儿园

IBPYP Framework + UK Standard



Our People


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The school has always been adhering to ISA's strict selection policy for teachers in China. Through systematic processes such as background screening, multiple interviews, trial lectures, evaluation and teamwork, the school has built an excellent team of teachers with Chinese and Western integration and both moral integrity and ability.

The founding team not only has strong and profound educational background but is also highly diversified. They have many years of teaching and management experience in Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Singapore and other countries.

Senior Leadership Team


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· 深耕教育数十年,有丰富的国际学校、双语学校教学管理和运营管理经验,中学高级教师。

· 曾任中国枫叶教育集团湖北(华中)教育大区首席执行官兼总校长、华中师范大学学校文化研究中心高级研究员、湖北省民办教育协会监事会主席、湖北安徽商会高级战略顾问等职务,曾获省优秀教育工作者、省新课程改革特出贡献奖、首届全国孔子教育奖章等殊荣。

· 出版个人专著《写在课堂里的诗(系列丛书)》、《我们一起走过(朱奇卷)》,主编《一百个孩子一百首诗》、《成就最好的自己》等十多部教育专辑。




· 从教36年,其中25年专注IB教育,先后在广东、江苏的IB 学校工作,担任十五年一贯制IB 学校副校长、校长近10 年;


· 哈佛大学教育学院校长中心研究学者、伦敦大学学院教育学院校长领导力研究学者。

· 2018 年获得“中国最具影响力国际化学校校长”,2019 年获得“新浪教育国际人才培养示范大奖”。

Michael Urquhart



· 30年的教育经验,15年的领导经验;

· 任阿联酋维多利亚英语学校校长(该校学术成绩在阿联酋地区排名第一)和美国印第安纳国际学校校长(该校IB课程的成绩连续5年评为美国高中前50名);

· 曾在广州誉德莱国际学校任职副校长及其中学部校长。

Beth Jones


- 于2016年加入爱莎,助力爱莎集团旗下的第一所学校爱莎天河学校的创建 

- 拥有在英国、希腊及俄罗斯等国家的幼儿园、小学超30年的教学经验 

- TYCEMC教师导师;IB领导力和PYP导师




· 毕业于北京师范大学数学系,获UCL学校领导力培训证书。

· 具有超过二十年的国际课程教学和管理经验,熟悉IB、IGCSE、A Level和AP等主流国际课程。

· 曾担任国内知名IB学校高中部副校长、国际文凭大学预科项目(IBDP)协调员。

· 带领的IBDP国际考试平均分超过40分,在中国地区名列前茅;所教学生遍布世界名校,包括牛津、剑桥和美国常春藤盟校等。

· 还担任IB国际文凭组织亚太地区的培训官和IBDP数学考官。



广州荔湾爱莎文华副校长 (国际方向)

· 剑桥大学社会人类学博士,教育学硕士、在剑桥大学有长达14年的学习和教学经历。曾教授过东亚系本科及研究生。

· 上海外国语大学语言学及应用语言学硕士;上海交通大学讲师。 

· 近三十年的教育教学及管理经验,熟悉主流国际课程体系。 

· 曾任湾区知名K-12国际学校中方创校校长,负责课程设计,招生招聘和学校筹开。 

· 曾在英格兰最古老的私立学校之一的 King's School, Ely任Senior Teaching Fellow.



· 曾任职于杭州、北京知名国际学校。对MYP和DP的语言与文学、语言习得和认识论课程有丰富的教学经验。

· 于2012年在湖南科技大学求学并获得汉语言文学学士学位,随后在易三仓大学和肯特大学获得咨询心理学和教育心理学硕士学位,并在肯特大学攻读教育心理学博士学位,2022年接受哈佛大学教育学院教育领导力培训。

· 曾在国内公立学校、国际学校以及泰国和英国等多所学校任职,具有丰富的教学经验。

Patricia Pope


- 拥有桑德兰大学的教育硕士学位,目前正在巴斯大学攻读她的第二个领导和管理硕士学位。

- 在新加坡、中国和美国的IB学校拥有超过20年的经验。

- 曾受聘于新加坡加拿大国际学校担任国际双语课程的小学部副校长。

- 作为一名经验丰富的IBEN成员,已担任IB工作坊负责人、学校顾问和现场考察团队成员超过8年。

- 作为学校领导,她曾与来自不同文化背景的人一起工作,并且在跨文化背景下具有丰富的领导经验。



- 从事教育工作二十多年,在IB等主流国际课程领域有丰富的教育教学管理经验。

- 曾任国内某知名IB学校小学教学副校长、PYP项目协调员,任职期间她带领团队取得中国大陆最早一批的PYP项目授权,成功地探索出了一条国家课程与国际课程的融合之路。

