

大师级音乐团队,佛山霍利斯音乐学院2023-24学年开始招生 Join LEHF 2023-24 Music Academy!














  • 30分钟课程:适合初学至6级的学员

  • 60分钟课程:适合5级至8级的学员,及音乐学科专业的学员





Mr David Hobourn


Hobourn 先生毕业于伦敦圣三一音乐学院,主修管风琴和声乐。他是英国皇家管风琴学院成员。Hobourn 先生在英国、法国、泰国和中国拥有超过 25 年的教学经验,他的职业生涯始于英国和新西兰的大教堂管风琴师。作为伦敦三一学院的古典音乐、爵士乐和摇滚流行乐考官,Hobourn先生曾在全球约 25 个国家和地区从事各类乐器的考试评级工作。Hobourn 先生曾两次在香港学校音乐节担任评委,并在新西兰、南非、马来西亚(施坦威钢琴比赛)、新加坡、印度尼西亚和中国的不同音乐赛事担任评委。

Mr James Smale


Smale 先生毕业于英国萨里大学(学士)、伦敦圣三一音乐学院(研究生,以优异成绩毕业),并持有Teach First教师教育文凭(PGDE)。他一直是一名活跃的专业打击乐手,曾在奥地利格拉茨歌剧院管弦乐团工作六年,并担任 Zeitfluss 乐团、格拉茨爱乐乐团和哈农库特的 Styriarte Festspiele 乐团的首席打击乐手。他拥有 20 多年的教学经验,教学阶段涵盖从小学到大学水平。他还曾为阿联酋教育部设计音乐课程。Smale 先生担任伦敦圣三一学院音乐小组成员长达 18 年之久,负责古典、爵士、摇滚和流行音乐的考试工作,并担爵士鼓、摇滚和流行鼓以及管弦打击乐教学大纲的顾问。他还在香港、新加坡和印度担任过国际评审员。




安娜女士是一位来自香港的钢琴教师,享有极高的国际声誉。她是圣彼得堡国际比赛的全球执行总监和亚太区艺术总监,也是香港布拉沃艺术家演奏学院的校长和执行总监。自 2011 年以来,她的学生在伦敦三一学院的所有演奏文凭考试(ATCL、LTCL)和英国皇家音乐学院八级考试中全体取得了优异成绩。安娜女士曾担任圣彼得堡国际音乐比赛决赛、澳门亚太钢琴公开赛、中国-新加坡国际比赛香港赛区、施坦威比赛和肖邦纪念奖香港钢琴公开赛的评委。

Ms Peiyi Chen 


Peiyi Chen 女士毕业于星海音乐学院,并获得纽约曼尼斯音乐学院钢琴演奏硕士学位。在星海音乐学院学习期间,她曾获得专业优秀奖学金、星海综合奖学金、雅马哈音乐奖学金二等奖、凯瑟堡音乐奖学金一等奖、第八届施坦威全国青少年钢琴比赛专业组一等奖。陈女士积极参与独奏,近期的演出包括纽约音乐会、广州星海音乐厅、深圳景山剧院、佛山金马剧院、顺德演艺中心和香港大会堂举办的演奏会。

Ms Rae Huang


Rae Huang 女士毕业于武汉音乐学院钢琴系,15 岁起就读于星海音乐学院。Rae曾多次参加国际音乐比赛并获得好评,于2011 年、2012 年和 2013 年获得香港国际钢琴比赛中国区一等奖。在2011 年,她获得新加坡国际钢琴比赛中国区银奖,以及在2012 年获得亚洲国际比赛中国区二等奖。

Ms Vinnie Ma 


Vinnie Ma 女士是 M 钢琴工作室的创始人,同时也在佛山市音乐协会任教。她是一位经验丰富的钢琴教师,曾获得多个奖项,包括澳门、香港及亚洲大型国际艺术公开赛优秀指导教师奖。她持有伦敦音乐学院中级文凭和高级中学教师证书。

