

师资 | 未来领导力学校中学部2023-2024学年





































Shankar Sharma



Shankar Sharma于2022 年加入FLA, 担任中学部英语教研组组长。他曾参与创建北京四中国际课程项目,后在南京第一中学担任AP 项目学术主任。Shankar曾在中国和英国任教,讲授多门学科和课程,形成了多层次的教学方法。他持有利兹大学学士学位和威尔士大学PGCE证书,曾在英国、爱尔兰、印度和阿联酋的多家媒体机构担任过记者和编辑。“教育”一词源于拉丁短语“ex ducere”,意为“引导”。作为一名教育工作者,Shankar 与FLA怀有相同的教育愿景。Shankar 认为学习是在学生内心和周围世界同时发生的,而教育工作者的任务就是协调二者之间的关系。


Renee Isler




John R. Bosco


John R. Bosco,美国芝加哥大学社会科学和美国德保罗大学中学教育双硕士学位,持有美国加州英语和社会科教学资质及英语作为第二语言教学资质。他曾在美国本土学校和中国国际学校从教20余年。在多年的教学过程中,他形成了自己独特的教学风格。他擅长中学英文写作和文学分析课程。他曾游历世界30多个国家和地区,具有广阔的国际视野和多元的文化背景。








王志,美国麻省大学阿默斯特分校ESL硕士,拥有高中英语教师资格证和高校英语教师资格证,获评省会城市区级“ 四有” 好老师称号。曾在知名大学英语系任教,省级中职英语教师优秀培训讲师、大学英语师范类专业毕业论文指导和答辩老师、第23 届中国日报社“21 世纪· 可口可乐杯” 全国英语演讲大赛大学组省级一等奖指导教师、持有NEA英文演讲教练证书、CEM Essentials证书。她有11年国际学校英语教学经验,曾教授过英国剑桥课程、托福、澳洲EAL 课程、加拿大OSSD课程、中高考辅导课程、英语专业四级考试辅导课程,英语课程设计与案例分析、大学公共英语、 英语书写等课程。致力于研究项目式学习(PBL),在FLA 开展过” Metaverse”、“FLA Land”、“Zine”等多个英语项目。












胡星星,文学学士学位,英语专业八级,拥有高中英语教师资格证,TESOL国际英语教师资格证,并于2023年完成UCLA-Teaching AP English Language and Composition 课程学习。七年以上教龄,曾任职于深圳知名国际学校,担任Intensive English Project组长。善于启发式教学,培养学生独立思考的能力,课堂轻松活泼,善于引导与启发式教学,坚信“教育的每一个细节都是影响孩子终身的大事”。











李超,曾在全国知名中学任教,曾为广州市数学教研室骨干成员,拥有十多年省重点中学高中清北班教学经验。历届有多名学生成功考入清华、北大等名校,高考班级重本率达到 90%以上。曾获市评优课一等奖、广州市黄埔区优秀教师荣誉称号,所带班级荣获省级学雷锋优秀班集体。在省级、国家级期刊上发表多篇论文,并参与编写十三五规划课题《高中数学课堂教学中渗透数学思想的实践研究》。在未来领导力学校他致力于双轨制升学路径下中外教学的融合,助力学生高考夺标。




李杰,毕业于上海交通大学,袋鼠数学思维挑战活动(Math Kangaroo)中国专家委员会成员,澳洲AMC金牌教练。在未来领导力的数学课堂中,他根据学生的学习特点和情况制定相应的学习方案,从而使课堂变得更有趣、生动及高效,同时在他担任未来领导力学校数学社团指导老师时,带领学生在多种国际数学赛事中获得领先奖项。他不仅专精于数学竞赛,而且拥有丰富的课堂教学经验, 擅于用启发式教学深入浅出地引领学生探索神秘而又多彩的数学世界。












吴睿,毕业于英国斯旺西大学数学金融专业,先后在上海多所国际学校任教,教授过IGCSE、A-level、IB数学课程,指导学生参加AMC澳大利亚袋鼠数学竞赛 、SMC(英国高级数学挑战赛),获得杰出教师荣誉。他鼓励学生自主学习,发展学生个性,激发学生的学习兴趣,改变学生被动的接受式学习模式,实现师生的双向互动学习。







周日,毕业于南京大学,药理学硕士学位。她熟悉AP、IGCSE、A-level 课程体系,曾多次被评为优秀双语老师、优秀班主任。曾多次指导学生参加高水平的国际生物竞赛,取得了十分优异的成绩。她还是ACI国际注册心理咨询师,形成了一套中西融合、行之有效、国际化的教学与学生管理模式。在教学实践中,她重视学习兴趣的培养,主张根据学生已有的知识水平和学习背景,采取与之相适应的教学方案。她在教学管理中注重细节,以人为本,根据学生的个性化发展需求统筹教学资源, 使得每个学生都能得到充分关注和成长。




陈戈,美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)微生物学硕士,具有多样化的学科背景以及多年的生物学科教学经验。参与过包括动物保育、生物合成以及细菌细胞壁合成机理等多样的课题研究项目。从在美国参与本科基础生物实验教学,到回国后开始国际生物课程的教学至今,他认为兴趣最能激发学生的学习动力,从而获得更好的学习效果。他擅长将有趣的生物知识融入课堂,引导学生自己对生命科学进行探索,构建自己的生物学逻辑。








张悦,本科毕业于中国科学技术大学 ,硕士、博士毕业于美国犹他⼤学,曾在德国卡鲁理⼯学院担任博士后,是德国洪堡奖学⾦获得者。曾获国家奖学⾦,优秀研究⽣奖等,发表多篇SCI⼆区⽂章。回国之后, 他先后在⼤学和国际⾼中从事国际教育, 负责教授数学及物理相关课程, 深受学⽣尊重。他的课风生动有趣,注重从兴趣教学入手,推崇个性和能力的培养,使学生乐学爱学。




王琼雯, 德国耶拿大学化学系硕士毕业, 精通英语、德语。具有六年英语教学经验, 五年双语化学教学经验, 拥有剑桥系列的CELTA , TKT(1-3, CLIL) 、IBDP 化学的category 1 and 2 、爱得思的iGCSE and Alevel等教学证书。她擅长将语言学习和科学教学融为一体,秉承以学生为中心的教学思想,设计课堂活动,让学生更多地参与课堂,调动学生的积极性。







