

喜报 | AIC学子囊获全美排名#25 弗吉尼亚大学, 港中大等多所大学录取!





Congratulations to the AIC graduating class of 2022 for having received offers from the following universities worldwide!


2022 QS排名前50大学

2022 QS world ranked #50


伦敦大学学院 University college London

曼彻斯特大学 The University of Manchester

华威大学 The University of Warwick

伦敦艺术大学 University of the Arts London

英国创意艺术大学 University for the Creative Arts


  多伦多大学 University of Toronto

  麦吉尔大学 McGill University

  英属哥伦比亚大学 University of British Columbia


墨尔本大学 The University of Melbourne

新南威尔士大学 The University of New South Wales

悉尼大学 The University of Sydney

昆士兰大学 The University of Queensland


香港大学 The University of Hong Kong

香港中文大学 The Chinese University of Hong Kong

香港科技大学 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


荷兰乌得勒支大学 Utrecht University

阿姆斯丹大学 University of Amsterdam

2022 U.S News排名前50大学

2022 U.S News ranked #50


杜克大学 Duke University

弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia 

罗切斯特大学 University of Rochester

波士顿大学 Boston University


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


2022 QS排名前100大学

2022 QS world ranked #100


格拉斯哥大学 The University of Glasgow

伯明翰大学 University of Birmingham

利兹大学 University of Leeds

杜伦大学 Durham University

谢菲尔德大学 The University of Sheffield

诺丁汉大学 The University of Nottingham


莫纳什大学 Monash University

西澳大学 University of Western Australia



The Hong Kong Polytechnic University



  Emily Carr University of Art and Design

2022 U.S News排名前100大学

2022 U.S News ranked #100


宾夕法尼亚州立大学 The Pennsylvania State University

麻省大学阿默斯特分校 University of Massachusetts Amherst


预祝AIC学子再接再厉, 迎接更多名校offer!

We wish you all best of luck in your application process and are looking forward to hearing more good news in the upcoming weeks. 




University of Virginia

(U.S. News全美排名#25)


#25 全美排名 (U.S.News2022)

#40 世界大学排名 (QS Ranking 2022)

弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia),简称UVa, 2022 U.S.NEWS全美 #25, 公立常春藤, 世界著名的公立大学之一, 在学术界享有盛誉 。 UVa坐落于美国弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔, 是一所享誉世界的公立研究型大学,由美国第三任总统、《独立宣言》起草人托马斯·杰斐逊于1819年创建,是美国历史上首个独立于教会的大学, 也是被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》的高等院校。该校为最初的八所公立常春藤成员,其校区曾是北美名列联合国教育科学文化组织世界遗产名单的高等院校校区。在美国历史上,维吉尼亚大学以其首创建筑、天文和哲学等学术领域而著称,同时她也是第一所将教育独立于教会的高校。该校工程和应用科学学院为全美第一所附属于大学的工程学院。


弗吉尼亚大学是美国公立大学之一,为最初的8所“公立常春藤”和25所“新常春藤”成员。学校常年稳居全美最佳大学前30名。弗吉尼亚大学以人文社科专业见长,拥有世界一流的法学院和商学院,在学术界享有极高的美誉和广泛的影响力。其法学院是美国传统的T14法律院校,位列2022 U.S. News美国最佳法学院排名第8位。

In 1819, Thomas Jefferson founded the University of Virginia and inaugurated a bold experiment – a public university designed to advance human knowledge, educate leaders and cultivate an informed citizenry.

More than two centuries later, this vision is thriving. Across Grounds - and throughout the world - UVA students, faculty, staff and alumni challenge convention, break barriers and pursue the greater good.

The University is an iconic public institution of higher education, boasting nationally ranked schools and programs, diverse and distinguished faculty, a major academic medical center and proud history as a renowned research university. The community and culture of the University are enriched by active student self-governance, sustained commitment to the arts and a robust NCAA Division I Athletics program.

