








许 玮



这份周报不仅是老师提供教学故事,还是描述学生成长的刊物。我们也非常期待收到学生、家长提供的稿件。如您有孩子的学习故事、成长感悟、家庭教育心得,请积极投稿,稿件请发给德育主任赖素珍老师(jane. laifettes. cn)。






▲Iven 和Sans 正在研究使TA们惊讶的信息通信技术





Douglas R. Owen



广州斐特思学校提供精彩的课堂学习,以及令人兴奋的、互动的、沉浸式的课外学习环境。学子们拥有与生俱来的学习能力,再加上FCG出色的、专业的、敬业的、富有同情心的教职工们,TA 们注定会取得成功。我们为托马斯.爱迪生英语班的学子们感到自豪,TA 们都非常努力,而且在课堂上总是很活跃,学子们展现广州斐特思学校高质量教育的最好例子。

▲ 照片展示了托马斯·爱迪生的学生在校园地图探索之旅中,发现奇妙的FCG校园文化底蕴






四年级学生通过一个游戏“Decimal War”来巩固所学的:小数的意义、读写法、性质和大小比较。

规则:2-4人为一组,准备一副扑克牌,把小丑,K, Q, J和10的牌取出不用。牌A等于数字1。数字最大的玩家获胜。

1. 给每个玩家发3张牌 (不要让任何人看到你的牌!)

2. 玩家可以选择三种方式:贴牌/交换/偷牌
























我们的学子有着坚毅不拔的品质,在流溪河户外徒步旅行的行前,二三年级的孩子们一起制定了出行规则,在出行过程中坚持原则,在实际行动中的表现也远远高于预期,十分令人佩服。学子们在面临大雨滂沱的环境,能不畏困难、互相扶助、乐于分享,用积极向上的态度感染着身边的大人,“精诚所至,金石为开”。相信未来漫长的人生路上,TA 们都会无所畏惧,熠熠生辉。

▲ 5月7日,学子们在充满挑战的徒步旅行中锤炼了坚毅力。TA们成功地完成了挑战






学子们读完一本书后会根据自己的兴趣制作识字小报,如美食、运动、偏旁、人名……各色各样,包罗万象。TA 们读完一首小诗甚至课文后,有的学子还能进行仿写,正所谓举一反三,学以致用。我们的学子从一年级开始启航,以兴趣为舟,畅游在字海中,享受中国汉字带来的乐趣。









Welcome To

The Fettes Primary Newsletter

The Principal of

Primary School

Julia Xu 

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

It's a pleasure to write the preamble for the Primary School's newsletter! From now on, the primary school will launch the newsletter every two weeks. We would like to share with you our children's learning, the joy of growing up, the activities in the Primary School, as well as the progress and achievements we’ve made in the newsletter. Each issue of the newsletter will revolve around a theme, and the theme of this issue is wins and achievements. Wins and achievements are not out of reach, it is in the process of children's learning and growth every day. When a shy child confidently raises his/her hand to answer a question, then he/ she wins! When a child tries a new sport, it can also be regarded as a win! 

This newsletter is not only a publication for teachers, who may provide teaching stories and describe the growth of students, but it also looks forward to receiving contributions from students and parents. If you have any stories like children's learning, experiences of children’s growth or home education, please feel free to submit articles to our Director of Moral Education Ms. Jane Lai (jane.laifettes.cn).

   I wish the newsletter will become better and better!                      

01、ICT Kings Working Hard

Information Communication

Technology Teacher

Venessa Liu

Our G3 students started getting to know keyboards, what is index lights, and how to type properly by using both hands. Besides, we compared voice input to the traditional input method. For the learning journey, our students showed great interest in creating emojis by using double function keys. They had lots of fun when working on the task. This is a practice of blending into information technology with personal expressions. Our students understand technology can be a way of personal expression. 

We started the unit “I am a painter of ICT kingdom” this week, students will learn how to use different tools for making a digital drawing. This unit focuses on mouse usage training, effective ways to make digital drawings. 

▲The above photos show Thomas Edison students on their campus map quest journey to find and explore different parts of the wonderful, FCG Campus.

02、Thomas Edison: Map Quest

Primary School English 

Teacher & UOI Teacher

Vicky Zhao

Primary School

Expat Teacher

Douglas R. Owen

Our Thomas Edison(Student dormitory name) students have wonderful English learning adventures every week. One of the most recent adventures was our Map Quest. 

Our students explored our wonderful campus of Fettes College Guangzhou while learning about how to give and listen to directions from one place to another. In order for students to use prepositions to indicate locations and give directions accurately in real life, we played the campus treasure hunt game together in class. The students actively engaged in oral expression and used the correct prepositional phrases and conjunctions to record the routes. Most importantly, each student had a lot of fun. This wonderful lesson also incorporated IB Approaches to Learning Skills, such as communication skills developed from listening, interpreting, and speaking. As well as practising and developing relevant social skills through oral expression.

Our students as learners of the IB curriculum learned the following, speaking, and expressing ideas in English clearly in small and large groups, in addition to learning cooperatively in a group. Fettes College Guangzhou offers wonderful classroom learning as well as exciting, interactive, and immersive outside classroom learning environments. With the combination of our students' innate learning abilities and the wonderful, professional, dedicated, and compassionate staff at FCG our students are destined for success. We are immensely proud of our Thomas Edison English class. All students in our class work extremely hard and are always active in class. Our students are a wonderful example of the quality of education that our students received here at Fettes College Guangzhou. 

