

AIC毕业典礼2023 | 新征程,扬帆起航




2023 毕业典礼

AIC Graduation Ceremony 2023

祝贺AIC2023届毕业生!毕业典礼, 标志着你们多年来的努力工作、奉献和坚持不懈的成果。你们在克服无数挑战和障碍的过程中,终于踏上了人生的另一阶段。AIC为你们所取得的一切感到自豪。


根据QS排名, 2023级的AIC学生被前50名大学录取的比例最高,为91%。前30名大学的录取率为41%。前10名的艺术学校100%录取。加拿大前三甲大学100%录取:麦吉尔大学、多伦多大学和UBC。2023届学生中有41%获得了奖学金。今年引人注目的offer包括剑桥大学、伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦大学学院、伦敦国王学院、约翰霍普金斯大学、纽约大学、香港大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、伯克利音乐学院、伦敦艺术大学等等。2023届毕业生,祝贺你们的成就。

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!  Graduation day marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication and perseverance. You've overcome countless challenges and obstacles to reach this moment, and AIC couldn't be prouder of all that you've achieved.

As you step out into the world, remember that your education has equipped you with the skills and knowledge you need to make a difference in your community and beyond. You are the future leaders, innovators and changemakers of our society, and we can't wait to see all that you will accomplish.

Class of 2023 has highest rate of acceptances for AIC students from top 50 universities according to the QS ranking, that being 91%. 41 percent offers from top 30 universities. 100% offers by top 10 Art schools. 100% offers from Canadian top 3 universities, namely: McGill University, University of Toronto and UBC. 41% of the class of 2023 received scholarships. Notable offers for this year include the University of Cambridge, LSE, UCL, KCL, Johns Hopkins, NYU, University of Hong Kong, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, Berklee College of Music, University of Arts London to name a few. Graduating class of 2023, congratulations on your achievements.

5月27日, 亚加达国际预科迎来了第十届的毕业典礼, 本届的AIC的毕业典礼在了南沙万豪酒店隆重举行, 33名毕业生在典礼现场的家长、学校教职工和DP1学弟学妹的见证下, 迎来了激动人心的时刻, 毕业生们凭借着数年的IB学习生涯的成长与收获, 即将奔赴各自的山海关, 踏上人生新的旅程。

The Tenth graduation ceremony of AIC was held on May 27th at the Marriott Hotel, Nansha with 33 graduates. This exciting moment was witnessed by parents, school staff, DP1 students and other invited guests. The DP2 students harvested the fruits of their hard work and dedication as they collected their AIC diplomas. The graduation marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one, and all AIC staff believe that the graduating class is ready to embark upon their next journey.

毕业典礼由Emy Zhang老师与Isaac.SARVAS老师介绍开场, 在庄严的国歌声中拉开序幕。来自DP1的Delia.DJOBO和Kenny Xie担任仪式的主持人。

The graduation ceremony was opened by teachers Amy Zhang and Isaac.SARVAS, and began with the national anthem. The Emcees for the Ceremony were Delia.DJOBO and Kenny Xie from DP1.


To the graduating class of 2023

Speech of head of school 

—Bob Darwish



As you go out into the world, you will undoubtedly face challenges and setbacks. But you must remember that these are opportunities for growth and learning. I urge you to be courageous, to be bold, and to be proactive in your planning. You must remain resilient and adaptable, and never give up on your dreams and aspirations. In fact, dream big and work hard to achieve those dreams. Seek out opportunities that scare you, challenge you, and push you beyond your comfort zone. And throughout your journey, remember that failure is not the end, but an opportunity to learn and grow.

As you move towards new horizons, and embrace new opportunities, trust in your abilities, stay true to your values, and make the most of the gifts you have been given. Remember, your education is not just for you but also for the betterment of society.


Abby Ding 毕业生代表英文致辞

Sally Li 毕业生代表中文致辞


Lucy Lu 女士 - Abby Ding 母亲

Tiffany Shi 女士 -  Albert Li 母亲

DP1学妹Lesley Lu的倾力表演



AIC Achievement Award


The AIC achievement award is awarded to students who have achieved an average of 3.7 or higher in IBDP courses. 


Anishka KYAL

Sally LI

Wolly WANG

Betty GAO


Awards 毕业生颁奖

Outstanding Graduates


AIC Scholastic Excellence 亚加达国际预科学业优异奖


This award combines outstanding academic achievement with a scholastic approach to learning. The recipient of this award is in the top academic group of the DP2 class and has shown himself / herself to be a dedicated scholar by applying the skills included in the Approaches to Learning and embracing the academic spirit of the IB Learner profile. This student displays:

 - 组织能力,参与以及对他/她自己的学习负责,并且表现出开放的思维,有渊博的知识,勤于思考,反思,探究,全面发展和有求知欲。 

Organization, engagement and takes responsibility for his / her own learning as well as showing qualities of open-mindedness, knowledge, thinking, reflection, balanced, inquiry and curiosity.

- 得奖者能够成为真正的终身学习者。

The recipient of this award is truly empowered to become a lifelong learner.

Phoenix JING

AIC Citizenship Award 亚加达国际预科公民奖


This Award is for a student who has completed the DP2 year at Alcanta International College and in the time they have been here has shown support for our community of learners. He/She demonstrated this through service, leadership, respect, caring, principled attitudes and intercultural understanding. Through their efforts they have helped AIC become a better and more peaceful place.

Sally LI

AIC Directors’Award 亚加达国际预科主任特别奖


This award is given in recognition of exemplary achievement and contribution to the life at AIC. This student has shown consistency in scholarship and citizenship, and has been a great role model for others. 


IB Spirit Award 国际文凭精神奖


This Award is in recognition of a graduating student who has developed into an internationally minded person who recognizes the common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet. His / Her actions and focus demonstrate a desire to create a better and more peaceful world.The recipient of this Award demonstrates a desire to be:

- 乐于探索、学识渊博、勤于思考、善于交流、坚持原则、开放思维、关爱他人、敢于冒险、平衡发展、反思自明。

An Inquirer; Knowledgeable; A thinker; A communicator; Principled, Open-minded, Caring, A risk-taker, Balanced, Reflective.

奖学金奖 Scholarship Awards

University scholarship awards 大学录取奖学金是颁发给进入美国排名前30的大学、美国排名前10的文理学院、英國剑桥大学、伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦大学学院, 香港排名前2的大学。此奖项的同学将获得由AIC颁发2万-10万奖学金!

This scholarship is awarded to graduates admitted to the following universities: US Top 30 university, US Top10 liberal arts college, University of Cambridge、The London School of Economics and Political Science, UCL, HK Top 2 university. Students of this award will receive a scholarship of 20,000-100,000 yuan from AIC!



Jolina ZHANG 

Anishka KYAL

Wolly Wang、Betty GAO



再次恭喜AIC2023届毕业生, AIC为各位毕业生感到骄傲和喜悦。你们在校内学习、成长、交流的点点滴滴,都成为了学校历史中不可分割的一部分。毕业并不是结束,而是一个全新的开始,让我们一起期待并祝愿这个新的开端,有着更美好的未来。AIC期待和你们共同见证这个世界变得更加美好的过程。

The Graduating class of 2023, congratulations on your achievements. We will miss you!













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