

拓展无尽视野:AIC 2023 难忘的CAS之旅





Qingyuan | Liannan


文稿提供: Misty KARMAKAR 老师

Article provide by Misty KARMAKAR

文字内容补充: Lukas Lin 老师

Additions to the text : Lukas

摄影: Chaukeen、Misty、Victoria、Jane、Caroline、Pianpian Wu同学、Lukas、Lucia、Kerwin

11月6日至9日,AIC的学生和老师们展开了我们年度CAS(创造、行动、服务)之旅。IG1、IG2和DP1的学生们踏上了前往清远自然之美的征程,而Foundation 1和2的学生则深入探索了连南的文化底蕴。这些旅行被设计为沉浸式学习体验,是AIC致力于全人教育的重要组成部分。旅行的目标多方面:推动学生走出舒适区,通过坚韧和适应能力促进个人成长,促进团队合作,增强对当地社区的认识和联系,强调回馈社会的重要性。这些旅行体现了我们的信念,即教育超越了教室的四壁,提供实际的世界经验和学习机会。

Between November 6th and 9th, AIC students and teachers embarked on our annual CAS trips. The IG1, IG2, and DP1 students ventured into the natural beauty of Qingyuan, while Foundation 1 and 2 students explored the cultural depths of Liannan. These trips were designed as immersive learning experiences, integral to AIC's commitment to holistic education. The goals were manifold: to push students out of their comfort zones, foster personal growth through resilience and adaptability, promote teamwork and collaboration, and enhance awareness and connection with local communities, emphasizing the importance of giving back. These trips exemplify our belief that education transcends the four walls of our classrooms, offering real-world experiences and learning opportunities.

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Qingyuan -  Video create by: Misty.KARMAKAR




The 4-day CAS trip to Qingyuan involved a balance of Creativity, Activity, and Service. Upon arriving in Qingyuan, students were immediately immersed in a teamwork-driven challenge: building and testing their own rafts. This activity was designed as an exciting challenge and to foster creativity and collaboration among students. The day ended with a camp orientation and leave-no-trace course led by Terratribe experts. These sessions were instrumental in teaching students the essentials of camping, such as pitching tents and instilling respect for the environment and local wildlife, ensuring an environmentally conscious and responsible approach throughout their trip.

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在第二和第三天的旅途中,学生们参与了具有挑战性的攀岩活动和有意义的社区服务项目。我们进行了攀岩与生存技能培训, 攀岩课程旨在测试个人耐力和韧性,将学生推向其身体和心理极限。许多学生以非凡的勇气和愿意冒险的精神面对并克服了他们对高空的恐惧。而生存技能培训向学生传授了关键的知识和技巧,包括过滤水、生火和搭建临时庇护所。这些活动挑战了我们的学生,提升了他们的解决问题的能力和自信心。


On the second and third days, students engaged in challenging physical activities and meaningful community service projects. The rock-climbing sessions served as a test of personal endurance and resilience, pushing students to their physical and mental limits. Many of our students faced and overcame their fear of heights with remarkable courage and a willingness to take risks. The survival skills training taught the students crucial knowledge and techniques, including filtering water, building a fire, and constructing a makeshift shelter. These activities challenged our students and enhanced their problem-solving skills and self-confidence. 

Simultaneously, the students dedicated their efforts to service aimed at giving back to the community. One project focused on the restoration of a local neighbourhood, allowing students to contribute tangibly to the community's infrastructure. The other project involved a new experience for many: building furniture for an old age home using tools like drills for the first time. Witnessing the students' sense of accomplishment upon completing the furniture was heart-warming, and their attachment to the work was evident in their desire to take the furniture home. 

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At the end of day three, the students celebrated their achievements with a bonfire party, where they were encouraged to reflect on their experiences and express gratitude for the journey they had embarked on.

The final day was dedicated to navigation and orienteering, a culmination of the skills and experiences gained throughout the trip. In an age where digital devices often dominate our attention, this activity reminded us to appreciate the environment and people around us. By setting aside their electronic devices, the students were encouraged to immerse themselves fully in nature and depend on their thinking abilities and the map for navigation. 


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11月6日星期一下午2点,Foundation 2的学生们抵达连南民族高级中学,参加非物质文化遗产课程,主题为陶艺和瑶族刺绣。F2的14名学生和4名老师一同出席了此次活动。由于时间限制,F2分成A、B两组。A组学生参加了陶艺课程,共有6名同学积极参与。他们学习了陶艺的制作过程,运用陶泥、塑性泥等工具,完成了各种作品,包括浴缸、马桶、贝壳和无限手套等形态,发挥了丰富的想象力。与此同时,B组学生参加了瑶族刺绣课程。老师先介绍了瑶族刺绣的文化意义,展示了刺绣的手工技巧,并提供了相关材料。大多数学生都顺利完成了自己的刺绣作品,从中获益良多,对这项传统工艺有了更深的了解。


The trip to Liannan for the Foundation 1 and 2 students was a captivating journey into cultural learning from the Yao Ethnic Minority Group and an opportunity for valuable exchange with students and teachers from Liannan High School. In addition to this cultural immersion, the students were physically challenged through activities like hiking, farming, and kayaking, offering a blend of adventure and endurance. This trip combined cultural appreciation, physical challenges, and hands-on learning experiences.

