

TWIS & Shout|柔道、美术与家庭拜访



While I breathe, I explore, I hope

每周精选 | TWIS & SHOUT


Judo: More than just a sport 


DaFen: Immersed in Art

G1 我爱我家

G1 Home Visit



Judo: More Than Just A Sport 


The sport of judo has grown to become an Olympic sport and is practiced in more than 190 countries where it is represented and officially presented by their own home associations. Judo athletes are referred to as Judokas. 


Judo has a great impact on young children when it comes to their growth and coordination. Research has shown that judo highly increases motor skills, balance, grip strength, and back power. Mr. Nem has been practicing Judo for over 15 years, 13 of those when he competed at a high level. As he puts it: “Judo has only brought me joy and comfort in my experience, and it has helped me to grow into the person I am today...this is something I want my students to experience.” 


By offering Judo at TWIS, our students have the opportunity to develop and demonstrate the TWIS STRIVE value of self-discipline, as well as the IB learner profile attributes of being principled, risk-takers and knowledgeable. To be a Judoka means to demonstrate thinking skills while maintaining a high level of self-management and respect towards oneself and others.  


Judo at TWIS begins with ‘baby steps’ in learning how to fall correctly, control body movement, and learn coordination through basic judo throws. The objective is to allow each student to develop a strong mind and body which will be able to fall to the ground and be able to get back up and try again… Just like in life. 



DaFen Village: Immersed in Art


Grade 7 went on a field trip for their Visual Art Class to explore DaFen Village, famous for oil painting galleries, art studios and its museum in Shenzhen.  

同学们在这场艺术之旅中经历了非常有趣的一天。上午9:30抵达深圳的时候,许多艺术家刚刚打开店门,或者正在准备一天的工作用品,也有一部分人在清晨就开始投入工作。学生们看到了不同类型的艺术品类和业务, 艺术家们在专注于完成他们的作品,或者准备售卖自己的画作。

学生深入到几间工作室仔细观察,并提出了各种各样的问题作为采访和研究作业的一部分。之前在课堂上,学生们探讨过不同地区如何利用现有资源创作艺术作品,而本次在大芬村关于“Time, Place and Space”(时间、地缘及空间)的探究,可以帮助学生们更好地理解“地理位置”对于创作的意义,以便延伸到世界其他地区的创作过程中。

We had a very fun and productive experience at the Art Village. The bus arrived in Shenzhen at 9:30 am, and many artists were just opening their doors or preparing their supplies to begin work. We saw different types of the art business and many people were busy working during the fresh morning hours. The artists were focused on painting their works in progress, or preparing materials to get some paintings sold that day. 

We ventured inside several art studios to look closer. Students asked various questions as part of an interview and research assignment. In class, we are investigating how different regions create works of art using the resources available. By inquiring about the 'time, place and space' of this village we can construct a better understanding of the meaning of the works created in this location, as well as others around the world. 


Some of the questions the students asked include: How does an artist come up with ideas or find inspiration? What are some of the challenges the villages face economically? And, How many paintings they make a week? We were surprised by their answers and kept walking along the village seeing more unique spaces and galleries that were tailored for different types of tastes. Some more traditional, others more modern, some works were very expensive and, some quite affordable. 


After spending some time walking, we split the group in two and visited two different local art centers where students could sit and write down the answers to their questions, and started sketching an idea based on their favorite work seen so far.  


At around 11:30 we walked to a local restaurant and shared a great meal together. Then we had a digestion walk towards the DaFeng Art Museum. This institution offers new exhibitions from a myriad of sources, such as various competitions both local Guangdong and national. It has three different floors and over 20 galleries. The works which are mostly oil paintings are presented in so many different styles and depict such incredible beauty that it brings inner peace to all who walk inside. Students walked in small groups around the galleries, at times they would ask their teachers about what the meaning was or what they liked about the artwork in the museum. The large space allowed the students to enjoy the serene atmosphere and inquire in the methods and creative techniques seen in these remarkable works of art which challenge our own understanding of how paint can be used. 


Later in the afternoon we went back to the village and asked an artist who now had set up a workstation where visitors can take a small canvas about 30cm x 40 cm and paint their own image. We all chose some postcards to copy and quickly we all started painting. They enjoyed their time while also creating their art. 


G1 我爱我家

G1 Home Visit


As our ‘new reality‘ forces us to look for ways to provide relevant learning experiences but avoiding large, crowded areas, Grade 1 visited the homes of some members of our school community in order to inquire into how people adapt their homes according to their environment. 


Here are some of their insights: It was really encouraging to see first graders so committed and eager to share their homes and lifestyles. As a class, we review the agreements and came up with new agreements to be a host and a guest in someone else's home. Students wondered how people with the same jobs and in the same class have so many different homes... “some too big and some too small, but it’s perfect for the people who live inside” said Phoebus when he was asked what he thought about the homes he visited. 

孩子们完成了一幅维恩图(Venn Diagram),用来发现房屋的异同,其中最有趣的发现之一是“所有房子里都有很多书”,这是Tommy同学提出的。这次实地考察是一次很棒的经历,让学生们在课堂之外以真实的生活样本作为模式进行探究学习,并且在不同的地方都表现出了良好的拜访礼仪和待客之道!

Students completed a Venn Diagram to find the similarities and differences in the homes they had visited. One of their most interesting findings was: “all homes have many books,” said Tommy Wang. This field trip was a great experience to take our inquiry outside the classroom using real-life samples as patterns. Children displayed good manners and guest etiquette when going to different places and were very happy to be the host to their friends.  

2021- 2022 秋季招生

Fall Semester 2021 – 2022


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