





同学们还在UKChO、Physics Bowl、BBO、NOL、iGem等学术赛事中勇夺金奖,并于Euclid、CCC赛事中获得“Distinction”等荣誉。此外,剑桥学子也在社科单科中首获“中国顶尖奖”。


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In the global top-tier academic competitions announced for the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year, VMA students have excelled in different fields.

In the NEC competition, students passed through thousands of teams and finally won the silver medal for the total team score in the global competition, creating the best result in VMA history.

Students have also won gold medals in top academic competitions such as UKChO, Physics Bowl, BBO and NOL, as well as ‘Distinction’ in Euclid and CCC competitions.

In addition, Cambridge students won the ‘China Top Prize’ for the first time in a single subject.

They competed alongside talented young people worldwide, demonstrating exceptional academic potential and winning valuable honors for both themselves and their teams.


Awards Ceremony




Top Academic Competitions Conclude with Impressive Results,VMA Students Reach New Heights!


National Economics Challenge


NEC全美经济学挑战赛由美国经济教育学会举办,整个NEC赛事受到华尔街知名金融机构、美国顶尖大学的广泛支持与认可。每年有超过20%的NEC Finals总决赛选手被哈佛、耶鲁以及斯坦福等超名校录取。



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The NEC National Economics Challenge is organized by the Council for Economic Education and is widely supported and recognized by prominent financial institutions on Wall Street and top universities in the United States. Each year, over 20% of the finalists in the NEC Finals are admitted to elite universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Stanford.

 *上下滑动查看NEC global Final



UKCHO 英国化学奥赛

UKCHO UK Chemistry Olympiad


难易度Difficulty  ★★★★★   

含金量Value  ★★★★★

英国化学测评(又称英国化学奥林匹克竞赛,UK Chemistry Olympiad,缩写为UKChO),由全球最具影响力的化学学术组织之一英国皇家化学学会(RSC)主办,目前已经发展成为英国历史最久、学术最强、影响力最大的高中化学竞赛,旨在为优秀高中生提供一个校内化学课程的延伸,培养他们的化学思维与能力。

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The UK Chemistry Assessment (also known as the UK Chemistry Olympiad, abbreviated as UKChO) is hosted by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), one of the most influential chemical academic organizations in the world. It has developed into the longest-running, most academically rigorous, and most influential high school chemistry competition in the UK, aiming to provide an extension of the school chemistry curriculum for outstanding high school students and to cultivate their chemical thinking and abilities.

 *上下滑动查看UKCHO 英国化学奥赛获奖喜报


IPC & SPC英国物理中高级挑战赛

UK Physics Advanced Challenge


BPHO(British Physics Olympic)全称为英国物理奥林匹克竞赛,这是一个系列比赛,包含面向各年龄段的学生不同难度等级的竞赛:包括了IPC (Intermediate Physics Challenge)、SPC(Senior Physics Challenge)及BPhO Round 1和BPhO Round 2。


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The BPHO, or British Physics Olympiad, is a series of competitions that includes various difficulty levels tailored for students of different age groups. This series encompasses the IPC (Intermediate Physics Challenge), SPC (Senior Physics Challenge), as well as BPhO Round 1 and BPhO Round 2.

The BPHO is highly regarded in the UK and is recognized internationally, particularly for applications to science and engineering programs (such as physics, engineering, materials science, etc.) at prestigious universities in the UK and worldwide.

