

Weekly Moments|预备部十月总结、艺术和PSHE学科更新、学院动态...






Mrs Jane Arden




学校目前正在筹备11月16日佛山霍利斯校庆日活动。感谢所有为学校的创立而倾尽全力付出心血的重要人物。活动当天,Mrs Heather Hanbury 和 Mr Michael Berkowitz 将从伦敦赶来参加我们的庆祝活动,他们自学校奠基仪式后就没有来过佛山,因此我们也非常荣幸邀请他们。相信他们也很期待亲眼目睹学校的竣工。




Mrs Arden




Ms Bateman









Mrs Johnson


Ms Cheng





3年级的学生们以毕加索(Pablo Picasso)的风格制作属于自己的肖像画,毕加索是现代艺术运动 "立体主义 "之父。"立体主义 "的特点是运用大面积的色彩、多视角和扭曲的比例创作出丰富的画面效果。学生们将自己内心的毕加索表现得淋漓尽致,创作出了用色大胆、色彩丰富的肖像画。


4年级的学生们以朱塞佩·阿尔钦博托的风格创作自己的肖像画,朱塞佩·阿尔钦博托(Giuseppe Arcimboldo)是一名意大利画家,以创作完全由物品构成的富有想象力的肖像头像而闻名,比如:用水果、蔬菜、花、书、鱼等各种物体来堆砌成人物的肖像。学生们的目标是通过用自己最喜欢的水果和蔬菜创作一幅水果和蔬菜肖像画来表达自己的想法。学生们创意十足,作品充满乐趣、想象力和表现力。





数码摄影课围绕美国女摄影家南-戈尔丁(Nan Goldin)展开。学生们学习了如何选取拍摄镜头和拍摄角度,根据自己的想法创作出独一无二的“自画像”。




Mrs Kirk


13 年级学生目前一直忙于撰写个人陈述书和商讨决定英国大学的课程。我们很高兴地跟大家宣布,Cheuk Yiu 同学已获取两份录取通知书。纽卡斯尔大学(商业与人力资源管理)要求学生达到114的UCAS分数;格罗斯特郡大学要求学生成绩至少达到BCC,Cheuk Yiu目前的申请形势非常有利。每位学生最多可收获 5 份来自英国大学的录取通知书(医学专业则为 4 份),最终再决定入读学校。这真是一个激动人心的时刻!


Ms Hayward



IGCSE 和 A Level 

对于 11 年级、12 年级和 13 年级的艺术生来说,现在是非常繁忙和激动人心的时刻,他们正在努力完成剑桥 IGCSE、AS 和 A Level 考试的课程作业。他们一直在尝试各种材料、技术和工艺,包括素描、油画、版画和陶艺,为完善自己的项目提供依据。每个学生都在进行研究,并对所选艺术家的作品做出回应,从而为自己的独特发展提供信息,完成最终的作品。

11 年级学生在我们的版画工作室进行蚀刻

IGCSE 课程作业主题 "回忆 "和 "衰变 "的初步探究范例。

12 年级学生Konstantin一直在探索自己对音乐的兴趣,并通过观察研究,然后通过艺术家调研,尝试使用材料、技术和方法来完善自己的想法。

13 年级学生Jasmine正在探索拥挤的城市建筑对人们心理健康的影响。

11年级 A Level 预科

本学期,学生们开展了静物素描项目。学生们了解了静物画在西方传统和艺术教育中的重要性。学生们绘制了包括负空间和比例在内的态势图、连续图和轮廓图。 对于我们的许多 A-Level预科学生来说,他们在艺术和设计方面的经验有限,这个项目为他们提供了绘画的基本技能。





10 年级学生发展摄影技能,并建立自己的静物画。他们在一系列绘画实验中探索艺术元素:形状、线条、质地、形式、空间和色彩,同时学习关键的艺术术语。



学生们根据自己的主题研究了艺术家的画作,如七年级的 "海底珊瑚礁 "项目研究了 Courtney Mattison,九年级的 "肖像 "项目研究了文森特-梵高,并运用艺术评论的四个步骤:描述、分析、解释和判断,对他们的作品进行了评价。撰写关于艺术作品的文章有助于培养学生的英语语言技能,如学习如何安排写作结构和使用关键的艺术术语,同时让他们更深入地了解材料和技术的使用方法以及艺术作品的含义和目的。