- 国际文凭组织亚太地区的培训官、学校访问官和项目咨询官。

Jeremiah Chua


- 拥有17年教学和学校管理经验,获南洋理工大学教育学学士学位、悉尼大学跨文化交际硕士学位和哈佛大学教育研究生院学校管理和领导力证书。

- 来自新加坡的他从小沉浸在多语言的学习环境中,生活在一个多元文化的社会塑造了他作为一名教师和学校领导的全球视野。

- IB培训官和PYP项目负责人。

Angela Lisle



- 曾任爱莎天河幼儿园协调员和高级领导团队成员

Joyce Chen


- 9年国际学校教学经验,其中5年国外教学经验

- 曾任广州斐特思公学幼儿园课程协调员、北京海淀凯文学校幼儿园和学术团队负责人、美国Post Oak IB 学校主班老师

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Qi Zhu

Chief Headmaster of ISA Liwan School

· Has been deeply involved in education for many years and has rich experience in teaching management and operation management of both international schools and bilingual schools; Secondary School Senior Teacher.

· Was the CEO and Head of school of a well-known education group in Central China, a senior secondary school teacher, a senior researcher of the School Culture Research Center of Central China Normal University, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hubei Private Education Association, Senior Strategic Advisor of Hubei-Anhui Chamber of Commerce, and the winner of the first National Confucius Medal for Education. 

· Has published his personal monograph “Poems Written in the Classroom”, edited such as “One Hundred Poems for One Hundred Children”, “Achieve the Best Self” and so on, and compiled “Oriental Culture Academy” (Volume 1, Volume 2).

Tony Huo

Head (International) of ISA Wenhua Liwan School

Head of ISA Wenhua Guangzhou Foreign Language School IB Diploma Programme

· Has been teaching for 36 years, of which 25 years focus on IB education. He has worked in IB schools in Guangdong and Jiangsu successively, and served as the Deputy Head and Head of K-12 IB schools for nearly 10 years.

· One of the first group of IBDP Examiners in China.

· A research scholar at the President's Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a research scholar on Presidential Leadership at the University College London School of Education;

· In 2018, he won the China's Most Influential International School Principal, and in 2019, he won the Sina Education International Talent Training Demonstration Award.

Michael Urquhart

Head of ISA Liwan International School

 Co-head of ISA Wenhua Liwan School

· 30 years of experience in education, including 15 years’ leadership experience.

· A former Headmaster at Victoria English School as well as the International School of Indiana, with both schools ranked top in their area. 

· A former Deputy Head of Utahloy International School and Principal of its secondary school div.

Beth Jones

Executive Principal of ISA Liwan International School

- Joined ISA Tianhe in 2016 and helped to establish the first of the ISA schools.  

- 30 years’ experience in Primary and Early Years schools in the UK, the British Embassy School in Greece and the British School of Moscow in Russia.  

- TYCEMC teacher trainer and Lexis Ed­ucation alumni; IB Leadership and PYP training.  

Myra Wang

Head of ISA Wenhua Liwan School (International)

Principal of ISA Wenhua Liwan Secondary School (International)

· Graduated from Beijing Normal University and Obtained UCL school leadership training certificate. 

· Has over 20 years’ experience of teaching and management in the mainstream international programmes such as IB, IGCSE, A Level and AP. 

· Served as Vice Principal of High School and IBDP Coordinator in GCGS. 

· The average score of IBDP examinations during her tenure was over 40, ranking among the best in China. Her students are all over the world top universities, including Oxbridge in the UK and Ivy League in the US. 

· Also served as an IBDP training officer and math examiner in the Asia Pacific region of IB International Diploma Organization.

Dr. Jiarui Li

Director of ISA Initiative for Student Enrichment and Success(ISES) 

Deputy Head (International) of ISA Wenhua Liwan School 

· PhD in Social Anthropology, with 14 years of learning and teaching at the University of Cambridge. He taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses for two years in Cambridge. 

· Master in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. 

· Worked in several universities before moved on to be the Founding Chinese Head of a well-known K-12 school in the great bay area. 

· Also, in King’s School, Ely, one of the oldest public schools in England, he worked as a Senior Teaching Fellow for two years.