段北辰,国际关系学院国际政治学、法学学士,美国俄亥俄州立大学公共政策学硕士,有多年高中授课经验。他学识渊博,视野独特,课堂条理清晰,内容丰富,擅长在课上交叉安排利于学生提升人文素养的内容。他乐于帮助学生不断挑战自我,追求学术卓越,多次辅导学生参加Hi World!世界文化日活动等国际性赛事并获得杰出荣誉。









赵利剑, 北京四中历史特级教师, 正高级教师。获得北京市西城区历史学科带头人, 北京市骨干教师, 北京市学科带头人等称号。赵利剑老师视读书为生命, 是大阅读理念的倡导者和实践者。他带领未来领导力学校学生精读中外人文社会科学著作, 并长期举办面向全校师生和家长的历史讲座。他还主持设计并实施学校历史文化游学活动,将卓尔不群的睿智和学识传递到南海之滨。








王涵, 北京大学哲学学士, 德国海德堡大学哲学硕士及哲学博士。他曾担任北京四中的哲学课程教师, 具备丰富的一线教学经验。他的教学风格深入浅出, 擅长用日常话语和简练的公式表达深刻的哲学洞见, 用简单的实例训练学生的哲学思辨能力, 并且引导学生看到哲学与其他学科的内在关联性,受到FLA学生和家长的广泛好评。


Kwanyoung Paik



Kwanyoung,拥有美国顶级文理学院威廉姆斯学院(Williams College)政治学学士、哥伦比亚大学教师学院社会学教学硕士学位。Kwanyoung在韩国和美国的中学具有丰富的教学经验,并曾有四年的图书馆工作经历。Kwanyoung加入未来领导力学校以来,把他所精擅的批判性阅读和学术写作能力传授给学生,并在培养学生的社会科学研究方法等方面作出贡献。他主要根据美国社会学进行授课,同时借鉴IGCSE和A-Level全球视野项目来教授重点课程,内容涉及项目准备、演讲和研究报告撰写等。作为一名教师,Kwanyoung相信友好、鼓励型的学习环境能够帮助每位学生茁壮成长。他充分认可学习评估的必要性,认为大部分中学生在成年后不会学习或运用专业的学科知识,所以最重要的是激发他们对不同学科的兴趣。








赵史丹,新加坡南洋理工大学应用经济学硕士。具有中学英语教师资格证及中级经济师证书。熟悉A-level,AP和IB经济国际课程体系,曾在上海双语学校从事A-level 经济和商务的教学。教学上善于用生活实例,深入浅出,充分调动学生学习的兴趣。擅长帮助学生抓住考试重点,以框架性的方式梳理和组织学习体系。















周碧姣,湖南科技大学美术学学士 ,持有美国肯尼索州立大学TESOL证书,从事国内外美术教学8年,有丰富的艺术国际教育经验;其Mindfulness、Silent Summer等作品曾在Artis Natrua、Mused Literary等杂志期刊出版。周老师擅长调动学生的想象力和创造力,让学生用自己特有的语言和方法来表现他们的内心世界。
















李昕雨,旅美钢琴表演硕士,师从雅马哈艺术家Cahill Smith 博士和解放军艺术学院崔敏革教授。6岁开始学习钢琴,多次获得钢琴比赛奖项,本科期间获得第一届雅马哈中国钢琴比赛云南赛区青年组一等奖,后作为第一位考取美国李大学(Lee University)青年钢琴家奖学金的中国大陆学生,赴美留学并在美国李大学音乐厅举办个人独奏音乐会。在校期间担任助教,并多次参与美国音乐教师协会举办的教学研讨会、合作钢琴会议等。多年从事钢琴少儿启蒙、艺术高考教学,因材施教,辅导过特殊儿童。在未来领导力学校任职中,给学生们带来了丰富的西方音乐史及专业音乐理论知识,其优秀的亲和力及感染力能够使学生们沉浸在音乐世界里。




刘翼,毕业于中国音乐学院管弦系长笛专业,师从美籍华裔长笛演奏家陈兆荣教授, 曾跟随柏林爱乐乐团长笛首席Mathieu Dufour、耶鲁大学长笛教授Ransom Wilson等大师学习,受到一致好评,曾任中国青年爱乐乐团长笛演奏员,担任过北京中关村二小、上地实验小学、光明实验小学等学校长笛教师,教学经验丰富。




龚嘉伟,青年指挥家,青年音乐理论家,青年作曲家,男中低音歌唱家。本科毕业于四川音乐学院,硕士毕业于新英格兰音乐学院,师从美国大师级合唱指挥家Erica Washburn教授和乐队指挥家Bill Drury教授。受到家庭环境的熏陶,自幼开始学习萨克斯风、钢琴和声乐等。他多次带领不同的合唱团和乐团取得优秀成绩,曾担任多个合唱团和多个乐团的指挥,多次受邀以不同身份参加“蓉城之秋”,“西部童声合唱节”和“芝加哥夏季音乐节”等大型项目,具有丰富的统筹领导音乐戏剧表演经验。他将给FLA学生们带来丰富的音乐理论、表演及作曲技法,并带领及鼓励孩子们去创作“音乐之美”。


Elena Orlova




Svetlana  Orlova


Svetlana  Orlova, 俄罗斯知名芭蕾舞蹈教育家, 俄罗斯城市芭蕾舞剧院首席舞蹈演员, 俄罗斯儿童古典芭蕾基础和高级古典芭蕾教师。毕业于俄罗斯联邦伊尔库茨克国立师范大学, 有丰富的儿童和成人舞蹈教育经验, 擅长编舞、研究舞蹈和体育方面的儿童心理学, 精于各种级别的古典舞、古典芭蕾和现代舞、爵士舞的哥哥年龄层孩子教学。在舞蹈行业工作的多年中, 她了解到在任何孩子身上创造火花是人生中最有收获的事情之一。她希望能够与孩子们分享对舞蹈艺术的热爱与追求。




