

师资 | 未来领导力学校小学部2023-2024学年


























金淑洁,西南大学教育学硕士,曾就职于广东、福建等知名国际学校,拥有多年IB PYP 教学经验,熟悉国家课程,已获得IBO认证的系列培训证书,参与并协助组织华南区IB工作坊。她热爱中华传统文化,积极促进中西方文化交流,曾先后带队参加英国、日本、柬埔寨等海外游学活动。她认同开放创新的教学理念,具备勇于尝试的探究精神,在日常工作和教研教学中踏实严谨,认真负责。担任班主任期间,凭借着积极热情,耐心细心,她获得了孩子和家长们的一致认可。




















朱琳,持有IB C1 证书,是 TCIC国际汉语教师。曾在国内知名国际学校担任小学语文老师及班主任,也曾在新加坡有过多年的教学经验,擅长中西合作教学。她尊重文化差异,并且可以引导学生建立正确的国际化思维。她有着丰富的PBL项目式学习和PYP UOI单元探究经验,在因材施教的前提下,激发学生在多文化环境下学习的热情。她非常期待为孩子们创造更多的双语学习机会,提高语言理解能力和表达能力,帮助学生们成长为全球人才。










杨珮慈,英国温伯尔大学工商管理博士。她有20年的教育工作经历, 曾在北大附中教育公司、学大教育、为明教育集团任高级管理者。她专注课堂教学研究、产品研发。擅长整书阅读的训练,以及对阅读能力、阅读梯度的训练整合。曾在多所学校做阅读训练指导教师。她是一个有梦想并持之以恒的践行者,一个不折不扣的整书阅读推广者,一个灵感创意无限的阅读策划者。




















Wayne Bradley



Wayne Bradley,毕业于南非大学教育学专业,具有丰富的国际学校教学经验。他注重对教学方法的探索和对教育理论的研究,始终致力于采用更多元的方式呈现课堂内容。他在教育中着重培养学生的创新精神,将课内活动与课外活动相结合,丰富学生的学习体验。他期望学生在和谐中追求进步,并用积极向上的心态去感染班级的每一位学生。







Daniel Venter



Daniel Venter,毕业于美国坦帕大学生物学专业,并获得西佛罗里达大学颁发的佛罗里达教师资格证。毕业后,他志愿参加了“美国保护经验”组织,并参与了多个国家公园的生物保护工作。除了热爱教学和科学,丹尼尔也非常热爱体育运动。在加入FLA之前,Daniel在北京做了6年的英语老师。他认为,在鼓励学生自由发言而不用担心被拒绝的环境中,语言学习效果最好。


Eric Wilbert


Eric Wilbert,在特洛伊大学获得西班牙语研究学士学位和第二语言教学硕士学位。他有丰富的教学经验,曾在美国和巴西教授小学生和大学生。在此期间,他有机会使用各种各样的语言学习方法和技巧,这使他能够适应各种课堂环境。他努力学习中文,因为他认为这是与中国文化、民众联系的主要方式之一。


Alvaro Zumaran 


Alvaro Zumaran,宾夕法尼亚州立大学建筑工程学士学位。自专注于教育道路以来,他获得了国际英语教学资格证(TESOL)、剑桥成人英语教学证书(CELTA)、研究生教育证书。他对学习新事物有着浓厚的兴趣,将终身学习奉为人生目标。他不断提高自己的沟通技巧,乐于帮助他人实现目标,获得了国际教练联合会(ICF)的专业教练认证。


Angela Dekenah


Angela Dekenah,毕业于南非罗德大学,获得昆虫学和动物学双学士学位,持有高级TEF英语教学证书,在中国执教4年,有丰富的英语教学经验。她善于将科学知识和英语教学融合在课堂中,在课堂中注重培养学生的创新能力和思考能力,期待帮助每一位孩子建立起好奇探索,自信坚韧的品格。