Peter Guo

Principal of ISA Wenhua Liwan Middle School (International)

· Has worked in well-known International Schools and he has extensive experience in teaching MYP and DP language and literature, language acquisition as well as TOK courses.

· Received his bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Hunan University of Science and Technology in 2012, and his master’s    degrees in Counseling Psychology and Educational Psychology from Assumption University and University of Kent.

· In 2022, he received the education Leadership training from The School of Education of Harvard University. Peter has worked in domestic public schools, international schools, and many schools in Thailand and the United Kingdom, with rich teaching experience.

Patricia Pope

Principal of ISA Wenhua Liwan Primary School (International)

- Patricia holds an MA in Education from the University of Sunderland and is currently pursuing her second master’s in leadership and management through the University of Bath.

- Patricia has had over 20 years’ experience in IB schools in Singapore, China and the United States.

- Prior to ISA Liwan, Patricia was employed by the Canadian International School of Singapore as the Vice Principal of Primary for international bilingual programs.

- As an experienced IBEN educator, Patricia has been an IB Workshop Leader, Schools Consultant and Site Visit Team Member for over 8 years.

- As a school leader, she has worked with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and has extensive experience in leading in a cross-cultural context.


Vice Principal of ISA Wenhua Liwan Primary School (International)

She has been engaged in education for more than 20 years and has rich experience in teaching and management in mainstream international programme such as IBPYP.

She served as vice Principal of Primary School and PYP Coordinator in GCGS. During her tenure, she led the team to obtain the first PYP authorization in Mainland of China and successfully explored a way to integrate national curriculum with international curriculum.

- She is also an IBAP PYP workshop leader, school visiting team leader and school consultant.

Jeremiah Chua

Deputy Principal of  ISA Wenhua Liwan Primary School & PYP Coordinator

- Jeremiah has 17 years of teaching and school leadership experience and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Nanyang Technological University, a Master’s degree in Cross-cultural Communication from University of Sydney and a Certificate in School Management and Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

- He was immersed in a multilingual learning environment from an early age in Singapore, and living in a multicultural society shaped his global outlook as a teacher and school leader.

- As an educator, he is committed to igniting that curiosity within our students so that they become inquirers and independent learners. As a school leader, he is committed to working with our faculty to ensure that the learning environment is safe, nurturing and progressive for all students. As an IB Workshop Leader and PYP Programme Leader, he is fully committed to the IB mission in developing compassionate lifelong learners who can make this world a better place.

Angela Lisle

Principal of ISA Liwan International Early Years

- Over twenty-one years of teaching experience in the UK, Middle East and China, focusing on early childhood education 

- Former Early Years Coordinator and a member of the Senior Leadership Team at the ISA Tianhe 

Angela Lisle

 ISA Liwan International Early Years Curriculum Coordinator 

- 9 years of teaching experience in international schools, including 5 years of teaching experience abroad 

- Former Early Years curriculum coordinator at Fettes College Guangzhou, the head of the kindergarten and academic team leader of Beijing Haidian Kaiwen Academy, and homeroom teacher in Post Oak Academy in the United States 

Experienced Teaching Faculty


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ISA Liwan have built an excellent team with example and recruited outstanding international citizens from more than ten countries around the globe to form a top international education team. The all have professional ability, global vision, and great passion in education:



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▲ 每班20-24人,班级规模小

▲ 学生获得更高的关注度和更多的体验和展示机会

▲ 精准教学、精准辅导,提升课堂效率



▲ 提供一对一的全方位人文心智关怀和帮助,包括学业、心理、生活、社交、升学等方面

▲ 帮助学生制定合理的成长方案,立足个人实际、着眼未来发展

▲ 激发学生内心的自觉,促进学生自我教育,自我发展

▲ 建立学生成长记录档案和综合素质评价体系

▲ 让学生在选择中成长,在评价中发展




▲ 学校拥有来自20个国家的学生及老师,实现多元文化融合的校园环境

▲ 学校提供相应的母语和第二外语教学,让学生能够更好地掌握语言技能

▲ 学校除了中国国家课程外,也提供国际课程,如IB、AL等,为学生提供国际化的教育元素

▲ 学校的国际化办学特色能够帮助学生更好地融入全球化时代,增强学生的国际竞争


▲ 爱莎以世界为教材,以问题为导入,以概念为驱动,以探究为主要的学习方式

▲ 提供超越课堂的实践和体验,在多元文化融合的校园内进行探究性活动,在校外博物馆、美术馆、创业园等场地的实地探究

▲ 在探究过程中学习和提升研究、沟通、思考、社交和自我管理技能,激发孩子的无限潜能

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Small Class Size

▲Small class size (24-30 students per class)

▲Increased attention and opportunities for students

▲Precise teaching and tutoring to enhance classroom efficiency

Mentor Programme

▲ An academic mentor and a life mentor for each student 

▲Each student has an exclusive tutor to provide one-to-one comprehensive humanistic and spiritual care in terms of academics, psychology, life, social interaction, and further education. 

