

AIC2023 TOK知识论展 | 学科与知识的交织



TOK Exhibition



Theory of 

Knowledge Exhibition

Article provided by: Misty.KARMAKAR

9月22日, 亚加达国际预科—AIC在DP2同学们的知识论展的举办下,焕发出知识的智慧与创意表达的芬芳。这不仅仅是一场活动,更是一场思想、观点和个人反思的多彩盛宴。展区不仅吸引人的目光,还充满了热烈的对话氛围。学生、教师和家长积极参与其中,不仅仅是旁观者,更是积极的参与者,渴望聆听每个物品背后的故事,分享他们自己的观点。

On the 22nd of September, our school's main lobby transformed into a hub of intellectual curiosity and creative expression as the DP2 TOK Exhibition unfolded. It wasn't just an event; it was a kaleidoscope of ideas, perspectives, and personal reflections. Beyond the captivating exhibits, the space buzzed with the energy of lively conversations. Other students, teachers, and parents joined in, not merely as spectators but as active participants, eager to hear the stories behind each object and, in some cases, even sharing their own perspectives. 

Video create by: Misty.KARMAKAR

What is Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and the TOK Exhibition?

· 什么是知识论展览? ·


The International Baccalaureate (IB) program places a strong emphasis on developing well-rounded individuals with a global outlook and critical thinking. One of the core components that embodies this philosophy is Theory of Knowledge (TOK), a course that challenges students to question the nature of knowledge and delve into the processes and mechanisms through which we understand how we know what we know.


The TOK Exhibition is an exciting event in the TOK curriculum, offering students the opportunity to explore how TOK manifests in their everyday life and showcase their understanding of knowledge in a tangible and interactive manner. As part of the TOK Exhibition requirements, the DP2 students were tasked with choosing one of 35 Internal Assessment (IA) prompts, each posing a question about knowledge. For their exhibits, students select three objects that they have encountered in their daily lives and learning experiences. These objects serve as a medium to explore the depth and breadth of knowledge, illustrating the diverse ways in which TOK is embedded in our everyday existence. From scientific phenomena to historical events, from artistic creations to ethical dilemmas, the exhibits provide a rich tapestry of perspectives on knowledge.

DP1 Engagement

· DP1 学生的参与任务 ·


Adding an extra layer to the event, DP1 students were actively involved. Tasked with visiting all the exhibits, they engaged in interviews with at least two DP2 students. This interaction served a dual purpose: not only did it provide DP1 students with valuable insights into the TOK Exhibition, but it also laid the groundwork for their own future participation in this intellectual exploration as they progress through the IB Diploma.


Student Experiences

Through the TOK exhibition process, I feel that I have improved my oral presentation skills and ability to communicate with others. Also, I extensively exercised my logical thinking ability. Whenever the exhibition attendees asked me questions, I had to explain the IA prompt concisely and clearly. Having interacted with other's ideas during the exhibition, I also deepened my understanding of the IA prompt I chose, which will help me improve and finish my commentary in the later stage. 


Vivian Liang DP2

On the day of the DP2 TOK Exhibition, I remember that at first I didn’t really know what to expect. However, I was filled with curiosity and excitement to see what it was all about and why it is highly important. I have been studying in the Hungarian public education system my entire life, which is very different from the IB. Throughout the whole exhibition, I had this feeling that the experience that I am a part of right now is just simply so unique and eye-opening from many aspects. For the first time in my life, I felt like I had thoughts that I had never had before, and it made me have so many ideas, questions and even answers at the same time. It made me somewhat emotional. I realized that I am in the right place, where I am supposed to be, and that I have to seize the opportunity I have been given. In general, I am incredibly grateful that I could be a part of the experience.

在DP2的TOK展览当天,一开始我并不太了解TOK展是什么。然而,我充满了好奇和兴奋,想一探究竟,TOK展为什么如此重要。我一直在匈牙利的公立教育系统学习,这与IB课程完全不同。我感觉参与这次活动的经历非常独特,从多个方面让人眼前一亮。这是我生命中第一次体验到的经历,这让我产生了很多想法、问题,甚至答案, 这让我有些感动。我意识到自己必须抓住这次机会, 学习IB课程的精髓。总的来说,我非常感激有这样的体验。

Panna Belak DP1

When I was getting ready to interview DP2 students, I was a bit nervous. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to write down all the information about their projects and their reflections. However, after I saw how DP2 students were fussing around the lobby preparing for their presentations, I relaxed. I didn’t take this TOK exhibition seriously until I realized that these projects were once the most important experience in their life. And I think that this is the most precious outcome of this event. In my opinion, DP2 students deserve admiration for their brilliant work that took a lot of time and commitment.


Ivan Piskunov DP1










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