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Evangline 同学

Irene 同学

#39 世界大学排名 (QS  Ranking 2022)

#49 世界大学排名 ( THE Ranking 2022)

香港中文大学(The Chinese University of Hong Kong,CUHK),是香港第一所研究型大学,于1963年由崇基学院、新亚书院及联合书院合并而成立。香港中文大学的组成书院最早源于1845年在清朝中叶成立的基督教会大学,为香港历史源流最久远的高等学院,后来发展成为辖九间书院的书院制大学。现时属于“QS世界百强大学”及“泰晤士高等教育世界百强大学”。中大既是香港的天灾监测中心,亦是该地社会科学、国学、工商管理、理学及医学的主要研究机构之一。香港教育历来产生的诺贝尔奖等级的学者中,三分之二是香港中文大学的校友、教授。香港中文大学本科毕业生获得罗德奖学金(誉为本科“诺贝尔奖”)的数目为大中华地区所有大学中最多。

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (abbreviated CUHK) is a public research university in Shatin, Hong Kong, formally established in 1963 by a charter granted by the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. It is the territory's second-oldest university and was founded as a federation of three existing colleges – Chung Chi College, New Asia College and United College – the oldest of which was founded in 1949. CUHK received eight Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) from the Ministry of Education (MoE) in 2014, including two first-class awards and five second-class awards in Natural Sciences,making it the institution receiving the highest number of awards in the local tertiary sector. CUHK was ranked as world's #49 in 2019 in QS ranking.

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University of British Columbia


Usha 同学

Nshoma 同学

#46 世界大学排名 (QS Ranking 2022)

#35 世界大学排名 (U.S.News 2022)

英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,简称UBC),简称卑诗大学或卑大,是一所位于加拿大卑斯省的公立大学,也是U15大学联盟、大英国协大学协会、环太平洋大学联盟、和Universitas 21成员之一。截至目前,不列颠哥伦比亚大学共培养了8位诺贝尔奖得主。UBC与麦吉尔大学、多伦多大学并称加拿大大学“三强”。UBC现在稳定在加拿大的第二学术要地,其2019年在国际学术论坛上发表的论文超一万篇,被引用的各类文献稳定在北美前三,仅次于哈佛大学文献的被引用次数。同时,UBC学作为加拿大西部实力最強的高等教育学府,在加拿大和美国乃至世界的影响力重大,在社会的各类建设中起到了十分重要的角色作用。这也导致了UBC学在每年招生的选择上面有着非常严格的入学门槛,为加拿大最难入读的学府之一。

The University of British Columbia(UBC) is a public research university with campuses near Vancouver and in Kelowna, British Columbia. Established in 1908, UBC is British Columbia's oldest university. The university ranks among the top three universities in Canada.The University of British Columbia has ranked in a number of post-secondary rankings. In the 2021 Academic Ranking of World Universities rankings, the university ranked 42nd in the world and second in Canada. The 2022 QS World University Rankings ranked the University 46th in the world, and third in Canada. The 2022 Times Higher Education World University Rankings ranked the University 37th in the world, and second in Canada. In the 2022 U.S. News & World Report Best Global University Ranking, the university ranked 35th in the world and second in Canada.

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Monash University

(QS 世界大学排名#55)

Kris 同学

#58 世界大学排名 (QS Ranking 2022)

#40 世界大学排名 (U.S.News 2022)

莫纳什大学(Monash University),坐落于澳大利亚文化、艺术与工业中心墨尔本,是一所蜚声国际的公立研究型大学,是澳大利亚八校联盟、环太平洋大学联盟、国际大学气候联盟等组织成员,澳大利亚五星级大学,南半球首屈一指的学术重镇。

莫纳什大学位居2022QS世界大学排名第58位,2022U.S. News世界大学排名第40位。同时有多个学科位列世界顶尖行列,其中药剂学与药理学专业常年位居亚太地区第一位,此外教育学、护理学、化学工程、建筑学、法学、医学、翻译学、会计与金融等专业亦名列前茅。莫纳什商学院位居2022U.S. News排名第17位,全澳第1 ,是澳大利亚首个获有AACSB、EQUIS 和AMBA  三重认证的商学院。莫纳什大学是澳洲八大名校(Group of Eight)成员、世界百强名校,为澳洲顶尖的研究型大学之一,其卓越的教学和精湛的科研享有广泛赞誉。莫纳什大学于世界大学排名中,一直位处澳洲前列,2020年, 于软科世界大学学术排名第85位。2021年,学于QS世界大学排名第55位,泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第64位,U.S. News世界大学排名第48位。

Monash University is a public research university based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Named for prominent World War I general Sir John Monash, it was founded in 1958 and is the second oldest university in the state. The university has a number of campuses, four of which are in Victoria (Clayton, Caulfield, Peninsula, and Parkville), and one in Malaysia. Monash also has a research and teaching centre in Prato, Italy, a graduate research school in Mumbai, India and a graduate school in Suzhou, China. Monash University courses are also delivered at other locations, including South Africa.