Mr Leo Pan 


Leo Pan 先生毕业于星海音乐学院,主修爵士钢琴演奏和作曲。他拥有丰富的教学经验,他的学生在国家音乐家协会和英国皇家音乐学院考试中的通过率高达 100%。他的许多学生还被国内外顶尖音乐院校录取,如星海音乐学院、伯克利音乐学院、洛杉矶音乐学院、东京大学、香港中文大学和香港浸会大学等。

Ms Yunzhen Huang 


Yunzhen Huang 女士持有华南师范大学音乐学院本科学位和香港浸会大学硕士学位,曾在亚洲国际器乐大赛、美国科罗拉多音乐大赛等比赛中获得金奖,并在星海音乐厅和香港沙田音乐厅举办音乐会。 

Mr Hao Wang 


Hao Wang 先生毕业于伦敦皇家音乐学院和新加坡南洋艺术学院,主修小提琴演奏。他曾获得伦敦皇家音乐学院的全额奖学金,并担任交响乐团和弦乐团的首席小提琴手。Hao Wang先生曾获得莫扎特国际弦乐比赛一等奖。他在新加坡一直担任演奏家和教师,包括新加坡爱乐乐团副团长、卡波歌剧院交响乐部副团长、新加坡儿童爱乐乐团团长、新加坡中小学弦乐团和交响乐团指挥等职务。

Ms Sharon Si 


Sharon Si 女士2010年毕业于星海音乐学院。在她的职业生涯中,她一直是一名活跃的表演艺术家,她担任广州交响乐团的首席中提琴手。作为一名中提琴和小提琴教师,她取得了巨大的成功,她的学生参加了广东省少儿小提琴比赛和新加坡-中国国际比赛,并获得了广泛好评。在第十六届广东省少儿小提琴比赛中,她被授予优秀教师荣誉证书。2019年,Sharon女士的合奏获得香港国际小提琴比赛一等奖。

Ms Cici Chen 


CiCi Chen女士是一位木管乐器专家,专注于钢琴和管乐器的指导和课堂教学。她有三年的国际教学经验,在指导学生准备和参加考试以及指挥木管乐团方面有丰富经验。她拥有幼儿音乐教育的LCM文凭。

Ms Sandy Deng 


Sandy Deng 女士毕业于星海音乐学院双簧管演奏专业,并取得优异的毕业成绩。Sandy自幼学习音乐,建立了良好的音乐基础。Sandy曾经参加许多大型音乐会和比赛,在2019年第十届中国南方管乐邀请赛中获得一等奖。作为老师,Sandy在教授双簧管方面获得了学生和家长的高度认可和称赞。

Mr Leonard Zhou 


Leonard Zhou 先生毕业于星海音乐学院管弦系,他曾以全国第二名的成绩考入星海音乐学院,并曾参加2016年广东省 "强师工程"、星海音乐学院首届长笛专业教学研讨会、2017年粤港澳大湾区艺术联盟成立大会,以及2018年中央电视台艺术节《青春波尔卡》录制。2019年,他受邀参加TED国际大会的演出和录制,并荣获华南管乐打击乐大赛优秀指导教师奖。Leonard曾在华南师范大学附属中学、广州英国学校和东莞外国语学校担任长笛教师。

Ms Ye Zhang 


Ye Zhang 女士毕业于武汉音乐学院,主修长笛演奏。2011 年,她随东方交响乐团赴韩国参加与全南民族大学的合作演出。Ye Zhang女士曾多次主持大师班,并获得众多名师的一致好评。Ye Zhang女士从小学习音乐,积累了丰富的教学经验,并在多年的教学实践中形成了自己独特的教学方法。她怀着满腔热情与学生们分享自己对长笛演奏的热爱。

Mr Ruiwen Ye 


Ruiwen Ye 先生持有山东师范大学的音乐教育学士学位,吉他演奏专业十级水平。曾在星海音乐学院教学,在古典吉他和原声吉他教学方面有丰富的经验。Ruiwen Ye 先生是广东吉他研究会专业会员,CHWOCHI吉他推广人之一。他曾在江苏大学、梅州兴宁和上海举办音乐会。