Ishan Chohan


Ishan Chohan,本科毕业于英国贝德福特大学,目前在研修英国赫尔大学教育学硕士学位。自2015年起在中国工作和生活,在中国有长达8年的幼小教学经验。他持有TESOL/TEFL证书,英语教学能力非常突出。他认为教学是和学生建立优秀的师生关系,并鼓励他们发展其技能和能力。教学的目标应该是激励那些渴望深入理解以及个人成长的终身学习者。


Daisy Zhou


Daisy Zhou,硕士毕业于英国伦敦大学学院教育与技术专业,曾先后在新加坡和中国的国际双语学校担任过华文教师和小学部IB英语教师。她的课堂高效又生动,擅长为不同英文程度的学生提供相宜的教学方法。具备双母语能力、充满童趣、多才多艺的她深受学生喜爱,是孩子们心目中的全能教师。她希望为FLA学生开启全学科学习的大门,用有趣的方式去探索知识的世界。
























张凯南 博士



























张凯浩,毕业于湖南师范大学化学化工学院,理学学士、国家高级化学检验员。他曾在知名互联网科普媒体工作,策划、制作科普实验,曾多次报道Formula E、F1 in school等国际科技体育竞赛,撰写技术解析。他爱好赛车,对工程技术也颇有研究。在未来领导力学校建校期间,他曾参与学校实验室的整体规划。在日常教学中,他主要教授综合科学,组织模型类、工程类、航空类课程与活动,并指导未来领导力学校赛车校队社团。



























罗兰,四川美术学院中国画绘画学士、美术学硕士,意大利佛罗伦萨美术学院视觉艺术硕士,具备高级中学教师资格, 了解中西方美术史,掌握意大利语。中国与欧洲美院双硕士的受教育经历使其对中西方文化背景与教育体系有切身体会和深刻理解。她坚信美育与技法同等重要,在素描、色彩、国画等课程中引入大师赏析,启发式教学,注重提升学生的艺术感知力,丰富学生的审美经验,引导学生的创造力,激发学生的想象力。












李昕雨,旅美钢琴表演硕士,师从雅马哈艺术家Cahill Smith 博士和解放军艺术学院崔敏革教授。6岁开始学习钢琴,多次获得钢琴比赛奖项,本科期间获得第一届雅马哈中国钢琴比赛云南赛区青年组一等奖,后作为第一位考取美国李大学(Lee University)青年钢琴家奖学金的中国大陆学生,赴美留学并在美国李大学音乐厅举办个人独奏音乐会。在校期间担任助教,并多次参与美国音乐教师协会举办的教学研讨会、合作钢琴会议等。多年从事钢琴少儿启蒙、艺术高考教学,因材施教,辅导过特殊儿童。在未来领导力学校任职中,给学生们带来了丰富的西方音乐史及专业音乐理论知识,其优秀的亲和力及感染力能够使学生们沉浸在音乐世界里。




刘翼,毕业于中国音乐学院管弦系长笛专业,师从美籍华裔长笛演奏家陈兆荣教授, 曾跟随柏林爱乐乐团长笛首席Mathieu Dufour、耶鲁大学长笛教授Ransom Wilson等大师学习,受到一致好评,曾任中国青年爱乐乐团长笛演奏员,担任过北京中关村二小、上地实验小学、光明实验小学等学校长笛教师,教学经验丰富。




龚嘉伟,青年指挥家,青年音乐理论家,青年作曲家,男中低音歌唱家。本科毕业于四川音乐学院,硕士毕业于新英格兰音乐学院,师从美国大师级合唱指挥家Erica Washburn教授和乐队指挥家Bill Drury教授。受到家庭环境的熏陶,自幼开始学习萨克斯风、钢琴和声乐等。他多次带领不同的合唱团和乐团取得优秀成绩,曾担任多个合唱团和多个乐团的指挥,多次受邀以不同身份参加“蓉城之秋”,“西部童声合唱节”和“芝加哥夏季音乐节”等大型项目,具有丰富的统筹领导音乐戏剧表演经验。他将给FLA学生们带来丰富的音乐理论、表演及作曲技法,并带领及鼓励孩子们去创作“音乐之美”。


