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“智利-中国可持续发展青少年领袖论坛”与颁奖活动圆满结束,广州耀华国际教育学校的陈朗文、杜曌、劳乐君三位同学获表彰 !

The symposium “ Chile and China Sustainable Development Youth Leaders” and Award Ceremony has successfully concluded. Oscar Chen, Chiu Du, and Larkin Lao of Yew Wah International Education School of Guangzhou recognized at ceremony.

智利驻华大使Mauricio Hurtado(右三),耀中耀华教育网络主席助理、广州耀华国际教育学校法人劳焕强先生(右二),陈朗文(左一),劳乐君(左二),杜曌(右一)合影留念


今年是共建“一带一路“倡议十周年,10月中旬智利国家总统Gabriel Boric出席在北京举行的第三届“一带一路“高峰论坛,中智两国元首签署《中华人民共和国和智利共和国联合声明》,为双边关系、贸易与产业投资、数字经济、科技创新、学术合作与文化交流等领域双边合作续写新篇章。

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of the “Belt and Road” initiative. In mid-October, Chilean President Gabriel Boric attended the 3rd “Belt and Road” Summit Forum in Beijing. The respective Presidents of China and Chile signed the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Chile, reaffirming the continuing desire on both sides for cooperation in areas such as bilateral relations, trade and industrial investment, digital economy, scientific and technological innovation, academic cooperation, and cultural exchanges.


To respond effectively to climate change and solidify efforts in sustainable development is a central topic in global economic development today. China and Chile are two countries that boast extensive coastlines and abundant marine resources. The governments of both countries have reached a broad consensus on the issue of ecological sustainable development.

为进一步促进智中两国青少年在可持续发展方面的互动与交流,2023年10月28日,智利驻华大使馆与橙知优德共同发起并成功举办了 “智利-中国可持续发展青少年领袖论坛”及颁奖活动。

Celebrating cultural and youth exchange between the two countries, the Chilean Embassy in China and C-Eudaemonia jointly launched and held the “China and Chile Young Leaders for Sustainable Development” symposium and award ceremony on October 28, 2023.

当天,耀中耀华教育网络主席助理、广州耀华国际教育学校法人劳焕强先生带领陈朗文、杜曌、劳乐君三位同学与中国各地其他优秀青少年代表及企业家代表40多人来到智利大使馆,与智利驻华大使Mauricio Hurtado先生、智利驻华大使馆文化参赞Valenzuela先生、大使助理Vera先生以及智利在华留学生代表进行互动交流。青少年代表们完整而深入地汇报了各自在可持续发展领域的传承、探索、实践以及取得的杰出成果。

Mr. Lewis Lao ,the director of the board of Yew Wah International Education School led Yew Wah students Oscar Chen, Chiu Du, Larkin Lao alongside a mix of more than 40 outstanding Chinese youth leaders and entrepreneurial representatives to the Chilean Embassy, where they were received by Mr. Mauricio Hurtado, the Chilean Ambassador to China. Mr. Valenzuela, Cultural Counselor of the Chilean Embassy, Mr. Vera, the Ambassador’s Assistant, and Chilean student representatives in China were also in attendance. The youth representatives made comprehensive and in-depth reports on their exploration, practice, and outstanding achievements in the field of sustainable development.


Chen shared his field research on the regional economy of the Village Soccer Super League in Rongjiang County, Guizhou Province and the crucial role that women play in it. Du spoke of his involvement in the creation of Yuanye Library at the Hewan Institute of Hmong Studies for the purpose of better connecting Hmong children to the outside world. Lao gave a speech on the protection of East Asian finless porpoises, brucella whales, and Chinese white dolphins in Changhai and Beihai, Guangxi Province, as well as his insights into the concept of zero-waste island management. All three exceptional speeches were met with much applause. Additionally, four exciting documentaries recording these student endeavors were also played at the event. Together with the passionate speeches of the youth representatives, they deeply moved the attending guests.

Mauricio Hurtado大使发表了热情洋溢的讲话,高度赞赏中国青少年代表关于可持续发展的精彩讲演以及所做出的努力。大使说,刚才多位学生代表提到智利诗人米斯特拉尔和聂鲁达,而他们给后世留下的启示就是要关注和保护大自然。Gabriel Boric Font总统这次访华也与中方达成共识,双方加强气候变迁以及海洋保护等方面的合作,智利在经济发展过程中也非常注重环境保护,追求绿色发展,海洋生态和物种保护,蓝与绿“双色外交政策”,是目前智利外交政策的核心。

Ambassador Mauricio Hurtado delivered an enthusiastic speech, highly commending speeches of the youth representatives and the effort they have put into sustainable development. He opened by saying that the poetry of Chilean Nobel laureates Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda, mentioned in several student presentations, urges us all to take nature into our consideration. Ambassador Hurtado then spoke of the consensus that President Boric reached with President Xi on the strengthening of cooperation in climate change mitigation and ocean protection. Chile, at the same time that it pursues economic growth, also places a great importance on environmental protection. The green-and-blue "Two Colors" foreign policy emphasizing green development and the preservation of marine ecosystems and species lies at the core of present Chilean foreign policy and its relations with other countries.