After arriving in Liannan, the students visited Liannan High School to participate in Cultural Heritage Lessons, where they learned the art of calligraphy, handcrafting, and Yao embroidery. This immersive experience, facilitated by local teachers, was a valuable opportunity for AIC students to learn new skills but also instill a deep appreciation for cultural diversity and the importance of preserving traditions, making them more aware, respectful, and appreciative of different cultures. 

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The next morning, our students embarked on a long, physically demanding hike to the Yao Ethnic Village, pushing their endurance to the limit. As they trekked, the students were immersed in the stunning natural landscape that surrounds the Yao community, providing a serene backdrop to their journey. Upon arrival, they gained valuable insights into the daily life of the Yao people, deepening their understanding and appreciation of a culture and lifestyle distinctly different from their own. Their efforts were rewarded with a visit to Wanshan Chaowang National Stone Desert Park, where they were awestruck by the breathtaking view of the karst mountains stretching across the horizon. In the evening, a friendly yet competitive 'Minute to Win It' challenge with students from Liannan High School brought the day to an exciting close. This engaging competition, involving a series of quick and entertaining tasks, helped bridge cultural gaps and sparked new friendships. in their desire to take the furniture home. 

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在第三天的行程, 学生们有独特的机会体验农耕,通过亲身参与来了解农业及其在农村经济中的重要性。随后,学生们参加了连南高级中学的长鼓舞蹈课程。

晚餐后,行程组织了一场由AIC F2班的同学与连南民族高级中学共同举办的文艺晚会。尽管上午的农活消耗了同学们不少精力,但为了展现他们准备好的才艺表演,同学们既紧张又兴奋。






On day three, students had the unique opportunity to experience farming, offering a hands-on approach to understanding agriculture and its importance in rural economies. Following this, students attended Long-Drum Dance classes at Liannan High School. The day's experiences culminated in cultural exchange performances, where students from both schools showcased their diverse talents, including singing, dancing, and piano performances. 

After a day of hands-on farming, AIC F2 students collaborated with Liannan High School for a lively cultural evening. Despite fatigue from agricultural activities, the students eagerly showcased their talents. In Liannan's music classroom, around 60 middle school students welcomed AIC students with enthusiastic applause, creating a star-like reception.

The F2 students presented three performances: a piano solo, an anime dance, and a solo singing performance. Sofie fearlessly played "Dream Wedding" without sheet music, embodying a spirit of exploration. Venetia's anime dance, despite minimal preparation, showcased excellent cooperation. Caroline's exceptional singing talent shone during David Tao's "Ordinary Friend," promising growth with more practice.

Yiyi, hosting the talent exchange, displayed confidence, humor, and emotion, captivating everyone present. The evening went beyond showcasing talents, fostering a deep connection between hearts and cultures, creating a memorable and impactful collaboration between the two schools.


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On day three, students had the unique opportunity to experience farming, offering a hands-on approach to understanding agriculture and its importance in rural economies. Following this, students attended Long-Drum Dance classes at Liannan High School. The day's experiences culminated in cultural exchange performances, where students from both schools showcased their diverse talents, including singing, dancing, and piano performances. 



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Liannan - Video create by: Misty.KARMAKAR

CAS coordinator Misty老师真诚希望我们的学生在CAS之旅中度过了令人难忘的时光,充满美好回忆和重要的学习时刻。展望下一学年,我们已经着手计划,将未来的CAS之旅打造得更加宏大和精彩,不断努力提升为我们学生提供更丰富的活动体验。

We really hope that our students had an incredible experience during their CAS Trips, filled with fond memories and significant learning moments. As we look forward to the next academic year, we are already planning to make the upcoming CAS Trips even bigger and better, continually striving to enhance this enriching experience for our students.

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------ Misty KARMAKAR

未完待续 To be continued 

在明天的推文, 让我们迎来学生们的真实分享,亲身听听他们是如何在这个独特的学习之旅中成长与收获。敬请期待学生们的分享,让我们一同倾听他们的心声,探索他们眼中的新奇世界。

In tomorrow's post, let's welcome the genuine insights from our students, hearing firsthand how they've grown and gained from this unique learning journey. Stay tuned for their shares, as we collectively listen to their voices, exploring the novel world through their eyes.










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