Elena Orlova




Svetlana  Orlova


Svetlana  Orlova, 俄罗斯知名芭蕾舞蹈教育家, 俄罗斯城市芭蕾舞剧院首席舞蹈演员, 俄罗斯儿童古典芭蕾基础和高级古典芭蕾教师。毕业于俄罗斯联邦伊尔库茨克国立师范大学, 有丰富的儿童和成人舞蹈教育经验, 擅长编舞、研究舞蹈和体育方面的儿童心理学, 精于各种级别的古典舞、古典芭蕾和现代舞、爵士舞的哥哥年龄层孩子教学。在舞蹈行业工作的多年中, 她了解到在任何孩子身上创造火花是人生中最有收获的事情之一。她希望能够与孩子们分享对舞蹈艺术的热爱与追求。













Christopher Selwyn


Christopher Selwyn,本科毕业于德克萨斯州立大学(Texas State University),拥有TEFL教学资格认证及美国教师资格证,专供英语及体育等核心科目教学及青少年特殊教育。他不仅是一位具有前瞻性思维,经验丰富的专业教师,而且能够有效根据学生情况个性化定制教学风格。他在中国工作多年,对中国学生和家长有深入了解。他为人和善,风趣幽默,授课富有激情,善于与学生沟通交流。
















薛风发,毕业于天津体育学院高尔夫专业,拥有中国高尔夫球协会院校师资认证、中级教练认证,美国TPI认证教练技术三级认证,获得高尔夫常住理论教练认证,Golf Mind高尔夫心理一级认证。他通晓挥杆运动原理,擅长通过身体测试,帮助学员找到合适自己的挥杆模式,提高运动表现能力。














王雨晴,美国约翰霍普金斯大学心理咨询专业理学硕士,美国国家注册心理咨询师,美国心理咨询师协会成员,Chi Sigma Iota荣誉学会成员。具备多年国内外教育行业从业经验,并曾受雇于马里兰州巴尔的摩市教育局,在其所辖多所当地中小学担任学校心理咨询师。在未来领导力学校,她为不同年级的学生提供心理咨询支持,为学生和家长开设多种类型的心理健康活动,为学生们的心理健康保驾护航。

FLA takes “global vision, personalized plan, and future empowerment” as its education philosophy, and stresses character education with the six key words of “mindfulness, curiosity, courage, resilience, ethics, and leadership”. 

FLA primary school implements the national curriculum standards while fully absorbing the advanced concepts and outstanding achievements of international education, aiming to improve students’ cross-cultural understanding and global vision through “Double Tongue” class. 

FLA primary school teachers, all of whom have a wealth of teaching experience, tap students’ potential, inspire their enthusiasm for learning, and help them become the best that they can be at FLA.

Chinese Language and Culture Department


Jiasheng Li

Consultant of Chinese Language and Literature Department

Mr. Jiasheng Li is the former Head of the Chinese Language and Culture Department at Beijing No.4 High School and holds the title “High School Chinese Teacher with Supreme Honor in Beijing.” He also served as a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Education Science, with a representative academic work named The Complete Translation and Review of Shi Jing. He has compiled “Hua Gen Chinese Course--Classical Culture Textbook for Middle Schools" (all six volumes), which embodies his core philosophy of Chinese language and culture teaching. "Hua Gen" means "retaining the roots of Chinese culture,” intended for students to establish a strong sense of national identity through cultural learning. In this set of textbooks, he selected a large number of articles in classical Chinese, which, in his eyes, is an important way to improve students' Chinese ability. In daily teaching, he creates conditions to develop students' language potential, stresses the role of emotional attitudes in learning, and stimulates students’ interest in Chinese. He is leading the FLA Chinese Language and Culture Department to create noble, efficient and high-quality Chinese classes.


