01-23 08:20发布于广东
ISA Tianhe held a student parent information session on Monday, January 15th, to kick off the Primary Years Programme Exhibition (PYPX) process for its Year 5 class. The session aimed to introduce the PYPX and provide an overview of its purpose and process.
During the event, students and their parents were engaged in various activities to gain a deeper understanding of the transdisciplinary theme "How We Organise Ourselves." The session began by unpacking the key vocabulary associated with the theme. Students and parents worked collaboratively to explore the theme and its implications.
活动期间,学生和家长共同参与了各项活动,加深了他们对小学跨学科主题 "我们如何组织自己 "的理解。在活动中,首先解读了与主题相关的关键词汇,以及共同探讨了这一主题及其影响的讨论。
To delve further into the theme, participants examined related topics and completed concentric circles. This exercise allowed them to think critically about the key issues, identify who would be affected by them, and brainstorm possible solutions. This crucial step in the process provided students with an excellent starting point to consider issues they felt passionate about.
One of the main outcomes of the event was the formation of groups based on shared passions and interests. By the end of the week, students were able to complete their own personalized central ideas and lines of inquiry, guiding their research and exploration for the PYPX.
The student parent information session was instrumental in fostering collaboration and enthusiasm among students and parents. It not only provided a platform for students to explore their interests but also encouraged parents to actively participate in their child's educational journey.
We would like to extend its gratitude to all the parents for their attendance and active engagement in the event. Their support and involvement play a vital role in ensuring the success of the PYPX process. With their continued support, we are confident that the Year 5 students will have a fulfilling and impactful PYPX experience.
// Writer 文章作者
Debbie Rowan
Homeroom Teacher
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