▲ Tailored growth plans based on student’s personal circumstances and future development 

▲ Cultivate student’s self-awareness and foster their self-education and personal growth 

▲ Create personal development portfolios and a comprehensive quality assessment system

▲ Flourish through choices and thrive through evaluations

Differentiate Teaching

▲ Respects and values every student’s uniqueness and personalities

▲ We don’t use one standard to measure every student

▲ Teaching in small groups in daily classroom, reading, and inquiry activities


▲ A multicultural campus that brings together students and teachers from over 20 countries. 

▲ Courses in both the native language and a second foreign language are available, enabling students to develop strong language skills. 

▲ Integrated Curriculum: Besides CNC, International programmes like IB and AL are also available. 

▲ International education: Better prepared students in the era of globalisation. 

Experiential Learning

▲ It takes the world as the textbook, questions as the introduction, concepts as the driving force, and inquiry as the main teaching and learning approach. 

▲ Provide practice and experience beyond the classroom, carry out inquiry activities in multi-cultural campus with a sense of science and technology, and conduct field research in museums, art galleries, entrepreneurship parks and other places outside the campus. 

▲ Learn and improve research, communication, thinking, social and self-management skills in the process of inquiry, practice and stimulate children’s unlimited potential.



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人文心智关怀(Pastoral Care)在爱莎荔湾社区文化中是一个非常重要的元素。我们坚持‘以学生为中心’,始终以孩子的幸福快乐作为办学的宗旨,给学生提供全方位的关爱,通过不同的制度与计划,例如寄宿服务、家校沟通、学生管理制度、导师制及学院制,为学生营造积极包容的学校社区和文化,打造有温度的教育环境。同时坚定不移地信任他们的潜力,鼓励他们自发地努力,并最后实现对自己人生目标地探索和驾驭自己的人生求学之路。




• 校长晚宴 

• 感恩晚宴 

• 集体生日会 


• 学生之声 

• 领导力课程 

• 周末城市之旅:探索岭南传统文化,参观陈家祠、广州塔等


▲ 相比于整所学校的制度和管理,组织结构较小的学院制通过对学生的个性化护理、和学生更紧密的联系和更高的“成人照顾 儿童”的比例,更好地实现对学生的社会情感需求的满足

▲ 以学院为单位向学生提供竞赛、主题研讨会和社交活动等多种项目

▲ 增进学生友谊,形成良性竞争关系,并建立师生间紧密关系,增加学生的集体感和归属感

















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Pastoral care is an integral part of the ISA Liwan community, reflecting our commitment to a studentcentred approach. We prioritise the happiness and well-being of our students. Through a variety of systems and initiatives, such as boarding services, communication between parents and the school, student management, mentorship programmes, and the house system, we foster a positive and inclusive school community and culture. Our objective is to cultivate an educational environment that nurtures each individual student. We have unwavering trust in their potential and are committed to empowering them to explore and navigate their own educational path in pursuit of their life goals.

International Boarding Community

Boarding is regarded as an essential Programme including the aspects of evening tutoring, leadership course, principals’ dinner gala, additional activities including Sport, Art, Academic, Science, etc.

ISA Liwan provides arts activities, sports programmes and community activities including but are not limited to: 

• HoS Night 

• Appreciation Dinner

• Group Birthday Party

• Movie Night

• Student Voice Meeting

• Leadership Programmes

• Weekend City Tour:Explore the Lingnan culture, visit the Chen Ancestral Temple and the Guangzhou Tower etc.

House System

▲With a higher ratio of “adult caring for children”, provides personalised care and helps to establish closer connections with students, thereby better meeting their social and emotional needs.

▲ Offer various programmes such as competitions, seminars, and social activities to students on a house basis. 

▲ Enhance friendships among students, fostering healthy competitive relationships, establishing close bonds between teachers and students, and fostering a sense of belonging and collective identity among students. 