Jianping Wang

Head of Chinese Language and Literature Department,Chinese Teacher

Jianping Wang, a national family education instructor, will be awarded "National Excellent Instructor" by the Ministry of Education and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League in 2022. Key teachers in Jilin Province, "Top Ten Counselors" in the province, key teachers in Changchun City, excellent class teachers in the city, and first-level primary school teachers.He has been teaching for 14 years, and has been deeply involved in Chinese teaching and family education. The 10 papers written by the topics he presided over were published in journals such as "China Education", "Education Weekly", and "New Education Times". He believes that "knowledge is prior to education, and happiness is greater than excellence." Approaching students, perceiving students, and understanding students are the prerequisites for good education, and cultivating a kind-hearted, hard-working and life-loving child is the essence of teacher education.


Nancy Li

Chinese Teacher

Nancy Li graduated from Hubei Normal University with a major in Chinese Language and Literature. With rich experience as a Chinese teacher and head teacher, she once won the first prize of "Young Teacher Classroom Teaching Competition" and the honorary title of "Excellent Head Teacher". She is able to create good atmosphere in the class, and influence everyone with her optimism. As an advocate of warm Chinese education, she treats students as friends, and feels their joys and sorrows, thus winning their respect and trust.


Julia Kim

Chinese Teacher

Julia Kim, Master of Education from Southwest University, once worked in well-known international schools in Guangdong and Fujian. Having taught IB PYP for six years, she knows national curriculum well, holds multiple IBO training certificates, and was involved in the establishment of IB Workshop in South China. Out of love for traditional Chinese culture, she dedicates herself to cultural exchanges between China and the West, leading overseas study tours in the UK, Japan and Cambodia. In education, she believes in openness, innovation, exploration and experiment, and adopts a practical, rigorous, conscientious and responsible style in daily teaching and research. As the head teacher, she has won the unanimous approval of children and parents with her enthusiasm, patience and carefulness.


Lucia Lin

Chinese Teacher

Lucia Lin graduated from Jimei University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chinese Language and Literature (Normal Orientation). She has rich experience in Chinese teaching and class management, she has taught in many schools in Fuzhou, Shenzhen and other places after graduation and absorbed excellent ideas about teaching from different schools. Aiming for the kind of Chinese education in which students can breathe freely at FLA, she pays attention to the physical and mental development of each child, strives to discover their shining points, and influences them with her own words and deeds, stimulate children's subjective initiative.With extraordinary versatility, she always discovers beauty around her, and records the wonderful life with beautiful pictures and texts.


Charlotte Fan

Chinese Teacher

Charlotte Fan graduated from Wuhan University with a major in news communication. Proficient in English and Japanese and passionate about education, she has extensive experience in cross-cultural exchange, and once worked in a well-known educational institution. She provides personalized guidance based on students' problems and helps them think independently in the teaching process. She stimulates students' enthusiasm for learning Chinese language, and enjoys great popularity among the students.


Vivian Sun

Chinese Teacher

Vivian Sun received a Bachelor's degree from University Of Science & Technology Beijing and a Master's degree in Chinese International Education from Shandong University. She once went to the Confucius Institute of Notional University of Mongolia as a volunteer Chinese teacher, and accumulated experience in online and offline Chinese teaching. Passionate about life and learning,  diligent in writing, she is dedicated to Chinese teaching with the firm belief that "the essence of education is to enlighten people". She aspires to be a teacher who constantly improves herself and empowers students through lifelong learning.


Yan Wang

Chinese Teacher

Yan Wang graduated from Shaanxi Normal University and Capital Normal University, holding a Bachelor's degree in Education and a Master's degree in TCSOL, qualified as a high school Chinese teacher. She has taught for many years in well-known bilingual schools and private schools in Beijing, and has also undertaken overseas Chinese teaching tasks in Thailand and the Philippines, with rich experience in Chinese teaching and class management. Due to long-term work with children, she is good at observing and understanding children, and is skilled at exploring teaching resources from the perspective of children's lives. She believes that "the extension of Chinese language equals the extension of life", and has been committed to promoting the improvement of children's Chinese literacy through high quality activities and courses, and promoting the development of children's self-awareness, social communication, exploration and innovation abilities.