陈俊之, 街舞(Hip-Hop类) 导师, 本科毕业于西华师范大学, 先后获得四川CDB国际街舞锦标赛Hip-Hop组单人冠军、四川大团结街舞联盟锦标赛Freestyle组亚军、中国银川体育舞蹈全国公开赛暨宁夏第二届体育舞蹈锦标赛爵士舞团体对抗赛组冠军。他坚信兴趣是最好的老师,在教学中擅于激发学生兴趣,因材施教,根据学生的身心发展规律设计课程。









Christopher Selwyn


Christopher Selwyn,本科毕业于德克萨斯州立大学(Texas State University),拥有TEFL教学资格认证及美国教师资格证,专供英语及体育等核心科目教学及青少年特殊教育。他不仅是一位具有前瞻性思维,经验丰富的专业教师,而且能够有效根据学生情况个性化定制教学风格。他在中国工作多年,对中国学生和家长有深入了解。他为人和善,风趣幽默,授课富有激情,善于与学生沟通交流。
















薛风发,毕业于天津体育学院高尔夫专业,拥有中国高尔夫球协会院校师资认证、中级教练认证,美国TPI认证教练技术三级认证,获得高尔夫常住理论教练认证,Golf Mind高尔夫心理一级认证。他通晓挥杆运动原理,擅长通过身体测试,帮助学员找到合适自己的挥杆模式,提高运动表现能力。














蒋经纬, 墨尔本大学土木工程学士, 美国佐治亚理工大学副学士。历任雅思教师, 英美大学申请规划师等职位, 对语言培训、英美留学申请流程以及文书要求等各个环节有着详细了解,曾兼任留学产品规划师,对接国外大学,掌握留学申请第一手资料,拥有US.News官方培训、考核及认证。作为升学顾问, 他全程辅助高年级同学的升学规划, 提供一对一个性化指导。他细致、严谨的工作风格,为学生升学规划提供了充足保障。






王雨晴,美国约翰霍普金斯大学心理咨询专业理学硕士,美国国家注册心理咨询师,美国心理咨询师协会成员,Chi Sigma Iota荣誉学会成员。具备多年国内外教育行业从业经验,并曾受雇于马里兰州巴尔的摩市教育局,在其所辖多所当地中小学担任学校心理咨询师。在未来领导力学校,她为不同年级的学生提供心理咨询支持,为学生和家长开设多种类型的心理健康活动,为学生们的心理健康保驾护航。

FLA takes “global vision, personalized plan, and future empowerment” as its education philosophy, and stresses character education with the six key words of “mindfulness, curiosity, courage, resilience, ethics, and leadership”. FLA middle school adheres to the principle of “cultivating global citizens with liberal arts and general education” by blending the best of Chinese and Western education. We will prepare our students as global citizens rooted in China by means of Inclusive Reading, which develops critical thinking, broadens knowledge, and exercises students’ minds.


FLA middle school adopts the dual-track training system, which allows students to choose to study at home or abroad in the future. For students who intend to study overseas, we have designed A-level and AP courses while facilitating study through international competitions so as to comprehensively enhance students’ global competitiveness. Meanwhile, FLA stresses students’ financial quotient, and strengthens their understanding and application of value investment through a series of courses, practices and international competitions. With world-class golf facilities and coaching team, FLA also provides all-round support for young golfers from practice, competition, to application for prestigious colleges at home and abroad.

Chinese Language and Culture Department


Jiasheng Li

Consultant of Chinese Language and Literature Department

Mr. Jiasheng Li is the former Head of the Chinese Language and Culture Department at Beijing No.4 High School and holds the title “High School Chinese Teacher with Supreme Honor in Beijing.” He also served as a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Education Science, with a representative academic work named The Complete Translation and Review of Shi Jing. He has compiled “Hua Gen Chinese Course--Classical Culture Textbook for Middle Schools" (all six volumes), which embodies his core philosophy of Chinese language and culture teaching. "Hua Gen" means "retaining the roots of Chinese culture,” intended for students to establish a strong sense of national identity through cultural learning. In this set of textbooks, he selected a large number of articles in classical Chinese, which, in his eyes, is an important way to improve students' Chinese ability. In daily teaching, he creates conditions to develop students' language potential, stresses the role of emotional attitudes in learning, and stimulates students’ interest in Chinese. He is leading the FLA Chinese Language and Culture Department to create noble, efficient and high-quality Chinese classes.


Zhongguo Lian

Designer and Instructor of the Chinese Reading Curriculum, Chinese Teacher

Zhongguo Lian is a Special-grade Senior Teacher in Beijing, Senior High School Chinese Researcher at the Beijing Academy of Education Science, and former Director of the Humanities Studio at Beijing No.4 High School. He authored educational works such as Awakening Life, Chinese Class, and Chinese Class II, and published many papers in national Chinese core journals. With a wealth of experience in preparing students for Gaokao, he once taught a class with an average score above 110, and 7 students getting full marks in Chinese composition. In his reading and writing courses at FLA, he guides students to appreciate the beauty of the Chinese language and culture with his profound knowledge.


Orlando Liu

Middle School Chinese Section Coordinator、Chinese Teacher

Orlando Liu holds a Master's degree of Chinese Language and Culture from Jilin Normal University. She was a director of the Sino-German Language Association, and has nearly 10 years of experience as a Chinese teacher. She taught foreign students in university and Berlitz language institution(Beijing), and was one of founders at Chinese school in Munich, Germany. She used to work at BASIS Nanjing international school, accumulating rich experience in Chinese teaching and teaching management. As a teacher, she believes that "the better she becomes, the more talented her students would be". Therefore, for her students, she asks herself to work hard to be the best teacher.


Joey Liu

Chinese Teacher

Joey Liu is a Bachelor's degree holder in Japanese language and literature from Beijing Language and Culture University, and a Master's degree holder in Chinese ancient literature. He has worked as a media journalist at Xinhua News Agency, a Japanese teacher at China University of Petroleum Affiliated High School, a Chinese language teacher at New Oriental Education & Technology Group, and a textbook editor. He excels at bringing traditional Chinese culture into the classroom, cultivating students' reading interests, enriching their spiritual lives, and instilling virtues of integrity, truth-seeking, and practicality. During his teaching career, students have achieved excellent results in essay and recitation competitions. As a head teacher, he is dedicated to class management, emphasizing the cultivation of rule awareness and establishing a good class atmosphere. He has a wide range of hobbies and is the initiator and founder of the FLA Parent-School Football Team. "Lifelong learning, lifelong exercise" is his creed, and he influences the entire FLA community through practical actions.


