

佛山霍利斯语言部 Language Faculty




Ms Mary Stevens 



Ms Stevens 加入佛山霍利斯,同时担任英语教师和12-13年级副主任。她是一位敬业而教学成绩优异的英语文学和语言教师,能够帮助学生们取得比目标更加优异的成绩。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,她曾在中国一所著名的英式国际学校教授英语,包括剑桥 A Level 英文文学、IGCSE 英文文学和英文(第一语言)、IGCSE 英文(第二语言)以及雅思等科目。在过去的两年内,她任教的学生们在英文文学和语言的 IGCSE 和 A Level 考试中都取得了A或A*的成绩。除了英语教学方面的专业知识,Ms Stevens 在指导学生备考和大学申请方面也拥有丰富的经验。Ms Stevens 拥有伦敦大学学院的英国文学学士学位和诺丁汉大学的 IPGCE 教学证书。

Mr David Richards



Mr Richards 加入佛山霍利斯担任英语学科副主任。他对全年龄段学生英文教学都富有热诚,他的教学专长领域包括英语语言和文学、对非英语母语者的英语教学、雅思以及大学升学指导。他在中国、蒙古和越南从事英文教学长达13年。Richards先生主要负责帮助A Level学生提高学术英文水平,并在他们准备大学申请的时候提供指导。Mr Richards 以人类学本科毕业于杜伦大学,后来在桑德兰大学获得教育硕士学位。他还持有 CELTA 和 IPGCE 学资格认证。

除了负责英语教学,Richards 先生还是我校的舍监老师,与寄宿团队一起致力提升学生们的寄宿体验。

Mrs Jenny Nelson 


Mrs Nelson 加入佛山霍利斯,担任学习支持主任一职。她拥有超过15年的丰富教育经验,曾在英国、南非、韩国、中国、秘鲁和阿联酋工作。她精通母语和非母语英语教学,教学范围涵盖从一年级到 A Level 甚至大学阶段的英语教学。她在南非任教时,曾荣获南非政府颁发的约翰内斯堡 12 年级英语教师奖。Mrs Nelson 拥有诺丁汉大学文学语言学硕士学位和阿尔斯特大学语言和语言学学士学位(一级荣誉)。此外,她还以优异的成绩获得了伦敦教师培训学院颁发的对外英语教学证书。

Ms Nicole Homer 


Ms Homer 是一位资深的英语教师,从英国来到佛山霍利斯。她曾在英国和巴哈马的学校任教,拥有超过10年的丰富教学经验。她拥有斯特林大学英语和宗教教育学士一等学位、英国女王大学文艺复兴文学硕士学位(优秀)和伯明翰大学文学硕士学位(优秀),拥有深厚的学科知识。在她的职业生涯中,Ms Homer 在提升学生的语言学习体验方面有丰富的实践经历,她曾主持的学习活动包括自然拼读培训、个人发展课程、轮值和教学支持、课外项目支持、组织学生旅行和活动、培养学生的幸福感、鼓励学生发表意见、为慈善机构筹款以及 Mind Space 培训等。

Ms Abi Forrest 


Ms Forrest 加入佛山霍利斯,担任英语教学支持老师和和舍监老师。Ms Forrest 拥有利物浦大学的现代语言学士学位,她对语言教学充满热情,并来到了中国开始她的教学生涯。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,Ms Forrest 在中国的一所高中担任英语口语教师,获得了宝贵的教学经验。作为一名英语教师,她工作积极性高,组织能力强,善于培养学生的英语技能。她本人还会说中文(汉语四级),能够与学生们进行更深层次的交流,进而有助于理解不同的文化和语言学习。

Ms Wenjing Qiu 邱文静女士


邱文静女士是一位经验丰富的教师,她将加入佛山霍利斯并担任现代外语学科主任一职。她曾在马来西亚和北京的国际学校教授中文超过15年,拥有丰富的教学经验,成功教授过从一年级到 A Level 学段的学生。她的领导经验包括管理部门、监督课程事宜、指导教师的专业发展、制定战略方向、进行年度课程审查以及建立内部和外部关系。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,她曾在北京一所著名的英式国际学校担任中文学科主任一职。邱女士拥有中国地质大学英语文学学士学位和诺丁汉大学教育学研究生证书。

