

学无边界拓展周:当山川、溪流、洞穴成为课堂 Explore Yangshuo: an IB Learner Landscape




Recently, our MYP3 students at Tungwah Wenzel International School (TWIS) embarked on an enriching five-day adventure to Yangshuo as part of their Week Without Walls program. Designed to challenge them both physically and mentally, this immersive journey not only pushed our students beyond their comfort zones but also fostered the development of crucial attributes within the IB learner profile. Stepping outside the traditional classroom, the breathtaking landscapes of Yangshuo became a vibrant learning space. Through exhilarating adventurous activities and cultural immersion, our students ignited their inner strengths, unlocking their untapped potential.


Click to watch the video of students' journey to Yangshuo


Embarking on an exciting rock-climbing adventure, our students demonstrated unwavering courage, resilience, and passion for embracing challenges on the first day. Scaling limestone walls of varying difficulty and rappelling down, they discovered a newfound wellspring of confidence and self-belief. With each ascent and descent, they pushed their physical and mental limits, conquering fears and embracing their inner strengths. The experience served as a powerful reminder that with perseverance and a positive mindset, they could accomplish great heights. These first-day triumphs set the tone for the rest of their journey, empowering them to tackle the forthcoming adventures with enthusiasm and a renewed sense of self-assurance.


The subsequent day introduced the formidable Via Ferrata, testing their mettle both physically and mentally. Confronting obstacles without guidance, they relied on their own judgment and honed their problem-solving skills. Astonishing themselves and their teachers, the students exemplified unwavering determination, adaptability, and unwavering focus. Their triumphs echoed through the rugged terrain, leaving an indelible mark on their journey of personal growth and transformation.


Caving provided a thrilling experience of exploration and discovery. Guided by curiosity and illuminated by their headlamps, students delved into the depths of underground caverns, navigating through mysterious dark passages. The captivating formations of stalactites and stalagmites captivated their imaginations and ignited a newfound fascination for geology. Through this adventure, they also learned the importance of preparation, responsibility, and the consequences of neglect. 


The kayaking experience was another highlight of the trip, as students learned the art of navigating the picturesque waters of Yangshuo. They mastered the technique of using their paddles as extensions of their bodies, forming a kayak circle that showcased their teamwork and collaboration. One daring student even braved a thrilling glissando, jumping from kayak to kayak. The upstream journey tested their resilience as they battled against the current, further strengthening their determination and perseverance. 


Cultural immersion was an integral part of the trip, with students exploring local cuisine and learning to cook traditional bamboo rice. Working as a team, they embraced creativity and resourcefulness, creating dishes that delighted their taste buds and deepened their appreciation for culinary arts. Evenings were spent exploring Yangshuo's vibrant West Street, where students engaged with the local community, shopped, and fully immersed themselves in the region's culture. 


As the trip drew to a close, the students gathered on a picturesque bridge overlooking the YuLong River to receive certificates acknowledging their achievements and personal growth. It was a moment of reflection, celebrating their resilience, teamwork, and individual development. 


<<<Swipe to read more diaries from some students>>>


The return journey was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and animated conversations as the students shared stories of their adventures and triumphs. The trip to Yangshuo had gone beyond physical challenges and cultural experiences; it had ignited a passion for exploration and instilled valuable life lessons. The students embodied the IB learner profile attributes, embracing risk-taking, responsibility, open-mindedness, and collaboration. We look forward to the next captivating adventure!










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