Jeff Chen

Chinese Teacher

Jeff Chen holds a Master’s degree in Chinese International Education from Nanjing University. He has served as a Chinese tutor for the University of Michigan, Weiss Middle School in Georgia, and summer training courses for UN officials. In the Chinese class of FLA, he guides and inspires students to improve thinking ability and cultural literacy through situational teaching. Having a modest attitude, he pays equal attention to academic lectures and psychological counseling, and is deeply trusted by students. He hopes to be a “catcher in the rye” to help the students see the world across time and space, and chase their dreams into the future.


 Julia Xiao

Chinese Teacher

Julia Xiao graduated from Beijing Language and Culture University with Bachelor of Teaching Chinese to Foreigners as Second Language and Master of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature. She once worked as a practice Chinese Teacher of Beijing Language and Culture University, and Chinese teacher in the Flagship Program at Rhode Island University of America. She teaches in a careful and thoroughgoing way, and cares about every student, who regards her as not only a teacher but also a friend. Sincere, knowledgeable, courteous and wise, she makes students feel rejuvenated in her class. As a Chinese teacher, she wishes to bring love and courage to her students.

Foreign Language and Culture Department


Shankar Sharma

Head of Foreign Language and Culture Department,English Teacher

Shankar joined FLA as Head of Secondary English in 2022. Before that he was the Academic Dean for the AP Program at Nanjing No.1 High School for six years. He has been teaching in China since 2008, and helped establish the AP Program at Beijing No.4 High School in 2011-12.
Shankar has taught a wide range of subjects and courses during his teaching career in both China and the UK: all of which have helped him develop a multifaceted approach. He holds a B.A. (Hons) from the University of Leeds, and a PGCE from the University of Wales. He also worked as a reporter and sub-editor for a number of newspapers, magazines and media outlets in the UK, Republic of Ireland, India and UAE before becoming a teacher.
The word “education” evolved from the Latin phrase “ex ducere” = “to lead from”. As an educator, Shankar believes that learning simultaneously occurs in two places: the mind of the learner and the world around them; and it is the educator’s role to reconcile the two. He is therefore very happy to have found a school in FLA which shares the same vision.


Renee Isler

English Teacher

Renee, who holds a degree in English Education from Ohio Dominican University, has taught AP Language and Literature, Honors English, and Reading in Florida, USA. She used to teach in the International Campus of Beijing No. 4 Middle School and was nominated as "My Favorite Teacher" by students for two consecutive years. Passionate about helping students learn and succeed, she has worked for the U.S. Upwards Project, a nonprofit organization that helps children from urban low-income minority families become the first in their families to go to college. She believes that classroom learning should be centered on the interests and needs of students, and it is her role as a teacher to help students develop critical thinking skills that allow them to form opinions and make decisions about the world around them.


John R. Bosco

English Teacher

John R. Bosco holds a Master's degree in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago and a Master's degree in Secondary Education from DePaul University. He holds certification to teach all English and Social Science curricula in California. JR has nearly 20 years of teaching experience in American and Chinese international schools. In the past teaching work accumulation, he formed his own unique teaching style. He specializes in teaching English Writing and Literary Analysis to middle school students. JR has traveled to more than 30 countries and regions in the world, with a broad international vision and rich cultural background.


Gladys Gao

English Teacher

Gladys Gao graduated from South-Central Minzu University, majoring in English Language and Literature. She has obtained more than ten years’ English teaching experience, specializing in teaching courses related to standardized international tests, like TOEFL Junior, TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, and ACT. She was known as one of the best teachers in a well-known foreign language training institution. Plus, she worked in an international school for nearly 5 years, accumulating a wealth of experience in course design, management and teaching. Her strength lies in awakening another soul through sincere and effective communication, providing individualized academic guidance with great patience, stimulating students’ interests in learning English and ultimately reaching the target of helping them overcome all the obstacles in English language learning.


Emma Wang

English Teacher

Emma Wang is a Master of English as a Second Language (ESL) from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, which is ranked Top 2 in the QS2023 ranking for Linguistics in the United States. She holds qualifications as a high school English teacher and a university English teacher. She is recognized as an outstanding teacher in the capital city district. Emma has previously taught at a prestigious university's English department and has served as an excellent training lecturer for vocational school English teachers at the provincial level. She has also guided and assessed graduation theses for English education majors at the university level. Emma was the guiding teacher for the provincial first prize winner in the University Group of the 23rd "21st Century·Coca-Cola Cup" National English Speech Contest organized by China Daily. She holds certificates as an NEA English speech coach and CEM Essentials. With eleven years of international school English teaching experience, Emma has taught various curricula including the British Cambridge courses, TOEFL, Australian EAL courses, Canadian OSSD courses, Chinese high school and college entrance exam preparation courses, TEM-4 preparation courses, English curriculum design and case analysis, university public English, and English writing. She is dedicated to researching project-based learning (PBL) and has conducted multiple English projects such as ”Metaverse”, "FLA Land" and "Zine" at FLA. Her teaching style is lively and humorous, focusing on inspiring student thinking, enhancing expressive and communicative abilities. Emma advocates for mindful learning and living, hoping to focus on the present with her students, enlighten others, choose the narrow gate, travel far, fear no obstacles, and always love life.


Mahibadar Mijit

English Teacher

Mahibadar Mijiti obtained her Bachelor’s degree from Southwest Minzu University, and her Master’s degree in Education from the University of Glasgow, UK. She has not only taught TOEFL and IELTS for many years, but also accumulated rich experience in Chinese-English translation and interpretation. Apart from her passion for education, Mayibaidan is also enthusiastic about volunteer work. She served as a volunteer in the Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area, and kept promoting education equity and supporting the development of education in underdeveloped areas. Through situational teaching and topic teaching, she helps students of different levels master grammar and vocabulary and discover the fun in learning English.