 *上下滑动查看 IPC & SPC 英国物理中高级挑战赛获奖喜报



Physics Bowl


难易度Difficulty  ★★★★☆   

含金量Value  ★★★★☆

“物理杯”美国高中物理测评又被称为“物理碗Physics Bowl”,是全世界范围最广最具影响力的高中物理学科竞赛, 由美国物理教师协会AAPT主办,该机构一半以上成员由美国各名牌大学物理教授组成。该项赛事已经有30多年历史,每年全球11个国家超过500所著名高中参加,在竞赛中能获得奖项的学生,将会在申请美国、加拿大、英国本科理工专业时赢得很大的学术优势。


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The “Physics Bowl” is an influential high school physics competition, officially known as the American High School Physics Examination, organized by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). This organization includes a significant number of members who are physics professors from prestigious universities across the U.S. With over 30 years of history, the competition sees participation from more than 500 renowned high schools across 11 countries each year. Students who earn awards in this competition gain a substantial academic advantage when applying for undergraduate science and engineering programs in the U.S., Canada, and the UK.

Since introducing the Physics Bowl to China in 2015, approximately 4,000 high school students from across the country participate each year, with both the number of participating schools and students steadily increasing each year.




The British Biology Olympiad


难易度Difficulty  ★★★★☆   

含金量Value  ★★★★★

英国生物测评(又称英国生物奥赛奥林匹克竞赛,简称BBO)由全球最有影响力的生物学术组织之一 英国皇家生物学会设立。BBO作为英国中学历史最长、影响最大的理科竞赛之一,每年有近万名高中生参与竞争排名。每年,英国通过BBO选拔优秀的高中生组成英国生物奥赛国家队,参加国际生物学奥林匹克竞赛(即International Biology Olympiad,简称IBO)。

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The British Biology Olympiad (BBO) is organized by one of the most influential biological organizations in the world, the Royal Society of Biology. As one of the longest-running and most prestigious science competitions in the UK, the BBO attracts nearly 10,000 high school students each year to compete for rankings. Each year, exceptional students are selected through the BBO to form the UK national team, which represents the country in the International Biology Olympiad (IBO).



Euclid 欧几里得数学竞赛

Euclid Mathematics Competition


难易度Difficulty  ★★★★☆   

含金量Value  ★★★★★


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The Euclid Mathematics Competition is a mathematics competition held by the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo in Canada for high school students worldwide. It is the most recognized mathematics competition in Canada and holds significant value. Known as the “TOEFL of the mathematics world,”the Euclid Mathematics Competition attracts countless students from science and technology fields every year.The organizer, the University of Waterloo, has Canada’s only and North America’s largest Faculty of Mathematics.

 *上下滑动查看Euclid 欧几里得数学竞赛获奖喜报


IMMC 全球中学生数学建模比赛

IMMC Global High School Mathematics Modeling Competition


难易度Difficulty  ★★★★★   

含金量Value  ★★★★★

IMMC国际数学建模挑战赛是一项面向全球中学生的国际性新型数学建模竞赛,由COMAP美国数学及其应用联合会和Neo Union香港儒莲教科文机构联合举办。IMMC旨在鼓励参赛者应用数学建模,探索和解决现实世界的重要问题,普及数学建模教育,增强中学生科技创新核心素养与关键能力。

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The IMMC International Mathematical Modeling Challenge is an international and innovative

mathematical modeling competition aimed at high 

school students worldwide. It is co-hosted by COMAP (the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications) in the United States and Neo Union, a Hong Kong educational organization. The IMMC aims to encourage participants to apply mathematical modeling to explore and solve important real-world problems, promote mathematical modeling education, and enhance high school students' core competencies and key abilities in technological innovation.

 *上下滑动查看IMMC 全球中学生数学建模比赛获奖喜报



The American Invitational Mathematics Examination


难易度Difficulty  ★★★★☆   

含金量Value  ★★★★★

American Invitational Mathematics Examination美国数学邀请赛(简称:AIME)是一项面向中学生的数学竞赛,自1983年起举行。该竞赛由15道问题组成,考试时间为3小时。AMC10前2.5%和AMC12前5%的学生有资格参加AIME。AIME是选拔国际数学奥林匹克美国队的第二级赛事,胜出者方能参加下一级的美国数学奥林匹克比赛。


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The American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) is a math competition for high school students that has been held since 1983. The exam consists of 15 problems and lasts for 3 hours. Students who score in the top 2.5% of the AMC 10 or the top 5% of the AMC 12 are eligible to participate in the AIME. The AIME serves as the second level in the selection process for the U.S. Math Olympiad team, with top performers qualifying for the next level, the USA Math Olympiad (USAMO).