Ms Sheryl Wang 王颖女士


王颖女士加入佛山霍利斯,担任中文教师。王女士曾在香港、浙江和广东的多所学校和一家NGO任教,拥有17年的教学经验。王女士的职业生涯丰富多彩,除了教学之外,她也有长达9年的教育管理经验,在教育领域担任中层管理职务,并能够根据学校和学生的需求起草和设计定制课程内容。在香港任教期间,王女士曾担任一家本地语言学习 NGO 组织的创始主席长达 5 年,并热心组织工作坊和国际中文教学研讨会,为中文和普通话教师提供了一个专业发展的平台。王女士拥有香港理工大学中国语言文学硕士学位,以及香港公开大学中文及普通话教学专业文凭。

Ms Tina Zhou 周青青女士



Ms Merlin Xu 许梦琳女士



Mr Antonio Lechado


Mr Lechado 加入佛山霍利斯担任西班牙语老师。他在西班牙和中国的学校都担任过语言教师,拥有超过8年的语言教学经验。其中他在中国有6年教龄,在加入佛山霍利斯之前,曾在中国一些学术机构和大学学院担任讲师,教授A1至B2级别(CEFR)的西班牙语课程。Mr Lechado 拥有科尔多瓦大学的英语研究学士学位,以及塞维利亚大学的PGCE和对外西班牙语教学的硕士学位。近年来,他还获得了DELE西语考试B1/B2的官方考官资格证书和IB文凭的国际教学专家。



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Language Faculty

Ms Mary Stevens 

Head of English 

Deputy Head of Sixth Form

Ms Stevens joins LEH Foshan as Head of English & Deputy Head of Sixth Form. She is a dedicated and successful English literature and language teacher, known for helping students surpass their target grades. Before joining LEH Foshan, she taught English at a renowned British school in China, covering CIE A Level literature, IGCSE Literature and First Language, IGCSE second language, and IELTS. All her literature and language students achieved A or A* grades in their IGCSEs and A levels over the past two years. In addition to her English teaching expertise, Ms Stevens possesses extensive experience in guiding students through exam preparation and university applications. Ms Stevens holds a Bachelor's degree in English Literature from University College London and an IPGCE in Teaching from the University of Nottingham.

Mr David Richards

Second in English Department

House Parent

Mr Richards joins LEH Foshan as the Second in English Department and House Parent with a passion for teaching English to learners of all ages. His areas of expertise include English language and literature, EAL, IELTS and university exam preparation and he has over 13 years of experience in teaching English in China, Mongolia and Vietnam. His key responsibilities at LEH Foshan include helping our A Level students to improve their academic English skills and guiding them through the university application process. Mr Richards holds a BA in Anthropology from Durham University and a MA in Education from the University of Sunderland. He also has the CELTA and IPGCE certifications.

Alongside his role in teaching English, Mr Richards is also one of our House Parents, working with the boarding team to ensure a ‘home away from home’ experience for our boarders.

Mrs Jenny Nelson 

Head of Learning Support

Mrs Nelson joins LEH Foshan as the new Head of Learning Support, bringing over 15 years of diverse education experience from the UK, South Africa, South Korea, China, Peru, and UAE. Proficient in teaching English to native and non-native speakers, she covers levels from Year 1 to A Level and even university. Her dedication to teaching excellence was recognised with the Top Teacher in English award for Grade 12 from the South African Government in Johannesburg when she was teaching in South Africa. Mrs Nelson holds a Master’s Degree in Literary Linguistics from Nottingham University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Language and Linguistics (First-Class Honours) from the University of Ulster. Additionally, she earned a Certificate in TEFL with Distinction from London Teacher Training College.

Ms Nicole Homer 

English Teacher

Ms Homer, a highly qualified English Teacher, joins LEH Foshan from the UK with over 10 years of extensive experience in the UK and Bahamas. Holding a BA in English and Religious Education (First Class) from Stirling University, an MA in Renaissance Literature (Distinction) from Queens University Belfast, and an MEd (Distinction) from Birmingham University, she possesses in-depth subject knowledge. Throughout her career, Ms Homer has excelled in various roles to enrich her students’ language learning experience, including phonics training, Personal Development classes, rota and intervention teaching, supporting extracurricular programs, organising trips and events, fostering student well-being, encouraging student voice, fundraising for charities, and completing Mind Space training.