Jemery He

English Teacher

Graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, School of Interpreting and Translation, Master Degree in Application Interpreting;Used to work in institute of international education in GDUFS as admin for three years;7 year of working experience in international school teaching TOEFL/IELTS/ IGCSE, etc; Acquired CATTI Interpreter Level II, Consecutive Interpretation (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters; CATTI Translation Level III, ( China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters;TEM-8;TESOL (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages); participation in scoring of English Listening and Speaking of College Entrance Examination of Guangdong Province;participation in scoring of English Writing of Postgraduate Examination.


Enya Hu

English Teacher

Enya Hu holds a Bachelor's degree in Literature, TEM-8 certificate, high school English teaching qualification, and Tesol International English Teaching qualification. She has completed the UCLA-Teaching AP English Language and Composition course. With over seven years of teaching experience, she has worked at a well-known international school in Shenzhen, where she served as the leader of the Intensive English Project for 11-year-old students. She excels in inspirational teaching, cultivating students' independent thinking abilities. In her relaxing and lively classes, she is skilled at guiding and inspiring students. She firmly believes that every detail of education is of great importance in shaping a child's lifelong development.

 Math Department


Ethel Wei

Head of Secondary School Math Department, Math Teacher

Ethel Wei holds dual Bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Toronto, Canada, and a Master's degree in Quantitative Economics from the Sorbonne in Paris, winning the Erasmus Scholarship of the EU. With over 10 years of international teaching and management experience, she holds a Teacher’s Certificate from BC, Canada, and a French teaching certificate. She is familiar with international curriculum systems, especially mathematics courses, and has intensively studied economics. She has explored the dual-track mathematics curriculum and multi-tier teaching at FLA, and uses such teaching methods as are best adapted to the students, who regard her as lovely and gracious.


Jason Li

Academic Director of theMiddle School

Jason Li is a first-grade secondary school teacher who graduated from Hebei Normal University. He used to be a mentor for top students in key middle schools in Hebei and Guangdong, where he won the first prize in municipal open courses and instructed many students that entered famous domestic universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University. Jason also worked as a researcher in the Guangzhou Mathematics Center Group, participating in the program of "Practical Research on Infiltrating Mathematical Thoughts in High School Mathematics Classroom Teaching" in the 13th Five-Year Plan, and publishing many papers in academic journals. In FLA, he integrates Chinese and foreign teaching under the dual-track system to improve teaching efficiency.


Jason Li

Math Teacher

Jason Li, graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, is a member of the Chinese expert committee of the Kangaroo Mathematical Thinking Challenge (Math Kangaroo), and an Australian AMC gold medal coach. He serves as the leading teacher of the mathematics club of the FLAl, guiding students to win leading awards in various international mathematics competitions. He loves education, loves mathematics, has rich mathematics teaching experience, and is good at using heuristic teaching to lead students into the mysterious and colorful world of mathematics in a simple way.


Cindy Yang

Math Teacher

Cindy Yang, graduated from Jilin University, has several years math teaching experience. Good at attracting students' attention, guiding students to think independently, and cultivating divergent thinking. Attaches great importance to the quality of will, advocates accompanying growth, and is good at communicating with students and building friendships. She loves education, has empathy and a sense of mission, and takes care of children's growth with love!


Vito Liu

Math Teacher

Vito Liu, who graduated from the University of Iowa in the United States, is an experienced mathematics, statistics, and actuarial science teacher with seven years of teaching experience. Liu has taught mathematics and statistics in elementary, middle, and high schools, and expanded teaching to the United States, the United Kingdom, and Singapore. Adopting a unique teaching style with humor and rigor at its core, Liu excels in guiding students to learn actively and is well liked by the students. With the firm belief that students can fully realize their potential in an active and enjoyable learning environment, Liu helps them build a solid foundation in mathematics and statistics by asking questions, exploring solutions, and cultivating innovative thinking. In addition to academic knowledge, Liu emphasizes the importance of character education since cultivating values such as mindfulness is crucial for students' comprehensive development. In class, Liu conveys moral principles and the importance of character education so as to nurture students' sense of responsibility, attention to others, and moral conscience. As an experienced, humorous, and rigorous educator, Liu is committed to providing students with extensive knowledge in mathematics and statistics while playing an active guiding role in character development, and looks forward to bringing pleasant and beneficial learning experiences to students.


Vincent Wu

Math Teacher

Wu Rui, graduated from Swansea University in the United Kingdom with a major in mathematics and finance, has taught in many international schools in Shanghai, taught IGCSE, A-level, IB mathematics courses, and guided students to participate in the AMC Australian Kangaroo Math Competition, SMC (UK Advanced Math Challenge Competition), won the honor of outstanding teachers.
Teaching philosophy: With the idea of modest study and joint research, we will make progress together and keep up with the pace of the times. Encourage students to learn independently, develop students' personality, and change students' passive and receptive learning. Stimulate students' interest in learning and realize two-way interactive learning between teachers and students.

Science Department


Sandy Zhou

Biology Teacher 

Sandy Zhou holds a Master's degree in Pharmacology from Nanjing University. Familiar with the AP, IGCSE, and A-level curriculum systems, she has been recognized multiple times as an outstanding bilingual teacher and head teacher. She has guided students to participate in high-level international biology competitions and achieved excellent results. As an ACI-certified international registered psychological counselor, she has developed an effective and international teaching and student management model that combines Chinese and Western cultures. In her teaching practice, she values cultivating students' interests and advocates tailoring teaching methods to match students' existing knowledge and learning backgrounds. She pays attention to details in teaching management in a people-oriented manner and coordinates teaching resources based on students' levels, so as to ensure that every student receives sufficient attention and opportunities for development.


Axel Chen

Biology teacher

Axel Chen, Master of Science in Microbiology from Texas A&M University, has a diverse background in life sciences and has participated in various research projects, including animal conservation, fungal biosynthesis, and bacterial cell wall synthesis mechanisms. With years of experience in biology teaching, he believes that cultivating students' interests is key to fostering their learning motivation and achieving better educational outcomes.


Aray Zhang

Physics Teacher

Aray Zhang graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology with a Master's degree in control theory and control engineering. He has worked at Guizhou Normal University and Beihua Institute of Aerospace Industry as a lecturer, and has been rated as an excellent teacher many times. He is good at tutoring students in electronic design competitions and has led them to win prizes in national competitions many times. As a physics teacher in the middle school of FLA, he attaches great importance to practical teaching, guides students to think and explore independently, and helps them meet various challenges on the road to growth.