Suki Zhu

Chinese Teacher

Suki Zhu, who holds the IB C1 Certificate and Teaching Chinese in International Context Certificate. She has worked as a primary school Chinese teacher and homeroom teacher in well-known international school ls in China, and has many years of teaching experience in Singapore, specializing in Chinese and Western cooperative teaching. She respects cultural differences and can guide students to develop the international thinking. She has extensive experience in PBL project-based learning and PYP UOI unit inquiry, which stimulates students' enthusiasm for learning in a multicultural environment under the premise of teaching according to their aptitude. She is looking forward to creating more bilingual learning opportunities for children, improving language comprehension and expression skills, and helping students grow into global talents.


Ye Liu

Chinese Teacher

Ye Liu, graduated from the Hong Kong Education University with a Master of Education. She has worked as a primary school Chinese teacher in Guangdong and Hainan, and has traveled to Sri Lanka as a volunteer Chinese teacher to teach Chinese culture, and has extensive experience in class management. She has a cheerful and optimistic personality, strong affinity, influenced by her family, aspires to become an excellent teacher since she was a child, and has a high degree of enthusiasm for education. As a head teacher, she is good at communicating with students and parents, being patient and responsible with students, paying attention to students' growth, and focusing on cultivating students' all-round development ability.




Peici Yang

Director of the Reading Course

Peici Yang, Director of the Reading Course, holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Wimber University, UK. Having worked in the education sector for 20 years, she once served as a senior manager in the Education Group of the Affiliated High School of Peking University, Xueda Education, and Weiming Education Group, where she focused on classroom teaching research and product development. While working as a reading instructor at many schools, she is particularly good at the training of whole book reading as well as integrated exercise in improving reading ability and graded reading. She is a dreamer and persistent practitioner, an out-and-out whole book reading promoter, and a reading planner with unlimited inspiration and creativity.


Xinghua Wang

Reading Teacher

Xinghua Wang, the main lecturer of the reading course, graduated from Hebei Normal University with a major in Chinese. With 12 years of experience in the education industry, she has taught whole-book reading for more than 2,000 hours of and was responsible for more than 30 reading activities. As a humorous book lover, she engages with children through reading. Her literary accomplishment, rich inner world, and delicate and careful reading feedback have deeply moved parents.


Charlotte Fan

Reading Teacher

Charlotte Fan graduated from Wuhan University with a major in news communication. Proficient in English and Japanese and passionate about education, she has extensive experience in cross-cultural exchange, and once worked in a well-known educational institution. She provides personalized guidance based on students' problems and helps them think independently in the teaching process. She stimulates students' enthusiasm for learning Chinese language, and enjoys great popularity among the students.


Steven Pei

Reading Teacher

Steven Pei, Master of Sociology, Minzu University of China. As a teacher of the inclusive reading project in primary schools, he is good at guiding students to analyze problems from multiple perspectives, and pays attention to the development of students' ability to think across time and space, across cultures, and across disciplines. His classroom is lively and funny, moistening things silently, and is very popular among students. He adheres to the concept of both internal and external training, and while exporting the FLA educational concept to the outside world, he also pays attention to the formation, cohesion and inheritance of internal cultural genes.


Hansen Hu

Reading Teacher

Hansen Hu, majoring in library science, graduated from a normal college with a bachelor's degree and studied at Northwest A&F University as a postgraduate. He has a professional technical title in the library, "Reading Promoter" of the Chinese Library Society, and a member of the Chinese Library Society. He has studied and worked in the Capital Library, Haidian District Library, and Anhui Provincial Library. Since the establishment of FLA, we have implemented and practiced the "Inclusive Reading" project, planned and carried out the FLA "Reading Marathon" activities, participated in the teaching, research and teaching of picture book reading, insisted on helping students develop good reading thinking and habits, and devoted ourselves to the realization of FLA teachers. students' reading needs.

Foreign Language and Culture Department


Wayne Bradley

Director of Foreign Language and Culture Department, English Teacher

Wayne Bradley graduated from the University of South Africa majoring in education. With extensive teaching experience in international schools, he explores teaching methods and educational theories while adopting diverse ways in classroom teaching. Laying stress on students' innovative spirit, he combines in-class activities with extra-curricular activities so as to enrich students' learning experience. He influences students with his positivity and expects them to pursue progress in harmony.


