

Graduation Special | Poems from Y5 Students 毕业留声 | 五年级学生诗集



Year 5 graduates are leaving school and moving on to middle school. They expressed their feelings about graduation in the form of poems, which they presented on the day of the Graduation Ceremony. The poems they created were emotionally comprehensible and intertwined. Some of them created their own poems, while others worked with their classmates to portray their memories of their primary school learning life in words. They used the poetry to remember their past primary school life and to look forward to the future.


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Personal Poem


byYEAR 5 


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The First Drama 

Even now, I can still remember my first drama performance at ISA. It was a sunny day, and also the big day that my teachers told us we were doing a big drama. I can clearly remember how my teacher said, “the main character goes to Lyndey!” I was very surprised, but also extremely happy. I was so pleased that I could be the main character, but before I knew it, we started practicing. Lots of practicing. 

This was the first time I had practiced a drama; I had never done it before. At first, I thought that it wouldn’t be too hard for me to memorize all the new words and have them all correct, but it didn’t take me too long to realize I was wrong. There were lots of difficult words that I didn’t understand and didn’t know how to read. for once, I almost wanted to give up. However, with determination and time, I was finally able to memorize all my words and do my acting. 

After a lot of hard work, time and resilience the big day had arrived. We all did very well in the show. I felt very confident and felt like I had memorized everything well. We were elated and celebrated our success.

I learned that if you don’t give up and are willing to sacrifice your time to work hard at something, you will be successful. I felt more confident after this experience, and I hope to take this attitude and use it to help me succeed in secondary school. I also hope EY4 can take this message and apply it in primary school. 

Goodbye Primary

This is the day of graduation 

I'm so sad to say goodbye

Now we’re going to new schools, new places

To a new start, we say hi

But I’ll always remember

The happy times when we were together

I still think of the times when we took a test

And the first time a teacher said I’ve done my very best

I will always remember you all

When I’m free, I’ll give you a nice, long call

I’ll never forget my special friends and teachers

And my favourite, most exciting school hours

We’ll say goodby for now

But not forever

byYEAR 5 


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I remember the day that we chose our PYPX group, I was overly excited that finally I could make my own PYPX group, I was thinking about who I wanted to work with, Wendy and Doris came and asked me if I wanted to join their group, I agreed. We were all thinking about what topic we wanted to do, Wendy said she wants to work on “Animal welfare "but I thought it was a little bit hard for us. Finally, we all agreed that we would work on “Physical wellbeing "when teacher asked why we wanted to choose this topic, we said because we wanted to learn more about “Physical wellbeing,” and we wanted to let others know more about this topic.

The first day we started our topic we were all thinking about what we were going to do, other groups were all doing their own work, I was thinking about what we were going to do, other groups were all doing their own work, I was thinking very hard about what the teacher said Wendy said the teacher tell us to work on Central Idea and Line Of Inquiry and we were able to. One day, we heard a terrible thing happen. Theteacher said that because our line of inquiry did not quite match our central idea, we should do change the title from Physical wellbeing to Physical Health.

During the process, we realized we did not do a lot of things so we had to start again, and the teacher said that they would help us to change the topic to physical health and get the work done. She said that we needed to work faster or else we will not finish on time for the PYPX. The teacher helped us to find some facts, we designed the website for our topic and of course completed our action. Lastly, we finished all of it, and I finally was able to breathe for air.

This PYPX taught me that I should not rush through things quickly, you need to think carefully about it first, then work hard to put it into action. I wanted to thank the teachers that worked with me every day, not just in PYPX and I want to thank my teammates for working with you all!

The Times Together

I loved the times when we played together

I’m pretty sure, I will remember them forever

When I didn’t want to go to school

You told me that it was all cool

Remember how we used to walk around

Thinking we had nothing to do on the playground

Remember the challenging Math, that was really so hard

All these memories, enough to fill a thousand cards

We danced together, we worked together

We always stuck by each other

I liked all of the wonderful things we do

But today I will say goodbye to you

byYEAR 5 


Say Goodbye

Let’s anathemize the pain

Lately I want to stay awake

An ending has come to us

I knew you’d fly away

You’re all precious in my heart

Will we ever meet again

Let the bird take our thoughts

And send it to you

To send you the things I miss

To send you my love

To send you the happiness we had before

Looking at this poem

It can’t fully express my feelings

But still,

let’s say goodbye, in all the possible ways

byYEAR 5 


Year 1 

When it was the first day of Y1, I was late to school because I was very nervous. The teacher asked me, "What's your name?" I should have said Henry because it was my English name but, I accidentally said Kimhyun. I was very scared, but I was happy that I saw my old friends. I saw the teacher. The teacher's names were Mr. Chris and Ms. Dawn. I was happy.  

Later that year, it was the start of Semester 2. I was excited but the teacher asked me to write a story. I didn't want to write it because I had never done it before. And I felt like it was very complicated.  However, I started, but the teacher said my handwriting was awful. So, I started again. 3 weeks later, I was done planning and I was able to publish. 2 weeks later, I was finally done. I was impressed with myself.  

Then, it was costume day. I wore a Mario costume, but it was embarrassing. So, I only wore the hat. 