在掌握了基本的绘画技能后,他们将在下一部分项目中学习设计和制作技能。我们期待着向您展示七年级的海底陶瓷雕塑项目、八年级的 "亡灵节 "纺织项目和九年级的肖像与身份作品。


初级 - 展览艺术课外活动课

奥地利艺术家 Hundertwasser 以色彩鲜艳、图案丰富的肖像画和风景画而闻名。学生们正在画布上创作富有想象力和趣味性的丙烯画。所有画作将在学校展出,成为一个大型绘画展览。我们期待着向您展示最终的作品。





Mr Jones




  • 身体健康

  • 心理健康

  • 成长与变化

  • 虚拟与现实生活中的个人安全

  • 人际关系与性教育

  • 欺凌与歧视

  • 媒体与数字素养

  • 财富与事业

  • 社区与责任




本学期结束前,学生们将通过“Changing Faces, A World of Difference”这一主题了解“歧视”问题,随后初步探索经济学领域。














学期结束前,学生们还将重点关注职业发展,了解如何根据自己的价值观进行职业选择, 自己的职业原则又将如何产生影响。






目前学生们正学习基本急救知识,包括伤情初步评估、复苏体位、心肺复苏术等内容,学习这些内容后,学生可以及时帮助那些有需要的人。在这个简短的单元之后,我们将开始关注他们的 "下一步",继续思考未来的职业发展机会,同时关注他们将面临的大学申请流程。

学生们在 PSHE 课上的出色表现给我留下了非常深刻的印象,尤其是一些话题和内容经常需要他们走出舒适区、重新审视自己的观点和看法,我期待着他们继续深度参与到课堂中,并分享能够发人深思的想法。



Mr Banks


今年,佛山霍利斯学院制度继续延续上学年的优良传统。每个学院都迎来了许多新学生和教职员工,我很高兴看到许多老生帮助所有新生,让他们倍感归属感。凤凰新任学院主任 Mr Munim 和独角兽新任学院主任 Ms Homer 对他们的学院感到非常满意,看到学院孩子们展现出来的团结意识,给予了高度评价。


我们的学院正在蓬勃发展。学生们一直在奋力获取学院积分,到目前为止,凤凰学院一跃成为领先者。当然,其他学院也在奋力追赶,情况有望扭转。本周,学校举行了学院万圣节装饰大赛,共同营造万圣氛围。目前,所有学生都在为 2023 年 11 月 17 日首次学院音乐大赛进行排练准备。运动会和游泳比赛也即将到来!此外,本学期还安排了许多学院竞赛,请大家记得留意活动日历!下学期,我们计划再次举办去年非常受欢迎的学院小测知识竞赛,为此,学院主任正筹备安排一场新型的解题大赛。


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LEH Foshan Weekly Moments


Letter from the Headteacher

Mrs Jane Arden


Dear Parents,

What a fantastic week we have had. Thank you to everyone who joined the Halloween Family Night regardless of the rain we had a great evening; bringing the school community together is so much fun. The Prep School Halloween Spooky stories and Poems competition was an absolute delight, so many new faces on the stage communicating confidently and showcasing their learning. 

The school is preparing for our Founder’s Day celebrations. The 16th of November will recognise the hard work and tenacity demonstrated by many parties to open the school and we will take time to thank and recognise some key figures. Heather Hanbury and Michael Berkowitz will join us from London; they have not been to Foshan since the Groundbreaking ceremony so will proudly invite them into the school. I know that Heather and Michael are very excited to come and finally see for themselves the school as a finished entity. 

Please come along to this occasion, it will be fabulous to watch our sister school’s music concert in the evening, have some food and celebrate our school.

Have a great weekend and I hope to see many of you at the first Prep football tournament.

Best Regards,

Mrs Arden


Prep School

October Newsletter

Ms Bateman

Head of Prep 

Hello LEHF parents, 

Happy, Busy, Purposeful. I am sure by looking at all the wonderful photographs you receive, you can see we are currently in one of the busiest times of the school year. With so much learning, many activities, and events happening it is important that children are resting and sleeping well. Scientists have long recognised that getting enough sleep during childhood can benefit developing brains. School-aged children need 9 to 12 hours of sleep each night. Sleep affects learning and behaviour through specific brain changes. 