Monash is a member of Australia's Group of Eight research universities, a member of the ASAIHL, and is the only Australian member of the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies. Monash is one of the Australian universities to be ranked in the École des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech) ranking on the basis of the number of alumni listed among CEOs in the 500 largest worldwide companies. Monash is consistently ranked among the world's #55–70 universities in the QS World University Rankings.

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Durham University


Essie 同学

#82 世界大学排名 (QS Ranking 2022)

#9 英国大学排名 (U.S.News 2022)

杜伦大学(University of Durham) 为位于英国东北英格兰城市杜伦的一所公立大学。于1832年通过国会法案正式成立,1837年被授予皇家宪章。杜伦大学为学院制大学,其与剑桥大学和牛津大学为英国仅存的三所中世纪学院制名校,因此在英国就业市场上三校常被并称为Doxbridge。


Durham University  is a collegiate public research university in Durham, England, founded by an Act of Parliament in 1832 and incorporated by royal charter in 1837. It was the first recognised university to open in England for more than 600 years, after Oxford and Cambridge, and is thus one of the institutions to be described as the third-oldest university in England. Durham University's Strategic Plan 2017–2027 defines targets of being in the top 5 nationally on the Times/Sunday Times league table, of having 50 per cent of eligible subjects in the top 50 globally on the QS world rankings, and of being in the top three UK institutions by citations per academic staff member. The earlier 2010–2020 strategic plan called for it "to be in the top 5 universities in major UK league tables" (defined as the Times/Sunday Times Good University Guide and the Complete University Guide) and "to be in the top 50 universities in the Times Higher Education world rankings by 2020". Durham ranked 85th in the world (19th in Europe) in 2010 and has since maintained its position in the top 100.

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University of Birmingham


Justin 同学

Kris 同学

#90 世界大学排名 (QS Ranking 2022)

#91 世界大学排名 (U.S.News 2022)

伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)是一所于1900年创立在英格兰伯明翰市的英国大学。是英国第一所“红砖大学”。作为罗素大学集团 (Russell Group) 创始成员之一,该大学的历史可追溯至创立于1825年的伯明翰药理与外科医学院(The Birmingham School of Medicine and Surgery)以及后来的梅森理学院(Mason Science College)。伯明翰大学在2008年全英RAE的评比中:全校15.8%的研究达到了世界领先(即4*),42.6%的研究达到了国际优秀水平(即3*)。在2021年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中,位列全英第12名,世界第107名。在2021年QS世界大学排名中,位列全英第13名、世界第87名。2014年的星期日泰晤士报获选为年度英国大学。

The University of Birmingham (informally Birmingham University) is a public research university located in Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom. It received its royal charter in 1900 as a successor to Queen's College, Birmingham (founded in 1825 as the Birmingham School of Medicine and Surgery), and Mason Science College (established in 1875 by Sir Josiah Mason), making it the first English civic or 'red brick' university to receive its own royal charter.

The 2022 U.S. News & World Report ranks  In 2021 the Times Higher Education placed Birmingham 12th in the UK.

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The University of Sheffield


Shawn 同学

#95 世界大学排名 (QS Ranking 2022)

#135 世界大学排名 (U.S.News 2022)

谢菲尔德大学(The University of Sheffield)是一所位于英国南约克郡谢菲尔德的公立研究型大学。其历史可追溯至1828年成立的谢菲尔德医学院、1879年成立的福斯学院,以及1884年成立的谢菲尔德技术学院。三校于1897年合并成谢菲尔德大学学院,及后于1905年获英王爱德华七世颁发皇家宪章,定名谢菲尔德大学。谢大是英国六所红砖大学之一,也是素有“英国常春藤联盟”之称的罗素集团创始成员。

The University of Sheffield is a public research university in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. Its history traces back to the foundation of Sheffield Medical School in 1828, Firth College in 1879 and Sheffield Technical School in 1884. University College of Sheffield was subsequently formed by the amalgamation of the three institutions in 1897 and was granted a royal charter as University of Sheffield in 1905 by King Edward VII. The university has been described by The Times as one of the powerhouses of British higher education. The university is a member of the Russell Group, the European University Association, the Worldwide Universities Network and the White Rose University Consortium. Sheffield was ranked 93rd worldwide and 9th in the UK by the CWUR 2018–19. It was also ranked 20th overall in Europe and 10th in the UK for number of signed EU grant agreements according to the data since 2007. Over the last decade till now, Sheffield sits within 9-13 in the UK if ranked by the overall academic performance.

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