Kirk Shi

Coordinator of English Department, English Teacher

Kirk Shi graduated from Sichuan University with an English major and won a national scholarship in college. She has worked at well-known educational institutions and has rich experience in English teaching and teacher training. She has participated in the development of the IELTS Speaking and Listening Textbook, and has conducted in-depth research on standardized English exams such as IELTS. She is skilled at explaining test points from different dimensions. During her tenure at Future Leadership Academy, she participated in open class teaching multiple times, with a lively and approachable teaching style that was deeply loved by students. She is an expert at analyzing teaching pedagogy and implementing positive changes in curriculum. She believes that a sound teaching system cannot be separated from refined and high-frequency home school communication, and a harmonious home school environment will be a fertile ground for students' growth.


Daniel Venter

Coordinator of English Department,

English Teacher

Daniel Venter obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from The University of Tampa. He then received his Florida teaching license through the University of West Florida, and is certified to teach Biology through the 12th grade. After graduating he volunteered for the American Conservation Experience and was responsible for invasive species removal in several National Parks. Besides his love for teaching and the sciences, Daniel is also very active in the sports community. Before joining FLA, Daniel worked as an English teacher for 6 years in Beijing. He believes language learning works best in an environment where students are encouraged to speak freely without fear of rejection.


Eric Wilbert

English Teacher

Eric Wilbert is an American English teacher from the state of Alabama. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Spanish Studies from Troy University, and also obtained his Master's degree in Second Language Instruction from the same university. Throughout his experience, he has taught a range of students, from elementary level students to university level students in both America and Brazil. During this time, he has had the opportunities to use a wide range of language learning methods and techniques, which makes him adaptable to various classroom settings. He is currently learning Chinese, as he sees it as one of the primary ways to connect with the Chinese culture and people.


Alvaro Zumaran 

English Teacher

Alvaro Zumaran obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University. Ever since focusing on the path of education, he has obtained the following certifications: TESOL, CELTA, and Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
Alvaro has a keen interest in learning new things and considers himself a life-long student.  Most recently, his interest in improving his communication skills and becoming better at helping people achieve their goals, led him to attain his professional coaching certification from ICF.  


Angela Dekenah

English Teacher

Angela Dekenah graduated from Rhodes University in South Africa with a double bachelor's degree in entomology and zoology, and holds an advanced TEF certificate. With rich English teaching experience after teaching in China for 4 years, she integrates scientific knowledge and English teaching to cultivate students' innovative ability and thinking ability in the classroom, and helps them grow into curious, confident and tenacious individuals who love to explore.


Ishan Chohan

English Teacher

Ishan Chohan, a UK English teacher who graduated from the University of Bedford with a Bachelor's degree in Sport Therapy and is currently studying for a Master's degree in Education at the University of Hull. He has worked and lived in China since 2015 and has 8 years of kindergarten and primary school teaching experience in China. He holds TESOL/TEFL certificate and has outstanding English teaching ability. He believes that teaching is about building excellent teacher-student relationships with students and encouraging them to develop their skills and abilities. The goal should be to inspire lifelong learners who desire deep understanding as well as personal growth.


Daisy Zhou

English Teacher

Zhou Yan is a Singaporean who graduated from University College London with a master's degree in Education and Technology. While working as a Chinese teacher and primary school IB English teacher in bilingual schools in Singapore and China, she brought fun and effective classes and employed suitable teaching methods for students with different English levels. As an all-around teacher  of childishness  and extraordinary versatility, she masters two native languages and enjoys great popularity among students. At FLA, she expects to open doors for students to learn all subjects and explore the world of knowledge in a fun way.


Mahibadar Mijit

English Teacher

Mahibadar Mijit obtained her Bachelor’s degree from Southwest Minzu University, and her Master’s degree in Education from the University of Glasgow, UK. She has not only taught TOEFL and IELTS for many years, but also accumulated rich experience in Chinese-English translation and interpretation. Apart from her passion for education, Mayibaidan is also enthusiastic about volunteer work. She served as a volunteer in the Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area, and kept promoting education equity and supporting the development of education in underdeveloped areas. Through situational teaching and topic teaching, she helps students of different levels master grammar and vocabulary and discover the fun in learning English.


