

EYFS幼儿园 | 亲子运动会·陪你一起长大的快乐





The sun is warm, the autumn wind is cool, and it’s the right time to get some exercise!

With a ray of sunshine in the morning, Chiway Repton Kindergarten ushered in the fourth annual parent-child sports meeting with the theme of "Forge ahead and be competent for the future".


Parents held hands with their little ones, sweating freely and enjoying being active with their children on the playground, experiencing the fun of childhood together! Let us review every wonderful moment through the lens!


Little athletes entered the sports field


First up, a group of lively and innocent little ones. The young athletes of K1-Rwanda approached the sports field. Sports made them more confident, and it brought smiles to their faces. Keep it up, kids! Success belonged to you!


Next were the little angels of Pre-K China, whose innocent faces were filled with confidence and joy. We believe that these lovely little angels brought joy to every baby and parent who participated in the sports event!

欢迎K3 Greece的小勇士们!他们如同一支勇敢的战队,目光坚定,准备在这个竞技的舞台上展现出自己的风采。期待K3班的精彩表现,让我们为他们加油!让我们一起听听他们的口号。

The the children from K3 Greece shouted out their motto proudly: BE BOLD!BE BRAVE!BE FEARLESS! We gave a warm welcome to the little warriors of K3 Greece! They resembled a brave team, with determined gazes, ready to showcase their prowess on the competitive stage.

紧接着向我们走来的是K1 England英国班的小朋友们!他们摇曳着绚烂的手花、开心地走进运动场。今天他们会和爸爸妈妈一起完成每一个项目,努力拼搏,去享受运动的快乐!冲呀K1 England!

Then the K1 England class children approached! They walked happily into the stadium, waving their gorgeous flowers. On this day, they completed every project with their parents, worked hard and enjoyed the joy of sports! Go, K1 England!


The cute, innocent, united, energetic team of K2 Madagascar entered the sports field.  They were confident! They were brave! How brilliant their smiles were – for them, friendship came first, competition second.  Their young age did not indicate how they would perform, they didn’t show weakness, they showed their strength and had matching results! 


Opening Speech


Principal Zhou Xiaoming and principal Sandy delivered opening speeches at the sports meeting and warmly welcomed every family. We worked hard and moved forward with the blessings of the principals. 




Three young knights from K3, Minnie, Chenxi and Yomi, came towards us on their horses. They were confident and brave as they set foot on the field for the sports event. We hope that children can develop the spirit of chivalry, and embrace endless possibilities.


Flag Raising Ceremony


We invited several veterans from the school security team to serve as our flag bearers, who presented a solemn flag-raising ceremony to the children. The national anthem played, and the five-star red flag was raised. The children and their parents saluted the flag and sang the national anthem together. The pride of being "born in China" arose spontaneously.


Parent-Child Warm-up Exercises

运动会当然少不了热身运动,今天爸爸妈妈们都变身为小朋友,在 Neil、Esen、Ella、Rainie、Annabelle、Elsa六位小领操员和老师们的带领下,和宝贝们一起做早操。大小朋友们活力四射,一起为运动进行热身准备。

Of course, a prerequisite for any sports meeting are warm-up exercises. Today, parents transformed into children and did morning exercises with their babies under the leadership of the six little exercise leaders Neil, Esen, Ella,Rainie,Annabelle & Elsa, as well as the teachers. The children, big and small, were full of energy and warmed up for sports together.


Athletes and Parents' representatives' oath

运动员代表William和家长代表孟晓薇进行运动会宣誓仪式。小朋友们也跟着一起宣誓:我将遵守⽐赛规则,我将尊重裁判 ,尊重对⼿, 我会像波特曼⼀样勇往直前 ,也会像Elsa⼀样不怕失败. 友谊第⼀, ⽐赛第⼆。做⼀个跑得要快,⼼中有爱的⼩⼩运动员。

We invited athlete representative William and parent representative William’s mom Xiaowei, to perform the sports event oath ceremony. Children all read together: Chasing our friends and running with them is one of our favourite things. Let’s try to run as fast as we can and enjoy the games. Never say never, we don't give up, we can do it, we are the best and the happiest athletes on earth, like Ultraman. 


Parent-Child Games


The parent-child games at the sports meeting are about to begin!


Through parent-child events such as rally tire races, football PK games, ant army, and tension rope catching, we have seen the children running hard and moving forward bravely. At the same time, we have also seen the tacit understanding and friendship between children and their parents. They worked closely together with their parents and tried their best to complete various projects.


4×100m Relay Race


We then set up a 4X100 meter relay race in K3 to exercise the children's teamwork spirit. Twelve children from three teams “cheetah”, “lion” and “shark” went all out on the track, persisted to the end, and worked together to win honors for their teams. Each of them were the pride of their parents and teachers!


Parent tug-of-war


The most exciting part of the sports meeting was the tug-of-war competition! A rope, and heart. The results were not important. What was important was that the children saw their parents working hard. What was important was that we were all happy.


Award Ceremony


Finally, the award ceremony began! In addition to awarding awards for the 4X100m, triathlon, and tug-of-war team events, each child received a "Sports Star" medal, which was the result of their hard work with their parents. The smiles on the faces of the children were the best gifts we received.





Participation is a kind of happiness, and so is cooperation.

At the sports meeting, parents got to exercise with their babies.

They played together and enjoyed the beautiful memories of an innocent childhood.

With the participation of parents, children's childhoods are more complete and happier.






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