Mr Ming Chang 


Ming Chang 先生毕业于星海音乐学院,专业是现代音乐。他是一位经常活跃在大湾区各大音乐会的专业表演者,有丰富的音乐会表演经验。Ming曾在2021年赢得了广东电视台的 "乐队风暴 "节目的第二名,也是著名乐队“吉旭”的吉他手。在一次电视音乐会上,他为中国香港明星谢天华提供吉他伴奏。Ming Chang 先生在多间学校担任吉他和爵士乐队专业教师,有丰富的任教经验。

Mr Rex Chen 


Rex Chen 先生毕业于韶关大学音乐学院。他是一位经验丰富的架子鼓老师,他的几位学生在他的帮助下已经成功收到不同音乐学院的录取通知书。2017年,他作为伴奏音乐家参加了广州著名歌手钟鸣秋的个人演唱会。他曾获得佛山市南海区优秀指导老师的称号,也是IPEA爵士鼓比赛的优秀指导老师。

Mr Cong Zhou 


Cong Zhou 先生毕业于佳木斯大学,曾任交响乐团长号首席乐手,参加过各种演出和对外交流活动。在 "第四届全省艺术教育成果研评 "中,他与关中西部乐团合作获得一等奖。他现任教于石门实验中学管乐团和东平小学管乐团,并将于 2023 年 9 月开始在佛山霍利斯教授长号。

Mr Zyon Li 


Zyon Li 先生是星海音乐学院的优秀声乐毕业生,并持有法国巴黎布尔拉莱茵音乐学院声乐硕士学位。他曾在法国工作七年,期间在法国、意大利、比利时、英国、新加坡、韩国、日本等地演出。在2017-2019年间,他被评为法国杰出的亚洲音乐家之一,每年3月与韩国和日本的音乐家一起举办春季音乐会。在2017年,他曾担任年担任了巴黎ALPHA剧院的艺术总监,并在2018年的首届欧洲杯国际音乐舞蹈大赛中取得金奖。






我真的很喜欢音乐。我已经学了很多年钢琴,现在开始学习单簧管。我非常喜欢 Mr Hobourn 的课程。通过一系列的课程,我在演奏技巧上取得很大的进步,让我可以更加充分地理解作品所表达的内容,并通过演奏传达给听众。 


我学了三种乐器,分别是钢琴、小提琴和单簧管。起初,我只学习钢琴,在我加入佛山霍利斯后, Mr Hobourn 鼓励我学会第二和第三种乐器,于是我开始学习小提琴和单簧管。我从来没有想过,我可以演奏这么多乐器。Mr Hobourn 是我的钢琴老师,他非常专业和有才华,是我见过最有激情的音乐老师。  

音乐学院为我提供了很多表演机会,让我有机会在许多音乐会和活动中演奏钢琴和小提琴,让我倍感自信和有成就感。我还经常在学校的合唱团里唱歌。Mr Hobourn 教给我们很多我以前不知道的歌唱技巧。




Kitty Liang 女士


电话:+86 0757 6688 1881  Ext. 8011



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Embark on an exhilarating melodic journey with LEH International School Foshan as we proudly unveil the commencement of enrollment for our Music Academy 2023-2024! Whether you are LEH Foshan current student or a newcomer from the general public, we extend a heartfelt invitation to all ages, spanning 5 to adult learners. Join us on Saturdays during term time starting from 9 September 2023 and let's make beautiful music together!

Our Philosophy

The LEH Foshan Music Academy’s philosophy is to make learning music fun whilst gaining the confidence, skills, techniques, and discipline required to become a musician. We teach music for graded exams following the ABRSM or Trinity College London examination boards or just as a hobby! To maintain steady progress, reports are provided at the end of the term and the end of the year. This gives an overview of achievements, development, and future targets.


Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Recorder, Saxophone, Trombone, Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Singing, Classical Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit

Music Exam Preparation

Our experienced teachers can provide students with professional guidance for exam preparation and help them reach their personal goals. 


The Music Academy sessions will be held on Saturdays from 9:00 to 14:00 during each Term (holidays excluded). 


Fees for Term 1 (11 Sessions)

  • 30-minutes session: suitable for beginner to grade 6.

  • 60-minutes session: suitable for grade 5 to grade 8, and Diploma.