Rachel Liu

English Teacher

Rachel Liu obtained a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Florida and holds the Test for English Major (TEM8) certificate. She worked as a teacher in a Florida public school and an ESOL program, which is sponsored by the Florida government. She believes that second language acquisition requires the understanding of students’ individual needs and the connection between students' personal experiences with language learning. She is widely recognized by her personalized plan for each student.


Maddie Zhang

English Teacher

Maddie Zhang obtained her Master’s Degree of Comparative Literature from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. Proficient in English, Spanish and Chinese and passionate about education, Maddie has extensive bilingual teaching experience in international schools. Fascinated by the colorful global culture, she has visited more than ten countries. She also loves art and enjoys classical music and literary writing. In her inspiring classes, students are encouraged to think independently and motivate themselves. She is not only a trustworthy teacher, but also a favorite friend of students.


Sijia Liu

English Teacher

Liu holds a master’s degree in Second Language Education from Florida State University, and has pursued a career in English teaching for nearly ten years. She was once engaged in ISEE/SSAT tutoring, as well as the teaching, research and design of ESL and PYP courses, gaining a unique insight into English course development and teaching practice. As an outstanding teacher deeply trusted by the students, she always adjusts the teaching plans in time based on students’ periodic evaluations, provides them with personalized guidance, and enhances their sense of autonomous learning through diversified teaching methods.


Tracy Yang

English Course Assistant Teacher

Tracy Yang earned a Master’s degree in TESOL Studies from the University of Leeds in the UK. She loves education and makes earnest efforts to promote public good. She has been accumulating experience in teaching English as a foreign language and teaching Chinese as a foreign language. She has participated in various volunteer educational programs at home and abroad. At FLA, she helps in the establishment of the MLA project, and promotes the integration of character education and project-based learning by leading students in PBL projects. With her professionalism and empathy, she promotes the growth of students’ awareness, character, and skills, and brings her style of refined management into the classroom. 

 STEM Department


Dr. August Zhang

Head of Primary School STEM Department, Math Teacher

Dr. Zhang holds a PhD in Geology from the Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She has participated in many significant marine research projects on scientific research ships led by the State Oceanic Administration and the National Nature Science Foundation of China. Dr. Zhang has also been actively involved in science popularization activities to promote teenagers’ ocean awareness and science interest. In her teaching practice at FLA, she joins in the development of a series of marine and scientific courses and activities with the characteristics of the South China Sea. She also organizes and promotes the teaching and research of primary school mathematics and science courses, and strives to establish a rigorous, interesting and diverse STEM curriculum system. Under her guidance, the primary school competition group won the national first prize in the Future City Project in 2021. She adheres to the basic direction of "protecting curiosity, discovering interests, and building internal drive" in teaching, helping students to turn learning into a pleasure. 


Fancy Yu

Math Teacher

Fancy Yu graduated from Northeast Normal University, majoring in primary education. In the past 20 years of teaching, she has been awarded provincial and municipal outstanding teacher. With rich experience as a head teacher and primary school math teacher as well as intense enthusiasm for education, she focuses on spiritual shaping and cultural guidance. Specializing in math education for children at a young age, she strives to cultivate students' study habits, stimulate their internal drive and enhance the cohesion in class. She regards love as the shortcut to students’ heart.


Tinsley Chen

Math Teacher

Tinsley Chen graduated from Harbin Normal University with a major in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. She has many years of experience in mathematics teaching in international schools, winning the honorary titles of “Most Popular Teacher” and “Excellent Head Teacher” many times. She excels at basic mathematics teaching in primary school and uses experiential teaching methods to develop students’ mathematical thinking, which has achieved remarkable results. With the educational belief of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and influencing them in an invisible, formative way, she focuses on students' persoMath Teachervelopment by intertwining the amusing with the educational, and cares every one of them like a mother.