The AIME goes beyond what the AMC 10 and AMC 12 can offer, aiming to provide further challenges and opportunities for students with exceptional mathematical talent to recognize their abilities. Like other competitions, it serves as a pathway for developing mathematical skills and enhancing interest in mathematics. Its true value lies in the preparation before the exam and the subsequent reflection and discussion of the problems afterward. Additionally, U.S. students who perform exceptionally well in the AIME are invited to participate in the USA Math Olympiad (USAMO).

 *上下滑动查看AIME 美国数学竞赛邀请赛获奖喜报



Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards



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The Cambridge Outstanding Learner Awards are a

set of awards presented by Cambridge Assessment International Education, recognizing students who achieve exceptional results in Cambridge exams worldwide. The “Top in China” award is given to

students who achieve the highest standard mark

in a single subject across China.




International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition(iGem)


iGEM 竞赛是一年一度的全球合成生物学赛事,由美国麻省理工学院于2003年创办,面向高中生、本科生和研究生。iGEM 竞赛让学生有机会通过解决世界面临的日常问题来突破合成生物学的界限。多学科团队使用可互换的生物部件和标准分子生物学技术共同设计、构建、测试和测量他们自己设计的系统。

此次两位梅沙学子参与其中,他们各自的队伍中都获得全球金奖,其中Star Mu同学参与的课题项目为Petalglow,旨在提供一种独特的心理健康解决方案。Eva Chen同学参与的项目则与山奈酚相关。

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The iGEM Competition is an annual global synthetic biology event for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students founded by MIT in 2003. iGEM Competition gives students the opportunity to push the boundaries of synthetic biology by solving everyday problems facing the world. Multidisciplinary teams work together to design, build, test and measure systems of their own design using interchangeable biological components and standard molecular biology techniques.

Two VMA students won global gold medals in their respective teams, Star Mu for her project on Petalglow, which provides a unique mental health solution, and Eva Chen for her project related to kaempferol.



HOSA round 2


HOSA round 2 U.S. BioHealth 

and Wellness Challenge


HOSA是美国教育部及职业教育发展协会健康科学部官方认证的全球最具影响力的生物与健康医疗学生活动平台,自成立至今已有超过 40 年历史,累计影响全球超250万名学生。HOSA中国总决选开设 11 项 CE竞赛项目及4项ATC基础学科竞赛。每个项目的优胜者可晋级HOSA全球总决选。

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HOSA is the officially recognized global platform for student activities in biomedical and health sciences, certified by the U.S. Department of Education and the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). Since its establishment over 40 years ago, it has impacted more than 2.5 million students worldwide. The HOSA China National Finals offers 11 CE competition categories and 4 ATC fundamental subject competitions. Winners of each category can advance to the HOSA Global Finals.

 *上下滑动查看HOSA round 2 




CCC Canadian Computer 

Science Competition


难易度Difficulty  ★★★★☆   

含金量Value  ★★★★☆ 

滑铁卢大学计算机竞赛(Canadian Computing Competition, CCC)是加拿大计算机协会(Canadian Computing Association, CCA)和滑铁卢大学数学与计算机学院联合举办的年度编程竞赛。CCC旨在激发学生对计算机科学和编程的兴趣,培养他们的算法思维和问题解决能力。CCC自1981年创办以来,已经成为加拿大最具影响力的高中编程竞赛之一。

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The Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) is an annual programming competition jointly organized by the Canadian Computing Association (CCA) and the University of Waterloo's Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. The CCC aims to spark students' interest in computer science and programming while developing their algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills. Since its establishment in 1981, the CCC has become one of Canada’s most influential high school programming competitions.