Masterclass with Ms An Na

Experienced Teachers

All of our visiting teachers have a passion for music and love seeing their students develop. They are all highly qualified in Music, either from university or music conservatoire. They will prepare their students for exams if required and help them to reach their own personal goals. All teachers are fully CRB-checked. To learn more about our teachers, please check the later chapter in the brochure.

LEH Foshan Teachers

Mr David Hobourn

Piano, Singing, Theory, Composing

Mr Hobourn is our Director of Music. He graduated from Trinity College of Music, majoring in Organ and Singing. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Organists. Mr Hobourn has over 25 years of teaching experience in the UK, France, Thailand, and China, having started his career as a cathedral organist in the UK and New Zealand. As a Classical and Jazz and Rock & Pop examiner for Trinity College London, Mr Hobourn has worked in some 25 countries around the world assessing Grades and diplomas in all instruments. Mr Hobourn has adjudicated twice at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, as well as in New Zealand, South Africa, Malaysia (Steinway Piano Competition), Singapore, Indonesia, and China.

Mr James Smale

Drum Kit, Percussion

Mr Smale is our Head of Prep School Music. He graduated from the University of Surrey (Bachelor), Trinity College London (Postgraduate- Distinction) and Teach First (PGDE). He has remained active as a professional percussionist, including six years in the orchestra of Oper Graz, Austria, Principal Percussion with Ensemble Zeitfluss, the Grazer Philharmoniker, and Harnoncourt’s Styriarte Festspiele. He has over 20 years of teaching experience, from Prep Schools through to university level. He has also designed the Music curriculum for the Ministry of Education in the UAE. Mr Smale has been on the Music Panel for Trinity College London for over 18 years, examining in Classical, Jazz, Rock, and Pop Music, and has been the consultant for the Drum Kit, Rock and Pop Drums, and Orchestral Percussion syllabuses. He has also worked as an international adjudicator in Hong Kong, Singapore, and India.

Visiting Music Teachers

Ms An Na

High Grade & 

Diploma Piano

Ms An Na is a highly acclaimed piano teacher from Hong Kong, with an outstanding, international reputation. She is the Global Executive Director and Asia-Pacific Artistic Director of the St. Petersburg International Competition, and Principal and Executive Director of Hong Kong Bravo Artists Performance Academy. Since 2011, her students have achieved a 100% Distinction success rate in all Trinity College London performance diplomas (ATCL, LTCL) and ABRSM Grade 8 examinations. As an adjudicator, Ms An Na has worked at the St. Petersburg International Music Competition Final, the Macau-Asia Pacific Piano Open Competition, the Hong Kong region of the China-Singapore International Competition, the Steinway Competition and the Chopin Memorial Award Hong Kong Piano Open Competition.

Ms Peiyi Chen 


Ms Peiyi Chen graduated from the Xinghai Conservatory of Music and holds a master's degree in piano performance from the Mannes School of Music, New York. During her bachelor's study at Xinghai, she was awarded the Professional Excellence Scholarship, the Xinghai Comprehensive Scholarship, Second Prize in the Yamaha Music Scholarship, First Prize in the Kayserburg Music Scholarship, and first prize in the professional group of the 8th Steinway National Youth Piano Competition. Ms Chen is actively involved as a soloist, and recent performances have included concerts in New York, Xinghai Concert Hall in Guangzhou, Jing Shan Theatre in Shenzhen, Jinma Theatre in Foshan, Shunde Performing Arts Center, and the Hong Kong City Hall.

Ms Rae Huang


Ms Rae Huang graduated from the Piano Department of the Wuhan Conservatory of Music, having attended the Xinghai Conservatory of Music from the age of 15. Rae Huang has taken part in many international music competitions to great acclaim. She achieved first prize in the China Division of the Hong Kong International Piano Competition in 2011, 2012 and 2013. In 2011, she won the silver prize in the China Division of the Singapore International Piano Competition, and in 2012, she obtained second prize in the China Division of the Asian International Competition.

Ms Vinnie Ma 


Ms Vinnie Ma is the founding Director of her own Music Studio, M Piano Studio, and also teaches for the Foshan City Music Association. She is a highly experienced piano teacher, winning various awards, including the Outstanding Instructor Award of the Macao, Hong Kong and Asia Large International Art Open Competition. She holds the London College of Music Intermediate Diploma, and Senior Secondary School Teacher's Certificate.