Yue Zhang

Physics Teacher

Dr. Zhang Yue, B.S. Department of Modern Physics, University of Science & Technology of China;Ph.D. Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Utah; Postdoctoral Researcher, HumboldtResearch Fellowship, Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He has won national scholarships, excellent graduate student awards, etc., and published many SCI Region II articles. After returning to China, he worked in international education at universities and international high schools, teaching mathematics and physics related courses, and was deeply respected by students. His teaching style is vivid and interesting, focusing on hobby teaching, advocating the cultivation of personality and ability, and making students enjoy learning and love learning.


Rachael Wang

Chemistry teacher

Rachael Wang, graduated from the Department of Chemistry, University of Jena, Germany with a master's degree, and is proficient in English and German. She has six years of English teaching experience, five years of bilingual chemistry teaching experience, and has teaching certificates such as Cambridge CELTA, TKT (1-3, CLIL), IBDP chemistry category 1 and 2, and Edsys iGCSE and Alevel. She is good at integrating language learning and science teaching, adhering to the student-centered teaching idea, designing classroom activities, allowing students to participate more in the classroom and mobilizing their enthusiasm.

Social Science Department


Danny Duan

Social science group leader、History Teacher

Danny Duan, Bachelor of International Politics and Law, University of International Relations, Master of Public Policy, Ohio State University, has many years of high school teaching experience. He is knowledgeable, unique in vision, clear in class and rich in content, and is good at arranging content that will help students improve their humanistic literacy. He is willing to help students constantly challenge themselves and pursue academic excellence. He has coached students to participate in Hi World! World Culture Day and other international competitions many times and won outstanding honors.


Michael Shi

History Teacher

Michael Shi holds a B.A. in History Education from Capital Normal University, and an Ed. M. in Leadership and School Development from Acadia University in Canada. He once received the Beijing Municipal Government Award due to his research and papers on Beijing municipal and district-level subjects. In 2004, he won the first prize in National New Curriculum Reform High School History Teaching Competition. He brings critical thinking to history class, and combines all kinds of historical materials to help students establish a correct view of history. He aspires to cultivate students into future global citizens who keep the motherland in mind and the whole world in view.


Lijian Zhao

Academic Leader in History, History Teacher

Lijian Zhao used to be a senior history teacher with Supreme Honors at Beijing No.4 High School. He has also earned several titles such as “Leading Staff in History Education in Xicheng District,” “Outstanding Teacher in Beijing,” and “Academic Pacesetter in Beijing.” Zhao sees reading as the most important part of his life. He advocates for inclusive reading and reads extensively himself. He leads FLA students to intensively read Chinese and foreign social science books, and has held a number of history lectures for teachers, students and parents. He presides over the design and implementation of historical reading and cultural study tours for FLA, and spreads extraordinary wisdom and knowledge on the coast of the South China Sea.


Pallas Wu

Chinese Teacher

Pallas Wu attended Beijing No. 4 High School and the University of Notre Dame in the United States, and taught Chinese at the Beijing No. 4 High School International Campus. She is a natural history expert, traveling alone to five continents and forty countries and translating a number of popular science works on tourism. With outstanding bilingual skills, cultural taste, and international perspective, she integrates critical thinking into Chinese courses and helps students develop the ability to think on their own. Based on her in-depth research on traditional Chinese culture, she guides students to start from their own perspective and gain a deep understanding of the clash and integration of Chinese and Western civilizations.


Han Wang

Philosophy and Research Methodology Teacher 

Han Wang holds a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Peking University, and a Master’s degree and a PhD in Philosophy from Heidelberg University (Germany). He once served as a philosophy tutor in a well-known high school in Beijing and has extensive practical experience in teaching. He is able to explain profound theories in an easy-to-understand approach, and share deep philosophical insights with simple words and formulas. By citing common examples, he trains students' philosophical thinking ability, and reveals to them the connection between philosophy and other disciplines, which is widely acclaimed by students and parents.


Kwanyoung Paik

Social Science Teacher

Kwanyoung Paik holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Williams College, the top liberal arts college in the United States, and a Master's degree in Sociology from Columbia University Teacher College. Kwanyoung has extensive teaching experience in secondary schools in South Korea and New York and has worked in a library for four years. Kwanyoung joins FLA as a social science and English teacher, passing on his excellent critical reading and academic writing skills to students, and contributing to the development of students' social science research methods.His classes were based on American social studies curricula, but also used the IGCSE and A-Level Global Perspectives programs to teach classes in which the focus was largely around projects such as preparing presentations and writing research reports. As a teacher,he believe in trying to create a friendly, encouraging environment in which all students can thrive. He understand the need for assessments, but think that for the majority of students in secondary school, it may be more important to get them interested in a subject because most of them will not be studying or employing specialized subject knowledge in their adult lives.


Chuanxun Zhang

Geography Teacher

Chuanxun Zhang, a senior geography teacher, an excellent geography tutor in Henan Province, an excellent college entrance examination marker, a model class teacher in the city, and an excellent teacher. His teaching style is lively and humorous, he is good at interdisciplinary teaching, good at inspiring students to think, and cultivating students' interest in subjects. He has rich experience in interdisciplinary curriculum design. The Pianyan study tour he designed won the first prize of the Chongqing Research Course, and the museum study tour won the second prize of the Chongqing Research Course. In his work, he firmly believes that pedagogy is first of all the study of relationship, a harmonious teacher-student relationship, and the role model of teachers is the basis for good education. He believes that moral education is not only to establish norms, but also to cultivate a noble soul. Schools should allow students to try and make mistakes, so that children can grow through exploration.


Shidan Zhao

Business Teacher

Shidan Zhao holds a Master's degree in applied economics from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Zhao possesses a secondary school English teaching qualification and an intermediate economist certificate. Familiar with the A-level, AP, and IB economics curricula, Zhao has taught A-level economics and business at a bilingual school in Shanghai. She excels in using real-life examples in teaching, making complex concepts accessible, and fully engaging students' interest in learning. She is skilled at helping students grasp key exam points and organizing the learning system in a structured manner.