Academic Support

We recognize that each student is unique and has individual needs. ISA adheres to the concept of “student-centered” education and helps students with different abilities find their own pace and way of learning. We have opened the Learning Support Center to create such a positive environment and curriculum, leading students to better themselves, helping them to succeed in our learning program and thrive in our community. 

Fully integrate into the teaching department, cooperate with the humanistic and mental care department, connect closely with the psychological department, and deeply communicate with the college entrance guidance department. The three-dimensional structure, from the future planning to the immediate goal, start from the heart, drive and awareness, become the people of the world in their own eyes. 

Psychological Counselling

ISA International Education Group has established the Student Support Centre, which will provide students with learning support and psychological counselling. 

Experienced psychological experts and teachers provide staff and students with psychological counselling service including lectures and group recreational activities, creating a closer relationship between teachers and students, and supporting the overall healthy growth of the students.

Sports and Health

In ISA Liwan, physical education is the practice of lifelong learning and whole-person education. 

Our experienced physical education teachers provide students with an adequate and extensive physical education curriculum and conduct both process and outcome assessment. We will not only provide exercise lessons for students, but also teach them about the benefits of regular exercise and healthy food choices, as well as the risks of inactivity and poor diet. 

Sports is an inclusive program that allows students to learn and improve their sports skills in an interactive and competitive environment through fun and learning. At the same time, sports also help students develop social skills. For example, team sports help them learn to respect others and contribute to team goals. 

Through physical education, students will develop their physical fitness, self-confidence and social skills, and prepare themselves physically and mentally for the future.

Charity Events

Students are encouraged to integrate what they learn in the school with the development needs of the community by participating in projects or activities that aim to help others and develop a sense of responsibility and care for the community. 

 ISA combines curriculums with the charity programmes, such as Charity Walkathon, Visiting children with hearing-impaired, Charity Booth in the ISA Festival etc. Students have the opportunity to lead and organize charity events and improve their leadership, problem-solving and teamwork skills.


Home-School Communication

It is vital to build a close home-school partnerships that benefit students’ learning, behaviour and focus. The aim is to create a joyful, caring and supportive learning community by working closely with parents and the wider community. 

Professional and Warm Campus Services


Colourful Learning Community 

— Logistic Support 

打造缤纷学习型社区 — 运营保障


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Aesthetically Pleasing and Decent School Uniforms 


Using washable materials and non-ironing technology, ISA Liwan has designed comfortable and attractive school uniforms for each student. The uniforms provided are suitable for each season, with formal wear, sportswear, swimwear and other items such as ties and shoes to complete the look of the high standards we have here at ISA Liwan. 


School uniforms are designed by international designers and made of advanced fabrics to ensure the comfort and wearability for students.校服由国际大师设计,采用顶级面料制作,保证穿着的舒适度,同时提高学生的审美能力与自豪感。

Uniforms will also enhance students’ confidence, sense of belonging to the ISA family as well as focus their self-management practices.


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Healthy And Nutritious Five-star World Food 


The cafeteria of ISA Liwan serves students with Chinese,Western, vegetarian, bakery, pastry and global cuisine meals, etc.and it can also support a variety of additional activities such as parties, baking and non-baking lessons. 

爱莎荔湾餐厅为学生中餐、西餐、素食、烘焙、面点、环球料理餐等多种形式的餐饮服务,可满足聚会、烘焙课、美 食DIY等活动的需求。

The nutritionists of cafeteria review the weekly menu and issue nutritional analysis reports according to the healthy growing needs of students. 


Additionally, the cafeteria also conducts monthly activities regarding Chinese and international foods as well as dietary lectures to improve students understanding of what constitutes a healthy and balanced diet. 


Furthermore, the independent logistics platform that is in place, means the trackability and management of fresh food is state of the art.Additionally, neither genetically modified foods nor Monosodium glutamate will not be used in any of the ISA cafeterias. 


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International Boarding Community


Our campus is equipped with one of the most modernly-designed boarding facilities in the Greater Bay Area, building an immersive community to “explore, experience and grow”. 


Mentor Programme: Professional International and Chinese boarding management team Head of Boarding from UK.


4-student International standard boarding facilities, students’ private space and common areas are fully considered. 


A true multi-language boarding environment 


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Safe and Convenient School Bus Service


The school bus service centre provides an efficient school bus service for students. 


The whole route takes less than an hour. In this way, students can enjoy a safe and convenient commute to and from school helping parents feel more at ease regarding transport needs. 