Scroll up and down to read detail

▲The above photos show Thomas Edison student on their campus map quest journey to find and explore different parts of the wonderful, FCG Campus.

03、Decimal Warriors

Primary School 

Mathematics Teacher

Priscilla Li

Mathematics is the language in which God writes the universe -- Galileo 

G4 students can reinforce what they have learned through a game called Decimal War to: the meaning of decimals, literacy, properties and size comparisons:

2-4 players, a pack of cards, separate the cards by taking out the jokers, the kings, the queens, the Jack and the tens. As equals one. The player with the largest number wins.

How to play:

1. Deal 3 cards to each player (Don’t show your cards to anyone!)

2. The player can decide three: Stick/Swap/Steal

3. Stick—you keep the 3 cards that you have.

4. Swap—swap any card and change it with a card from the top of the deck.

5. Steal—take a random card from your opponent and give them a card of your choice.

6. then place 3 cards down on the mat to find out who has the largest number.

04、Assessments and Success

G5 Mid-Term Speaking Assignment Part 2:

Primary School 

Chinese Teacher 

& Chinese Subject 


Xiaobing Zhu

Assessment is critical to achieving the goals of primary school projects. It supports students to acquire subject knowledge and helps students to gain an understanding of concepts and learning skills. How we evaluate students will impact how they learn. As a Chinese teacher, it is equally important to help students develop their spoken language as well as their written language. In the midterm speaking assessment, I combined recent learning content with three options for students:

Topic 1: Choose characters and plots that interest you from textbooks or recent readings to express your understanding.

Topic 2: Express your feelings after reading a book you recently read.

Topic 3: Review the characters in the text, and appreciate the stories and personalities of the characters.

Before the assessment, students can choose their own topics, books, and characters. They can express their understanding on their own, and can decide to complete the assessment alone or in cooperation with their classmates.

After the assessment, the teacher provides feedback to each student and discusses further study plans with them. The purpose of the assessment is not for making comparisons of students, but to observe, record, and analyze their individual learning and help students reflect and take action to learn more deeply.

▲Our wonderful and hard working Grade 5 students show the result of their hard work and expertise.

05、Perseverance and Success

Standing Strong Together

Primary School Chinese Teacher

 & UOI Teacher

Cherry Zhang

Each child is unique, and each child is the most special thing in the world. Persistence and hard work make these traits shine. With the sound of the beautiful reading voice, we ushered in the Start of Summer in Guangzhou. Currently, children's curiosity about the world and love of knowledge is like the fire of the hot summer, burning more and more flourishing.

Our grade two and three children are making breakthroughs in perseverance and effort. From the development of good habits to developing children's ability to persevere.

This semester, our grade 2 and grade 3 children have been reading whole books, sharing books, writing a sentence every day, reciting idioms every day, etc.

Our children are not afraid of difficulties, dare to challenge, and often break through themselves to create "incredible" works. Our children stick to their tasks and follow through. Like doing the "what I do when I grew up" Chinese inquiry activity, the children with questionnaires interview first family and career, and then design their career-related problems.

Then they went to interview principals, teachers, security guards, school doctors, cooks, cleaners and other professions they were interested in, and answer their professional curiosity, understand the work content of each professional and their responsibilities.

Better understand the concept of "career" and develop into a responsible leader. Finally, share what you "want to be when you grow up" and accept the "dilemma" from your peers so that they can think about the challenges they will encounter and how they can work towards their dreams.

Our students are not only persistent, but they are also firm and stick to their principles. Before the outdoor hiking in Liuxi River, our grade 2 and grade 3 children worked out the rules together.

They adhered to the rules during the hiking process, but in the actual process, their practical behaviour was much higher than the rules, which was admirable. In the face of heavy rain, shoes soaked in water, they do not cry bitterly tired, help each other, are willing to share, optimistic and positive attitude infected the adults around. As an old saying goes, "Faith will move mountains." I believe they will have nothing to fear and shine in their long life ahead.

Scroll up and down to read detail

▲ Our wonderful students showed GRIT during our challenging hike on May 7th. Through the challenge, students remained strong and carried on.

06、Chinese Is Awesome

Classrooms Are Filled with the Sound of Chinese

Primary school Chinese Teacher

 & UOI Teacher

Jane Zhang

G1 students are full of imagination. They are fond of observation just like our ancestors who created hieroglyphics. G1 students have many different ways to learn Chinese characters. In Chinese lessons, they get to know Chinese characters by learning the shapes and meanings of the characters, such as they add, reducing or changing a part of the characters to create a new one. Besides, they are inspired by etymology. Or even they can learn from making comparisons of characters and storytelling. After the lesson, students can learn more characters by paying attention to the words in their daily life, reading and grouping words. 

When finished reading, our children can make a newspaper, which might include delicacy, sport, Chinese character components, people’s names and so on. Some kids can even imitate writing a poem or an article after reading. They can put what they’ve learned into practice. 


I wish G1 students can swim in the ocean of the Chinese characters and enjoy the fun of learning Chinese.  

Our wonderful FCG students experiencing the wonderful world of Chinese. 

Teacher Introduction

Primary School of FCG

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PE /Art /Mentality /Boarding 

Teacher Introduction

Whole School

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