Children who have insufficient sleep have smaller volume in certain areas of the brain responsible for attention, memory, and inhibition control, compared to those with healthy sleep habits. Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day. Establishing a healthy sleep pattern in early life is very important for child development.  

Here at LEHF, we support students with their homework during ECA time 5-5.50 p.m. so that students can return home and have some well-earned family time. Families play an essential role in the earliest years of children's lives. With love, support, and guidance, parents and grandparents help them to develop physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally.  

Spending time with family and loved ones has a strong positive impact on our mental health. It makes us feel closer to others. It can make us feel understood and accepted like we belong somewhere. All these things lead to a reduction in stress, anxiety, and depression, and our brains become marinated in oxytocin. 

This is why at LEHF we know it is important to have our special family events such as our Halloween Family Night and our Winter Market. We enjoy spending time with you and watching all our students grow and develop into Confident, Committed, Compassionate, Creative, and Curious learners. Please enjoy the upcoming four-day weekend with your families. 


Mrs Johnson

Prep Art Consultant

Ms Cheng

Teaching Assistant

Key Stage 2 

The Prep school students have all been working on their Self Portrait projects. Each year group researched a different artist.  

Year 3- Picasso Self-Portraits 

The Year 3 made their portraits in the style of Pablo Picasso who was the father of the modern art movement called Cubism. Cubism was characterised by large, colourful surfaces, multiple viewpoints and distorted proportions. The students brought out their inner Picassos and made bold, colourful self-portraits. 

Year 4- Favourite Fruits and Vegetable Self-Portraits

Year 4 made their portrait in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of objects such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books. Their goal was to communicate something about themselves by creating a fruit and vegetable self-portrait made of their favourite fruits and vegetables. The students got very creative and produced fun, imaginative and well executed work.

Year 5- Identity Self-Portraits

Year 5 researched the artist Stephanie Ledoux to help them understand how they could create their own self-portrait about their identity and culture. Her work celebrates the beauty of diversity, keeping alive people’s culture and traditions. Students did exceptionally well to create work that showed their growing awareness and ability to draw the correct shapes and proportions, to use the pen and wash technique and to be able to communicate a message in their artwork. 

Year 6 – Digital Self-Portraits

Year 6 took on the challenge of a digital photography project. Children have their own unique perspective on the world. Digital technology makes photography easily accessible for young children. Using a tablet, camera phone or digital camera they can capture their world view and share it with others. We live in an increasingly image-driven society. Photography is an excellent way to build children’s digital and visual literacy skills and their ability to express themselves. 

This digital photography project focussed on the American female photographer Nan Goldin The students learnt about camera shots and angles including creatively editing and distorting photographs. 


Secondary School

Sixth Form

Mrs Kirk

Head of Sixth Form

Year 13 have been busy writing personal statements and deciding upon university courses in the UK. The applications have been made and we are delighted to announce that Cheuk Yiu has already received 2 offers. The University of Newcastle (Business and Human Resource Management ) and the University of Gloucestershire (International Business Management) have asked for 114 UCAS points and BCC respectively to study, so Cheuk Yiu is in a very strong position.  Students could receive up to 5 offers from the UK (4 for medicine) and will then have to decide which to accept. It’s an exciting time!


Ms Hayward

Head of Art, Design and 

Computer Science Faculty

IGCSE and A Level 

This is a very busy and exciting time for our Year 11, 12 and 13 art students who are working very hard on their Cambridge IGCSE, AS and A Level Examination coursework. They have been experimenting with varied materials, techniques and processes including drawing, painting, printmaking and ceramics to inform the development of their individual project ideas.  Each student directs their own investigation and responds to their chosen artists to inform their own unique developments and ultimately a final piece.  

Year 11 Students Etching in our Print Studio

Examples of IGCSE initial investigations into the coursework themes ‘Memories’ and ‘Decay’.

AS Level, Year 12 student Konstantin has been exploring his interest in music and developing his ideas by making observational studies and then through artist research experimenting with materials, techniques and approaches.

Year 13 student Jasmine is exploring the impact of crowded urban architecture on peoples’ mental health.

Year 11 Pre-A level

This term students have been working on a Still-life Drawing Project. Students learnt about the importance of the Still Life genre in western tradition and in their art education. The students drew gestural, continuous and outline drawings including negative spaces and proportions.  For many of our PAL students they have limited experience with Art and Design and this project has given them essential skills in drawing.

