
师资介绍|Mr Lodge 如何帮助二年级学生打好学术基础,过渡到英式课程?Meet Mr Lodge, Y2 Teacher

01-15 08:32发布于广东


2023-24学年伊始,佛山霍利斯正式开启二年级学段,为预备部注入清新蓬勃的活力和动力。在过去一学期中,这些年轻的学生快速适应了新校园环境和学习阶段,并在学术和个人成长上取得非常大的进步。这在很大程度上要归功我们的二年级教师 —— Mr Gary Lodge 和 Ms Poppy Wilkinson。

在这篇文章,我们率先给大家介绍 Mr Lodge,分享他在教学方面的经验、见解和方式,了解他是如何帮助孩子顺利开启英式课程的学习之旅。

Mr Gary Lodge

Mr Lodge是一名经验丰富教师,他将自己对教育的热情和10多年的教学经验带到我们的预备部。在此之前,他曾在佛山一所学校担任主班老师和督学人员,创造了良好的育人环境并提供了卓越的教学成果。他曾指导学生获得伦敦圣三一学院戏剧证书,并在开发在家学习教学资源和提高学生词汇、阅读和语音技能方面拥有丰富经验。Mr Lodge拥有谢菲尔德大学幼儿教育硕士学位和杜伦大学经济学学士学位。作为一名持有专业资格的英语教师,他致力于培养学生对语言的热爱。

我们还跟 Mr Lodge 进行了一个简短的采访,从他的回答中相信你能更深入了解他的教学理念和方法。

Mr Lodge 请您先分享一下在佛山霍利斯的工作经历?

我之所以加入佛山霍利斯,是被这里高水准的教育所吸引。教授英国课程使我能全方位挑战并发展孩子们的潜力。与此同时,与充满热情和专业精神的教师并肩工作对我来说至关重要,而佛山霍利斯预备部正是这样的一个团队。作为教师,无可否认我们也会面临许多挑战。而在佛山霍利斯,我深感自己是这个大家庭的一员,在面对挑战时,总能得到同事们以及预备部主任 Ms Bateman 的鼎力支持。



我与 Ms Wilkinson 也紧密合作,共同制定课程策略,鼓励孩子们学习和使用英语。我们主要采用“谈话式写作” 法(Talk4Writing),教授孩子们提问与回答,并通过我们的学院积分制度对他们的努力给予奖励。总体而言,这是我们在教授二年级课程时面临的最大挑战。如今,看到那些之前英语基础薄弱的孩子们,在仅仅一个学期之后便能有效地使用英语进行交流,我感到无比欣慰。




英国课程极富挑战性,特别是对于那些刚加入佛山霍利斯时英语基础薄弱的孩子。我与 Ms Wilkinson 正密切协作,勤勉不懈地推进孩子们的学习,确保他们能够为日后三年级学习做好充分准备。更加重要的是,我们希望培养孩子们成为终生学习者。因此,我们致力于让我们提供的教育既寓教于乐又引人入胜。这样一来,孩子们将从小培养对学习的热情,这种热情将伴随他们的整个人生阶段,包括多年后的IGCSE到A Level阶段,直至他们未来的职业生涯。

Mr Lodge 与预备部团队的紧密合作,保持对教育卓越的追求,采用创新教学方法,确保我们最年幼的学生们能够适应佛山霍利斯的学习环境,并茁壮成长。



如果您想跟 Mr Lodge 见面交流,那么就不要错过我们接下来举办的校园开放日活动以及教师座谈会!


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The 2023-24 school year marked a vibrant beginning for Year 2 at LEH International School Foshan, adding a fresh burst of energy to our Prep School. The transition and adaptation of these young minds to a new learning phase have been remarkable, a success largely attributed to the dedication and expertise of our Year 2 teachers, Mr Gary Lodge and Ms Poppy Wilkinson.

In this feature, we are happy to first introduce Mr Lodge and share how his expertise and approach guarantee a seamless transition for your child into our British curriculum.