 *上下滑动查看CCC computer science 加拿大




The 2024 Canadian Physics CAP 

Exam results


加拿大物理奥林匹克活动,又名加拿大高中物理奥林匹克活动(CAP High School Prize Exam),是加拿大物理国家队第一轮选拔活动。由加拿大物理学家协会(CAP) 联合英属哥伦比亚大学物理和天文系共同举办,主要针对高中生,问题难度超过课堂知识范围,强调逻辑思维和创造性思维。加拿大物理学家协会(CAP) 是加拿大物理领域的权威,有来自学术、政府和工业等领域的 1700 多名物理学家。

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The Canadian Physics CAP Exam is part of the

Canadian Physics Olympiad activities, also known

as the CAP High School Prize Exam. It serves as the

first round of selection for the Canadian national

physics team. Organized by the Canadian Association

of Physicists (CAP) in collaboration with the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia, the exam targets high school students with problems that exceed standard classroom knowledge, emphasizing logical and creative thinking. The CAP is a recognized authority in the field of physics in Canada, comprising over 1,700 physicists from academia, government, and industry.




The 2024 Waterloo Physics SIN Exam results


难易度Difficulty  ★★★★☆   

含金量Value  ★★★★☆


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The Waterloo Physics SIN Exam, also known as the Waterloo Newton Physics Competition, was established in 1969 and is hosted by the Department of Physics at the University of Waterloo. It is a long-standing and influential international physics competition aimed at inspiring high school students' interest in physics. The SIN competition places a greater emphasis on fostering students' critical and creative thinking skills. Many of the open-ended and unstructured questions help students enhance their thinking abilities through practice.



IGB 全球地球科学竞赛

IGB Global Earth Science Competition


IGB 世界地理学术挑战是由国际学术挑战委员会主办的地理学术挑战,是美国最有影响力的中小学综合学术活动之一,也是国际人文地理奥赛美国国家队的选拔活动。每年有来自北美洲、欧州、亚洲和大洋洲五十多个国家上千所学校的五万多名同学参加。IGB 主办方的使命是通过为全球的学术带来创新、刺激,公平和知识性的竞争机会来奖励学术成就。

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The IGB Global Earth Science Competition is a geography competition organized by the International Academic Challenge Committee. It is one of the most influential academic activities for primary and secondary schools in the United States and serves as the selection event for the U.S. National Team for the International Geography Olympiad. Each year, over 50,000 students from more than a thousand schools across North America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania participate in this event. The mission of IGB’s organizers is to reward academic achievement by providing innovative, exciting, fair, and knowledge-based competition opportunities to students around the world.

 *上下滑动查看IGB 全球地球科学竞赛获奖喜报



NOL National Linguistics Olympiad Competition


难易度Difficulty  ★★★★★   

含金量Value  ★★★★★


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The NOL competition is responsible for selecting and sending qualified candidates for the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) within China. The purpose of the NOL competition is not to test the contestants' knowledge of linguistics but to encourage them to use their logical reasoning and divergent thinking skills to solve language puzzles they have never encountered before, deriving the correct answers through reasoning.

 *上下滑动查看NOL 全国语言学奥林匹克竞赛获奖喜报




2023-2024 Academic Year Awards Recap                       



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We are delighted to see that more and more VMA students are choosing to participate in various subject competitions and to enhance their research skills. VMA’s unique multidisciplinary competition training system allows each student to discover their strengths and provides every passion with a dedicated path forward.

The Vanke Meisha Academy Competition Center (referred to as the Competition Center) was officially established in 2020. It has assembled a coaching team led by VMA subject teachers, with additional experts and scholars invited from various fields to help motivated, curious students showcase their academic abilities. Under the leadership of the VMA coaching team, students have achieved remarkable successes in recent years across mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, STEAM, business, social sciences, and the arts, showcasing their passion and talents on the world stage.









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