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何东华 Christina





本次美高人物访谈,邀请到了苏州美高学校执行校长何东华(Christina He),亲历英美教育的她,想要在这里结合英式教育的严谨、美式教育的灵活与中式教育的持续性。
















双A国际课程,是AP国际课程和A Level国际课程的缩写。

AP(Advanced Placement)国际课程,又称为美国大学先修课程。该课程起源于美国,由美国大学理事会(The College Board)提供,是在高中授课的具有大学水平的课程。AP考试成绩已被世界57个国家近5000所大学作为其入学参考标准。其中包括哈佛、耶鲁、牛津、剑桥等名校!






根据《2022美国门户开放报告》(Open Doors 2022)显示,2021-2022学年留美国际学生人数达948,519人,其中中国大陆留学生为290,086人,占留美国际生总数的30.6%,这是中国大陆连续第13年成为美国国际生最大生源地。









In British schools, students are required to follow the national curriculum, which is rigorous for children in different grades. American emphasizes autonomy and advocates freedom. The American education system, influenced by The Times, advocates freedom, equality and innovation. Therefore, American education pays more attention to the development of students' personality and emphasizes autonomy. The core of Chinese education is basic education, which focuses on the accumulation of knowledge and the understanding and absorption of knowledge within a specific framework.


Harvard School of Education President's Certificate

D. in Educational Administration, University of Illinois

Ma, University of Sheffield

Private school Principal Certificate

Christina He, the executive principal of LWS, was invited to this interview. She experienced the British and American education and wanted to combine the rigor of British education, the flexibility of American education and the continuity of Chinese education.

"We cultivate global citizens who understand and love China and have a global vision."

"No matter what country you are in, a talent must have a global vision. If you want to have such a quality, the height and Angle of thinking will not be limited to one country or one culture.

Today, when our country puts forward the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, it refers to the height of our thinking. International talents must think globally. In the future, we need to deal with the relationship between different countries, cultures and even between man and nature. We need to understand and accept different values and cultural traditions, which needs to cultivate students' intercultural communication ability, and the starting point of intercultural communication is a global perspective."

President He studied in the UK for her master's degree and chose the "public Ivy League" universities in the US for her PhD. This is her understanding of the British and American education in China.

"The British education has a long history and is relatively traditional. Therefore, the British education concept emphasizes morality and cultivation, and the discipline mode is relatively strict. The character of" gentleman "and" lady "is emphasized in cultivation. For example, the teacher will give specific guidance to the students, telling them what should and shouldn't be done at the appropriate time, and the learning environment is more normative.

However, the curriculum in the United States is more flexible, and the courses students take depend on their own learning level and ability. For example, the average student takes algebra in ninth grade, but some outstanding students have taken calculus in ninth grade. American education says that if you let them do what they like, they'll do better. If you give them space, they'll do their best."

"The most obvious manifestation of Chinese education is that every question should have a standard answer. In liberal arts reading, for example, students are required to give answers that fit within a certain framework. And the standard answer in addition to the embodiment of the exam also "copy" "paste" uniform dress, uniform hair. Chinese education is deeply influenced by the idea of "learning while learning", which requires students to make the memorization a lifelong memory by constantly reviewing it.

LWS believes that one of the mistakes of international education is the Westernization of the curriculum. In view of this, our school has established a curriculum orientation suitable for the development of Chinese students. In the 15-year curriculum system, in addition to allowing students to be influenced by traditional Chinese culture, we also establish a characteristic English curriculum system combining basic courses, activity courses and elective courses based on international positioning.

"We offer double-A courses simultaneously because we know that there is no perfect education, only the right education."

LWS relies on rich international education resources, integrates the breadth of knowledge of American courses and the depth of knowledge of British courses, and carefully develops a multi-dimensional curriculum system suitable for the growth of international talents.

Double A International Program is short for AP International Program and A Level International Program.

AP (Advanced Placement) international courses, also known as American Advanced Placement courses. The course originated in the United States and is offered by The College Board. It is a college-level course taught in high schools. AP scores are used by nearly 5,000 universities in 57 countries as a reference for admission. Including Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge and other famous universities!

The Cambridge A-Level international curriculum originated in the United Kingdom, which is the national curriculum system. A-Level course is the most mature curriculum system of high school diploma recognized in the world. It is praised as the "gold course" in the world and the "gold standard" for the admission of world-class universities by the international education circle, and is also called "the most suitable for Chinese students in the world college entrance examination course" by Chinese education experts. Cambridge A-Levels are recognized by more than 550 universities in the United States, including all Ivy League universities. All universities in the United Kingdom, Australia and Hong Kong, Canada's top 40 universities and Japan's University of Tokyo and Waseda University......

"The double-A curriculum system is suitable for us to help children discover their interest points and find their favorite school. We will not give up the" love school "because of the curriculum restrictions and other factors. For example, the child may change his mind from the Commonwealth countries to the United States, but the A-Level results need to be added to apply for the American school. So the child may not have the advantage, so we're going to double channel to give the child more options and a wider range of options."

Our Double-A international courses combine the advantages of two world-renowned courses, scientific curriculum, rich subject choices, flexible switching of Double-A courses, adapt to the entrance requirements of high-quality universities in all English-speaking countries, integration and promotion of students to enter the world's leading universities."

"We hope that our children can study abroad successfully, also can succeed, Every man should give full play to his own merits."

The blue book on the Development of Overseas Study in China (2022), jointly prepared by the Globalization Think Tank (CCG) and the Bank of China, shows that overseas study in the world still maintains the momentum of growth, and the destination and source countries of overseas study are further diversified. China is still the largest source of students studying abroad, showing that Chinese students' enthusiasm for international education remains high.

According to the Open Doors 2022 report, the number of international students studying in the United States in the 2021-2022 academic year reached 948,519, of which 290,086 were from the Chinese mainland, accounting for 30.6% of the total number of international students. This is the 13th consecutive year that the Chinese mainland has been the largest source of international students to the United States.

"We have an excellent and experienced guidance team, who can fully consider students' advantages in subjects and future development direction, that is, which university and which major they want to choose, and select courses according to their requirements. This seemingly simple guidance is actually one of the core competitive points that highlight the characteristics of international education and distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of international high schools.

The first career planning lesson for students is self-awareness. This is actually one of the original propositions of philosophy, just like the ancient Greek temple wrote the saying "know thyself".

Under the guidance of teachers, students can understand their own personality, interests, strengths and potential, and understand their own weaknesses and strengths, which is the starting point of development as a person.

On this basis, the teacher will guide and guide the students' course selection, so as to ensure that every student can obtain the most suitable for their own academic and life planning."

With the rapid changes of the epidemic and the international situation, as well as the needs of the local career development of Chinese students who have returned to study abroad, in recent years, our school has been constantly exploring and practicing the multi-track path of admission. We are committed to creating an innovative education model of 1 person, 1 course schedule, 1 person, 1IP. Our school provides abundant resources to help students achieve personalized development and enhance the competitiveness of applying for prestigious schools!










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