
直播回顾 | 小初阶段硬核课程设置等你来撩



4月3日晚上,锐莱普顿执行校长闫啸、外方校长Timothy Fryer小学部校长杨玉丽聚圆桌与大家共同分享了我校小初阶段的探究融合课程,相信大家通过这次直播,一定对我们学校的国际课程有了更加深入的了解。(完整版回放链接在文末











“当孩子进入十年级的时候,将学习莱普顿的课程Repton Diploma,这是一个全人教育的课程,这个课程将为学生学习高中阶段的A-level或DP课程打下坚实的基础。”


杨校长提出我校融合课程的概念“ IB与国家课程相结合时,小学部主要采用POI(Programme of Inquiry)的探究式项目学习,因为POI融合了多个科目,所以我们也叫它融合课程”。






















Swipe for English

On the evening of 3rd April, Dr. Tim  Fryer, International Principal of Chiway Repton School Xiamen, Yan Xiao, Executive Principal and Yang Yuli, Primary School Principal, gathered for a round table discussion with you about the inquiry approach to teaching and learning. We hope that this live broadcast provided you with a deeper understanding of our integrated curriculum and our approaches to teaching and learning.

PhotoThree Principals in the studio

The Principal’s live studio broadcast proved very popular! During the broadcast we received a lot of positive feedback from parents and friends, which is a great motivation as our school moves forward.

PhotoThe encouragment from the studio comment div

Text of the key points covered

IB Philosophy and Training Objectives

IB philosophy, aims and objectives: "IB is committed to cultivating proactive lifelong learners and well-rounded, socially responsible citizens, through whom a better and more peaceful world can be built." Primary Principal Yang said In her introduction. 

Executive Principal Yan agreed, saying that “the greatest thing about IB is that it recognizes the universal needs of humanity and our shared responsibility for protecting the planet."

International Principal Dr. Tim Fryer added: "the IB Learner Profile attributes underpin the IB philosophy and we strive to inculcate in our students these characteristics so they become well rounded individuals and critical thinkers. Through the IB inquiry cycle, students are intrinsically driven by their curiosity to question, take action and then to reflect on their learning. This process leads to deeper understanding."

Curriculum: The integration of the Chinese national curriculum within the IB framework.

"The IB programmes include the PYP in primary, MYP in middle school and the DP in high school. Our school will offer all three, providing 15 years of world-class international education, that is highly regarded in China”. Executive Principal Yan introduced our school's integrated curriculum design:

"In the kindergarten, we use the kindergarten curriculum of Repton School, which is the English Early Years Foundation Stage, integrated with the PYP framework." 

"In primary school, we integrate the first five years of the nine-year compulsory curriculum with the PYP and From grades 6-9 in secondary school we integrate the last four years of compulsory education with the MYP.” 

"In grade 10, students take the Repton Diploma which is a holistic curriculum that will give them a solid foundation for success in high school and beyond at top-tier universities" Explained Dr. Tim Fryer.

Primary School:the integration of compulsory education curriculum and PYP

Primary Principal Yang also described the integrated curriculum of our school: “The IB approach is integrated with the national curriculum through the POI (Programme of Inquiry) which has six transdisciplinary themes: "who we are", "where we are in space and time”, "how we express ourselves", "how the world works", "how we organize ourselves" and "sharing the planet”

International Principal Dr. Tim Fryer explained that the six topics are explored at each grade level: ”From grade 1 to grade 5 in primary school, students explore these six topics but in an increasingly sophisticated way, where the questions go deeper, so it is a spiral of exploration”.

"When children understand their roles in different groups, including their classes and their families, it is easier for them to clarify their relationships, thoughts and to understand their responsibilities” Explained Executive Principal Yan.

Secondary school: integration of compulsory education curriculum and MYP

International Principal Dr. Tim Fryer agreed that “We pay great attention to the cultivation of the whole child and encourage them to ask questions and take agency for their own learning”. 

Secondary school: integration of compulsory education curriculum and the MYP:

Executive Principal Yan introduced the integrated curriculum from grades 6-9 and emphasized four features shown below. Please see the full version in the video for more details.

On behalf of the parents and friends in the comments div, Primary Principal Yang asked Executive Principal Yan "We all know that project learning (PBL) is a very popular trend in the world, so do we have a special method to select the topics?"

"Topic selection is based on familiar problems identified by the students and then we need to build on the knowledge the students have learned, and add a small number of challenge areas”, explained Executive Principal Yan.

International Principal Dr. Tim Fryer talked about the core of PBL: "the most important part of PBL is again the inquiry cycle where students question, take action and then reflect on their learning about how to solve problems." 

Dr.Tim also pointed out the differences between traditional learning and IB learning: "In traditional education, subjects are taught separately but in IB programmes, students learn to make authentic connections between subjects and this is real world learning”

Executive Principal Yan agreed and spoke more directly about the future, saying: "in this way, students will be able to live and use what they learn and their learning will be more meaningful. In fact, our education is facing an uncertain future. What we can best do now is to equip children with appropriate skills and thinking approaches, so that they can b confident young people.  This is one of our themes today, developing "Future competence”.

Cultivation of achievement: practice and presentation

Cultivation of achievement: practice and presentation

International Principal Dr.Tim shared with parents the details of the Grade 9 MYP Community Project which focuses on community and service activities: "The IB learner profile attributes include being caring, open minded and principled and we want our students to be socially responsible citizens”.

"Our children will take the academically challenging Zhong Kao exams in grade 9 and the Community Project provides a good balance of skills development" Executive Principal Yan added.

English learning

International Principal Dr.Tim introduced the approach to teaching English, which is one of the most important aspects for parents and students in a dual-language school: "The English teaching materials are from the Cambridge system and we will measure the children’s proficiency on the numerical Cambridge scale which is aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)”. 

Primary Principal Yang also discussed the four components of how to cultivate children's English proficiency in our school: "differentiated grouping, mother-tongue teaching, immersive learning and extended support".

"The process of learning from primary school to secondary school will provide a solid foundation for children's learning and enable them to transition to high school smoothly."

The content above is a summary of the presentation and in the comments div our parents and friends have also asked a lot of questions!

The three Principals have answered your frequently asked questions (FAQs) !

Chiway Repton School Xiamen

Chiway Repton School Xiamen is a new, high-quality joint venture school. The founding partners are Chiway Education Group, with decades of local expertise, and Repton International, which includes the original Repton School established in 1557. Additional support for this school has been provided by the Hongxin Entrepreneur Incubator, Anta Investment, and Xtep Investment. 

Consulting Tel:400-900-8516

Address of Admissions Office:2901,Fortune Center,NO.100 Lujiang Rd,Siming District,Xiamen

School Address:NO.388 Xibin Rd,Jimei District,Xiamen




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