To further develop their creativity they are now working on a Still life and Cubism mini Project where they will create a Cubist style artwork of their chosen artist . They have researched the art Movement and presented their findings in a creative way, including a copy of one of the artworks they have researched.

Research skills enables them to focus on a specific goal, gather relevant information, and communicate their findings to others. Writing supports the development of their English language skills, by using key art words, whilst giving them greater awareness into how materials and techniques are used. 

Year 10- Still Life

Year 10 Art students are at the beginning of their IGCSE journey and have been studying the fundamentals of drawing, dry art media, techniques and developing their knowledge and understanding of key art terminology and practice. This is achieved through the art genre of still-life; working from direct observation is essential in developing the eye/ hand awareness and coordination, and the ability to draw and paint realistically. They are now learning about colour theory and paint application skills and are gaining a solid grounding for the next stage of the course, which focusses on experimentation with materials and techniques and the development of creative ideas.

Year 10 students develop photography skills and set up their own still-life. They explore the elements of art: shape, line, texture, form, form, space and colour in a series of drawing experiments whilst learning key art terminology.

Key Stage 3 – Year 7, 8 and 9

Learning to Research Artists

Students researched the paintings of the artist specific to their topics, such as Courtney Mattison for Year 7 for their Under the Sea Coral Reef project and Vincent Van Gogh for the Year 9 Portrait project and wrote about their work using the four steps of art criticism: description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment. Writing about artworks supports the development of their English language skills, such as learning how to structure their writing and use key art terminology, whilst giving them greater insight into how materials and techniques are used and the meanings and purpose of artworks. 

Key stage 3 students have also learnt mark making techniques and applied to it to their drawings. These traditional methods for making marks are centuries old and are the first drawing methods taught to art students. These include hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, stippling amongst others. In the creative process of making art, it helps students to understand that simple marks were used to help create a picture or drawing that resembled or reproduced the same textures and patterns of objects that we see every day. 

Having developed their fundamental drawing skills, in the next part of their projects they will learn design and making skills. We look forward to showing you Year 7’s Under the Sea Ceramic Sculpture project, Year 8’s The Day of the Dead Textile project and Year 9’s Portrait and Identity work.

Extra-Curricular Art Activities

Junior - Art for Exhibition ECA

Our talented and budding junior artists designed their own compositions for paintings of an animal inspired by the Austrian artist Hundertwasser who is famous for his brightly coloured, patterned portraits and landscapes. Students are in mid production of their imaginative and fun acrylic paintings on canvas. All the paintings will be put on exhibition in the school to make one large painting installation. We are looking forward to showing you the final piece.

Senior Textiles ECA 

Our Textile ECA is an experimental and interdisciplinary course which focuses on the creation of innovative textiles surfaces and fashion. The students are learning to understand the fundamental process of design through research, sampling and developing ideas into unique and exciting outcomes. Students were asked to sketch and design a new sports bag for the Addidas summer range. They had to use a combination of fabric markers, stitching and fabric appliques to show the summer theme

Examples of some of the bags in the process of being made.


Mr Jones

Head of Physical Education Faculty

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is a planned programme of learning opportunities and experiences that help children and young people grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and of social and economic communities and is dedicated to supporting children’s physical and mental health, relationships, careers and economic wellbeing.

Throughout the year, students cover the three core themes of ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Living in the Wider World’. Within these core themes, they cover topics which include:

  • Physical health

  • Mental health

  • Growing and changing

  • Personal safety, both online and in real life

  • Relationship and sex education

  • Bullying and discrimination

  • Media and digital literacy

  • Money and work

  • Community and Responsibility

Year 7

Year 7 students have covered transition and safety, looking at the transition to secondary school, developing new skills and thriving in a new Key Stage. They learnt about their Character Strengths, using them to build self-confidence and self-esteem and develop an understanding of friendships and how to ensure they make the right decisions when making new friends. 

Shortly, they will be moving onto the basics of first aid, where they will cover basic life support, including undertaking a primary survey, placing some in the recovery position and CPR and understanding how to deal with a person who is bleeding.

By the end of the term, students will cover discrimination through the topic of Changing Faces, A World of Difference, before ending the term looking at basic economic education.