Mr Leo Pan 

Piano & Jazz Piano

Mr Leo Pan graduated from the Xinghai Conservatory of Music, where he studied jazz piano performance and composition. He has extensive teaching experience, and his students have a 100% pass rate for the National musician association and ABRSM exams. Many of His students have also been accepted to top music schools in China and abroad, such as Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Berklee College of Music, Los Angeles College of Music, the University of Tokyo, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Baptist University.

Ms Yunzhen Huang 

Violin, Cello

Ms Yunzhen Huang graduated from the Music College of the South China Normal University with a bachelor’s degree and Hong Kong Baptist University with a master’s degree, majoring in violin, cello, and guzheng. She has won gold medals in the Asian International Instrumental Music Competition and American Colorado Music Competition and has performed in the Xing Hai and Hong Kong Shatin Concert Halls.

Mr Hao Wang 


Mr Hao Wang graduated from the Royal College of Music in London and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore, studying violin performance. He was offered a full scholarship for the Royal College of Music and was the principal violinist for the symphony orchestra and string orchestra. Mr Hao Wang won First prize at the Mozart International String Competition. He has been very as a performer and teacher in Singapore, including posts such as Deputy Principal of the Singapore Philharmonic Orchestra, Deputy Principal of the Symphony Division of the Kapo Opera House, Principal of the Singapore Children's Philharmonic Orchestra, and Conductor of the Singapore Primary and Secondary School String Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra.

Ms Sharon Si 


Mr Leo Pan graduated from the Xinghai Conservatory of Music, where he studied jazz piano performance and composition. He has extensive teaching experience, and his students have a 100% pass rate for the National musician association and ABRSM exams. Many of His students have also been accepted to top music schools in China and abroad, such as Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Berklee College of Music, Los Angeles College of Music, the University of Tokyo, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Baptist University.

Ms Cici Chen 

Clarinet, Saxophone, Recorder & Beginner Piano

Ms Cici Chen is a woodwind specialist, focusing on piano and wind instrumental mentoring and classroom music. She has four years of experience in international school teaching. She is experienced at prepping and mentoring students for exams as well as coaching woodwind ensembles. She was awarded the Diploma LCM for early childhood Music Education. 

Ms Sandy Deng 

Oboe & Recorder

Ms Sandy Deng graduated from the Xing Hai Conservatory of Music with Honours in Oboe Performance. She won the first prize in the 10th Wind Music Invitational Competition in Southern China in 2019. Miss Sandy has a high reputation as an oboe teacher and has taught at LEH Foshan since November 2021.

Mr Leonard Zhou 


Mr Leonard Zhou graduated from the Orchestra Department of Xinghai Conservatory of Music. Mr Zhou was admitted to the Xinghai Conservatory of Music with the second-highest score in the country. He participated in the 2016 "Teacher Strengthening Project" in Guangdong Province, the first flute professional teaching seminar of Xinghai Conservatory of Music, and the founding meeting of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Grand Bay Art Alliance in 2017. In 2018, he participated in the recording of "Youth Polka" at the CCTV Festival. In 2019, he was invited to participate in the performance and recording of the TED International Conference and won the Excellent Instructor Award at the South China Wind and Percussion Competition. Mr Zhou's flute teaching posts have included the Affiliated Middle School of South China Normal University, The British School of Guangzhou, and Dongguan Foreign Language School.

Ms Ye Zhang 


Ms Ye Zhang graduated from the Wuhan Conservatory of Music Teaching, majoring in flute performance. In 2011, she went to South Korea with the Oriental Symphony Orchestra to participate in a collaboration with Jeonnam Minzu University. Ms Ye Zhang has been selected to participate in many master classes and has won much unanimous praise from many famous teachers. Ms Ye Zhang’s rich experience of learning music from an early age and the accumulation of many years of teaching practice have formed a unique teaching method. She has a real passion for sharing her love of flute playing with her students.