Lily Liu

Politics teacher

Lily Liu, graduated from Hainan University with a major in ideological and political education. She has been teaching for more than ten years. She has rich teaching experience in the graduating class of the senior high school entrance examination, and has achieved excellent results in provincial and municipal competitions many times. She is good at providing psychological counseling to students, teaching seriously, educating people wholeheartedly, and caring for every student. She takes students as the agency and pays attention to the all-round development of students. She believes that every child is the only one in this world, every heart should be respected.

Arts Department


Vivian Ge

Coordinator of Visual Arts Department

Art Teacher

Vivian Ge graduated from the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, majoring in Clothing and Textile Design. With years of experience in art education, she once set up a series of special courses in traditional handicrafts, modern art, and life workshops. She is good at teaching pottery, handicraft, and leather making, aiming to let all students enjoy the beauty of art, and develop both physically and mentally. As the founder of the FLA Fashion Design Club, she has held several fashion design exhibitions with teachers, students and parents. She adopts a teaching style full of innocence and creativity, integrates art with other subjects, and fully demonstrates the charm and value of art in project-based learning.


Bijou Zhou

Art Teacher

Bijou Zhou, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Hunan University of Science and Technology, holds a TESOL certificate from Kennesaw State University in the United States, has been engaged in art teaching at home and abroad for 8 years, and has rich experience in international art education; her Mindfulness, Silent Summer and other works have been exhibited in Artis Natrua, Mused Literary Published by other magazines. She is good at mobilizing students' imagination and creativity, allowing students to use their own unique language and methods to express their inner world.


Cherise Hu

Art Teacher

Cherise Hu obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and Master’s degree of Watercolor Art Research from Harbin Normal University. She once participated in various art exhibitions and won the first prize in national exhibition and the silver award in provincial exhibition. She has also published papers in Art Research. In her view, at FLA she teaches students how to better complete a work, but more importantly, the students make her a better teacher. Many of her students gave a good account of themselves in international art competitions.


Ray Zhang

Piano Teacher

Ray Zhang, graduated from the China Conservatory of Music with a bachelor's degree in composition and composition technology theory. He has studied under the famous Chinese composers Professor Shi Wanchun and Professor Yu Yongyi, majoring in composition and piano. Troupe, Tianjin Symphony Orchestra and Jilin Symphony Orchestra. He has been engaged in children's music enlightenment education for many years. Through years of teaching experience, he has unique ideas on various courses such as piano, solfeggio, basic music theory, song, and symphony creation. According to his unique teaching and education methods, he can give the future Leadership students bring rich and professional music knowledge and lead students to explore the diversity of music.


Alison Huo

Violin Teacher

Alison Huo, graduated from Wuhan Conservatory of Music, devoted herself to teaching violin to children after graduation, and has been teaching violin to children for 8 years. In teaching, she is committed to cultivating children's ability to understand and feel music, so that every child can feel the fun of the violin while learning, and feel the joy brought by the violin during practice. Through years of experience in children's teaching, she is good at communicating with students, so that students can learn the violin easily and happily.


Ann Li

Piano Teacher

Ann Li, a Master of Music degree holder in Piano Performance at Lee University in the United States, has been mentored by Dr. Cahill Smith, a Yamaha Artist, and Professor Minge Cui from the People's Liberation Army Acadamy of Arts. Xinyu started learning piano at the age of six and has won numerous awards in piano competitions. During her undergraduate studies, Xinyu received first prize in the Youth Division of the inaugural Yamaha China Piano Competition in the Yunnan region. Subsequently, she became the first mainland Chinese student to be awarded the Lee University Young Pianist Scholarship in the United States, where she served as a research assistant and held recitals at the Lee University Squares Hall. Xinyu has actively participated in teaching seminars organized by the Music Teachers National Association and collaborative piano conferences in the United States. She has several years of experience in piano early education and coaching students for art college entrance examinations, including working with special needs children. While serving at the Future Leadership Acadamy, Xinyu has imparted rich knowledge of Western music history and professiona


Charlie Liu 

Flute Teacher

Charlie Liu, graduated from the China Conservatory of Music with a major in flute from the Orchestral Department. He studied with Chinese-American flutist and master tutor Professor Chen Zhaorong. He has studied with Mathieu Dufour, principal of the Berlin Philharmonic, and Ransom Wilson, a flute professor at Yale University, and has received unanimous praise. He was the flute player of the China Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, served as a flute teacher in Zhongguancun No. 2 Primary School, Shangdi Experimental Primary School, Guangming Experimental Primary School and other schools, with rich teaching experience.usic theory to students. Her exceptional affinity and infectious enthusiasm allow students to immerse themselves in the world of music.


Jiaiwei Gong

Musical teacher

Jiawei Gong, young conductor, young music theorist, young composer, baritone. He graduated from Sichuan Conservatory of Music with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from the New England Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of American master choral conductor Professor Erica Washburn and orchestra conductor Professor Bill Drury. Influenced by his family environment, he began to learn saxophone, piano and vocal music from an early age. He has led different choirs and orchestras to achieve excellent results many times, has served as the conductor of many choirs and multiple orchestras, and has been invited to participate in large-scale projects such as "Autumn in Rongcheng", "Western Children's Choir Festival" and "Chicago Summer Music Festival" in different capacities, and has rich experience in coordinating and leading music and theater performances. He will bring a wealth of music theory, performance and composition techniques to FLA students, and lead and encourage children to create "The Beauty of Music".


Elena Orlova

Ballet Teacher

Elena Orlova, born into a Russian dancing family, is a classical dance teacher, choreography director, and founder of a method for the improvement and correction of physical abilities for classical dance, whose pedagogical experience spans more than 50 years. As a teacher, cultural ambassador and leader of arts and sports, she not only pays attention to art education, but also has great achievements in character education. She strives to create a better future for every student. Elena has taught thousands of children throughout her career, many of whom become leaders in various fields. She is employed as a ballet teacher at FLA to help implant world-class dance education and character education into the hearts of children and guide them to appreciate the beauty of ballet.


Svetlana  Orlova

Ballet Teacher

SVETLANA ORLOVA, a well-known ballet dance educator in Russia, a principal dancer of the Russian City Ballet Theater, a basic and advanced classical ballet teacher for Russian children. Graduated from the Irkutsk State Pedagogical University in the Russian Federation. She has rich experience in children and adult dance education. She is good at choreography, research on children's psychology in dance and sports, and is proficient in various levels of classical dance, classical ballet and modern dance.  Over the years of working in the dance industry, she has learned that creating a spark in any child is one of the most rewarding things in life. She wanted to be able to share her love of dance that was instilled in her from a young age by her main role model, mentor and mother.