Ms Abi Forrest 

ELA Teacher & House Parent

Ms Forrest joins LEH Foshan as an ELA Teacher & House Parent. With a Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages from the University of Liverpool, Abigail’s passion for language education led her to embark on a teaching career in China. Prior to joining our school, she gained valuable teaching experience as an Oral English Teacher at a high school in China. As an English teacher, she is highly motivated and well-organised, excelling in cultivating students' English skills. With her upper-intermediate Chinese proficiency (HSK 4), Abigail can connect with our students on a deeper level, fostering cultural understanding and language acquisition. 

Ms Wenjing Qiu

Head of Modern Foreign Language

Ms Qiu, a highly experienced educator, joins LEH Foshan as the Head of Modern Foreign Language. With over 15 years of teaching Chinese in international schools in Malaysia and Beijing, she brings a wealth of expertise to her role and has successfully taught Chinese to students ranging from Year 1 to A Level. Her leadership experience includes managing the department, overseeing curriculum matters, guiding teachers' professional development, setting strategic direction, conducting annual curriculum reviews, and nurturing internal and external relationships. Prior to joining LEH Foshan, she held the position of Head of the Mandarin Department at a renowned British school in Beijing. Ms Qiu's educational background includes a BA in English Literature from Geo-Science University of China and a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from The University of Nottingham.

Ms Sheryl Wang

Teacher of Chinese

Ms Wang joins LEH Foshan as a Teacher of Chinese. With 17 years of teaching experience in various schools and an NGO in Hong Kong, Zhejiang, and Guangdong, she brings a wealth of expertise to her role. Ms Wang's career has been diverse, including 9 years of experience in drafting and designing customised curricula based on specific school and student needs, alongside holding middle management positions in education. During her tenure in Hong Kong, Ms Wang served as the Foundation President of a local language learning NGO for 5 years. She passionately organised workshops and international Chinese teaching seminars, providing a platform for Chinese and Mandarin teachers to enhance their professional development. Ms Wang holds a Master's Degree in Chinese Language and Literature from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, along with a PGDE in Chinese and Putonghua (Mandarin) Teaching from Hong Kong Open University.

Ms Tina Zhou

Head of Prep Mandarin

Ms Tina Zhou joins LEH Foshan as Head of Prep Mandarin with a MA degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language from Sun Yat-sen University. She is an experienced Chinese teacher with 8 years of teaching in universities and international schools, home and abroad. Ms Zhou has taught Chinese Language and Literature to primary students with IB curriculum and taught Chinese as a second language to students from introductory to advanced proficiencies. From her experiences, she has further developed professional skills to design teaching plans based on the syllabus and to conduct engaging classroom instructions customised to learners' age, fluency, background and the length of study.

Ms Merlin Xu

Teacher of Chinese

Ms Xu brings her expertise as a Teacher of Chinese to LEH Foshan, boasting nearly 10 years of experience teaching Mandarin Chinese to international students. Her teaching journey has taken her to diverse locations, including Cambodia, Chile, and Indonesia. Prior to joining LEH Foshan, she contributed her teaching talents to an international school in Suzhou, China. Ms Xu excels in delivering high-quality and effective Chinese classes, skillfully planning and implementing curricula tailored to students' needs. Beyond the classroom, she actively supports school-wide activities, including Chinese New Year celebrations and cultural extracurricular events. Ms Xu’s academic qualifications include a Master’s Degree in Chinese International Education from Jinan University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages from Gannan Normal University. Additionally, she holds a Teacher Qualification Certificate. 

Mr Antonio Lechado

Teacher of Spanish

Mr Lechado joins LEH Foshan as the Teacher of Spanish, bringing to our school over 8 years of language teaching experience in Spain and China. Before joining LEH Foshan, he was teaching Spanish from A1 to B2 (CEFR) as a lecturer at a college and a teacher in different academies in China for 6 years. Mr Lechado holds a bachelor's degree in English Studies from the University of Córdoba and a PGCE and Master's degree in Spanish as a Foreign Language Teaching from the University of Sevilla. He also attained the Certificate in Official Examiner for DELE examinations B1/B2 and an International Teaching Expert in IB Diploma in recent years. 










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