

Ideas Worth Spreading | CEP小学TED英语演讲④



Seeing, Thinking, Exploring

Seeing what the world has not seen

Narrating, Sharing, Speaking

Speak the World's Unsaid





华外CEP双语小学举办主题为“Ideas worth spreading”的TED英语演讲活动。一群自信满满、引领思想的故事讲述者,他们将通过全英文演讲的方式,发表对国内外热门话题的思考和观点,向大家传递声音的力量。

在这次TED活动中,共有八名来自CEP小学四年级的同学参加了演讲。他们演讲的共同主题是:The person I admire——我最崇拜的人。


Student Style

四年级(4)班 张心怡 Anna

  • 致敬大师国际青少年艺术大赛金奖

  • 剑桥KET考试卓越

  • 全国小学生英语能力测试NEPTP全国一等奖


J .K. Rowling is the author of the much-loved series of seven Harry Potter novels. After she finished writing the first book of the Harry Potter series in 1995, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”,it was rejected by 12 publishers. Having experienced so many sufferings and challenges, she still sticked with her path. It was published in 1997.

J.K Rowling is a wise and nice lady. In 2000, she founded a charity fun LUMOS to help women and children. J.K.Rowling said: “We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better. 

J.K. Rowling是广受欢迎的《哈利波特》系列小说的作者。但它的出版之路并不容易。在1995年完成《哈利·波特与魔法石》的写作后准备找出版商出版时,这本书却被12家出版商拒绝。尽管经历了很多的挫折与挑战,她始终没有放弃,并于1997年成功出版。

 J.K Rolling 是一名智慧、有爱心的女士。她于2000年成立了慈善机构LUMOS,旨在帮助妇女儿童。她在哈佛大学的毕业演讲时说到:“我们并不需要魔法来改造世界。我们在内心深处已经拥有了所需的所有力量:我们拥有想象更好的世界的力量。”

四年级(3)班 刘奕舟   Sienna

  • 2020年“我是华外代言人”称号

  • 2022年 第十六届ABC广东省决选铜奖 

  • 2022年 粤港澳大湾区青少年“全球理解力”英语辩论大赛十六强


He is the poet of freedom, the bard of romance. a master of words, an artist of emotions, a knight-errant, a traveller and a wine lover.

From the lofty peaks of Mount Tai to the roaring rivers of the Yangtze, Li Bai’s words painted vivid landscapes that transported readers to realms both ethereal and earthly with each stoke of his brush. Indulging in wine, he captured the beauty of moonlight in his verses.

Bright moon light in front of bed, 

Seems like frost on the ground,

Raise my head gazing at the bright moon,

Lower my head think of hometown. 

This ‘Quiet Night Thoughts’ echoed through the ages, resonating with the golden age of Tang Dynasty. 


四年级(7)班 贾琬宸   Jacqueline

  • 剑桥KET考试卓越

  • 2021年ABC全国全青少年英语口语大赛 广东省金奖 全国二等奖

  • CBDC国际标准舞八级。


Besides his talents in performance, MJ also devoted himself to charities. He was the only artist who had written so many charity songs in the world. During his lifetime, MJ donated a total of 300 million to charities around the world, and he set up the Heal the Word Foundation in 1992. 

However, such an excellent superstar closed his eyes forever in 2009! But he will always be with us as the king of music. We’ll always remember him!



四年级(2)班 陈静瑶 Yoyo

  • 击剑全国赛B级赛亚军

  • 长笛七级


Sanqing Chen (陈三庆) is a renowned international flutist from China.  He went to the Zurich Conservatory of Music in Switzerland, where he studied under the famous flute master Aurele Nicolet。Chen Sanqing has achieved many accomplishments in his musical career. He ranked fifth in the 1992 International Flute Competition in The Hague, Netherlands, and fourth in the same year in the International Music Competition Flute Competition in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition, he held a solo concert at the Zurich Concert Hall in 1993. His contributions and achievements have earned him recognition and respect in the international music community.

Chen Sanqing is very humble. He sometimes guides me in my flute playing, helping me overcome difficulties. I admire him greatly and hope that I can also make better progress in flute performance.