随后Mauricio Hurtado大使向十四名杰出青少年颁发了由他亲自签署的荣誉证书,表彰获奖者在“智利-中国可持续发展青少年领袖”胜任力实践中,所呈现出的卓越的全球公民素养,为全球青少年凝聚共识、共同推动社会的可持续发展做出的突出贡献。

Following his speech, Ambassador Hurtado issued honorary certificates to fourteen outstanding youth in recognition of their outstanding global citizenship, their in-depth exploration and practice of sustainable development, and their positive impact on the world.

最后,Mauricio Hurtado大使和Lewis进行了友好的交流和探讨,对耀华国际教育学校的办学理念和三位学生的表现给予了高度的评价。大使与我校师生交谈合影,还回到大使官邸拿来他的私人藏书当面签名赠送给我们的学生,令人感动。

At the conclusion of the event, Ambassador Hurtado engaged in conversation with Mr. Lao and spoke highly favorably of Yew Wah’s three student representatives. The Ambassador then had a word and took photos with the entire Yew Wah delegation before retrieving a book from his personal collection in his resident, autographing it, and gifting it to the students. It was a deeply touching gesture.

Student Sharing


贵州调研人 - 陈朗文

I feel so honored to have been one of the national youth sustainable representatives participating in the "China & Chile Young Leaders for Sustainable Development" symposium and Award Ceremony held jointly by the Chilean Embassy in China and C-Eudaemonia on October 28, 2023.

Environmental Protection and sustainable development are central topics in global economic development today. However, we face numerous challenges, such as rising carbon emissions, melting ice caps, biodiversity loss, and unsustainable utilization of resources. Today, the youth represents a new force in addressing climate change and ecological protection worldwide. We will play an increasingly important influence in the days and years to come.

As C-Eudaemonia national youth representatives, we were very excited to visit the Chilean Embassy in China. We were able to meet Ambassador Mr. Mauricio Hurtado and Cultural Counselor Mr. Valenzuela. Led by Jenny of C-Eudaemonia, wWe presented a comprehensive and in-depth report on the inheritance, exploration, practice, and outstanding achievements in the field of sustainable development.

My group specifically reported our research on the Chinese Village Super League, also known as “Cun Chao,” a popular rural sports event in Guizhou. This sport draws over 50,000 live spectators per match on average and more than 50 million online viewers. It combines local football traditions, rich ethnic cultural performances, and distinctive natural landscapes.

Our time at Cun Chao was truly an extraordinary journey. The games were exciting and closely fought. Players became covered in sweat on the green field, chasing their dreams. However, behind the scenes, many women contributed to creating the league’s mascot and the hard work in the fields. Cun Chao matches, which attract national attention, would not be possible without their effort. Many sports leagues around the world have mascots which represent the spirit, or a unique feature, of the host. It's the same with Cun Chao. The league mascot is a bull, symbolizing diligence. Learning soccer is like learning life, and we can better face life’s challenges and pursue our dreams and goals through the encouragement it brings us.

During the free communication time after the symposium session, I had the chance to talk face to face with Mr. Mauricio Hurtado. I was deeply moved by Ambassador Hurtado’s meaningful comments. He stated that we need to empower the youth through messages containing themes of perseverance, teamwork, and passion. I couldn’t agree any more. We must work together to face the problem of climate change. It is the only way we can make a difference. It will not be an easy task, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

Finally, I’ve benefited a great deal from this unforgettable symposium. I have learned a lot, and am inspired by the message of this symposium: the youth are the future, and we can affect so much change so long as we work together. Through our perseverance, we will help change the world for a better tomorrow.

Student Sharing


书屋建立者 - 杜曌

10月28日,我非常荣幸受邀参加智利驻华大使馆和橙知优德联合举办的“智利-中国可持续发展青少年领袖论坛与颁奖”活动,与来自全国各地40多名可持续发展青少年代表及企业家代表访问智利驻华大使馆,与智利驻华大使Mauricio Hurtado先生、智利驻华大使馆文化参赞Valenzuela先生、大使助理Vera先生及智利在京留学生代表互动交流。

智利大使馆坐落在北京东三环使馆区,有独立花园和三四栋低层办公楼。当我们来到大使馆,大使Mauricio Hurtado先生带领文化参赞和助理等人笑容可掬地在大门口欢迎我们。我之前只是在电视、电影里看到过外交官,感觉都比较“严肃”,这次线下见面,发现他们都非常友善、和蔼可亲,于是紧张的情绪也慢慢平复下来。

活动开始,智利大使Mauricio Hurtado先生致欢迎词,为大家介绍了智利在可持续发展方面所做出的努力,场面气氛友好而热烈。





Mauricio Hurtado大使在后来的讲话中,热情洋溢地表扬了我们中国优秀青少年的出色表现。在中智两国嘉宾的见证下,Mauricio Hurtado大使亲自为我们每位获奖者颁发了由他亲自签名的荣誉证书。我第一次现场感受到这种正式外交场合庄重又亲切的气氛,还是有点小兴奋的!

在随后的自由交流环节,我跟随老师们与外交官们在使馆院子里深入交流。Mauricio Hurtado大使跟我聊了一会儿,鼓励我们把原也书屋办好。












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