

Deadline将至, 4000字的EE挑战, 你准备好了吗?



提起"挑战系数最大的国际课程"IB,学生们都闻风丧胆。别人一张考卷定胜负,而IB除了学科考试,还有各种EE、IA、TOK、CAS等等四面八方来“虐”。堪称最考验“学术能力”的EE(Extended Essay)拓展论文。


大部分DP学生都在抓狂如何完成他们的EE时, 来看看AIC的学生分享-面对EE如何突破难关!

The EE (Extended Essay) of

IB can be called the most extreme "academic ability"To obtain IB scores, If you want to get a high score in the IB, the extended essay must be the key link. When other DP students are straggling on their EE, come and see our AIC students share how they overcome those difficulties!

在AIC本学期的第一部分,DP2 的学生们在不懈努力下完成了扩展论文的初稿。完成了这部分, 是学生们的一大成就, 也意味着他们的努力成果就在眼前!

Over the first part of this term, AIC DP2 students have been working hard to complete the first draft of their Extended Essay. Completing this part of the task represents a significant achievement and means that the end is in sight for students!

扩展论文EE是所有 IB 文凭学生必修核心的一部分。它需要学生独立完成 40 小时的工作,并与导师一起完成三到五个小时的工作。此外,学生还需要用三个反思与一个口试的环节向导师解释他们的论文定题。

The Extended Essay is part of the compulsory core for all IB Diploma students.  It requires 40 hours of work by the student and three to five hours with the supervisor. In addition, there are three reflection sessions and a viva voce in which the student explains their engagement with the essay to the supervisor.

我们AIC拓展论文的协调员Nicola Howard指出“根据 IB 考官的说法,项目中最重要和通常做得不好的部分是批判性思维”。这部分文章占可能分数的三分之一。

"According to IB examiners, the most important part of the task and the part that is usually done poorly is the critical thinking", says EE coordinator Nicola Howard. "This part of the essay accounts for one-third of the possible marks. 

在本学期初期,我们有幸拜访了我们学校的名誉校长蔚博士,他曾担任过考评委员会成员。他协助老师们了解拓展论文与其导师的角色。负责中文 A 级 EE 的 Caroline Zhao 老师说“这是一次重要而有意义的体验“, 蔚博士在如何指导学生方面给了我们很多有用的指引 。

At the beginning of this term, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Dr Wei, our school’s Honorary Principal who has sat on the Board of Examiners".  He worked with teachers to help them understand the Extended Essay and the supervisor's role.  "It was a significant and meaningful experience", said Caroline Zhao, who has supervised the EE in Chinese A.  "Dr Wei gave us so many helpful pointers about guiding our students". 

蔚博士解说到, 学生在拓展论文中获得A的情况很少见。但令人鼓舞的是, 我们AIC的大部分学生都能够应对这一项, 协调员Nicola表示, 在过往的成绩中, 我们的学生普遍能获得高分, 五分之一的学生获得了A。

In the past, EE students have scored very highly, with one fifth achieving an A grade. However, Dr Wei explained that it is rare for students to get an A in the Extended Essay, say, Nicola, so it is encouraging that many of our students have managed to do that.

接下来, DP2 的学生将在 11 月 26 日的截止日期之前完成他们的论文。

The next step for the DP2 students will be to complete their essays by the 26th November deadline. 

在去年担任拓展论文的协调员Yuying Pan老师有效的帮助学生们设定了论文的截止日期,以确保学生在 DP2 学年早期就完成了这门课程的重要部分。Nicola 说“如果部门之间没有仔细规划和协调,学生很容易被耽搁了截止日期”。

Yueying Pan, who was last year's EE coordinator, really helped set up the deadlines for the essay to ensure that students got this significant part of the course out of the way early in their DP2 year.  "It is too easy for students to be swamped by all the deadlines if there is not careful planning and coordination between departments", said Nicola.



Last week, our school photographer, Jianwen Huang, went to interview some of the students and ask them what they thought they had learned while writing the Extended Essay.  Here is what they had to say:

Alice Chen (拓展论文-英语科目)

                Extended Essay in English

乍一看,扩展论文内容似乎太多了,我最初也感到很挣扎。我与我的导师开会, 进行有效的研究来逐步计划与解决我所遇到的问题。在这个过程中,我学会了批判、有条理和不拖延。现在有了更成熟的写作和思维能力,现在我的论文快完成了, 我感到获益良多!

The extended essay may seem too much to ask at first glance, and I also struggled initially. I solved my problems and gradually planned them out by meeting with my supervisor and doing efficient research. During the process, I learnt to be critical, organized and not to procrastinate. Now with more matured writing and thinking skills, I am nearly finished. I would say that writing it is gratifying!