Rachel Yang

Math Teacher

Rachel Yang graduated from Southwest University. In her years of teaching practice in elementary school Mathematical Olympiad, she demonstrated hard professional competence, rigorous logical thinking, and clear focus. Keen on education, she teaches with love, patience and confidence, and fully considers the feelings and cognitive level of students. Her humorous teaching method changes the boring image of mathematics, and her rich teaching experience contributes to effective math classes in which students think and raise questions boldly and thus improves the ability of independent analysis and problem solving. Rachel once won the titles of "Excellent Teacher" and "Most Popular Teacher".


Fay Kang

Math Teacher

Fay Kang graduated from Sichuan University and has many years of primary school mathematics teaching experience. Passionate about education and familiar with the knowledge system in and out of primary school mathematics, she has won the title of "Excellent Teacher". Kang is good at using heuristic teaching to guide students to think independently. At the same time, she attaches importance to the development of students' personality and teaches students in accordance with their aptitude. She leads students to feel the beauty of mathematics with lively and interesting classes.


Zoey Tu

Math Teacher

Zoey Tu graduated from Hubei University with a major in Chemical Engineering and Industry. With years of experience in teaching mathematics at the primary school level, she possesses a deep understanding of students' learning and behavioral traits throughout their school journey. She has the courage to accep chanllenges and excels in motivating students to be enthusiastic learners. Based on the PYP curriculum, she has accumulated rich experience in curriculum development and design, and has won the first prize of the district-level primary school teacher literacy competition. She has a heart for education, and after graduation, she participated in the Beautiful China Public Welfare Project and taught in the countryside for two years, which was deeply loved by students and parents.


Michael Zhang

Science Teacher

Michael Zhang earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Institute, Hunan Normal University. He is a National Senior Chemical Inspector. He once worked for Guokr Laboratory Office, in charge of planning and making scientific experiments. He also reported on international science and technology sports competitions such as Formula E and F1 in school, and wrote technical analyses. He is keen on racing, and has a fine grasp of engineering technology. During the establishment of FLA, he participated in the overall planning of its laboratory. Currently, he mainly teaches comprehensive science, model, engineering and aviation courses, organizes related activities, and guides the FLA varsity racing club.


Lucia Yue

Science Teacher

Lucia Yue, graduated from Jishou University in Hunan Province, was an exchange student at Chaoyang University of Science and Technology in Taiwan. She has been engaged in teaching natural and science subjects in primary schools for many years in Shanghai and other places, and has rich experience in teaching youth STEM competitions and bilingual teaching ability, and has won honors such as "Excellent Mentor of Future City STEM Project". She is good at leading students to complete learning objectives with project-based learning methods, and is familiar with the teaching points of the new curriculum standards and various experimental operations. Lucia has rich experience as a head teacher, has a strong affinity, and is good at stimulating students' internal drive in teaching and life, and improving students' learning autonomy.


Karen He

Future Empowerment Course Teacher

Karen He graduated from Huaqiao University, majoring in Electrical Engineering and Automation. He has guided many students to obtain Certificate II in the Youth Artificial Intelligence Technical Level Test, and led his team to win the second and third prizes in the regular season of Asia-Pacific Robot Contest in 2019. In FLA, he encourages students to acquire technology, develop skills, and create differences through computational thinking, training and programming, and maker technology. He aims at helping future leaders truly achieve harmony with nature, human society and their inner selves.


Luora Luo

Future Empowerment Course Teacher

Luora Luo, a Master's degree holder, graduated from China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) with a major in mechanical design and theory. During her postgraduate years, she studied abroad in Austria and then worked as a structural engineer in Shenzhen. With years of experience in teaching information technology and children's programming, she excels in tailored instruction and designs courses for students of different ages. She has led students to participate in children's programming competitions and won the second prize in Hainan Province. Her educational motto is "Every child is valuable and deserves to be cherished". At FLA, she transforms tedious computer theories into lively and interesting knowledge, guiding students to understand the inherent logic of programming. Her classes are relaxed and enjoyable, full of fun, and loved by students.







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