Mr Ruiwen Ye 

Classical & Acoustic Guitar

Mr Ruiwen Ye holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education degree from the Shan Dong Normal University and has achieved Professional Level 10 in Guitar playing. He has much experience as a teacher of Classical and Acoustic Guitar, including at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music. He is a professional member of the Guangdong Guitar Research Association.  Mr Ye has remained active as a performing artist in Guangdong and further afield in China, presenting concerts at Zhenjiang Jiangsu University, Xingning, Meizhou, and Shanghai. 

Mr Ming Chang 

Electronic & Bass guitar

Mr Ming Chang graduated from Xin Hai Conservatory of Music majoring in contemporary music. He has a very active career as a performer, taking part in many concerts in the Greater Bay Area. Mr Ming won the second-place call “The band storm” show by Guangdong TV in 2021. He played guitar in the famous band called “Ji Xu” and for the Hong Kong celebrity Michael TSE in one of the TV concerts. Mr Ming Chang enjoys playing and teaching a wide range of contemporary styles. 

Mr Rex Chen 

Drum kit

Mr Rex Chen is a graduate of the Conservatory of Music at Shao Guan University. Mr Rex is an experienced drum teacher, and several of his students have successfully gained places at the Conservatories of Music. In 2017 he participated in a solo concert with the famous Guangzhou singer, Zhong Mingqiu as a session musician. He is the winner of the Outstanding Instructor in Nanhai District, Foshan, as well as Outstanding Instructor for the IPEA Jazz Drumming Competition. 

Mr Cong Zhou 


Mr Cong Zhou graduated from Jiamusi University. He served as the principal trombone of the symphony orchestra and participated in various performances and foreign exchange activities. He won first prize with the Western Guansong Ensemble at the "Fourth Provincial Art Education Achievement Research and Evaluation". He also won the gold Medal with the Heilongjiang Youth Wind Group of the 3rd Hong Kong Guodong Music Festival He currently teaches in the wind orchestra of Shimen Experimental Middle School and the wind orchestra of Dongping Primary School. Mr Cong Zhou will start teaching trombone at LEH Foshan in September 2023.

Mr Zyon Li 


Mr Zyon Li is an outstanding vocal music graduate of Xing Hai Conservatory of Music. He was awarded Master of Vocal Music from Bourg-la-Reine Conservatory of Music in Paris, France. He worked in France for seven years, during this time he performed in France, Italy, Belgium, the UK, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan. From 2017 to 2019 he was one of the outstanding Asian musicians in France, holding a spring concert with Korean and Japanese musicians every year. He achieved Gold Medal in the first European Cup International Music and Dance Competition in 2018. Mr Li was the Artistic Director of the Theatre d'ALPHA in Paris in 2017. 

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Students' Comments


I play the guitar. Having lessons on a Saturday morning means my academic hours during the week are not interrupted. I really enjoyed the guitar lessons and Mr Ye is a fantastic teacher. The lessons are really fun and relaxing.  


I really enjoy Music. I have been learning the piano for a few years and I have just started learning clarinet. I enjoy my lessons with Mr Hobourn very much. In the lessons I have improved my technique a lot, which allow me to communicate Music more fluently.  


I play 3 musical instruments which are piano, violin and clarinet. At first, I only played piano, after I joined LEH, Mr Hobourn encouraged me to play a second and third instruments, so that’s when I picked up violin and clarinet. I have never thought that I can play so many instruments. Right now, I am learning piano with Mr Hobourn. He is highly professional and talented and probably the most passionate music teacher I have ever met.  

The Music Academy provides me with a lot of opportunities to perform. I have the chances to play piano and violin in many concerts and events which build up my confidence and satisfaction. I am having a lot of fun and it comes from the sense of achievement in these performances. I also sing a lot in the school choir. Mr Hobourn teaches us a lot of singing skills which I didn’t know before. 


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After registration, we will assist the parent in establishing contact with the teachers, then the parent will make payment directly to the teachers. 

Contact Us

Should you have any enquiries or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ms Kitty Liang

Email: musicacademyleh-foshan.cn

Tel: +86 0757 6688 1881  Ext. 8011

Address: 26 Jingping Road, Chancheng, Foshan










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