伦敦哈罗公学创立于 1572 年,哈罗学校是一所以哈罗公学的历史和实践为基础而建立的学校。我们也向包括香港哈罗学校、北京哈罗学校和上海哈罗学校等在内的其他成员学校学习。
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谦和 ,意味着我们要明白“人无完人”的道理。人生就是一场不断自我完善的旅程。第一步是认识到自身的优势和劣势,然后随着我们的成长,每天都会有小小的收获。谦和也包括我们如何庆贺我们的成就,以及我们应理解将成就与他人进行分享的必要性。这通常以慈善的形式进行。
荣誉 就是做正确的事,拥有的个人标准。没有荣誉就没有胜利的喜悦。相应地,这又可以赢得他人对我们的信任。
面对生活的挑战需要很大的 勇气 ,无论是在教室、运动场、考场还是在舞台上表演。达到标准的学生需要冒险,尝试一些他们可能觉得自己还没有准备好的事情。很多时候,当遇到困难时,学生需要勇气才能继续前进。作为教育者和家长,我们的职责是提醒学生这一点并一路鼓励他们。
孩子犯错误是正常的。 我们为学生设定了明确的界限,我们的行为体系有助于引导学生从错误中学习。家长遵循我们的教育方法,并与学校建立牢固的纽带至关重要,以便我们向学生传达一致的教育理念。
互助 旨在建立建设性的关系,帮助我们为学校和社会做出积极的贡献。
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大学升学指导对于学生和家长来说至关重要。在英国,这通常从G11 年级开始。我们认识到,中国的升学规划开始得相对较晚,我们正在努力尽早开始这一过程。这也是我个人的专业领域。
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A school established on the history and practices of Harrow, London founded in 1572. Learning from our other family members such as Harrow Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai.
Harrow is a very values driven organisation. Our values of courage, honour, humility and fellowship allow students the opportunity to develop their character for success in life and leadership.
I would like to share with you explanations of each value in action:
Humility is about coming to understand that none of us are perfect. Life is a continuous journey of self-improvement. The first step is to recognise our own strengths and weaknesses to then make small gains each day as we grow. Humility also involves how to celebrate our success and our understanding of the need to take the success we have achieved and share it with others. This is often in the form of charity.
Honour is doing the right thing. Having the highest personal standards. There is no joy to be found in winning without honour. This in turn leads to others giving us their trust.
It takes great courage to face the challenges of life, be these in the classroom, sports field, exam hall or on stage for a performance. Pupils who reach the highest standards need to take risks, attempting things they might not feel they are yet ready for. Many times pupils will need their courage to keep going when things are difficult. It is our role as educators and parents to remind students of this and encourage them along the way.
It is normal for children to make mistakes. We set clear boundaries for our students and our behaviour system helps to guide students to learn from their errors. It is essential that parents form a strong bond with the school, following our approach so that pupils are given a consistent message.
Fellowship is about building constructive relationships to help us to make a positive contribution to the school and wider society.
The history of Harrow in London is full of great leaders, actors and sports people who thrived because they embodied the Harrow values. It is my belief that the same will be true of this school and your children are the leaders of tomorrow, who will make Haikou, Hainan, China and the world an even better place.
Our Li De curriculum allows us to combine the best of the modern British educational approach along with the very best of the Chinese national curriculum, avoiding unnecessary duplication.
Our Enrichment Activities programme known as EA allows students to try a wide variety of additional interest to help them find their own pathway in life.
University advice and guidance is essential for students and parents. In the UK this typically starts in Grade 11. We recognise this is a little late in a Chinese context and we are working to start this process earlier. This is an area of personal specialism for me.
Students tell us how much they enjoy the house events where they build lifelong friendships, develop new skills, grow through competition and also have a lot of fun…
We are an evolving school over the coming year we are looking to strengthen. I will be asking parents their opinion about changes we wish to make to improve the school. I will be holding a series of consultations with parents, students and staff over the coming months. Please do share your views. I look forward to getting to know you and your child.