Mr Gary Lodge

Mr Lodge is a dedicated and experienced Prep School Teacher, bringing his passion for education and over 10 years of teaching expertise to LEH Foshan. Previously a Homeroom Teacher and Supervisor in Foshan, he created nurturing environments and delivered exceptional instruction. He has guided students to achieve Trinity College London Drama Certificates and developed engaging resources for home learning, enhancing vocabulary, reading, and phonics skills. With a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Sheffield and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Durham University, Mr Lodge offers a unique combination of knowledge. As a qualified English as a Foreign Language teacher, he is devoted to fostering a love for language in his students.

To gain deeper insights into Mr Lodge’s teaching philosophy and methods, we posed a series of questions to him:

Mr Lodge, could you share with us your experience working at LEH Foshan?

I decided to join LEH Foshan, due to the high standard of education provided by the school. Teaching the British curriculum enables me to challenge and stretch children holistically. It is also very important for me to be working alongside professional and passionate teachers, and this is truly the case at LEH Foshan.  Naturally, you face many challenges as a teacher. At LEH Foshan, I feel I am part of a family. In the face of challenges, I am always supported from my colleagues and Head of Prep School, Ms Bateman.

In your view, what are the primary challenges students face when joining LEH Foshan in Year 2, and how do you assist them in adapting to this new educational setting?

The biggest challenge for children generally is the transition to a fully immersive English environment. The majority of Year 2 children have come from schools with an English-speaking programme or have no English teaching at all. First, at LEH, all staff communicate with children in English only. Children quickly realise that they must learn the language to learn and communicate. All our staff are very caring and motivated to help children use English, so, if children do not know how to say something in English, we guide them. It does not matter if they do not understand at first; through repetition, they learn very quickly.

I also work closely with Ms Wilkinson to develop strategies to encourage children to learn and speak English. We do this primarily through the Talk4Writing approach, teaching children both questions and answers and awarding children for their efforts through our house-point system. Overall, this was the biggest challenge we faced when opening our year 2 classes and I am so delighted to now witness children, who did not have any English background prior to LEH, to being able to effectively communicate in English after only one school term.

What specific supports are in place at LEH Foshan to aid the development of Year 2 students?

All children come to LEH with different abilities, skills and interests. It is our role to ensure that each child is individually supported to combat their weaknesses, enhance their existing skills and pursue their interests. There is a wide range of support available. Children who have a low level of English when starting at LEH are supported individually and in small groups with our English support teachers. If class teachers observe a weakness or gap in mathematics, we can request the assistance of support teachers to fill in the gaps missed in kindergarten education. We also have a wide range of ECAs outside the curriculum, and children can pursue their interests each day in music, art, sport, drama, Chinese, dance and reading. Every child can succeed at LEH, and I am therefore proud to work as a teacher here.

What key achievements do you hope your students will attain by the end of Year 2?

The British curriculum is very demanding, especially so for children with minimal or no English experience when joining LEH. Ms Wilkinson and I are working closely and diligently to accelerate our children’s learning to ensure they are prepared for Year 3 in September. More importantly, we wish our children to be lifelong learners. Therefore, we strive to ensure the education we provide is enjoyable and engaging. In this way, children will have a passion for learning from a very young age, which will continue throughout their education into IGCSEs, A Levels, and their future professional working life.

Collaborating closely with the Prep School team, Mr Lodge’s commitment to educational excellence and his innovative approaches are pivotal in ensuring that our youngest learners not only adapt to but thrive in LEH Foshan’s dynamic environment. 

Stay tuned for upcoming features on other exceptional Prep School teachers!

Meet Mr Lodge!

Don't miss the opportunity to meet and interact with Mr Lodge in person. 

Prep School Open Day

9:30-12:30, 20th January 2024

Join us for an enriching experience! Discover all the incredible opportunities our Prep School offers, meet our Head of Prep and British teachers, learn about our ethos and curriculum, and let your child experience captivating British taster lessons. Sign up now!

Teacher's Talk - 

Why Children Need to Play

16:00-17:00, 26 January 2024

Join us to explore together how our children play and why it is crucial for their development.

To know more about LEH Foshan, you can click below to submit an enquiry, book your visit and apply online!









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