陈三庆(Sanqing Chen)是中国著名的国际长笛演奏家。他赴瑞士苏黎世音乐学院学习,师从著名长笛大师Aurele Nicolet.陈三庆在他的音乐生涯中取得了许多成就。他在1992年获得了两项重要奖项:荷兰海牙国际长笛比赛第五名和瑞士日内瓦国际音乐比赛长笛比赛中获得了第四名。此外,他在1993年在苏黎世音乐厅举办了个人独奏音乐会。他的贡献和成就使他在国际音乐界得到了认可和尊重。


四年级(5)班 马沁萱 Eva


If you know "A Brief History of Time" and have heard of black holes and the Big Bang, then you must know Stephen Hawking, the famous theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and scientific thinker. Unlike other scientists, Hawking suffered from a serious physical disease - muscular dystrophy, paralysis, unable to speak, and the only place to move are two eyes and three fingers. Even in this physical condition, he still made great contributions to physics and cosmology. He used to say, ‘However difficult life may seem,  there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up. 'He inspired so many people, including me, to wonder and think about the universe. It also gives us the courage and strength to face difficulties.

如果你知道《时间简史》, 听说过黑洞和宇宙大爆炸,那你一定认识斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen Hawking)这位著名的理论物理学家,宇宙学家,科学思想家。与其他科学家不同的是,霍金患有严重的身体疾病——肌肉萎缩症,全身瘫痪,不能说话,而唯一能动的地方只有两只眼睛和3根手指。就在这样的身体条件下,他仍然为物理学,宇宙学作出了巨大的贡献。他曾说,‘However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.’ 他激励了包括我在内的很多人,对宇宙的好奇和思考。更是给了我们面对困难的勇气和力量。

四年级(6)班 赵珉翊  Domi

  • 2022年 第八届澳门国际艺术公开赛 中国赛区 儿童A组 钢琴项目 银奖

  • 2022年第28届WMO数学创新讨论大会(中国区)广东地区三年级三等奖

  • 2022 世界机器人大赛ATC探索者科技挑战赛项广州片区冠军、总决赛二等奖

  • 2023 第四届李斯特国际青少年钢琴大赛—中国 初赛 少儿B组 二等奖

  • 2023 德艺之星公益盛典广东总决赛次中音重奏少儿A组银奖


From an early age,Yao towered over his classmates. And he was passionate about playing basketball and practiced basketball several hours a day. Whenever he strived to run on the basketball court, he really felt that basketball is funny.

In every man resides a star, Yao Ming is just like that to me. I admire his when he was 17 years old. He joined the Shanghai Sharks of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA). By the time he led the Chinese team to a respectable 10th-place finish at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Yao had become a national icon.

In every man resides a star, Yao Ming is just like that to me. I admire his courage,modesty and willpower. Some day, I hope to be powerful and strong like him.


四年级(1)班  李玥菡  Mable

  • TED演讲活动最佳演讲者

  • 美术市级三等奖

华外少年 Mable说:

In my heart, my mother is a super lady. She works hard but she takes great care of me every day. She knows what food I like. When my father was in a business trip, she could even repair some fallen bricks in our bathroom even if it was her first time to take up a drill.  

A mother's love is like the unnoticed rain on a spring night, like the evening breeze through the forest at dusk, like every ray of sunshine in the morning, accompanying you when you don't realize it, even if you're not around, travelling all over the world, she still cares about you. Mother is a heroine in her children's heart. Mother is not a single word. It is a word that embodies all the love a human being could possible offer.



伍睿朗 Lukas

  • 剑桥英语KET(Key English Test)水平测试 等级优秀

  • 2023年全国小学生英语能力测评(NEPTP)全国三等奖

  • 2021年至2023年连续三个学期获得华外“英语之星”

  • 2023年华外同文外国语学校CEP小学部学科实践作品评选活动英语学科优秀奖

  • 2022年“自主广泛阅读—我最想给你讲的故事”英语活动获得一等奖

  • 2021年“我是华外代言人”活动获得一等奖。


For me The person I admire is Zhong Nanshan.  He's a Chinese scientist and doctor.  He's famous for his work on respiratory diseases, especially his work with SARS and COVID-19.  When there was an outbreak of SARS in 2003, he led the team that controlled it.  He also helped to control the COVID-19 outbreak in China in 2019 and 2020.  People admire him because he works very hard and he never gives up.He is the person who raise me up to make great contribution.












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