When it was finally the last day, I didn't cry because no one was leaving. I hope that as the EY4 leave EY and join primary, they look forward for the future experiences they will have and as I leave primary, I feel morose, but I am also look forward to the challenges and new experiences of Secondary school. 

byYEAR 5 


The Day Has Come

Now we’re going to graduate

And it’s an important day

Time was going so fast

So fast that I haven’t realized it’s our last

I think and think

And there’s really something to say

I said

For all the books we read

And all the messages we sent

Will be our best memories of primary

We’ll jump around happily

That we all graduated loudly

We will shout goodbye to our friends

Then with we’ll see each other again

After we graduate today

And together in our hearts we will stay

byYEAR 5 


Countdown to Graduation

A few weeks before graduation

We had to write a poem using personification

I didn’t know what to write

And I felt like my head was going to take fly

But I had to just think of something

Before I felt like I was about to die

Maybe the fun things on Sports Day

Or Hayden’s Birthday on the 19th of May

The wonderful time of the football games

“We will win the game!” Shouted James

The best time was the Science Fair

Also, the Exhibition we had to share

All of my friends, I do take care

Because no true friends would be a big nightmare

This was an exciting, incredible year

At graduation we will all shed a tear

I need to be brave in secondary school

And not to be crying like a fool

byYEAR 5 


You Are You

On a day so sunny

I think back to things that are funny

How I got in trouble for certain things

How me and my friends played on the swings

We’ve done a lot together

We’ve laughed and smiled forever

You’re all very special you know

I’m so sad to see you go

Share a smile, shed a tear

Graduation day is here

So, as you’re finishing up your race

Just be sure you leave a trace

But wherever you are, whatever you do

You are always incredibly special you

byYEAR 5 


I Miss You Primary

It’s almost near to our graduation

I am sorrowful to be in this situation

Because I will miss all of the fun things in primary

I want to show you all my memories

I will miss playing with my friends

I like playing football, but it’s going to end

I will miss the teachers that taught me

I learned many interesting things, my mind feels as vast as the sea

I will miss the events that we have been doing

Like the football tournament that was in the spring

I will miss doing the PYP Exhibition with others

We did this one without using any papers

I will miss the school trips that we were taking

It was really fun to go bowling

The secondary school is coming towards

I’m excited to win even more awards

byYEAR 5 


Your Graduation Day Has Arrived

Finally, it’s the graduation day

And it’s the time in primary school you cannot stay

Always remember your friends and teachers from the past

And start a new, fresh chapter of your life so fast

You’ve worked so hard for all these years

With confidence, bravery and no fears

Now it’s the end of primary you know

And time for secondary school you’ll go

Now a time for you to show yourself

And be proud and glad for ourselves

And a time for you to be sad and cry

But a time for you to fly, high up to the sky

byYEAR 5 


My Primary Life

I feel sad to leave everything behind

I remember all the things that happened in my mind

One of the things that I remember

I remember me losing my temper

However, I also remember all the funny things I did

Jolly bright funny things we all did as a kid

I will miss all the fortunate people that had helped me

People who have sacrificed their time for my glee

I am interested to meet new, cool friends

It seems like my friends want time to spend

I wonder why time flies by so fast

How I wish that I could go back to the past

byYEAR 5 


The Day Has Come

Now we’re going to graduate

And it’s an important day

Time was going so fast

So fast that I haven’t realized it’s our last

I think and think

And there’s really something to say

I said

For all the books we read

And all the messages we sent

Will be our best memories of primary

We’ll jump around happily

That we all graduated loudly

We will shout goodbye to our friends

Then with we’ll see each other again

After we graduate today

And together in our hearts we will stay

byYEAR 5 


My Short Stay

It's almost graduation and time is ticking by

But my memories keep flooding through my mind 

I’m being reminded of what happened during my short stay

But now I’m being dragged away

But while I’m being hauled away

My memories flow through my brain

Like when it was my twelfth birthday

Or when it was sports day

Or maybe it was the tiring exhibition

Where we had to show our care

But while all of this was happening

I’m moving up a step in my school career

So, I should not be scared

I should not be afraid

I should be confident

Since I’m moving up a step in my school career

Collaborative Poem


Aaron, Angel, Harvey

I Remember

Among all the things I remember:

I remember D-Block, burning in the summer, shivering in the winter

It reminds me of all the sports and interesting games we played

Basketball, bench ball, handball, but dodgeball was always our favourite

Though I always got eliminated, full of laughter

I remember the New MPR, filled with equipment, witnessing our achievements

It reminds me of all the important events we held

Assembly, PYPX, practicing our graduation dance, but the most exciting one was the Talent Show

Though everything was challenging, we finished with compliments and confidence

I remember our classrooms, not that big, but always warm

It reminds me of all the subjects we learned

English, UOI, Maths, EAL, Chinese, Art, IT and Music...

Though they were hard, we finished all our work

Our friends and teachers, bright as stars, wise as owls

Our singing and dancing, crazy and strange, but interesting

All our memories, clearer, heavier, with tears and laughter

I remember


Hyun, Laurence


The hand of time ticks by

I tried to grab it but it fades

Feels like the time is chasing the light

The clock leads to saying goodbye

It’s the day of graduation

Looking at the times we learned and played

Staring at the clock and wondering

Why does time go by so fast

Now it’s the time to say goodbye

Yet the time still goes on

And when the clock points to 4:30

A new period in our lives will have begun

Please remember our primary


Olivia, Doris, Joyce

The Time Flies

Time goes by quickly

It’s such a scary thing

We remember our many children’s Days

Tasting delicious ice-creams with flavours like chocolate, strawberry and mango

Laughing and playing with friends like when we were five

Feeling excited when acting and singing in our performances

Always exploring different hair styles on Crazy Hair Day

But the time has come for us to leave this all behind as we embark on this new journey

We will never forget our friends and teachers

Eating wonderful food and handing in all of our homework

Constantly gaining new knowledge and experiences

Deep down, dreading to start over again, but knowing it is needed

We will miss everyone

And we hope to see them again

It’s such a scary thing

Time goes by quickly



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