Experienced school bus driver with bus supervisors. 



ISA Liwan Health Clinic: 

Care for Children's Health and Growth


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The ISA Liwan Health Clinic is devoted to providing medical support that meets international medical standards to ensure the health of students and the faculties at school. Our Health Clinic: 

Provides 24-hour service for the entire school. It maintains comprehensive health records for each student as well as systems to report and follow up on health risks. 

Nurses support for activities such as sports, events and summer camps will be also provided according to school’s schedule. 

Invite general and specialist physicians to give health talks, such as themed lectures on myopia prevention and dental health. 

Provides CPR and AED training to help deal with any potential emergency. 

All-round Intelligent Security System


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/ 爱莎荔湾智能化的校园管理系统提供全方位的服务保障

/ 专业的安保团队提供24小时一流的安保服务 

/ 校园监控覆盖全校

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/ Advanced intelligent campus system ensures full service 


/ Professional team provides 24-hour top-notch security service 

 / Surveillance system covers the campus 

Excellent Environment & Facilities


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ISA Liwan follows the pattern of Topdown, designs the campus according to the curriculum system, IB’s concept of holistic education and “learner-centred”, and highly combines science and technology with humanities. Our school is embedded with the essence of Lingnan culture and adheres to the architectural philosophy and aesthetic standards of ISAIEG’s schools. The Lingnan buildings and pavilions are mixed with beautiful water scenery and fragrant flowers.

ISA Liwan is committed to providing a green, safe and environmentally friendly campus that provides a stimulating learning environment for all teachers and students. The buildings are all certified for construction by the world’s most stringent American WELL standards. The design and facility standards of the school have reached world-class levels:

Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories of international standards.

800-seat auditorium

Olympic Track and Full-size Football Pitch

Learner pool and the aquatics centre

STEAM Centre and Arts Centre

Two libraries that can contain more than 50,000 books

Black Box Theatre for British Drama training and performance

Multiple competition-level sport courts: basketball courts, tennis courts, volleyball courts, etc.

800-seat Auditorium 


Chinese Culture Room

Transportation Hub

Sports Hall


Black Box

Aquatics Centre

Diverse Activities 


Sports Festival, Arts Festival, Book Week, STEAM Festival, ISA Festival, New Year Celebration, Meadows Music Festival……


These activities are excellent opportunities for students to develop their social and communication skills while becoming further immersed in local and other cultures.


New Year Celebration


Book Week


Arts Festival


STEAM Festival







· 学术成就

· 艺术/音乐/体育成就

· 环保/公益/社区服务/创业

· 世界名牌大学录取





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In order to inspire new students and encourage them to continue to study hard and develop in an allround way, to achieve excellence in all subject areas and to practice the IB holistic education philosophy, ISA has launched the “Freshman Scholarship”.

In addition, the Esha Liwan Scholarship is rich in types and money. You are welcome to apply for it.


· Academic Achievement

· Art/Music/Athletic Achievemen

· Environment Protection/Public Welfare/Community Service/Entrepreneurship Achievement

· Offer From World‘s Top Universities

Pioneer Scholarship (for Freshman)

Talent of Excellent Scholarship (for ISA Student)

Elite Scholarship 

 (for Outstanding Graduate)

International School New Student Scholarship

Admissions Plan


Entrance Assessment / Understanding 


* ISA Liwan offers a diverse range of integrated programmes covering both national and international orientations, and students can consult the Admissions Department for specific assessments for admission to the different programmes. (Please kindly find the contact at the end of our article)


Application Procedure





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爱莎国际教育集团由来自世界众多顶级国际教育集团的资深教育专家创立,专家团队来自英国、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、中国内地和中国香港等地的名校,其中有在澳洲卫斯理、哈罗、新加坡 UWC、香港汉基、香港英基等校担任校长和教育总监等关键职务的教育行业领军人。


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The ISA International Education Group was founded by senior education experts from many of the world’s leading international education groups. The expert team comes from prestigious schools in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zea-land, Singapore, China and China Hong Kong. Among them are educational leaders, principals and education directors of schools including Wesley, Harrow, Singapore UWC, Chinese International School, and the English Schools Foundation.

At present, the ISAIEG has twelve schools and programmes, including four international schools , two K12 ISA Wenhua Schools open to both Chinese and foreign passport holders, four ISA international senior years programmes, the ISA Charity Fund and the ISA International Academy.


免费联系ISA Liwan 爱莎荔湾








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