Evangeline (拓展论文-中文科目)

                Extended Essay in Chinese

我花了很多时间在拓展论文上,过程并没有我想象的那么顺利。但从长远来看,时间确实让我得到了回报。通过对选择主题的调研, 它以某种方式培养了我的分析能力。虽然我并没有非常享受其中,但也是一次非常值得的自我挑战。

During the summer break, I spent lots of time in it, things didn't go as smoothly as I thought, but the time did pay off in the long-term, the investigation of my chosen topic somehow developed my analytical skills.  I can't say it's been enjoyable, but it's worth challenging ourselves.

Samantha (拓展论文-中文科目)

              Extended Essay in Chinese

选择自己喜欢的学科或感兴趣的研究对象, 才会有动力继续探索、分析和享受研究的过程。研究过程中可能会出现很多意想不到的问题:比如研究方向混乱,研究对象数据少。但始终保持反思自己的思考、想法和价值观的原则,你会写出有价值的 EE。

You should choose the subject you like or the research object you are interested in. You will have the motivation to continue to explore, analyse and enjoy the process of research. There may be many problems in the research process: for example, the research direction is confused, the research object data is little. But always keep the principles of reflecting on your thinking, ideas and values, and you will write a worthwhile EE.

Jennie (拓展论文-戏剧科目)

          Extended Essay in Theatre


The first thing to do when crafting your Extended Essay is choose a topic and subject that interests you. For me, because of my interest in Butoh, writing the essay and researching was not dull. However, if you choose a topic that does not interest you, writing a piece of 4,000 words will be painful!

我们祝愿学生们在 11 月截止日期之前顺利完成他们的扩展论文。

We wish the students well as they move towards finishing their Extended Essays ahead of the November deadline.

蔚政伟博士 Dr Zhengwei Wei

AIC创始人,是IB考官和教师培训官。80年代中期公派前往英国爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)攻读博士学位。1990年至2008年期间,曾在英国和以色列几家高校任教并负责相关课程的设计。1993年,由IBO任命为学科主考官,负责中国文学课的考核工作。担任大学预科第一学科组主考官代表、学科审查委员会和考试委员会成员,多年来负责IB中国文学教师的培训工作。

Dr Wei graduated from and taught at a Chinese university in the early and mid–80s. He obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Edinburgh of Scotland, UK, in 1996. He taught at several universities in UK and Israel in the 1990's and until 2008; He was appointed as Examiner Responsible for Chinese A1 by the International Baccalaureate Organization ("IBO") in 1993 and elected as member of its Diploma Review Committee as well as the Board of Examiners. He was invited to participate in various high level meetings as well as forums organized by the IBO and run workshops organized by its regional office for Asia and Pacific for many years.

Nicola Howard


Nicola graduated from Royal Holloway University London with a BA in Drama and Theatre Studies. Before becoming a full-time teacher, Nicola worked in community arts, establishing drama groups in several different settings, in the UK and abroad. Nicola has been working in international schools for the last nine years, initially in Zambia and latterly in China. She enjoys classroom drama, using theatre as a tool to explore social and political issues but is also committed to production work and has staged several full-scale musicals. 

Caroline Zhao


Caroline graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master’s degree, majoring in Chinese Linguistic & Language Acquisition. She received her Bachelor degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Xi'an Jiaotong University. Before joining AIC, Caroline worked for BASIS International School in Shenzhen as a Chinese Literature teacher and played an important role in the design and implementation of Chinese curriculum. She participated in IB Chinese A training held in Hong Kong, and she has taught international curriculum for a few years. Transferring advanced literature theories into use in classes, her passion of Chinese literature makes her classes practical and joyful. Joining the cultural research held by the Ministry of Education in China has helped her explore the enthusiasm of ancient poets. She has published several academic articles in periodicals in the domain of Chinese literature appreciation. 

潘月颖老师 Yueying



Yueying is a dedicated teacher with over ten years of experience. Yueying has a strong connection to the Confucius Institute which promotes Chinese language and culture around the world. In that role, she was involved in developing a Chinese curriculum for Bansomdej Chaopraya Rajabhat University in Bangkok. She has a wealth of experience in organizing a variety of Chinese cultural activities, such as Chinese Club, Chinese Camps and Chinese New Year Assemblies in the schools she has taught. These activities have inspired students’ passion for Chinese language and culture. Yueying is IB trained in Chinese A: Language and Literature and her classroom is a highly interactive, technologically-integrated and fun-based learning environment.


文 | Nicola 老师










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