

AIC艺术展 | IGCSE艺术展-激发、创造, 灵感的实现!



2022 IGCSE Art Exhibition

· IGCSE 艺术展 ·

This semester, we are witnessing an exhibition of artworks by IGCSE1 and IGCSE2 students, just like the one we had at Christmas. It is an integral part of the visual arts curriculum. In the exhibition, you will see about 100 student artworks in Portrait, Still life, Doodle art, Garden Design, Illustration and Sculpture.


本学期,我们见证了IGCSE1和IGCSE2学生的艺术作品展,媲美了我们去年圣诞节举办那场艺术展, 它也是视觉艺术课程的一个组成部分。在这次展览中,展示了大约100件学生作品,包括肖像画、静物画、涂鸦艺术、园林设计、插图和雕塑。

This semester, in both the IGCSE1 and IGCSE2 courses, we have focused on "two-dimensional arts", "three-dimensional arts", and the basic information of "elements of design". In addition, by doing various class projects, the talents and abilities of students in the field of visual arts have been identified.


The IGCSE1 students had experience working with various drawing and painting tools such as pencils, coloured pencils, and paper on different topics such as portrait, colour and still life. Furthermore, the students showed their skills and creativity by doing a short story illustration project. In addition, in the IGCSE1 courses, we had doodle art and clay sculpture, which was an introduction to the IGCSE2 visual arts course.



"In this semester, I was trying to get IGCSE1 students more proficient in drawing and painting and preparing for the second year.“ 

In addition to learning concepts of the Visual Elements such as dot, line and colour, students also learned about simple painting analysis", said  Mahdi, The Artist in Residence.


Amy Jiabi (IGCSE1) said, "I think the exhibition is great: the placement is fantastic. As an art student, I can say that we've put a lot of effort into preparing and setting it up. The process is the most important and enjoyable part for me, and I've learned a lot. I'm so glad that I was a student in the art class".

来自IGCSE1的Amy JIABI同学说:“我认为这个展览很棒:展示的方式好极了。作为一名艺术专业的学生,我可以说我们在准备和设置上付出了很多努力。这个过程对我来说是非常重要和愉快的部分,我学到了很多。我很高兴我是艺术班的一名学生。”

Xenia Ren (IGCSE1) asserted, "The art show in the school adds to the school's beauty. Seeing these works, I felt wonderful. Each work is beautiful, and we can see the students' artistic talent and efforts."

同样来自IGCSE1的Xenia Ren同学肯定的说:“学校的艺术展为学校增添了美丽的景象。看到这些作品,我感觉很棒。每一件作品都很美,我们可以看到学生们的艺术天赋和努力。”

IGCSE2 students looked at character design and learned how to draw different characters, gaining experience in story illustration. These classes were an introduction for students who may be interested in illustration, comic strips, and animation.


Students in the Doodle Art class became acquainted with this contemporary art and submitted a project in this regard. Moreover, the class was a valuable introduction to graffiti, designing, and decorating.


After choosing a place in the school for the garden design class, the simple studies were completed. Then the initial and final models were made. This class was suitable for students interested in environmental design and architecture.

在选择为学校的某个角落做一个园林设计的位置后, 学生们学习了园林设计的基础并制作了初始模型和最终模型。这个课程非常适合对环境设计和建筑感兴趣的学生。

This semester's sculpture class used clay as the primary material to make the sculpture. Clay is a soft material that can use to make different 3D forms. Students sculpted a human face with special sculpting tools. This class introduced professional sculpture, and students can understand the concept of "form".



Dorothy Zhang (IGCSE2) commented, "I loved doing this art. I learned how to do garden design, create a design, and use different materials to realise it".

IGCSE2 的Dorothy Zhang同学发表道:“我喜欢做这种艺术。我学会了如何做花园设计,创建一个设计,并使用不同的材料来实现它











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