Year 8 

Year 8 started the year off focusing on digital literacy, they learned about the possible consequences of malware, phishing, and cyberbullying. While the information was designed to make them aware of the potential threats they may face while being online, most of the students were unaware of these and found the content a little worrying as they were so unaware of these threats.

Moving on they will begin learning about emotional wellbeing, managing emotions and learning how to deal with unhealthy coping strategies by understanding and identifying healthy coping strategies.  

Year 9 

Students in Year 9 began the term looking at the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships before moving on to learning about gangs, managing risks and staying safe.

They then moved on to learning about the risks and consequences related to drug and alcohol use and how to deal with the potential peer pressure they may face in the future.

By the end of the term, students will move on to looking at career pathways and GCSE options to ensure they are fully aware of the possibilities and opportunities open to them.

Year 10

In Year 10 students started off the year developing an understanding and awareness of mental health and wellbeing and the stigma behind mental health issues especially those faced by adolescences. They focused on how to reframe negative thinking and develop strategies to promote mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Moving on they will begin to look at the impact of financial decisions, debt, gambling, and the impact of advertising on financial choices. During this topic not only will they learn about the potential issues of debt and gambling, but they will also learn about how to mange risk in relation to financial activities and how and where to get support.

Year 11

Year 11 students started the year focusing on mental health and wellbeing, learning about the link between physical and mental wellbeing, describing strategies for improving physical and mental wellbeing and understanding where to get help and support for their physical and mental wellbeing; they also looked at exam stress and the importance of sleep.

They will then move on to how to be an Internet citizen, focusing on identifying traits of disinformation and misinformation, the potential motives for posting inaccurate information online and developing effective responses when encountering dis/misinformation online.

By the end of the term, students will focus on career education and will learn how people can align their actions with their values and how individuals can make a difference through their career choices.

Year 12

Year 12 started the year furthering their knowledge and understanding of mental health and emotional wellbeing by developing healthy coping strategies for managing stress, especially exam stress, this was done by introducing them to mindfulness which teaches students to take time to focus on the here and now and not on the past of future.

Moving forward they will start to look at the readiness for work by understanding career opportunities available to them which will prepare them for the world of work.

Year 13

Students in Year 13 began the year with a focus on health and wellbeing with a focus on responsible health choices, which included a debate on whether mental illness are caused by ‘Nature’ or ‘Nurture’. This was an interested opportunity for students to develop deeper thinking skills and made them question their own thoughts and opinions on the issue.

Currently we are covering basic first aid in lessons giving students the opportunity to gain an understanding of how they can help a person in need by learning basic life support which includes how to perform a primary survey, place a casualty into the recovery position and perform CPR. Following this short unit, we will begin focusing on their ‘next steps’ and continue thinking about future opportunities and career development, while having a focus on the application process they will face following university.

I have been very impressed by the attitude and mature approach our students have demonstrated in their PSHE lessons, especially as some of the topics and content regularly pushes students outside of their comfort zone and makes them reevaluate their views and opinions. I look forward to their continued engagement in lessons and their thought-provoking comments.



Mr Banks

Head of Boarding & Pastoral Care

This year, the LEH House system has continued with the same momentum as it did at the end of the previous academic year. Each House welcomed many new students and staff and I was delighted to see many existing students helping all the new students feel welcome. Our new House Masters in Phoenix and Unicorn have been delighted and impressed with their Houses, with both Mr Munim and Ms Homer commenting on the sense of 'togetherness' in each House.

Dragon House were exceptional in last weeks Whole School Assembly whereby they presented the 8 C's to all of our students and staff, which is so important to ensure that these 8 values are embedded across the whole of the school. Throughout the remaining academic year, each House now has the responsibility to focus in one the 8 C's and deliver their own Whole School Assembly.

The House system is 'alive and running'. Students are collecting House points all the time and so far, Pheonix has jumped into the lead. Of course, this may quickly change. This week there is a Halloween House competition and currently all the students are rehearsing for our first ever House Music Competition on the 17th November 2023. The Sport Days and Swimming Gala are quickly arriving, alongside many Inter-House competitions planned into the School Events Calendar for Term 1.  Next term, we plan to stage the House Quiz which was very popular last year and our House Masters are working together to arrange a new problem solving competition.










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