

庆元旦 迎新年 | 徐州华顿国际学校国际高中烤鸡制作活动



2021年的钟声即将敲响,时光的年轮又向前迈进了一步。为了庆祝2021年的到来,增添节日的气氛,丰富师生的校园文化生活,国际高中部组织开展了 “庆元旦 迎新年烤鸡制作活动

The bell of 2021 is about to toll, and the hands of time are marching forward. So, to celebrate the coming of 2021, and by continuing the festive season atmosphere, International High School Section organized a roast chicken dinner to celebrate the new year. The purpose of the event was to not only have some fun together but also enrich the teachers’ and students’ cultural life on campus in a spirit of goodwill and cooperation.



Each festival activity was an enjoyable experience for students, as they stepped out of their comfort zone and chose an activity that they wanted to participate in. The school are very proud of the students for all their efforts and continues to strive to make this platform a haven for students to learn, grow and develop their own special skills. By taking part and celebrating this cultural event, the students were able to show their creativity and passion for cooking, art, presentation, and of course communication and organizational abilities.



On the afternoon of 24th December, under the guidance of foreign teachers David and Thom, some students from Grade 10 participated in the activity. Before entering the kitchen, the students were divided into different groups, and each one was responsible for different tasks in the kitchen. Some washed, chopped or peeled vegetables, and some helped season the chickens by ‘massaging’ them with ingredients, while others kept running back and forth to provide everything needed to present a delicious meal to all involved. Students also learned the about the vital work that the school cafeteria staff do every day to keep them fed.



After some practice the students did a great job of paying attention to hygiene and refining their techniques, slowly perfecting their role. At the same time, the foreign teachers also shared some interesting stories and foreign festival traditions with the students, which broadened their knowledge and vision while practicing their practical ability.


After the teachers’ and students’ cooperative work, the roast chicken dinner was served. The students eagerly loaded up their plates, trying all the different food on offer with big smiles on their faces. This activity not only allowed students to show their own abilities, and add an exclamation point to their 2020, but also enhance the cohesion of teachers and students, and cultivate the students' life skills.



I firmly believe that in the New Year, teachers and students of Walton International High School will continue to work together to create a better tomorrow!








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