Junzhi Chen

Dance Teacher

Chen Junzhi, hip-hop (Hip-Hop class) instructor, graduated from West China Normal University, has won the Sichuan CDB International Street Dance Championship Hip-Hop single champion, Sichuan Great Unity Street Dance League Championship Freestyle runner-up, China Yinchuan Sports Dance National Champion of the Open Competition and the 2nd Ningxia Sports Dance Championship Jazz Dance Team Competition Group, with a senior Chinese teacher qualification certificate. He firmly believes that interest is the best teacher. He is good at stimulating students' interest in teaching, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and designing courses according to the laws of students' physical and mental development.

P.E. Department


Cassie Li

Coordinator of P.E. Department,Physical Education Teacher

Teacher Li, graduated from Jilin normal university with a major in physical education, has many years of bilingual physical education experience, has obtained PYP training certification, and is a second-level referee and coach. She has rich experience in student management, and is good at cultivating students' leadership through activities and developing character education in activities. She insists on being a warm educator and an educator with feelings. She has strong empathy, strong affinity, and her classroom is lively and interesting, which is deeply loved by students. 


Christopher Selwyn

Physical Education Teacher

Christopher Selwyn, graduated from Texas State University with a bachelor's degree, has TEFL teaching qualification certification and American teacher qualification certificate, and specializes in teaching core subjects such as English and physical education and special education for teenagers. Not only is he a forward-thinking, experienced professional teacher, but he is also able to effectively personalize his teaching style according to the situation of his students. He has worked in China for many years and has a deep understanding of Chinese students and parents. He is kind, humorous, passionate in teaching and good at communicating with students.


Eddie Fang

Physical Education Teacher

Eddie Fang  graduated from Soochow University. He is a Happy Gymnastics Coach and Referee, national first-level trampoline athlete,  national first level skill athlete, and PADI diving athlete. He holds China high school teacher qualification certificate and senior psychological counselor certificate. He once led his team to win a number of gold medals in the Jiangsu Happy Gymnastics competition and won the best coach in the Suzhou Primary School Cheerleading Competition. With professional sports skills and deep insight into students’ psychology, he advocates teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. He is good at stimulating students’ interest in autonomous learning, and is willing to cultivate students’ self-confidence, emotional control, behavioral focus and team cohesion in physical exercise.


Ken Hu

Physical Education Teacher

Ken Hu holds a physical education teacher certificate, a national swimming lifeguard certificate, a national swimming coach certificate, a second-level triathlon athlete certificate, a second-level triathlon referee certificate, and a junior triathlon coach certificate. He started to learn swimming in a sports school since he was a child, and later joined the training team of the China Triathlon Sports Association. With more than ten years of experience in children's swimming teaching, he always helps students resolve difficulties when learning to swim and change their fear into love in a gentle manner. He regards swimming as one of the best sports and a self-help skill, and adopts differentiated teaching methods for children of different ages to truly master the skill.


Hongmei Yang

Head Coach of Varsity Golf Team

Hongmei Yang used to be a top female golfer in China and one of China's first professional golfers. She has 24 championships and ranked No.1 for five consecutive years. After 2013, she shifted her focus to golf teaching and training, especially for teenagers, and made fruitful efforts. Zhang Weiwei, a teenage player whom she coached, won the China LPGA Tour Order of Merit in 2019, and Zhang Yunjie, another player she coached, once played for the Chinese national team. Adept at short-game technical teaching, she focuses on basic training and integrates theory and practice in teaching step by step. Currently, Hongmei works at FLA as the Head Coach of Varsity Golf Team. She has established a multi-tier training system, and led the school team members to achieve good results in many large competitions at home and abroad.


Fengfa Xue

Golf Teacher

Anthony Xue graduated from TianJin University of Sport, majoring in golf. He serves as a golf teacher and intermediate coach certified by the China Golf Association. He is also a certified third-level coach of TPI in the United States, certified first-level Hal-method coach and certified first-level coach of Golf Mind. Well versed in the principles of swing, he helps students find their own swing patterns through physical tests, and strives to improve their performance.


Zhao Wang

Golf and Fitness Coach

Zhao Wang has received rich professional education at home and abroad, and gained extensive experience in physical training and junior golf training. He holds ACE-CPT, NASM-CES, national professional fitness instructor certificate, TPI and many other professional certificates, and ranked among the top three in the final of national personal trainer competitio


Jiahua Kang

Sanda Coach

n.Jiahua Kang began to study martial arts in his childhood and then enlisted in a troop of Nanjing military region. After retiring, he has been engaged as a security guard for leaders of large enterprises at home and abroad for many years. Kang has received professional Sanda training, experienced brutal survival challenges, and gained rich practical experience. Out of love for young children's education, Kang has been teaching young children Sanda since 2018. He is very patient and insists on his teaching method of helping the children fall in love with sports on their own initiative.

Career Planning


Jacob Jiang

College Admissions Counselor

Jacob Jiang, Bachelor of Civil Engineering, University of Melbourne, Associate Degree, Georgia Tech University. Previously served as IELTS teacher, American document & planning teacher, British document & planning teacher and other positions. He has a detailed understanding of language training, the application process for studying in the UK and the United States, and document requirements. First-hand information, with US.News official training, assessment and certification. As an admissions consultant, he assists senior students in their admission planning and provides one-on-one personalized guidance. His meticulous and rigorous work style provides sufficient guarantee for students' further study planning.

Mental Health Center


Sunny Wang

Teacher of the Mental 

Health Center

SunnyWang graduated as Master of Science in Counseling from Johns Hopkins University. She is an American National Certified Counselor, Member of American Counseling Association, and Member of Chi Sigma Iota Honor Society. She has been engaged in education at home and aboard for many years. After graduation, she was hired by Baltimore Education Bureau to work as a school counselor in local primary and secondary schools. At FLA, she provides counseling services to students of different grades, and organizes various types of activities for students and parents to ensure the mental health of students.







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